Baloon launch

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May 22, 2009, 2:17:30 PM5/22/09
to Daedalus Aerospace
Richard - just a question or two on the balloon. Are you using
hydrogen gas to inflate it? How big is the balloon? What type of
plastic are you using? What scale is it to the final model? Are you
going to test any weight for a simulated rocket attached?

Good luck!


May 23, 2009, 4:05:15 AM5/23/09
to Daedalus Aerospace
The plan will be to keep the first launch as normal as possible to
lower the number of unknowns, so I will probably just use Helium.
The balloon is a sounding balloon that I got years ago I think it is
The first launch will be about testing the communications and getting
good video for YouTube and pictures for the site and testing recovery

The subsequent balloons will be zero pressure balloons made for welded
sheets of 1mil or thinner PE scaled to the weight of the payloads.
None of the early ones will be that large but I was wondering if I
could make one out of black plastic to create a hot H2 balloon to get
really high up.
The later launches will also go up with a simulated guidance system
for the rocket.

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