Support for numpy 1.6.0 and numpy.float16

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Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Mar 24, 2011, 3:25:38 PM3/24/11

Numpy 1.6.0 beta 1 has just been released, and I was wondering what
would it take to get support for it in Cython? Specifically, there's
a new 16-bit floating point data type that I'd like to be able to use.
A ticket for the feature in numpy is here:

But that doesn't contain links to the source change(s), just notes
that "it's already done." The only other interesting link that I've
been able to find is this thread:

But even then I don't think that there's too much of use there.

Thanks for any info,

Robert Bradshaw

Mar 24, 2011, 3:44:07 PM3/24/11

This would probably be a matter of editing
Try it out and let us know what doesn't work and we can give you some
more pointers.

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Mar 25, 2011, 1:26:33 AM3/25/11
My progress so far:

I had to add a line to numpy's numpy/core/src/multiarray/buffer.c to
get rid of "cannot include dtype 'e' in a buffer" errors. I'll submit
a pull request once I'm more confident that there are no further
changes needed. See:

The following code appears on lines 729+ of

/* half/float16 isn't a floating-point type in C */
typedef npy_uint16 npy_half;
typedef npy_half npy_float16;

Added the 'e' type code and NPY_HALF where it seemed appropriate:

Of note, Cython/Includes/numpy.pxd line 321:
ctypedef unsigned short npy_float16

I'm not sure if there's a better way to do that, but it matches the
definition of npy_uint16 this way.

However, at this point, when I try and use the data type, I get a
bunch of errors of the form: "Cannot assign type 'float' to
'float16_t'" This makes sense, since float16_t is really an unsigned
short. There are a number of functions declared in
numpy/core/include/numpy/halffloat.h (function bodies in

/* Conversions */
float npy_half_to_float(npy_half h);
double npy_half_to_double(npy_half h);
npy_half npy_float_to_half(float f);
npy_half npy_double_to_half(double d);

So, if I include the following:

cdef extern from "numpy/halffloat.h":
float npy_half_to_float(numpy.float16_t h)
double npy_half_to_double(numpy.float16_t h)
numpy.float16_t npy_float_to_half(float f)
numpy.float16_t npy_double_to_half(double d)

Then I can do things like:

cdef numpy.float16_t myHalf = npy_float_to_half(1.2)

However, having to manually wrap every math operation with conversion
functions is tedious and error-prone (esp. since the compiler will
happily add two float16s as unsigned shorts and assign the result back
to a float16, having botched the operation). Is there a way to add in
the conversions automatically?


Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Mar 25, 2011, 2:21:49 PM3/25/11
From the numpy list:

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Pauli Virtanen <> wrote:
> The buffer interface cannot be used to export the half-float types, since
> the type is not specified in PEP 3118. Numpy cannot unilaterally add
> nonstandard format codes to the spec.
> On the Cython side, you'd need to detect when you are working with Numpy
> arrays, and get the half-float type information from the Numpy dtype
> rather than from the exported buffer.

According to Pauli Virtanen, my approach of adding 'e' support to
numpy's buffer code isn't acceptable. They might accept a NPY_HALF to
'H' (ie. uint16) version, but that still means that on the Cython side
additional work would have to be done to differentiate float16 from
uint16 (assuming that automatic wrapping of reads and writes to
float16 arrays is possible).

How feasible would something like that be?


Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Mar 25, 2011, 3:42:59 PM3/25/11

I think you're starting in the wrong end here: Even if NumPy and Cython
could communicate that the contents of an array is float16, Cython would
not have the slightest idea what to do with a float16. There is no
support for float16 in common C compilers AFAIK, so it is not obvious
that Cython should support it.

I.e., the way to do this at the moment is

cdef extern from "SomeWhereInNumPyIAmGuessing.h":
cdef float half_to_single(uint16_t x)

cdef np.ndarray[uint16_t] arr
print half_to_single(arr[0])

and so on. And improvements upon this must really happen at the level of
having Cython support

cdef half_float x = 0.3

and only then will PEP 3118 or similar things help you.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something...

Dag Sverre

Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Mar 25, 2011, 3:48:42 PM3/25/11

Sorry, I missed this part (because you top-posted), sorry about my other
post. No, there isn't such a way currently. There's a reason NumPy
defines float16 as unsigned short, and that is because C compilers don't
have support for this. And Cython builds on C.

I'm not sure whether anything should be done, and if so, how to do it...
note that NumPy is not a dependency of Cython and we try to not make it
too NumPy-specific (in fact, after NumPy now supports PEP 3118, we don't
need any special casing for NumPy in Cython at all, and it feels wrong
to reintroduce it).

Dag Sverre

Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Mar 25, 2011, 3:53:13 PM3/25/11

Don't know whether this applies to you, but if you're memory or disk
bound and not CPU then something you could try is to use Blosc to
compress 32-bit floats. If you make sure to zero out the parts of the
mantissa and exponent that you don't need you should get fairly decent
compression. This is more optimal in some situations, but you must make
sure to work on your data in small cache-sized blocks, so this may be
even less convenient.

Dag Sverre

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Mar 28, 2011, 4:15:06 PM3/28/11
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
<> wrote:
> Sorry, I missed this part (because you top-posted), sorry about my other
> post. No, there isn't such a way currently. There's a reason NumPy defines
> float16 as unsigned short, and that is because C compilers don't have
> support for this. And Cython builds on C.

I've been looking through the code, and I see the
generate_buffer_setitem_code function. What I'm envisioning would be
something like:

ptrexpr = self.buffer_lookup_code(code)
if self.buffer_type.dtype.is_pyobject:
elif self.buffer_type.dtype.needs_float16_handling:
if op == '':
code.putln("*%s = float_to_half(%s);" % (ptrexpr, rhs.result()))
code.putln("*%s = float_to_half(half_to_float(%s) %s
%s);" % (ptrexpr, ptrexpr, op, rhs.result()))
# Simple case
code.putln("*%s %s= %s;" % (ptrexpr, op, rhs.result()))

Where float_to_half, etc. have the same definition as the numpy
functions npy_float_to_half, etc. Obviously there are going to be
better ways to express the above (like a tmp var so we don't have to
get the pointer twice), and it's not the only point in the code where
changes would have to be made, but I think that it outlines the
general idea.

Would something like this ever be accepted for inclusion into cython?

> I'm not sure whether anything should be done, and if so, how to do it...
> note that NumPy is not a dependency of Cython and we try to not make it too
> NumPy-specific (in fact, after NumPy now supports PEP 3118, we don't need
> any special casing for NumPy in Cython at all, and it feels wrong to
> reintroduce it).

If PEP 3118 gets updated to include a 'e' type, I don't think we'd
have to reintroduce a dependency. There would need to be some code to
convert between float32 and float16 (which numpy has ATM), but since
the float16 bit layout is an IEEE standard, I don't see that as
something that would be numpy specific.


PS - my application is generally CPU bound, and is having problems
fitting into the 2GB memory limit on windows XP, so compression isn't
really an attractive option at this point. :(

Robert Bradshaw

Mar 28, 2011, 8:04:11 PM3/28/11

Possibly, but I think it'd be a lot of special casing (though arguably
less so than supporting object and bool). how would we distinguish
between ushort and float16 arrays at runtime?

>> I'm not sure whether anything should be done, and if so, how to do it...
>> note that NumPy is not a dependency of Cython and we try to not make it too
>> NumPy-specific (in fact, after NumPy now supports PEP 3118, we don't need
>> any special casing for NumPy in Cython at all, and it feels wrong to
>> reintroduce it).
> If PEP 3118 gets updated to include a 'e' type, I don't think we'd
> have to reintroduce a dependency.  There would need to be some code to
> convert between float32 and float16 (which numpy has ATM), but since
> the float16 bit layout is an IEEE standard, I don't see that as
> something that would be numpy specific.


Also, I've been thinking about support for numpy iterators, and can't
see a way around making numpy a dependency there, but we'd like to
minimize it.

> PS - my application is generally CPU bound, and is having problems
> fitting into the 2GB memory limit on windows XP, so compression isn't
> really an attractive option at this point.  :(

That's unfortunate, especially given how cheap memory is these days.
Can you break your computation up into chunks? Even using 16-bit
floats would only buy you a 2x increase, and would probably make your
application even more CPU bound (twiddling bits with every assignment,
separate integer vs. floating point registrars/pipelines, ...) which
might not be entirely offset by the memory savings.

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Mar 30, 2011, 7:50:55 PM3/30/11
On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<> wrote:
> Possibly, but I think it'd be a lot of special casing (though arguably
> less so than supporting object and bool). how would we distinguish
> between ushort and float16 arrays at runtime?

Well, there's been some positive feedback to adding float16 support to
the struct module (which the buffer interface references and extends),
so presumably there'd be an 'e' type for the buffer/array that could
be used to signal the need for special case additional handling.

Where is the appropriate place in the source tree to add unit tests
for something like this?


Neal Becker

Mar 31, 2011, 8:47:20 AM3/31/11
Eli Stevens (Gmail) wrote:

1.6.0 also has some fancy new fast iterator stuff. Perhaps something useful

Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Apr 3, 2011, 1:17:25 PM4/3/11

I've been thinking and am now in favour of something like this. Biggest
problem is how "needs_float16_handling" would be flagged in a type --
one needs syntax for "half float" that could be used to define
"np.float16_t" in numpy.pxd, and such typedefs could not be used
anywhere else ("cdef np.float16_t x" would be disallowed).

Tests: Options:
a) Create a new file using a mock object (see
/tests/run/bufaccess.pyx) e.g., /tests/run/halffloat.pyx. This would
work everywhere.
b) Modify the docstring of /tests/run/numpy_test.pyx at runtime
conditional on the NumPy version being recent enough for the test.

Also, for a relatively obscure feature like this, docs for in the same pull request would be greatly appreciated
(it's in the same git repo now).

Dag Sverre

Lisandro Dalcin

Apr 4, 2011, 8:41:13 PM4/4/11
to cython-users

Why such restrictions? Cython could be extended with a "half float" C
datatype, what's wrong with that?

Lisandro Dalcin
Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
Colectora RN 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1011)
Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 4, 2011, 11:26:08 PM4/4/11
On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Lisandro Dalcin <> wrote:
> Why such restrictions? Cython could be extended with a "half float" C
> datatype, what's wrong with that?

Per my understanding, most compiler+platform combinations don't
support a C float16 data type.

gcc+ARM does, but I suspect that's because there's hardware support for it.


Lisandro Dalcin

Apr 5, 2011, 12:51:40 AM4/5/11
to cython-users

But I'm thinking about using a unsigned short behind the scenes, add a
couple or coercing routines to "float", and perhaps implement binary
operators in single precision (not sure about this, after all float16
is supposed to be an storage type).

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 5, 2011, 8:22:28 PM4/5/11
I'm starting to read the Cython source to determine where the best
place to put in hooks for this feature is. So far, the best approach
that I have come up with is to subclass CoercionNode for use by the
coerce_to function, etc.

Does that seem like a reasonable place to start?


Robert Bradshaw

Apr 5, 2011, 8:33:11 PM4/5/11

I don't think subclassing is the way to go. Given that float16 is
primarily a storage format, one option is to only support it for numpy
access (i.e. encode/decode on buffer indexing, but otherwise let it be
an alias for float in the source.) This would have strange semantics
WRT sizeof(float16) and &float16. Alternatively "float16" wouldn't
even need to be a valid data type outside of buffers, so

cdef numpy.ndarray[float16, index=2] arr
typeof(arr[1,2]) == "float"

The other way is to let it alias int16 (is short always safe to use
for that?) and add special cases to each of the arithmetic operators
and coercion, though this would result in highly inefficient code for
expressions like "a*x + b*y + c." Probably the best model is to look
at how complex numbers are implemented, as they faced similar issues.

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 5, 2011, 8:45:18 PM4/5/11
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<> wrote:
> I don't think subclassing is the way to go. Given that float16 is
> primarily a storage format, one option is to only support it for numpy
> access (i.e. encode/decode on buffer indexing, but otherwise let it be
> an alias for float in the source.) This would have strange semantics
> WRT sizeof(float16) and &float16. Alternatively "float16" wouldn't
> even need to be a valid data type outside of buffers, so
>    cdef numpy.ndarray[float16, index=2] arr
>    typeof(arr[1,2]) == "float"

I started to see if I could just wrap buffer access, but my
recollection (from a week or so ago) was that the buffer access code
just returned a pointer to the appropriate place in the buffer, with
no indication of how it was going to be used, making it hard to supply
the appropriate packing or unpacking code. Is there an obvious way
around that? I'll admit that I certainly don't grok all of cython
yet. ;)

I'll also take a look at how complex numbers are handled.


Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 21, 2011, 6:14:08 PM4/21/11
I'm struggling with adding this feature. Here's what I have so far:

I've traced through the code as best I can and added what seemed like
it would be needed, but I don't really trust that I've done that well.
I'm finding it difficult to desk-check the code; there are a lot of
times when I run into code like (, line 2182):

if buffer_access:
self.indices = indices
self.index = None
self.type = self.base.type.dtype

And trying to track down what, exactly, self.base.type.dtype is turns
out to be very difficult if (like me) you're not familiar with the
code base. From the line where dtype gets set it goes through a few
more function calls, then over into interpret_compiletime_options,
then into the parser, etc. From there, it winds through a few more
functions before ending up in p_name. From there you have to figure
out what is in s.compile_time_env, etc. etc.

Is there a better way to approach the code?

When I run the tests, I see a lot of things like:

$ time python --no-cleanup --no-pyregr
=== Expected errors: ===

=== Got errors: ===
137:40: Invalid operand types for '>>' (short; long)
185:48: Invalid operand types for '>>' (short; long)
233:13: Cannot convert 'short' to Python object
252:11: Cannot convert 'short' to Python object
263:29: Cannot convert Python object to 'short'
264:11: Cannot convert 'short' to Python object
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.0.1: Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python:
No such file or directory
make: *** [embedded] Error 1
ERROR: runTest (__main__.CythonRunTestCase)
compiling (c) and running bufaccess
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 496, in run
File "", line 327, in runCompileTest
self.test_directory, self.expect_errors, self.annotate)
File "", line 473, in compile
self.assertEquals(None, unexpected_error)
AssertionError: None != u"523:13: Cannot convert 'short' to Python object"
ERROR: runTest (__main__.CythonRunTestCase)
compiling (c) and running index
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 496, in run
File "", line 327, in runCompileTest
self.test_directory, self.expect_errors, self.annotate)
File "", line 473, in compile
self.assertEquals(None, unexpected_error)
AssertionError: None != u'94:33: Compiler crash in AnalyseExpressionsTransform'
FAIL: numpy_test ()
Doctest: numpy_test
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/",
line 2153, in runTest
raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
AssertionError: Failed doctest test for numpy_test
File "/Users/elis/edit/work/cython/BUILD/run/c/", line
190, in numpy_test

File "/Users/elis/edit/work/cython/BUILD/run/c/", line
295, in numpy_test
Failed example:
test_dtype('H', inc1_ushort)
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/",
line 1248, in __run
compileflags, 1) in test.globs
File "<doctest numpy_test[35]>", line 1, in <module>
test_dtype('H', inc1_ushort)
File "numpy_test.pyx", line 342, in numpy_test.test_dtype
File "numpy_test.pyx", line 280, in numpy_test.inc1_ushort
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'short' but got 'unsigned short'
File "/Users/elis/edit/work/cython/BUILD/run/c/", line
301, in numpy_test
Failed example:
test_dtype('e', inc1_float16)
Expected nothing

Obviously I've cut a fair bit of output, but I've tried to keep the
unique errors.

One of the problems that's stumping me is that I only see
build/run/c/unsigned.c etc. as files with an error message, so I can't
figure out what the compilation problem is. Basically, I've just hit
the wall, and don't know where to go from here. Anyone able to help?


Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Apr 22, 2011, 3:14:43 AM4/22/11
On 04/22/2011 12:14 AM, Eli Stevens (Gmail) wrote:
> I'm struggling with adding this feature. Here's what I have so far:

Nice that you've got a good start on this.

First, is it possible to eliminate all those whitespace changes from the
commits? They're a lot harder to follow on github when I need to
manually seperate the non-important whitespace changes from the real

> I've traced through the code as best I can and added what seemed like
> it would be needed, but I don't really trust that I've done that well.
> I'm finding it difficult to desk-check the code; there are a lot of
> times when I run into code like (, line 2182):
> if buffer_access:
> self.indices = indices
> self.index = None
> self.type = self.base.type.dtype
> And trying to track down what, exactly, self.base.type.dtype is turns
> out to be very difficult if (like me) you're not familiar with the
> code base. From the line where dtype gets set it goes through a few

I'm not sure what you're asking...I tend to just insert code like this

print type(self.base.type.dtype), self.base.type.dtype.__dict__

or you could use pdb to do the same.

It would be nice with nicely documented invariants for everything
between each compilation stage, but that's just not the case. I agree
that the code base is kind of hard to get into.

Well, explain this to me. How is a variable supposed to be typed as half
float? I see code such as

ctypedef unsigned short npy_float16
def inc1_float16(np.ndarray[np.float16_t] arr): arr[1] += 1

which wouldn't do anything to get c_halffloat_type involved. Only
relevant line I see is

(0, -1, "int"): c_halffloat_type,

but I'm not sure what that line should achieve...are you trying to support

ctypedef short float npy_float16

or similar?

Dag Sverre

Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Apr 22, 2011, 3:16:29 AM4/22/11

Put another way: If you get the above code to work with half-floats,
you're bound to have broken our support for unsigned short, since
there's nothing to seperate the two in those lines of code.

Dag Sverre

Robert Bradshaw

Apr 22, 2011, 5:19:20 AM4/22/11
Given the lack of a native C type for half float, and the steep
learning curve of the codebase, I would make half_float an alias for
float, with the only difference being an extra conversion when getting
an element into/out of a buffer (and buffer unpacking of course).
Inplace arithmetic operations may have to be unavailable on the first

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 22, 2011, 3:07:36 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
<> wrote:
> Put another way: If you get the above code to work with half-floats, you're
> bound to have broken our support for unsigned short, since there's nothing
> to seperate the two in those lines of code.

The intent was to use the buffer type ('e' instead of 'h' or 'H') to
flag the node(?) as needing packing / unpacking. It doesn't sound
like I've accomplished that, though.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Robert Bradshaw
<> wrote:
> Given the lack of a native C type for half float, and the steep
> learning curve of the codebase, I would make half_float an alias for
> float, with the only difference being an extra conversion when getting
> an element into/out of a buffer (and buffer unpacking of course).
> Inplace arithmetic operations may have to be unavailable on the first
> pass.

That's what I was trying to do; however the buffer get item code just
returns a pointer to the appropriate spot in memory, with no
indication of how it's going to get used (ie. does it need to be
unpacked, or packed?). I tried to solve that with the LHS / RHS
coercion stuff.

For my use case, having access to a numpy buffer full of half-floats
without having to do the packing and unpacking to float32 manually on
access is all I need. I agree that trying to do half-float-math isn't
really worth it.

I'll see what I can do about the whitespace changes (coding standards
here at work are to strip trailing whitespace, which I have my editor
do automatically; I committed somewhat hastily).


Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Apr 22, 2011, 3:14:23 PM4/22/11
On 04/22/2011 09:07 PM, Eli Stevens (Gmail) wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
> <> wrote:
>> Put another way: If you get the above code to work with half-floats, you're
>> bound to have broken our support for unsigned short, since there's nothing
>> to seperate the two in those lines of code.
> The intent was to use the buffer type ('e' instead of 'h' or 'H') to
> flag the node(?) as needing packing / unpacking. It doesn't sound
> like I've accomplished that, though.

The buffer format string is only available at run-time -- the passed in
object can return any format string in principle (and Cython raises an
error if it doesn't match compile-time assumptions). However, you need
to decide whether to insert the conversion code or not into C code at
compile time!

IOW, you need some kind of "half_float" or "short float" so that one can
decide this at Cython compile time:

ctypedef short float npy_float16

> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
>> Given the lack of a native C type for half float, and the steep
>> learning curve of the codebase, I would make half_float an alias for
>> float, with the only difference being an extra conversion when getting
>> an element into/out of a buffer (and buffer unpacking of course).
>> Inplace arithmetic operations may have to be unavailable on the first
>> pass.
> That's what I was trying to do; however the buffer get item code just
> returns a pointer to the appropriate spot in memory, with no
> indication of how it's going to get used (ie. does it need to be
> unpacked, or packed?). I tried to solve that with the LHS / RHS
> coercion stuff.
> For my use case, having access to a numpy buffer full of half-floats
> without having to do the packing and unpacking to float32 manually on
> access is all I need. I agree that trying to do half-float-math isn't
> really worth it.
> I'll see what I can do about the whitespace changes (coding standards
> here at work are to strip trailing whitespace, which I have my editor
> do automatically; I committed somewhat hastily).

For instance, check out your master branch, make a commit stripping
trailing whitespace, and then rebase your branch on top of it (git
rebase master).

Dag Sverre

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 22, 2011, 3:25:59 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
<> wrote:
> The buffer format string is only available at run-time -- the passed in
> object can return any format string in principle (and Cython raises an error
> if it doesn't match compile-time assumptions). However, you need to decide
> whether to insert the conversion code or not into C code at compile time!

Thinking about it, I see what you mean - one of those "oh, yeah,
right, why didn't I see that?" kind of things. I had originally been
wanting to use the information in:

numpy.ndarray[numpy.float16, ndim=3, mode="c"]

As the way to tell, but that just looks like a short to cython,
doesn't it? Would it be possible to add something like:

numpy.ndarray[numpy.float16, ndim=3, mode="c",

To add in the packing and unpacking code? That would make half float
buffers something of a second-place citizen, but I'd be able to work
with that (we declare all of our numpy array types anyway).


Robert Bradshaw

Apr 22, 2011, 3:29:04 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Eli Stevens (Gmail)
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
> <> wrote:
>> Put another way: If you get the above code to work with half-floats, you're
>> bound to have broken our support for unsigned short, since there's nothing
>> to seperate the two in those lines of code.
> The intent was to use the buffer type ('e' instead of 'h' or 'H') to
> flag the node(?) as needing packing / unpacking.  It doesn't sound
> like I've accomplished that, though.

You'd need to decide this based on the compile-time type of the
buffer, and then just check the e/h at runtime.

> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
>> Given the lack of a native C type for half float, and the steep
>> learning curve of the codebase, I would make half_float an alias for
>> float, with the only difference being an extra conversion when getting
>> an element into/out of a buffer (and buffer unpacking of course).
>> Inplace arithmetic operations may have to be unavailable on the first
>> pass.
> That's what I was trying to do; however the buffer get item code just
> returns a pointer to the appropriate spot in memory, with no
> indication of how it's going to get used (ie. does it need to be
> unpacked, or packed?).  I tried to solve that with the LHS / RHS
> coercion stuff.

OK, I think going down this route leaks things into a much larger
portion of the codebase.

> For my use case, having access to a numpy buffer full of half-floats
> without having to do the packing and unpacking to float32 manually on
> access is all I need.  I agree that trying to do half-float-math isn't
> really worth it.

Yes, I agree.

> I'll see what I can do about the whitespace changes (coding standards
> here at work are to strip trailing whitespace, which I have my editor
> do automatically; I committed somewhat hastily).

We try to avoid trailing whitespaces as well, so this is as much our
fault as yours, but it does make the diff harder to read. I've pushed
a patch stripping whitespace.

- Robert

Robert Bradshaw

Apr 22, 2011, 3:32:32 PM4/22/11

I'd call it numpy.ndarray[short float, ndim=3, mode="c"] and let
"short float" be a typedef to float, with the compiler (that can
distinguish typedefs) adding the "special handling code" as the only

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 22, 2011, 3:34:37 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Eli Stevens (Gmail)
> <> wrote:
>> That's what I was trying to do; however the buffer get item code just
>> returns a pointer to the appropriate spot in memory, with no
>> indication of how it's going to get used (ie. does it need to be
>> unpacked, or packed?).  I tried to solve that with the LHS / RHS
>> coercion stuff.
> OK, I think going down this route leaks things into a much larger
> portion of the codebase.

How will LHS and RHS buffer access be differentiated?


Robert Bradshaw

Apr 22, 2011, 3:39:42 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Eli Stevens (Gmail)

<> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Eli Stevens (Gmail)
>> <> wrote:
>>> That's what I was trying to do; however the buffer get item code just
>>> returns a pointer to the appropriate spot in memory, with no
>>> indication of how it's going to get used (ie. does it need to be
>>> unpacked, or packed?).  I tried to solve that with the LHS / RHS
>>> coercion stuff.
>> OK, I think going down this route leaks things into a much larger
>> portion of the codebase.
> How will LHS and RHS buffer access be differentiated?

That logic would be entirely contained in the IndexNode, where it's
known whether it's an assignment or access.

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 22, 2011, 5:16:45 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<> wrote:
> I'd call it numpy.ndarray[short float, ndim=3, mode="c"] and let
> "short float" be a typedef to float, with the compiler (that can
> distinguish typedefs) adding the "special handling code" as the only
> difference.

So for the purposes of __Pyx_BufFmt_DescribeTypeChar and friends in (c code), should I be treating 'e' buffers as shorts still?
That makes sense to me, but I don't really trust my judgment on this

Can the compiler tell that short float handling needs to be added in a
case like this:

ctypedef short float myFloatType

numpy.ndarray[myFloatType, ndim=3, mode="c"]


Also, do you see a need for a class CHalfFloatType(CNumericType): ?

What I'm thinking of doing ATM is recording getting/setting from here:

def analyse_types(self, env):
self.analyse_base_and_index_types(env, getting = 1)

def analyse_target_types(self, env):
self.analyse_base_and_index_types(env, setting = 1)

def analyse_base_and_index_types(self, env, getting = 0, setting = 0):

if buffer_access:
self.indices = indices
self.index = None
self.type = self.base.type.dtype

self.is_buffer_access = True
self.buffer_type = self.base.entry.type

if getting and self.type.is_pyobject:
self.is_temp = True
if setting:
if not self.base.entry.type.writable:
error(self.pos, "Writing to readonly buffer")
self.base.entry.buffer_aux.writable_needed = True

And then wrapping the self.buffer_ptr_code with the appropriate pack
or unpack function in:

def generate_result_code(self, code):
if self.is_buffer_access:
if code.globalstate.directives['nonecheck']:
self.buffer_ptr_code = self.buffer_lookup_code(code)

Does that seem like a reasonable approach?

Thanks for all the help,

Robert Bradshaw

Apr 22, 2011, 6:42:10 PM4/22/11
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Eli Stevens (Gmail)
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
>> I'd call it numpy.ndarray[short float, ndim=3, mode="c"] and let
>> "short float" be a typedef to float, with the compiler (that can
>> distinguish typedefs) adding the "special handling code" as the only
>> difference.
> So for the purposes of __Pyx_BufFmt_DescribeTypeChar and friends in
> (c code), should I be treating 'e' buffers as shorts still?
> That makes sense to me, but I don't really trust my judgment on this
> one.
> Can the compiler tell that short float handling needs to be added in a
> case like this:
> ctypedef short float myFloatType
> numpy.ndarray[myFloatType, ndim=3, mode="c"]

Yep, typedefs defer to their base types for all non-overridden attributes.

> Also, do you see a need for a class CHalfFloatType(CNumericType): ?

Maybe, though you'd want to extend from CFloatType, and the only code
it would contain is setting the is_half_float attribute. It may also
make sense to define it as a typedef (less clean, but less potentially
invasive). Not sure which is better without trying it out.

> What I'm thinking of doing ATM is recording getting/setting from here:
>    def analyse_types(self, env):
>        self.analyse_base_and_index_types(env, getting = 1)
>    def analyse_target_types(self, env):
>        self.analyse_base_and_index_types(env, setting = 1)

No need to record it here, see below.

> And then wrapping the self.buffer_ptr_code with the appropriate pack
> or unpack function in:
>    def generate_result_code(self, code):
>        if self.is_buffer_access:
>            if code.globalstate.directives['nonecheck']:
>                self.put_nonecheck(code)
>            self.buffer_ptr_code = self.buffer_lookup_code(code)
> Does that seem like a reasonable approach?

You can do the float -> short call in generate_buffer_setitem_code (be
sure to raise an error if it's an inplace operator, and short -> float
call in generate_result_code. There is already special case there to
handle buffers of objects (to do reference counting), the float/short
conversion should be able to be very similar.

- Robert

Eli Stevens (Gmail)

Apr 22, 2011, 11:07:43 PM4/22/11
I re-forked and started again, carrying over code that seemed worth
saving. I got the numpy tests to pass with this code (I'm sure that
there is some code that could be cut from this):

Array declarations look like this:

np.ndarray[unsigned short, cast=True, halffloat=True]

That isn't idea for our use cases, but it's workable. However, I'd
like to get rid of the need for the cast=True, halffloat=True parts.
Without cast=True I'm seeing a lot of:

ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'unsigned short' but
got 'halffloat_typedef'

Or, if I change the line from:

case 'e': return "'halffloat_typedef'";


case 'e': return "'unsigned short'";

I get:

ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'unsigned short' but
got 'unsigned short'

And obviously, I haven't figured out how to get the buffer.base type
to have is_halffloat set.

Still! Progress. :)


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