ANN: Cython wrapper of Eigen matrix template class

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Runar Tenfjord

не прочитано,
8 февр. 2010 г., 08:49:5608.02.2010

I set about to wrap the excellent Eigen C++ template class.
To my surprise the whole endeavour was quite straight forward.
The code consist mostly of simple boiler plate code and tries
to follow numpy call signatures where it is natural.

The Eigen library is at:

For now only the dynamic Vector and Matrix
(integer,double & complex variant) are wrapped.

Initial tests show a impressive speed on my workstation with
up to 10x speed gain compared to numpy. This was tested on a
modern CPU (AMD Athlon 64) and the latest MinGW compiler (4.4)
with flags for the SSE2 added. Your mileage may wary depending
on your compiler.

Comments and modification are welcomed.

Consider this a proof of concept for now.

Link to source:


Bill Noon

не прочитано,
16 мая 2012 г., 11:23:1616.05.2012
Is this code still available?  The googlecode repository seems to have disappeared.

Thanks --Bill

Charanpal Dhanjal

не прочитано,
16 мая 2012 г., 11:35:0416.05.2012
As a slight aside, I've started working on an alternative to scipy.sparse which wraps the sparse parts of Eigen ( and provides a numpy-like interface. I wasn't aware of Runar's attempt to do a similar thing, but perhaps we can combine efforts if it is still being worked on?

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