One Roll Zombie Salvage Generator

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Sean Worcester

Aug 21, 2012, 12:12:04 PM8/21/12
I adapted this idea from the Savage Worlds adventure Zombie Run. So the idea is that this table can be used in two ways; either after you create your Survivor or when your PC's search an area. For the initial character creation roll the player or GM can roll 11d10 or so to figure out what you start with in your pockets or have squirreled away. When used in-game a PC can apply the results of his Search roll directly to the chart or a GM can create a dice pool based on the area searched and apply that to the chart making the results the amount of usable stuff found.  Questions, comments, suggestions? 

One Roll Salvage… alt: instead of in day’s width -1 in days

1’s = Food- [width -1] in days.

2”s = Water- [width -1] in days.

3’s = survival gear [width -1] in items

4’s = medical supplies [width -1] in applications

5’s = Fuel- [width -1] in Levels (low, mid, full)

6’s = ammo- [width -1] x2 in bullets of any type

7’s = melee weapon x2: Brass knuckles x3: small club x4: Knife (Ordinary) x5: Knife (Combat) x6: baseball bat x7: spear x8:Mace x9:sword  x10: Fire axe

8’s = Firearm- x2: small pistol x3: med pistol x4: Large Pistol x5: SMG x6: Pump Shotgun: x7: Auto- Shotgun x8: Hunting Rifle x9: Assault Rifle x10: Machine Gun

9’s = Vehicle x2: bicycle x3: scooter x4: motorcycle x5: small car x6: med car x7: large car x8: small truck x9: med truck, x10: large trucks

10’s = Players pick. (can spend Wx10 anywhere on the chart, ie if PC rolls 4x10 they can get a small pistol and 4 shots)

Free Dice= odd items (anything not already covered above)

I am thinking about making the Melee weapons by generic type, ie x2: small club or x2:small  weapon (W +1S); Thoughts?

Also I am working on an ORE zombie plot generator which i'll post as soon as I get to a point that i feel can lead somewhere or I get really stuck for ideas.


--Sean Worcester 

Bryan Rennekamp

Aug 21, 2012, 3:26:05 PM8/21/12
That's really cool Sean. One thing I did awhile back was fudge Daring Entertainment's "War of the Dead" into ORE, and something like this would have rocked.

Post again when you get your generator up and running, because I'm definitely interested!

Shane Ivey

Aug 21, 2012, 6:34:45 PM8/21/12
Very fun. 

I would monkey with the weapon selections a little myself. I see knives a lot more frequently than I see brass knuckles, for instance. And remember that rolling Width greater than 3 is rare even on 11d. 

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Victory RPG

Aug 24, 2012, 3:29:45 PM8/24/12
I personally think that this table (and the rolls themselves) should be kept secret for greatest effect.  That way, should a group of impoverished, starving survivors don;t find a cache of supplies, roll, and be disappointed because they rolled poorly, the elation of finding supplies in tantamount to salvation and should remain that way in the minds of the players, no matter what they get.

Victory RPG

Aug 24, 2012, 3:34:16 PM8/24/12
I believe that both the table and the rolls should be had in secret to maintain the atmosphere of the game.  Say, a group of helpless survivors come across a cache of supplies, you wouldn't want your players being disappointed because, even though they got a gun and more than enough ammunition, the could have gotten a machine gun.  Finding supplies in a zombie apocalypse would be tantamount to salvation in the minds of the survivors and is part of the fun of the genre, one should be careful not to sully it for the players.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Shane Ivey <> wrote:

Sean Worcester

Aug 28, 2012, 10:56:52 AM8/28/12
Thanks for the tip Shane,  here is a revised table.  Let me know what you guys think!

One Roll Zombie Apocalypse Salvage generator  

1’s = Food- [width -1] in days.

2”s = Water- [width -1] in days.

3’s = survival gear [width -1] in items

4’s = medical supplies [width -1] in applications

5’s = Fuel- [width -1] in Levels (low, mid, full)

6’s = ammo- [width -1] x2 in bullets of any type

7’s = melee weapon x2: Baseball Bat (W+2S) x3: Shovel (WS+1K) x4: Large Knife (WK) x5: Fire Axe (W+2K)

8’s = Firearm- x2: pistol (WSK) x3: Shotgun (W+1SK) x4: Hunting Rifle (W+2SK) x5: Assault Rifle (W+2SK)

9’s = Vehicle x2: bicycle x3: car x4: motorcycle x5: truck

10’s = Players Choice, can spend matches anywhere on chart.

Free Dice= odd items (anything not already covered above)

Note: I'd like to find something to replace the Players Choice with but I cannot figure out what with.  Or do you guys think that having a column where the Players can say, "wow we really need X" and being able to choose X with a lucky roll is a good thing?  

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