Cascade Paragliding Club

Contact owners and managers
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The newsgroup of the Portland Oregon based Paragliding and Hang Gliding Club - see

Posts to this group can be read by the public, but you need to be a group member in order to post.

To become a member, click Ask to join group, and fill out the form.  Please enter both your FIRST NAME and LAST NAME as the Display Name.  Use the text field to say a little about WHY you want to be a member, so we know you are interested in paragliding or hang gliding, not spamming the current members.  Choose how much notification you want via email.  Your application to join should be approved shortly.

Once you are a member, depending on the email subscription you have chosen, you can interact with the Google Group via email only, without having to go to the web-page. To post a new topic via email, just send your email to