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SimCity available via ftp

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Don Hopkins

no leída,
26 jul 1992, 6:11:53 a.m.26/7/92
The HyperLook edition of SimCity for SPARC is now available via
anonymous ftp from "", in the directory "vendor/dux".
Retrieve the files "SimCity.README", "SimCity.INSTALL",
"SimCity.tar.Z" and "HyperLook1.5-runtime.tar.Z". The file
"SimCity-screen-dump.im8.Z" contains a color picture of the game in
action! Many other interesting HyperLook related files are in the
directory "packages/NeWS". SimCity is also available in Scotland via
anonymous ftp from "" (in the "pub" directory). Enclosed
are the files "SimCity.README" and "SimCity.INSTALL".

Please enjoy your fun!


SimCity Product Information

SimCity Requirements:

SimCity requires a SPARC workstation running the SunOS 4.1
operating system, with the OpenWindows 3.0 window system
installed, an 8 bit deep color graphics display, a kernel with
the shared memory option enabled, and at least 16 megabytes of
memory. It doesn't support 1 bit deep monochrome displays, nor
does it work with earlier or different window systems.

This version of SimCity was built using the HyperLook user
interface design system, and is shipped with a HyperLook run
time system. It includes an demonstration of HyperLook,
featuring a fully functional PostScript graphics editor, that
was used to draw parts of the SimCity user interface.

SimCity is copy protected, using the Elan License Manager. If
you don't have a license, SimCity will run in demo mode:
saving the city is disabled, and you can play for five minutes
before something dreadful happens.

SimCity Features:

On-Line Help
You can get help on the SimCity user interface, by pointing
the mouse at anything mysterious and pressing the "Help" key.
The HyperLook Help window will pop up, giving instructions and
useful hints on how to use the controls.

Multiple Views
It's possible to display several animated views of the city on
the screen at once. You can even zoom in and out, to magnify
or shrink the graphics! The animation is slower when a view is
scaled, but you can still scroll around and edit your city as
usual, at any size.

Open Look
HyperLook is integrated with The NeWS Toolkit (TNT), to
implement the Open Look user interface. SimCity uses Open Look
buttons, menus, sliders, settings, text and numeric fields.
They help to make the interface familiar and easy to use.

Pie Menus
SimCity features pop up "pie menus" for selecting between city editing
tools. Pie menus are circular menus with their choices in
different directions, and they're very fast and efficient to
use. Since you change editing tools quite often while building
a city, you can save much time and effort by using pie menus
instead of the tool pallet.

Sound Mixer
SimCity plays its sound effects using the HyperLook sound server,
which makes real time sound effects by mixing them together
and playing them immediately when needed. So you can hear the
bulldozer rumbling, buildings crashing, and the monster
roaring at the same time, all synchronized with the animation.

PostScript Printing
You can print your city on a color or monochrome PostScript printer.
It's possible to print the whole city on one page, or a twelve
page poster.

SimCity Legal Information

Unix SimCity Implementation, User Interface & Graphics
by Don Hopkins, DUX Software. Thanks to The Turing Institute.
Original Concept & Design by Will Wright, Maxis Software.
Unix SimCity HyperLook Edition 1.0 Copyright (C) 1992 MAXIS, DUX Software
HyperLook 1.5 Copyright (C) 1992 The Turing Institute, Ltd.
SimCity is a registered trademark of Maxis Software.
HyperLook is a trademark of The Turing Institute, Ltd.

SimCity Ordering Information

This version of SimCity will run in demo mode (you can play for a
while, but you can't save your city, and after 5 minutes, something
horrible happens to your city), until you get a license and install a
valid key. To get a license, contact DUX Software at:

DUX Software
4906 El Camino Real
Suite 1
Los Altos, CA 94022

Phone: +1-800-543-4999
FAX: +1-415-967-5528

Retrieving and Installing SimCity

Retrieve the following files:

Read the README file and make sure you have the appropriate configuration
to run SimCity and HyperLook. You will need 2,600 Kbytes of disk space
for SimCity and 1,500 Kbytes for HyperLook, for a total of 4,100 Kbytes.
You must also have 3,200 Kbytes of disk space on /tmp (or some other
local file system) on the machine that runs SimCity, for shared memory.

% df
% more SimCity.README

Uncompress and untar the two .tar.Z files, and you'll have the directories
"SimCity" and "HyperLook1.5-runtime.tar.Z".

% uncompress SimCity.tar.Z
% uncompress HyperLook1.5-runtime.tar.Z
% tar xfv SimCity.tar
% tar xfv HyperLook1.5-runtime.tar

Go into the SimCity directory, and run the "InstallSimCity" shell script.
A typical installation is shown, where <return> means pressing the
"Return" key to accept the default. If the default is not acceptable,
then enter the full path name of the appropriate directory (or the
host name of the license server).

% cd SimCity
% InstallSimCity
SimCity Installation:

Please enter the name of the top level SimCity directory,
or press return to accept the default of:
Directory: <return>

Please enter the name of the top level HyperLook directory,
or press return to accept the default of:
Directory: <return>

Please enter the name of the SimCity license key directory,
or press return to accept the default of:
Directory: <return>

Please enter the name of a local directory that SimCity can use
to store its shared memory images. It must have plenty of space.
Press return to accept the default of:
Local Directory: <return>

Please enter the host name of the SimCity license server,
or press return to accept the default of:
Host Name: <return>

Configuring shell scripts:

All done. Now you can play SimCity!
If you don't have a key, SimCity will run in demo mode.
Run the 'GetKey' script or select 'Get Key...' from
SimCity's 'File' menu to get a key.

Now that you have installed SimCity, you can run the "GetKey" shell
script to get a license key from DUX software, or run "SimCity" in
demo mode without getting a key. In demo mode, your city will melt
after 5 minutes, or when you try to save it to disk, so buy a license,
it's cheap! When you buy a license, DUX will ship you the latest
version of the software, a nice 100 page manual with lots of nifty
illustrations, and a handy reference card. And when you're ordering,
don't forget to ask how to embezzle funds!

% GetKey
To get a key for SimCity, contact DUX Software at:

DUX Software
4906 El Camino Real
Suite 1
Los Altos, CA 94022
Phone #: 1-800-543-4999
or 1-415-967-1500
FAX #: 1-415-967-5528

and give them your server code.

Your server code is: 1234 5678 9012 3456
Please enter your key: 9876 5432 1098 7654<return>

Feature name: 16 [16]
Number of licenses: 1

Key successfully installed.
% SimCity
Got a license!

Now you're playing SimCity! An introduction window will pop up while
the rest of the system loads. Then the startup screen will appear.
Point the cursor at the controls and pictures and press the "Help" key
(usually at the lower left corner of the keyboard) to learn how to use
the user interface!

To get the most out of the game:

1. Get a license key!
It's cheap, and you'll get a manual with lots more tips!
2. Save your city often.
You have to have a key to do that, though!
3. Print out your city periodically. But don't kill too many trees.
You can even edit the city map images in the HyperLook drawing editor,
annotate them, print them out, and save them as drawing or EPS files.
4. Don't forget to eat.
Keep in mind the closing times of local restaurants, or keep lots
of munchies on hand.
5. Have fun!
If things are going bad, remember not to take it too seriously,
it's only a simulation!

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