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Confirmation of layoffs?

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Bob Mims

Oct 30, 2006, 5:09:24 PM10/30/06
To any SCO employees out there:
Trying to confirm reports of significant layoffs at SCO under way. Tips
so far have it at 20-40 percent.
The company will neither confirm or deny, only referring such questions
to its upcoming December SEC filings.
If you can help, please reply to:
Bob Mims
The Salt Lake Tribune

Bob Mims

Oct 30, 2006, 6:11:25 PM10/30/06

Bob Bailin

Nov 2, 2006, 5:20:39 PM11/2/06

"Bob Mims" <> wrote in message
[repeat msg requesting confirmation of a rumor]

This gentleman has now taken the step of attempting to contact contributors of c.u.s.m
individually via email with this same request. Personally, I find that annoying, insofar
he allegedly works for the Salt Lake City Tribune and can probably afford to drive over
to Lindon to do his investigative journalism of this late-breaking story (yawn).

My response to him:

Dear Mr. Mims:

I'm certain the regular readers of comp.unix.sco.misc have seen your postings regarding
this subject.
If any choose to respond, they will do so of their own volition. It is not necessary to
contact each one

Thank you and good day,

Robert Bailin

Bob Mims

Nov 3, 2006, 5:08:50 PM11/3/06
My apologies if my attempts to confirm significant layoffs at SCO
annoyed you.
The company, though publicly traded, has decided not to discuss the
layoffs of last week and this week for another 4-6 weeks, when it files
its 10-Q. Thus, I am left with other, less direct avenues.
It has seemed to me that investors and others following SCO might
appreciate knowing if up to a fifth of the company's employees might be
gone, apparently due to shrinking revenues.
Who benefits from the delay?
E-mails and newsgroup posting, along with dozens of phone calls, seems
less intrusive than knocking on doors. And it likely is wiser than
venturing onto privately owned parking lots to collar workers.
Another consideration for the latter: if someone did want to talk,
their risk of exposure to potentially vindictive superiors -- if there
are any, of course -- would be unacceptable.
All the best,

Bob Mims
The Salt Lake Tribune
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