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incompatibility of bibentry and apsrev4-1

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Aug 16, 2011, 2:36:35 PM8/16/11
The new revtex 4.1 together with the native bibliography styles
apsrev4-1 does not work with the bibentry package anymore.

I'm using the latest version of RevTex (4.1r) and bibentry (part of
the natbib package, 8.31b).

The attached minimal example yields this error:

Runaway argument?
{\bibinfo {author} {\bibfnamefont {f.~n.}\ \bibnamefont {Last~name}}\
! File ended while scanning use of \BR@c@bibitem.
<inserted text>
l.8 \nobibliography*

It works for the bib style "plainnat". I could trace back the issue to
this somewhat weird definition in bibentry.sty:

\def\BR@c@bibitem#1 #2 \par{{\let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
\expandafter \gdef\csname BR@r@#1\@extra@b@citeb\endcsname

This command expects bibitems to be separated by a new paragraph. But
the new bib style "apsrev4-1" uses \BibitemOpen and \BibitemShut
{NoStop} to delimit the items. Is there a way to adjust the faulty
command to this new scheme?

Any help is appreciated.


=== file minimal.tex ===


\usepackage{bibentry}[2007/10/30 1.5 (PWD)]


% this fails

% this works
\makeatletter\BR@c@bibitem{KEY} Text \par\makeatother

Bibentry: \bibentry{KEY}

Ref. \onlinecite{KEY}


% \bibliographystyle{plainnat}


=== file minimal.bib ===

author = {Last name, first name and second author, a},
title = {The article title},
journal = {J. TeXnology},
year = {2011},
volume = {1},
pages = {1-3},
doi = {10.1213/jtex.1.1},
eprint = {},
url = {}


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