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LOM, Sun Java Remote KVM and OSX's Java

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David Lesher

Mar 20, 2009, 12:26:24 AM3/20/09

Is there any solution to the problem that Apple does not
appear to have a Java new enough to support it?

I need to talk to a 2200M2 & I'm not having any luck.

I get a blank remote console up and that is it...

Also: is there a ILOM upgrade to the 2200 ELOM?

A host is a host from coast to
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433


Mar 20, 2009, 2:51:57 AM3/20/09
On Mar 19, 10:26 pm, David Lesher <> wrote:
> Is there any solution to the problem that Apple does not
> appear to have a Java new enough to support it?
> I need to talk to a 2200M2 & I'm not having any luck.
> I get a blank remote console up and that is it...
> Also: is there a ILOM upgrade to the 2200 ELOM?

We've been running X4200 M2 remote consoles with no problem on Mac OS


David Lesher

Mar 20, 2009, 3:41:19 PM3/20/09
guzzijason <> writes:

>> Is there any solution to the problem that Apple does not
>> appear to have a Java new enough to support it?
>> I need to talk to a 2200M2 & I'm not having any luck.
>> I get a blank remote console up and that is it...
>> Also: is there a ILOM upgrade to the 2200 ELOM?

>We've been running X4200 M2 remote consoles with no problem on Mac OS

Interesting. No one else has mentioned success w/10.5, but I'll try that

Is the 4200 M2 "ILOM" or "ELOM"?


Mar 20, 2009, 6:36:21 PM3/20/09
On Mar 20, 1:41 pm, David Lesher <> wrote:

> guzzijason <> writes:
> >> Is there any solution to the problem that Apple does not
> >> appear to have a Java new enough to support it?
> >> I need to talk to a 2200M2 & I'm not having any luck.
> >> I get a blank remote console up and that is it...
> >> Also: is there a ILOM upgrade to the 2200 ELOM?
> >We've been running X4200 M2 remote consoles with no problem on Mac OS
> >(10.5.6).
> Interesting. No one else has mentioned success w/10.5, but I'll try that
> tomorrow...
> Is the 4200 M2 "ILOM" or "ELOM"?

4200 = ILOM.

ALOM, ELOM, ILOM... how many f'n LOMs do we need? :-P


David Lesher

Mar 20, 2009, 7:07:39 PM3/20/09
guzzijason <> writes:

>> >We've been running X4200 M2 remote consoles with no problem on Mac OS
>> >(10.5.6).
>> Interesting. No one else has mentioned success w/10.5, but I'll try that
>> tomorrow...
>> Is the 4200 M2 "ILOM" or "ELOM"?

>4200 = 3D ILOM.

>ALOM, ELOM, ILOM... how many f'n LOMs do we need? :-P

Durn... ISTM OSX will work with ILOM, but not ELOM..

{I think it goes ALOM, ELOM, and then ILOM...}

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