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Steve Holden

06.03.1995, 17:34:5606.03.95
NewtNews - 03.06.95 - 0211

by Steve Holden <>

This is a summary of the information that I come in contact with that
deals with the Newton and related technologies.

NewtNews Copyright 1994-95 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the
Administrivia at end.

Table of Contents

1. email
2. Usenet News
3. The HiTek Report, 02/27/95, Vol 2, Num 4
4. TidBITS#265/27-Feb-95
5. Edupage 2/26/95
6. MacWeek, 02.20.95
7. INNOVATION, 27 February 1995
8. Edupage 3/2/95
9. iNews
11. Product and Service Information
12. Comments from the Editor
13. Administrivia



If you have a big appetite for information you might want to check out
THE COMPUTISTS' COMMUNIQUE (TCC) that deals with Artificial
Intelligence, Information Systems and Computer Science issues. The
Publisher/Editor is Dr. Kenneth I. Laws <>. Please
contact him if you'd like more information.


Gerald Mesaric <>, the Editor and Publisher
of NewtReport, informs us that NewtReport is in the running for best
Australia WWW Site Contest being run by the EuNet Corp. You can do
your voting by WWW at: <>.


Several people have sent NewtNews email about problems regrading
downloading software from Apparently, some downloads
are not complete and cause errors when you try to convert and
decompress them. The reason for this is because it can be very
difficult to get a successful ftp 'put' at during busy
times of the day. NewtNews has found that if you want to add stuff to
the /submissions directory at you should not do it
during normal business hours. If you do have problems getting your
stuff successfully placed a, please send email to:
<> and have them remove the bad download.


PelicanWare has released its QuickFigure (QF) Developer's Kit. The
Developer's Kit provides an Application Programmer's Interface (API) to
QuickFigure Pro (QFP), allowing developers to create QF Tools and
QF-compatible applications.

QF Tools are extensions to QFP and are accessed through the Tools
Button in QFP. Several QF Tools are now shipping with QFP, including a
sorting tool and a graphing and charting tool. Other tools created for
QFP include a GPS Tool, which imports position data from a Trimble
ScoutMaster GPS, and a selection tool, which allows the user to select
cell ranges which are larger than the Newton's display.

QF-compatible applications are complete applications which can exchange
data with QFP. For example, the personal finance application
Accountable (from Nomadic Technologies) can export financial reports
into a QFP worksheet, allowing the user to easily analyze the
data. Vertical applications can use QFP to easily exchange data with
desktop spreadsheets, and to store or analyze data entered by the user
or received through a serial or IR connection. For more information
send email to: <>.

Usenet News


Clinton Logan <> has released a calculator program
for the Newton. Some features include:

- Reassignment of the Newton built in calculator icon
- Observation of operator precedence (ie 1+2*3 = 7 not 9)
- Over 50 Scientific and financial functions (including DEC
and HEX conversions)
- Evaluation of arbitrary NewtonScript expression sequences
- Full (illustrated) bookreader documentation

The software is available on most online services and at


Steve Weyer <> has a document that attempts to
answers some "frequently asked questions" about Newt, the native Newton
development environment that he has written. Please send Steve
email if you are interested in more information.


GraffitiPatch (Shareware, $5) is a small patch from Innovative Computer
Solutions that enhances Palm Computing's Graffiti. It allows quick
access to Graffiti from the standard Newton keyboard, as well as
Personal Media. It also allows you to shrink the Graffiti window and/or
drag it partially off-screen, giving you much more flexibility in

It should be available on CompuServe, AOL, eWorld,
comp.binaries.newton, their ftp site <>
and others. For more information send email to ICS at:


Jim Silverstein <> has released a new version. No More
Keys is an application which replaces the QWERTY keyboard with Graffiti
when the user double taps. The QWERTY keyboard is still available
through the keyboard button. This package will not appear in the
extras drawer, and makes an effort to be as invisible as possible.


Tom Branham <tbra...@MM.WELLESLEY.EDU> has reported on the Magic Cap
Email List that he is working on a FAQ that covers the OS and the
various hardware platforms that support the OS. He is in early stages
and would appreciate any some help you'd be able to offer.

The HiTek Report, 02/27/95, Vol 2, Num 4

Dataquest is predicting a sharp decline in the price of flash cards by
the end of 1995. "Developments in technology, resulting in sharply
higher capacities and lower pricing, are moving forward at an
accelerated pace," said Rod Watkins, industry analyst at Dataquest.
"Although a rigid or tape drive is still the domain of the technically
adept, PCMCIA flash cards will regularly be purchased, installed,
configured, and used by the average consumer." [#1771]

While details are sketchy, Cray Research has launched the powerful new
CRAY T90 series of large-scale supercomputer systems that includes
wireless technology. [#1774]

Texas Instruments and IMEC (Leuven, Belgium), an independent research
and development organization, are collaborating on research for an
advanced lithography process that should help enable the migration from
megabit-class semiconductor chips to the next-generation gigabit- class
semiconductor chips. The extensive memory storage available on these
next-generation gigabit memory chips is capable of holding the
equivalent of the average size of today's PC hard-disk drives. It will
enhance future digital applications such as HDTV, video on demand and
desktop video conferencing and will be one of the key enablers of
applications using the information society. For more information you
can email: <>.

On Nov. 7, 1994, Secure Computing issued a challenge to the world's
hackers and they all failed. Secure Computing invited hackers and
information warriors world-wide to test their skills, using any and all
techniques: in short, there were no rules. Secure Computing reports
that no one got in yet. For more information you can send email to:
<>. [#1778]

BrainTech has announced the development of the PenTron System. More
than just a recognition engine, the PenTron system combines BrainTech's
patented and proprietary recognition engine with a unique interface.
Together, they give a user the means to quickly achieve 100 percent
recognition accuracy. The engine is based is neural/fuzzy technology
and is built using BrainTech's patented and proprietary recognition
paradigm. The engine is also small, fast and adaptive. It is suitable
for both printed and cursive handwriting recognition. Moreover, the
engine is scaleable to different languages, including Chinese. For more
information call 800.665.1335. [#1783]


To subscribe to The HiTek Report please send e-mail to:
[], on the Subject Line type [subscribe HiTek].
Subscribers may request up to 3 complete press releases that contain
full item descriptions and prices. To order simply e-mail the number
of the requested information release(s). Please do not send request
until *after* you have subscribed, no releases can be emailed until
your name is already on our subscription list.


This week we bring you news of updates to Apple's Japanese and Chinese
Language Kits, highlights from the Macworld Tokyo exposition, Adam's
comments on the nature of physical resources in the increasingly
virtual world of the Internet, follow-ups on cleaning your DeskWriter's
paper rollers, a look at a slick Internet LAN solution, and finally the
conclusion of Nigel Perry's three part Nisus Writer review. TidBITS is
copyright 1990-1995 Adam & Tonya Engst. Automated info:
<>. Comments: <>. NewtNews thinks
TidBITS is great! If you have a Mac, then you should read TidBITS.

Edupage 2/26/95


Motorola has fixed a problem in General Magic's Magic Cap software that
could cause Motorola's new handheld Envoy computer to stop working.
"Motorola phoned all of its Envoy customers this week, and sent them
the fix by electronic mail yesterday," says a company spokeswoman. The
problem was discovered by a General Magic employee, and no Envoy owners
have reported computer failure. (Investor's Business Daily 2/27/95


InfoSeek Search of Santa Clara, Calif., allows information hounds to
query in natural English to seek out information such as "Who makes the
fastest Pentium PC?" or "Where are the best Newt Gingrich jokes?" The
system responds with a list of articles, Usenet groups or Web page
addresses, each hyperlinked so the user can connect directly with the
document. The service costs $9.95 a month for 100 queries, with
additional ones priced at 10 cents each (retrievals from commercial
information providers cost extra). <>
(Information Week 2/27/95 p.96)

MacWeek, 02.20.95


- System 7.5 Update: Faster file sharing, glitches fixed
(released in the next 4-6 weeks)
- PPC to star in low-end Macs: Last '040, first PPC603
in entry-level triad
- QuickDraw GX 1.1 to speed printing and squash bugs
- Rainbow brings native C++ to Symantec's coder tool kit
- Apple to assemble Web server
- MacWeek compares network file transfer performance of
Mac and PC servers


Photonics is preparing to release their long awaited $449 wireless
infrared LocalTalk transceiver for Newtons. The adapter sits on the
top of the MP110 or 120, and uses "diffuse-infrared technology" to link
a Newton to an AppleTalk network at 230.4Kbps in a 25 by 25 foot area.
While the device will not attache to the MP100 it is still compatible.
On the network or on the device you want to communicate you'll need to
add a $349 "Cooperative" transceiver. [page 8, 10]


There is a new specification that would allow CDPD to be transmitted
over circuit-switched cellular connections. This would increase the
range of "cellular data networks for mobile users." The biggest
problem is that "applications, services, and modems must be modified to
support the hybrid specifications." At the moment, this doesn't seem
to be too major because most of the manufacturers of modems have agreed
to do so. It will just take time for complete integration of this new
specification. [p. 10]


Don Crab in his "The Mac Manager" column takes a look at PDAs in
general, and specifically the Sony Magic Link - "Personal Intelligent
Communicator." Don finds many good and bad things about the Magic
Link, and thinks overall the good outweigh the bad. The article is
worth reading if you can get a hold of it. He does promise to keep
MacWeek readers posted on his findings over the next year as he
continues to use the various PDAs at his disposal. [p. 25]


April Streeter takes an indepth look at the current state of Wireless
LANs on pages 31-32. The main thrust of the article is that Wireless
is still not mainstream and most of the utilization comes from the
vertical market.

INNOVATION, 27 February 1995


In addition to cutting travel costs, companies are finding that
teleconferencing can produce productivity gains. At Hewlett-Packard,
videoconferences have sped up new product development by 30%, and
shorter, more structured telemeetings mean people have more time to
devote to their real work. Also, teleconferencing allows more people
to participate in the meeting, so less time is spent reporting back
what went on. (Wall Street Journal 2/21/95 A1)


Lots of people talk to their appliances (especially computers!), but
soon they'll be responding to your commands. Whirlpool's KitchenAid
unit has a line of prototype appliances -- dishwasher, refrigerator,
oven, washing machine and dryer -- that will respond to your voice
commands. There's one catch -- the appliances can get confused if
there's TV or children yelling in the background. (Information Week
2/27/95 p.8)


Innovation is copyrighted, 1994-95, by NewsScan, Inc., all rights
reserved. Innovation is published once each week, with individual
subscriptions available at $15 a year. For trial copies of
Innovation: Send the word "subscribe" in the body (not subject!) of a
mail message to: ( Send comments or
questions to: ( We appreciate your interest
and support, and we would like to hear from you -- John Gehl &
Suzanne Douglas.

Edupage 3/2/95


According to a study of how more than 72,000 Internet users browsed the
World Wide Web in January 1995, 77% reached the Web via Netscape
Navigator, 14% via NCSA Mosaic, and the remaining 6% via Spyglass
Mosaic, Netcom Netcruiser, IBM WebExplorer, or one of the others
browsers. Netscape CEO Jim Clark boasts: "The network users have
spoken and we've won the war," but a skeptical executive at Microsoft
counters: "It's interesting to talk about market share when you're
giving away the software." The Netscape business plan is to give away
so many copies of its "client" software for individual users that there
will be an increasing demand for companies operating Web sites to
purchase Netscape "server" software. (New York Times 3/1/95 C1)


A federal judge has granted Apple Computer's motion for a temporary
restraining order against Microsoft, ordering the software giant to
stop selling its Video for Windows software developers' kit until March
10, when a hearing is scheduled to determine whether the product
contains some Apple-copyrighted software code. The code was allegedly
acquired illegally by San Francisco Canyon Co., a small company that
worked on Apple's QuickTime for Windows a couple of years ago, which
gave it to Intel, which shared it with Microsoft. Microsoft maintains
it used the software in the belief that it was a legitimate Intel
product. (Wall Street Journal 3/2/95 B10)


Apple Computer's recent move to settle the repetitive stress injury
lawsuit brought by a former high school secretary in Minnesota was
prompted by "errors" its law firm , Saperston & Day, made in not
turning over some documents before the trial. The judge had threatened
to declare a mistrial or impose sanctions because of the oversight.
Saperston & Day will pay the settlement. (Wall Street Journal 2/28/95


Mike Berman writes in his column in The Journal of Commerce that
the new Zaurus PDA is actually a Sharp Wizard "on steroids", and will
give Apple's Newton a run for its money.

The winners of the 13th Annual EMMSy Electronic Mail Industry
Awards include: General Magic, AOL, WWW, Apple's Newton and cc:Mail.

The wireless industry has finally released a major historic landmark --
25 million customers (10 percent of the nation).

Fujitsu Personal Systems has announced the Stylistic 500 tablet
computer, with built-in high-speed wireless local area network support.

Apple, IBM and Motorola will present a broad range of hardware and
software solutions, applications, operating systems and development
tools for the PowerPC microprocessor at their unique 'POWERPC PARK' at
CeBIT '95 .

Apple Japan is the number two PC vendor in Japan and it is just
finished a very successful MacWorld Expo in Tokyo between February 25-
28 with the largest crowds ever. Apple expects Japan and other Asian
markets to drive its growth in the global market in the next few years.

Apple Fellow Don Norman has been awarded an honorary PhD in Psychology
from the University of Padua, Italy.

Radius says it will begin shipping a high-end clone video editing
system based on the Power Mac 8100 by June 1995. Overall, Apple
expects six to 12 companies to be making copies of its Macintosh
computers in 1995.

DEC has introduced the a $5000 Alpha workstation and a 10,000 server
with dual PCI and EISA buses.

Silicon Graphics has plans to create 3,000 jobs over the next 18
months, with more than half of them at its Mountain View headquarters.

Microsoft has announced Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) version 3.0.

For more info about iNews contact INDIVIDUAL, Inc. at 800.414.1000.


* _Intelligent Newton Magazine_, November/December 1994. See NewtNews
- 12.12.94 - 0122 for details on this issue. Contact IN Magazine at
( or 415.433.2755.

* _PDA Developers_, Volume 3.1, Jan/Feb 1995. See NewtNews - 01.17.95
- 0204 for details on this issue. Contact Steve Mann at 415.621.4252
or email at (

* _Pen Computing_ , January 1994. See NewtNews - 01.02.95 - 0201 for
details on this issue. Contact Nigel Ballard
( if you'd like to get subscription

Product and Service Information

* NewtonBook Publishing Services - from concept to implementation.
Iverson Software is available to make your information portable. We
can convert your notes, lists, directories, manuals, parts catalogues
or sales literature to meet your needs and specifications. Call
715.236.7918 or send email to: <> for a complete list
of available titles or to discuss your electronic document needs.

* PDA Panache has fine styli available for both the Original MP and
MP110. Our Telescoping110 pen is available in either 24K gold or
sterling silver for $29.95. Original MP styli are available in
aluminum for $9.95 or gold (polished or brushed) for $19.95. We can
be reached for Visa/MasterCard orders at: 800.270.7196,
FAX:516.467.6329 or email <>

* QuickFigure Pro is Connected: Beam a spreadsheet to a co-worker.
NewtonMail a price list to a customer. Copy your analysis to the
notepad, and integrate it into a letter. Export your sales order to
Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 on your Mac or Windows machine. QuickFigure Pro
has the right connections. From PelicanWare $49.95 plus S&H. Email for more details. Call 800.655.6398 for ordering.

* Get GRAFFITI! The fastest, most accurate way to enter text into
your Newton. With Graffiti you can enter text at more than 30 words
per minute with nearly 100% accuracy. Because Graffiti letters look
a lot like the ones you learned in first grade, you can become
proficient at Graffiti in just 20 minutes. If you mention source
code NN1, we'll include a free PDA pen! Call 800/881-PALM. $79+S&H.

* Equate -- A powerful spreadsheet that lets you run Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets of any size (16384 rows by 255 columns) on your Newton.
Enter data directly into spreadsheet cells. "Find" function locates
data in any cell in any spreadsheet. Adjust column widths, freeze
labels, scroll, and zoom just like a desktop spreadsheet. List price
$99.00. MobileCalc/Tapworks/QFPro owners can upgrade to Equate for
$69. Contact Holosoft at 408.748.9648, or <>.

* WriteWare offers multi-function pen/styluses, and retrofits for the
Newton. The Stealth Stylus II is a dual function Pen/Stylus while the
Super Stealth Stylus is a Pen/Stylus/Pencil in either plastic or
metal case. Email <> for a full catalog and
pricing. Orders may be placed at International DataWares, Inc. at

* PocketMoney will assist you in balancing your checking, savings,
credit card and loan accounts. Export and import transactions to
Quicken, MYM and other desktop based program. With a shareware price
of only $20.00 it won't break your piggybank. For more information
call 802-863-5256 or email <>.

* The Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM for Newton is out! This ISO CD
from the Arizona Mac User Group contains over 2000 files, 550
packages, and 90 megs for each side - Mac and PC! The packages can be
downloaded directly from the CD to your MessagePad. Includes just
about everything you can think of! Call AMUG at 602.553.0066 or email
to <> to order! Special Intro price is $19 plus S&H.

* MPG will help you keep your vehicle records in order. Track fuel
economy, record mileage for tax purposes, schedule repeating vehicle
maintenance items for multiple vehicles. MPG can directly update
PocketMoney account information. It's only $20.00. For more
information call 802-863-5256 or email <>.

* MoreInfo 2.0 by SilverWARE - adds an additional button to the status
bar of the Name File. With this button, you can add many specific
forms, a custom info form, track contacts and add appointments. Also
add To Dos to the built-in To Do list or to Notion. Its integrated
contact manager allows you to log past contacts and view upcoming
ones. $49+S&H Visa/MC/AmEx 508.521.5262 <>

* The WriteRight Screen Enhancement is a unique clear plastic film
that protects the Newton screen from scratches, reduces glare and
improves the feel of writing to help handwriting recognition.
WriteRights are available in packs of: 4-for $11.95, 8-for $18.95,
and 12-for $24.95. Mention NewtNews and receive 10% off our 12-pack.
Contact Concept Kitchen at: <> or 415-929-1002.

* NS BASIC 2.0 is now shipping! This is a full implementation of the
well known programming language for the Newton. Rev 2.0 features
extensions to make forms applications easier to program, and well as
graphics and infrared control. Other extensions include indexed files
and window objects. Program directly on the Newton or with an
attached PC or Mac. Info: <>, 416.264.5999.

* PERSONAL MEDIA is Your Key to Organization! Take notes and organize
projects your own way. Use the notepads like real paper. Create as
many as you want. File them anyway you want. Compare notes side by
side. Resize and shuffle your notes so they will make sense to you.
You can even communicate - email and faxes. Just drag and drop. Call
Gaia at 800.784.8758 or <>. $99+S&H.

* Wake Up Week 2.5 is the newest version of the Date Manager for the
Newton. It will put up a window of all upcoming events and to do's
for the next day, week, or month. File date items in your folders,
view only those that interest you. Normally $20, mention NewtNews and
get 25% off. Contact Stand Alone Software at <>,
(518) 274-0787, or <>.

* ScrollEx ($20 shareware) is a feature rich utility for your Newton.
Major Features include: scrolling the Extras Drawer, removing packages,
moving packages to or from the card, beaming packages, attaching
applications to screen buttons, properly aligning icons in the Extras
Drawer, and archiving packages. Check online services for latest
version or email: L. Durand-Texte <DURAND...@AppleLink.Apple.COM>.

Comments from the Editor


Jim Bailey <>, who does software consulting for mobile
computing, has been doing some testing with the new modem enabler,
NewtonMail, a Motorola $250 cellular modem, and a $400+ 1 year contract
with Cellular One. At best he has been able to get an unreliable 1200
bps connection for getting his email using the above set-up. Using his
desktop modem, he usually gets at least 7800 bps connection to
NewtonMail. Jim thinks the problem is related to "filtering noise" and
the modems used by Cellular One. He promised to keep me post on his
progress. NewtNews wishes him the best of luck.


Still mulling over all the email I got. I hope to have a decision made
next week on how NewtNews is going to be dated and numbered in the
future. If you have an opinion, please let me know ASAP.


If you'd like to contribute some information that you have --
anonymously or not -- write to: ( You
can also send any comments, corrections, reviews, or suggestions to
the address above.

NewtNews Copyright 1994-95 Steve Holden. All rights reserved.
Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full
credit is given. Others please contact me. NewtNews doesn't guarantee
accuracy of articles. NewtNews does not express or imply any
endorsement of any businesses participating in this publication.
Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks
of their companies. All trademarks used in this publication are for
informational purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark
owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark.

To read the text version, use Easy View or any other setext browser to
read this as an outline. It is best viewed in 9 point Monaco. All
versions of NewtNews: the text, the Newton book and HTML version are
now being published by Steve Holden <>.
As of 02.13.95, Iverson Software <> is now the editor
of the Newton Book version of NewtNews.

To subscribe to the NewtNews mailing list, send mail to with the message 'subscribe newt_news' as
the body of your message (excluding the quotes). To unsubscribe, use
the same address and the message 'unsubscribe newt_news' as the body
of your message (again excluding the quotes). You may also use the
following URL to subscribe or unsubscribe to the NewtNews mailing
list on the web: <>

You can anonymously FTP the latest and past issues of NewtNews in
both text and Macintosh Newton book format from
<>. The FTP site and the Email
List is administered by Bob Torres <>.

There is also a WWW site for NewtNews. Use your favorite Web
browser to check out:

Disclaimer: I am doing this on my own time, and on my own computer
*********** not the government's or my employer's.

## Steven D. Holden, Macintosh System/Applications Engineer, ##
## SAIC -> NRaD -> Project ICER,, 619.553.6750 ##
## I also publish NewtNews. Send me mail for more info. ##
## Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are my own and do not ##
## necessarily reflect those of my employer or the government ##

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