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announcing an EP/IX mailing list.....

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Rich Jones

May 13, 1992, 9:12:08 AM5/13/92
I've also posted the following article to comp.sys.cdc. Sorry, if you see it
twice. We thought we'd post the article to this group in case some of the
EP/IX sites are following it; the CD4000 is a MIPS architecture machine and
EP/IX is an extension to/derivative of RISC/OS. Subscription requests to: Note that we've gone the mailing-list route so that
we can include those sites which don't have a usenet/news feed.

EPIXINFO is a mailing list which has been set up to promote discussion
amongst users of EP/IX, the CDC implementation of Unix for the Control
Data 4000 series of computers. While many lists/newsgroups already
exist for the discussion of unix-related issues, this group is
intended to supplement those groups and provide a forum for the
discussion of epix-specific issues. This should encompass both
management and user issues involving the "value-added" features and
add-on products which CDC provides for EP/IX. Other areas could
include: CDC support for EP/IX through the PSR system; Epicurean
articles; software ports (public domain and commercial) to EP/IX and
the availability of them; EP/IX at VIM.

Finally, please note that the introductory sentence of this article
described us as "users" of EP/IX. This is not a list strictly for
"unix gurus" -- a term which may help keep unix in the dark ages --
but rather for individuals whose work with EP/IX may range from system
management to number crunching. The distinguishing feature of this
list is that the discussion should involve more EP/IX than just Unix.


Articles etc. to:


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