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Using XCode to build Windows apps?

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Oct 17, 2006, 11:58:19 AM10/17/06
I realize such a question is sacreligous but has anyone tried doing
cross-platform development under XCode?

Sherm Pendley

Oct 17, 2006, 12:27:43 PM10/17/06
"RogueWarrior" <> writes:

> I realize such a question is sacreligous

Sacrilige? That's a religious word - this is a technical question. I don't
understand the relevance.

> but has anyone tried doing
> cross-platform development under XCode?

Yes. There's a cross-compiler on darwin ports that uses Cygwin to target
Windows. I've used that to build a simple "hello world" app with plain
vanilla Win32, and to build full Qt apps for Windows.

I cheated a bit for Qt, and built Qt itself on a "real" Windows machine,
then copied the libraries & header files over. I found this page useful;
it describes building Qt/Windows apps on Linux, but it's basically the
same on Mac OS X:


But I used plain old makefiles in the first case, and Qt's build scripts
for the second. I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't work under
Xcode though. If nothing else, you could simply use Xcode's support for
"foreign" targets to have it run "make" for you.


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