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MW Ron has left the building

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Ron L

Jan 9, 2006, 12:45:05 PM1/9/06
Hi All,

Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
developrs and being able to call them friends.

I want to apologize for not being around for the past month. I got
pulled off of everything I was doing in order to fix a problem someone
else created. It was a satisfying task but it took all of my time and
effort so PowerPlant and chatting online suffered. News on Powerplant
in a different thread.

Also, I want to thank the thousands of Mac Developers for making this
such a satisfactory job for the past almost 12 years. I wish the last
two years would have been better for Mac developers as the company focus
changed and the desktop tool budgets were cut then reinstated then cut.


CodeWarrior Community Forum is a free online resource for developers
to discuss CodeWarrior topics with other users and our staff
-- --

Ron Liechty - -

David Phillip Oster

Jan 9, 2006, 1:36:14 PM1/9/06
In article <>,
Ron L <> wrote:

> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.

I wish you luck in your future. Thanks for the good advice over the

David Phillip Oster

C.R. Osterwald

Jan 9, 2006, 1:49:52 PM1/9/06
Ron L <> wrote:

>Hi All,
>Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
>leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
>developrs and being able to call them friends.
>I want to apologize for not being around for the past month. I got
>pulled off of everything I was doing in order to fix a problem someone
>else created. It was a satisfying task but it took all of my time and
>effort so PowerPlant and chatting online suffered. News on Powerplant
>in a different thread.
>Also, I want to thank the thousands of Mac Developers for making this
>such a satisfactory job for the past almost 12 years. I wish the last
>two years would have been better for Mac developers as the company focus
>changed and the desktop tool budgets were cut then reinstated then cut.

Thanks for all your hard work over the years, Ron, both you and
CodeWarrior will be missed (XCode still drives me batty).

This is truly the end of an era.

Milton Aupperle

Jan 9, 2006, 2:26:29 PM1/9/06

> Hi All,
> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.
> I want to apologize for not being around for the past month. I got
> pulled off of everything I was doing in order to fix a problem someone
> else created. It was a satisfying task but it took all of my time and
> effort so PowerPlant and chatting online suffered. News on Powerplant
> in a different thread.
> Also, I want to thank the thousands of Mac Developers for making this
> such a satisfactory job for the past almost 12 years. I wish the last
> two years would have been better for Mac developers as the company focus
> changed and the desktop tool budgets were cut then reinstated then cut.
> Ron

Thanks for all the all the hardwork and support over the years Ron. All
the best to you in wherever you end up.

And it's an end of an erra for the Mac with the demise of CodeWarrior
and all Mac products will suffer for it goign forward (?? backwards).
XLoad is such a steaming pile of fecal matter by compariosn for
usability, stability and code execution (a 100% perfromance hit on my
Altivec code versus what CodeWarrior generates on G4 or G5 Macs).

Milton Aupperle

Stephen Chu

Jan 9, 2006, 2:38:16 PM1/9/06

> Hi All,
> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.


Just want to say thank you for all the help you offered here, and the
patience of taking all the $%#& we gave you at the end of time.

Good luck on whatever adventure you decided to pursue next. And thanks
once again.


Christian Schmitz

Jan 9, 2006, 2:48:39 PM1/9/06

thank you for all your help!


Paul Russell

Jan 9, 2006, 3:03:06 PM1/9/06
Ron L wrote:

> Hi All,
> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.
> I want to apologize for not being around for the past month. I got
> pulled off of everything I was doing in order to fix a problem someone
> else created. It was a satisfying task but it took all of my time and
> effort so PowerPlant and chatting online suffered. News on Powerplant
> in a different thread.
> Also, I want to thank the thousands of Mac Developers for making this
> such a satisfactory job for the past almost 12 years. I wish the last
> two years would have been better for Mac developers as the company focus
> changed and the desktop tool budgets were cut then reinstated then cut.

Thanks for all your help (and patience) over the years Ron.

I hope your next employer realises how lucky they are to have you on
board and treats you accordingly.

Good luck,



Jan 9, 2006, 3:22:28 PM1/9/06
I'd like to echo the sentiments of the previous posters, despite my
getting in on CW late in the game (9.0). Good luck at Freescale, and
hopefully i'll see you again since Motorola invested a big chunk of
cash in OQO.

Thanks Ron!

Jonathan Hoyle

Jan 9, 2006, 4:28:28 PM1/9/06
After nearly 12 years, it's like losing a friend. Sorry to see you go,
but here's hoping you the very best in your future ventures.

Perhaps you may find the occasion to post by every now and then.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Hoyle

Andy Bettis

Jan 9, 2006, 5:20:09 PM1/9/06
So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Sorry, I meant help.

Rev. Andy

Patrick Stadelmann

Jan 9, 2006, 6:17:17 PM1/9/06

Thanks for all the help you provided, it was very much appreciated.

Best of luck to you,

Patrick Stadelmann <>

Jan 9, 2006, 8:11:39 PM1/9/06
Contratulations, Ron. I hope you end up at a company that treats you
better than Freescale has and allows you to do your job and preserve
your integrity at the same time. I'm surprised you didn't move on
sooner. Best of luck to you.


Jan 9, 2006, 8:18:24 PM1/9/06
Thank you again for your help. I always knew when you name was on a
post the answer was there. Thanks.


Herb Petschauer

Jan 9, 2006, 11:12:15 PM1/9/06

> Hi All,
> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.
> I want to apologize for not being around for the past month. I got
> pulled off of everything I was doing in order to fix a problem someone
> else created. It was a satisfying task but it took all of my time and
> effort so PowerPlant and chatting online suffered. News on Powerplant
> in a different thread.
> Also, I want to thank the thousands of Mac Developers for making this
> such a satisfactory job for the past almost 12 years. I wish the last
> two years would have been better for Mac developers as the company focus
> changed and the desktop tool budgets were cut then reinstated then cut.
> Ron

Long time reader, been a while since I posted.

Thanks for all your help over the years Ron.


To reply via email, replace "LastNameHere" with my last name.


Jan 10, 2006, 10:03:47 AM1/10/06
I am new to this group, but whenever your name was on a post the answer
was sure.
Thanks for all your help over the years.
Best wishes
Good luck.


Richard Buckle

Jan 10, 2006, 8:31:39 PM1/10/06
to Ron L
[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]


The end of an era, as many others have said. Thanks for all your
sterling work over the years!

Very best wishes Ron. We'll miss you: I hope this won't be the last
time we see your name in the Mac space.



Jan 11, 2006, 2:33:22 AM1/11/06
Best of Luck, Ron. I still have my "I met MWRon" button from years ago.


Andy Dent

Jan 11, 2006, 9:50:38 AM1/11/06

> Hi All,
> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale

Thanks for all the help over the years.

Maybe the RealSoftware dudes can hire you, assuming you still have
energy left for an online life.

We all appreciate the struggles over the last few years, hope you can
afford a well-earned and long holiday!

fond regards from Down Under


Ron L

Jan 11, 2006, 2:39:06 PM1/11/06
In article <>,
Andy Bettis <> wrote:

Darn that was the subject title I was going to use Friday...


Steven Fisher

Jan 11, 2006, 4:39:04 PM1/11/06

> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.

Good luck where you land, Ron. I have always appreciated your personal
integrity, however bumpy the road.

Steven Fisher;

Dimitry Markman

Jan 11, 2006, 5:42:45 PM1/11/06
thanks a lot for your help
and good luck

On 1/9/06 12:45 PM, in article, "Ron L"

Greg Wilson

Jan 13, 2006, 12:01:06 PM1/13/06
Ron, I can't begin to describe how much help you've been to me. I work
from home, a single person company with no prograaming peers to call on
when things go wrong. But when they did go wrong a quick search of
comp.sys.mac.programmer would usually find that someone else had the
problem and MWRon had already provided the answer. When I did find my
problem was unique, I posted and you responded with the answer and got
me going again.

I will miss your help very, very much.

This truly is a Friday the 13th.



Jan 13, 2006, 1:16:45 PM1/13/06

"Greg Wilson" <> wrote in message

> This truly is a Friday the 13th.

It's actually been a 2005 the 13th (except for Apple stockholders.)

I was in the same place (one man shop) for many years, and Ron made a huge
difference to me as well. So long, big guy.



Jan 13, 2006, 2:35:53 PM1/13/06
Thanks for all the help over the years Ron! And thanks for putting up
with all the gripes too (most of which weren't directed at you).
Freescale really doesn't know what they're losing.

I wish you the best in whatever you do next. Good luck and thanks

Message has been deleted


Jan 17, 2006, 12:27:34 AM1/17/06
> Hi All,

> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale...

> Ron

Hi Ron,

Long time reader - emailed you a few times over the years and you have
always been a great help.

I can't tell you how many times I Googled the CodeWarrior lists with MW
Ron as
part of my search string to get the straight story.

Sad day indeed but I'm sure it is the best thing for you going forward.

Tim Osborn

Jan 21, 2006, 3:48:09 PM1/21/06

I tried to email Ron but the email came back. Do email me so that we
can keep in touch.

and I found the following story on the Net:



Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah

Jan 22, 2006, 12:40:06 AM1/22/06
In article <>,

Ozy <> wrote:
> > Hi All,
>> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale...
>> Ron

Hi Ron:

All the best to you. I used CW when it first came out circa 1993/94 if
I'm not mistaken.



Hendrik Schober

Jan 22, 2006, 8:54:05 AM1/22/06
Ron L <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Friday, January the 13th is my last day with Metrowerks/Freescale I am
> leaving with many regrets not the least of which is meeting so many Mac
> developrs and being able to call them friends.
> [...]

> Also, I want to thank the thousands of Mac Developers for making this
> such a satisfactory job for the past almost 12 years. I wish the last
> two years would have been better for Mac developers as the company focus
> changed and the desktop tool budgets were cut then reinstated then cut.


I don't check this group regularly, so I am late here.
I hope you still get to read this somehow.
So far I have been dealing with more than half a dozen
C++ compiler/library vendors, MW being among them since
CW5. I have run into many bugs with all those compilers
and got to know so many bug report systems and support
persons, I don't even want to try to count them. To say
you stood out from the crowd would be an understatement.
Up to that day, I have yet to find a vendor (be that a
3-person or a multi-million Dollar company or an open-
source community) which is even just half as responsive
as you were. There were times when we debated whether
you actually are a real person. IMO Jim said it best:
"Ron single-handedly humanized a corporation to the
mass of its customers." I envy the guys who will be
able to make use of your skills.

Good luck to you!

> Ron


-- is never read
I'm Schobi at suespammers dot org

"The sarcasm is mightier than the sword."
Eric Jarvis

Jo Meder

Jan 23, 2006, 4:25:58 AM1/23/06
Hi Ron,

Coming in pretty late here, but I just wanted to add my thanks for your
efforts to that of all the others. My first real development on the Mac
was with CW 9 Gold and I've been following the newsgroup for as long as
I can remember. You've been a great help to me both directly and
indirectly, through responses to others. Thank you very much. I wish you
all the best with your new position.


Jo Meder

Feb 6, 2006, 3:51:26 PM2/6/06
I don't frequent this group much anymore, but just in case you still
read this group Ron, thanks for everything. Best of luck in your future


Klaus Kloos

Feb 15, 2006, 2:57:56 AM2/15/06
Ron L <> wrote:

Dear Ron

Many thanks for all the help you've given to me.
There have been so many time when ive been stuck with some problems that
you are able to solve over night.
All the best for your future.

Greetings from germany

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