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World War 2 : A Time of Wrath - released

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Jul 16, 2009, 11:33:41 AM7/16/09

All the info :

$35 for the download version but just like they promised the blurb
there says : "Owners of WW2: Road to Victory are entitled to a FREE
upgrade to WW2: Time of Wrath. Check the WW2: Time of Wrath forum and
the Matrix Games Members Club for more information"

So what do you have to do to get the free version :

1) make sure your Road to Victory game is a registered game in the
Members section of the website

2) Next to the Road to Victory game there will be a button that says
"private download" or such - there are 2 files there - a public beta
for RtV and the new Time of Wrath game - a 350 MB file which I'm
downloading as I type

3) Install Time of Wrath using the serial number of RtV


Eddy Sterckx

Jul 16, 2009, 11:41:15 AM7/16/09
On Jul 16, 5:33 pm, ""

... and part 2 of the AAR l :

The other parts are available as well, just ftp to -
directory /pub/towaar - because it looks like they'll be renamed
before being linked to from the Wargamer website


Eddy Sterckx


Jul 18, 2009, 7:22:21 PM7/18/09
In article <a916a53c-9313-4456-b33a-cd15269f8c42>, says...

> Hi,

Gotta say, you have a point about UI issues. I'm not ready to condemn
the graphics, but this is one game that *screams* for an "UNDO" button.
I've been playing all day, and I've fucked up one game after another
just by sheer green-ness at the UI. Time and time again, I'm clicking
on something and expecting something, and getting something else.

Example. I just took Cherbourg and wanted to divert an infantry
division waiting to unload at Caen to Cherbourg. Somehow, I managed to
move *all* the units waiting at Caen there - and they're stuck there.
Can't undo. No confirmation. Now, I can't unload any of the units that
were to go to Normandy this turn.

Oooops. Game over. I kinda need to get some guys ashore at Caen this

Ctrl-Alt-Del, kill process.

Play some other game.

I want to like this - and I liked the previous version, despite some
huge reservations about lack of scenarios - but again and again, I'm
clicking my mouse and going, "OH FUCK! I didn't want to do that!!"

And the UI is needlessly frustrating in a thousand ways. Example. The
"multiple attack" method is still retarded. You click on an enemy unit.
Then, you click on each friendly unit that will attack. Finally, you
click on the target unit again and the attack goes through. The problem
is that if - at any point - you click on a friendly unit that isn't
available to attack, the process just ... exits. It's like you never
clicked on anything.

But the main problem is still a *glaring* lack of important scenarios.
TIME OF WRATH adds a "1944" campaign and a "Normandy" scenario - and
this is a good thing - but it still leaves the erstwhile Allied player
without a "1942" and "1943" campaign ... and players like me without
anything smaller than the campaigns outside of the "Poland" and
"Normandy" scenarios.

"If only there were some ... natural mechanism by which to explain
variations in global temperature. It would have to be massive, though.
On the scale of our own Sun."
- Ace of Spades


Jul 18, 2009, 9:51:50 PM7/18/09
> Oooops.  Game over.  I kinda need to get some guys ashore at Caen this
> turn.
> Ctrl-Alt-Del, kill process.

Are you aware there's an autosave?


Jul 19, 2009, 3:44:00 AM7/19/09
In article <15181495-0895-40d8-bcae-4f3a3c605d09>, says...


There's also a manual-save. Neither one is a proper replacement for a
UI that makes sense and doesn't have players groaning, "Ah - FUCK - What
the fuck DID I DO!?!?"

I'm still high on this title, but there are some issues that just won't
go away.


Jul 19, 2009, 6:57:32 AM7/19/09
I haven't had that issue with the UI personally, but the main thing is
that you don't need to start over if you do make a mistake due to a
mis-click. Just load the autosave and restart the same turn rather
than the whole scenario.

Jul 20, 2009, 5:29:26 AM7/20/09
On 19 jul, 12:57, Erik <> wrote:
> I haven't had that issue with the UI personally,

Well, word is that there's going to be a demo for this game and that
it'll even arrive this week, so everyone can have a look at it.

Still haven't found a combination of unit counters and map graphics
that I like. The yellow unit name text is bad, but some design choices
like showing unit strength with a decimal point is beyond
comprehension. It ads confusion, is in a smaller typefont due to the
extra space required and is quite simply one of the worst UI ideas
I've ever seen. Nobody gives a <expletive> if a unit is at 7.4
strength. Just show a big, fat 7 so identifying strong and weak units
becomes easier.

I'm not saying it's all bad - showing the remaining Action Points for
each reachable hex is tops and I seem to have less of a problem with
the attack-click sequence then Mr. Giftzwerg and in my test game the
Polish AI is doing fine as well but it's too bad if graphics and UI
are a game's #1 problem, because it doesn't require any more effort to
get this right than to get it wrong.


Eddy Sterckx

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