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Black Isle license Lithtech engine, possible Fallout 3?

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Twin Ion Engine

03.02.2000, 03:00:0003.02.00

What do you think?


03.02.2000, 03:00:0003.02.00
On Thu, 03 Feb 2000 20:20:58 GMT, (Twin
Ion Engine) wrote:

>What do you think?

on a similar note, I just read on voodooextreme that NWC is licensing
the LithTech engine for future Might&Magic games


03.02.2000, 03:00:0003.02.00
>From: (Twin Ion Engine)

>What do you think?

Word has it that it was posted on some BIS message board that the engine is
*not* for FO3. They do have a currently unamed project going on, so maybe its
for that. FO3 currently isn't in development (again, according to BIS). Note
that this doesn't rule out using some version of the lithtech engine for FO3 at
some point either.


03.02.2000, 03:00:0003.02.00
>From: (Harvester)

>on a similar note, I just read on voodooextreme that NWC is licensing
>the LithTech engine for future Might&Magic games

This was also in CGW or PCGamer (forget which) an issue or two ago. I think
its a good move. No offense to NWC, but they definately needed something fresh
for M&M IX.


03.02.2000, 03:00:0003.02.00
On 03 Feb 2000 21:17:41 GMT, (Peacedog1) wrote:

>This was also in CGW or PCGamer (forget which) an issue or two ago. I think
>its a good move. No offense to NWC, but they definately needed something fresh
>for M&M IX.

yeah, I've been a hardcore M&M fan since 3, but I seriously doubt I'm
going to buy 8...I don't think I can go through another game with the
6 and 7 engine


04.02.2000, 03:00:0004.02.00
well that would make another new game by BIS. I think it would just be
too much. why not Fallout 3?

and btw, it's lithtech 2 as far as I know


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GameStats Affiliate


04.02.2000, 03:00:0004.02.00
> >This was also in CGW or PCGamer (forget which) an issue or two ago. I
> >its a good move. No offense to NWC, but they definately needed something
> >for M&M IX.
> yeah, I've been a hardcore M&M fan since 3, but I seriously doubt I'm
> going to buy 8...I don't think I can go through another game with the
> 6 and 7 engine

Yes, same goes for me. I know graphics shouldn't matter... but when there
that bad and that old...



04.02.2000, 03:00:0004.02.00
an (Miroslav) wrote:

>well that would make another new game by BIS. I think it would just
>be too much. why not Fallout 3?

They're doing it JUST to piss you off. Yep, that's it. They know that
Miroslav wants it, and they are keeping you from it, just because they
can. ;P

Have you ever considered that maybe they don't have any good ideas for
a FO3? It would be better to not do it until something inspiring comes
along. It would ruin the franchise to just release any old crap and
slap the FO3 name on it.



05.02.2000, 03:00:0005.02.00
that is quite correct. I don't have any problems waiting, even 5 years
as long as they make it the best RPG of all times :)


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00
What is so great about this game engine?

What games use this Lithtech engine, anyway?

Sent via
Before you buy.


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00
>From: Miroslav

>well that would make another new game by BIS. I think it would just be
>too much. why not Fallout 3?

Becuase they've said the "unnanounced project" is not Fallout 3, leaving us all
to speculate in news groups :)

>and btw, it's lithtech 2 as far as I know

I figured that was what they licensed (New World did the same for M&M IX), but
I've heard the engine isn't complete yet. Don't know for sure though.


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00
>From: "Wavver"

I don't think its just grahpics. I liked VII, but then it didn't really
inspire me in any way and I didn't even finish...I got bored and haven't played
in a long time. It looks like they are going to do some things differently
gameplay wise; you'll create 1 character and recruit the rest along the way. I
expect VIII will offer change but nothing radical; that will probably be IX's


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00
>From: (Knight37)

>Have you ever considered that maybe they don't have any good ideas for
>a FO3? It would be better to not do it until something inspiring comes
>along. It would ruin the franchise to just release any old crap and
>slap the FO3 name on it.

This is a definate possibility. And I definately think waiting would be the
right thing to do in this case. Whatever the reason, I hope they'll tell us
what the unnanounced project is in the near future.


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00
I don't think there is anything great about it... its the fact that a RPG
company has bought a 3d engine is the point... we could be in for a Ultima
Underworld type game... (yay!)

The engine was used for some crappy manga game, Shogo or something. What
ever, point is... we need more 3D RPG's!


<> wrote in message news:87iict$s6c$


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00

Wavver <> wrote in message

> > >This was also in CGW or PCGamer (forget which) an issue or two ago. I
> think
> > >its a good move. No offense to NWC, but they definately needed
> fresh
> > >for M&M IX.
> >
> > yeah, I've been a hardcore M&M fan since 3, but I seriously doubt I'm
> > going to buy 8...I don't think I can go through another game with the
> > 6 and 7 engine
> Yes, same goes for me. I know graphics shouldn't matter... but when there
> that bad and that old...
> -
> Waver

No It's not the graphics that bored me. It's the gameplay. MM 6 & 7
actually have very strong points, such as being able to be in a outdoor 3D
environment, allowing you to fly etc. Great stuff. But it gets boring. You
feel so alone. The NPCs are extremely boring (how many times have I used
this word?). You cannot talk to your team members to get info because you
are role-playing as four persons! Talk about split-personalities. OK, the
older CRPGs are that way too but hey, this is the new millenium and I expect

I must be a gam-designer's nightmare.


06.02.2000, 03:00:0006.02.00
an wrote:

>What is so great about this game engine?
>What games use this Lithtech engine, anyway?

Shogo: Mobile Armored Division - A game based heavily on various "giant
robo" mecha anime shows, like Patlabor, Macross/RoboTech, Gundam, etc. If
you like mecha anime, you'll probably get a kick out of Shogo. If you hate
anime, you will not like Shogo at all. :) Gameplay is similar to Quake
style games, where you run around and shoot things. You do some of it in a
giant robot and some of it on foot.

Blood 2: The Chosen - Sequel to one of the best FPS games ever (Blood),
this one just doesn't have quite the visceral appeal that the original did.
Part of it had to do with the lousy sound effects when you "gibbed" people.
Also all the gibs bouncing around like they were made of rubber was kind of
mimesis breaking. Had some great humor and good level design, though.

What makes LithTech a cool 3D engine is the amount of interactivity
possible. You can manipulate a lot of things in the game engine. The
graphics capabilities are pretty good, better than Quake 2 in my opinion
but not quite as good as say Unreal. I'd rate it about on par (capability
wise) as Half-Life. I'm not sure what the 2.0 version adds to the
capabilities, since AFAIK there aren't any games based on it out yet.



"Oh, and one more thing. Lying around all bent up like that,
is no good for yer back." -- Violator "Spawn"

David Leung

08.02.2000, 03:00:0008.02.00

Well, I think the main reason why you wont see a FO 3 announced
anytime soon is because the original FO designers and programmers
have left, and formed their own company to bring out a game called
Arcanum (using the FO engine). So if you're looking for a FO fix,
you should check out this game when it's released. You can read
about it in the March issue of Computer Gaming.

Dave. L

Knight37 wrote:

> (Miroslav) wrote:
> >well that would make another new game by BIS. I think it would just
> >be too much. why not Fallout 3?

> They're doing it JUST to piss you off. Yep, that's it. They know that
> Miroslav wants it, and they are keeping you from it, just because they
> can. ;P

> Have you ever considered that maybe they don't have any good ideas for
> a FO3? It would be better to not do it until something inspiring comes
> along. It would ruin the franchise to just release any old crap and
> slap the FO3 name on it.

> Knight37

Feargus Urquhart

08.02.2000, 03:00:0008.02.00

Actually none of the people that worked as designers on Fallout 1 and
Fallout 2 went over to Troika. The guys at Troika were involved in the
systems design, writing the code, and a fair amount of the art. Most of the
people that were responsible for writing dialog, setting up the levels, and
things like that still work for either Black Isle or for Interplay. None of
them are working for Troika.

If you look at the credits list for Torment and other Black Isle/Interplay
games released in the last year you will see a fair amount of the same names
listed under design and technical design in the original Fallout.
Feargus Urquhart
Division Director
Black Isle Studios for info on Black Isle's next game.

"David Leung" <> wrote in message

Brian H.

09.02.2000, 03:00:0009.02.00
Now this is very interesting. This helps to explain why FallOut2 was
so buggy, because the people that are responsible for the system design
are gone. This also explained why the design of PS:T somehow is along
with the style of FO1 & FO2, because the designers were still the same.
Heck, I wouldn't mind PS:T is the official FO3.

Whatever your next upcoming project is, even for FO3, I wouldn't mind
there are flamethrowers & plasma rifles & guass rifles, but obviously
there must be something exotic, as exotic as PS:T, which we would never
see before and we would really be surprised. I think you guys know
your strength....

In article <87qktf$>,


Human beings can send to
Spammers can send to because I never use it.

Steve Kostoff

09.02.2000, 03:00:0009.02.00

Brian H. wrote in message <87r68s$uaf$>...

>Heck, I wouldn't mind PS:T is the official FO3.


Steve Kostoff


09.02.2000, 03:00:0009.02.00
an (Feargus Urquhart) wrote:

>Actually none of the people that worked as designers on Fallout 1
>and Fallout 2 went over to Troika. The guys at Troika were
>involved in the systems design, writing the code, and a fair amount
>of the art. Most of the people that were responsible for writing
>dialog, setting up the levels, and things like that still work for
>either Black Isle or for Interplay. None of them are working for

Ah. Well that does make one kind of wonder what kind of thing will turn
up from Troika, then. Without the same design vision, I wonder if they
can pull it off? That's not to say that the won't. I'm sure hoping they
do, since it's always good to have more excellent RPG options. :)

>If you look at the credits list for Torment and other Black
>Isle/Interplay games released in the last year you will see a fair
>amount of the same names listed under design and technical design in
>the original Fallout. --
>Feargus Urquhart
>Division Director
>Black Isle Studios

Excellent! I eagerly await future designs from this team. The FO's and
PST are easily the best RPG's released in the last several years.



"Living in the limelight, the universal dream,
for those who wish to seem.
Those who wish to be must put aside the alienation,
get on with the fascination, the realization,
the underlying theme." -- Rush "Limelight"

The Imposter

09.02.2000, 03:00:0009.02.00

it took me a second, and then it clicked.

Planescape Torment has SUCH a falllout ambience to it. the music
even. the attributes effecting dialogue options.

it is SO not ad&d once you start to get into it. the world even has a
post-apocolyptic feel to it.

in a way, its almost an allusion to FO3. :}


09.02.2000, 03:00:0009.02.00
>From: (The Imposter)

>it took me a second, and then it clicked.
>Planescape Torment has SUCH a falllout ambience to it. the music
>even. the attributes effecting dialogue options.
>it is SO not ad&d once you start to get into it. the world even has a
>post-apocolyptic feel to it.
>in a way, its almost an allusion to FO3. :}

Yeah, but it would be pretty impossible for Torment to be the *official* FO3.
Acutally, the lessons taught to us by Torment dictate that you might be able to
will such a possiblity into existence. However, I'm willing that such a
possibility won't happen, and my Int and Wis are much higher than yours :P


10.02.2000, 03:00:0010.02.00
an (The Imposter) wrote:

>it took me a second, and then it clicked.
>Planescape Torment has SUCH a falllout ambience to it. the music
>even. the attributes effecting dialogue options.
>it is SO not ad&d once you start to get into it.

It's very AD&D. It's just very NOT Greyhawk/FR type AD&D. It's very
Planecscape AD&D, which was deigned to be completely unique from the
other AD&D settings.

>the world even has a post-apocolyptic feel to it.

It has more of a timeless, ancient feel to it if you ask me.

>in a way, its almost an allusion to FO3. :}

I don't think you're giving the original designers of the Planescape
universe their due credit. Torment isn't FO3, it's very much a
PLANESCAPE game. I'm sure the style of the FO designers filtered into
the Planescape game, but the core of what makes planescape so cool is
the original gameworld design.

Tim Cain

10.02.2000, 03:00:0010.02.00
In article <87qktf$>,

"Feargus Urquhart" <> wrote:
> Actually none of the people that worked as designers on Fallout 1 and
> Fallout 2 went over to Troika. The guys at Troika were involved in the
> systems design, writing the code, and a fair amount of the art. Most of
> people that were responsible for writing dialog, setting up the levels,
> things like that still work for either Black Isle or for Interplay. None
> them are working for Troika.

This is obviously a hoax.

The Feargus Urquhart that worked with me was there at 3am when a large
portion of the dialogs and quests were being written by Leonard Boyarsky and
Jason Anderson. He knows we wrote the storyline of the game. He watched me
create the SPECIAL system for Fallout (which I originally called ACELIPS),
which is the basis of the whole RPG. He approved the credit list in the
manual, which lists the 3 of us as original designers of the game, along
with Chris Taylor, Jason Taylor, and Scott Campbell.

> If you look at the credits list for Torment and other Black Isle/Interplay
> games released in the last year you will see a fair amount of the same
> listed under design and technical design in the original Fallout.

In the credits for the original Fallout, there are 14 names listed below the
Design heading. Of those 14, 9 no longer work for Interplay at all and only
2 still work in Black Isle. Of the 6 people credited with the original game
design, 3 now work at Troika and none work for Black Isle anymore.

Yes, this post is obviously a hoax. This "" person is
incredibly misinformed.


The Imposter

10.02.2000, 03:00:0010.02.00

well, they changed so many rules of ad&d, that it seems like their own
version of it.

sure, the game world is very planescape, but i'm not a very good
authority on that. i never played it.

i think its overall feel is very fallout. DEX, INT, all creating
dialogue options. i almost felt like i was going to get have to buy a
car to travel across that world map. :)

regardless, PS:T is done "right".

The Imposter

10.02.2000, 03:00:0010.02.00


why the FUC|< do people do shit like this? it doesn't make the world
easier with misinformation.

is this info correct? i'd hate to slam the real feargus... but...



10.02.2000, 03:00:0010.02.00

y3\/\/ R 2 K3\/\/1, |)0o!)! W|-|3r3 |<@|\| i L3aR|/| 2 tYp3 1!|<3 Y0\/
a|\||) B t0T@11y 2 |<3\/\/1 4 \/\/3r|)z?

- Ron ^*^

"Then *know* this and speak of it NO MORE. *Know* that I shall never
*know* the TRUTH.
There is NO resolution to this matter, for I shall NEVER *know*
Zerthimon's heart
upon the Blasted Plains."

- Dak'kon, "Planescape: Torment"

Brian H.

11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00
Errr.... I didn't notice the email address.... I'm confused but somehow
this is still very interesting..

I compared the credits page of my FallOut2 manual & the Torment manual,
and did find 3 or 4 designers are the same.

Probably someone from Black Isle/Interplay can comment/clarify more on

In article <ELEo4.1505$>,



11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00
an (Werebat) wrote:

>The Imposter wrote:
>> uh
>> why the FUC|< do people do shit like this? it doesn't make the
>> world easier with misinformation.
>> is this info correct? i'd hate to slam the real feargus... but...
>> -imposter
>y3\/\/ R 2 K3\/\/1, |)0o!)! W|-|3r3 |<@|\| i L3aR|/| 2 tYp3 1!|<3
>Y0\/ a|\||) B t0T@11y 2 |<3\/\/1 4 \/\/3r|)z?

Heh. At least he didn't spell it with "PH" at the beginning. :)


11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00
an (The Imposter) wrote:

>well, they changed so many rules of ad&d, that it seems like their own
>version of it.

They played pretty loosely with the character rules for TNO, who is a
very unique character, but they pretty much stuck close for the rest of
the game.

>sure, the game world is very planescape, but i'm not a very good
>authority on that. i never played it.

Well if you like RPG's (pen and paper kind) you should definitely take
a look at it. It's one of the coolest RPG settings I've played in.
Besides, even if you hate AD&D you can convert the setting to your
favorite game system. :)

>i think its overall feel is very fallout. DEX, INT, all creating
>dialogue options.

That's something any good p&p AD&D game would have, though. :)

>regardless, PS:T is done "right".

That's something we can definitely agree on.

Bryan J. Maloney

11.02.2000, 03:00:0011.02.00
In article <8ED7AC8DCknigh...@>, (Knight37) wrote:

> (Werebat) wrote:
> >The Imposter wrote:
> >>
> >> uh
> >>
> >> why the FUC|< do people do shit like this? it doesn't make the
> >> world easier with misinformation.
> >>
> >> is this info correct? i'd hate to slam the real feargus... but...
> >>
> >> -imposter
> >
> >y3\/\/ R 2 K3\/\/1, |)0o!)! W|-|3r3 |<@|\| i L3aR|/| 2 tYp3 1!|<3
> >Y0\/ a|\||) B t0T@11y 2 |<3\/\/1 4 \/\/3r|)z?
> Heh. At least he didn't spell it with "PH" at the beginning. :)

Meanst thou "phuque", mayhapes?

"Before we judge the lobotomist of old too severely, we
should go to the nearest street grate and see how we are
dealing with our mental health crisis today."

Hong Ooi

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
Knight37 <> wrote:
> (The Imposter) wrote:
>>it took me a second, and then it clicked.
>>Planescape Torment has SUCH a falllout ambience to it. the music
>>even. the attributes effecting dialogue options.
>>it is SO not ad&d once you start to get into it.
> It's very AD&D. It's just very NOT Greyhawk/FR type AD&D. It's very
> Planecscape AD&D, which was deigned to be completely unique from the
> other AD&D settings.

Actually it's not even that Planescape-ish (which is fine by me, since I'm
not that great a fan of the setting). Consider:

- Coaxmetal is a slave of "entropy". I can't recall "entropy" ever being
written up as a power in any D&D sourcebook, PS or no. In fact, you get a
lot of abstract concepts treated in a similar fashion, as if they were
physical. Hence "justice" gives Vhailor strength; TTO lives in a fortress
built from "regret"; TTO himself is TNO's "mortality". Beautifully
allegorical, but not really Planescape canon.

- Trias serves an unnamed Lawful Good power who is referred to as the
"father". I wonder who that could refer to... sometimes a polytheistic
cosmology just complicates things.

- TNO has the ability to change his beliefs (and his alignment), but his
final destination is still fixed by the actions of his first incarnation.

- The endgame and resolution has very little to do with PS-specific things
like the Lady of Pain, exotic factions, and so on. TNO's story is a lot
more universal than that.

>>the world even has a post-apocolyptic feel to it.
> It has more of a timeless, ancient feel to it if you ask me.

The early and middle game in Sigil feels like being in a wretched hive of
scum and villainy. It strikes me as being more _decadent_ than _bleak_,
though -- so not really post-apocalyptic. Curst is a lot bleaker, but then
so is most Existentialist fiction. :)

The resolution is certainly timeless.

In fact, I reckon the Torment story could have been written up in a
non-specific, genre-hopping way, with time travel taking the place of
planar travel. Now THAT would be a game I'd like to see.


Hong Ooi

13.02.2000, 03:00:0013.02.00
Brian H. <> wrote:
> Errr.... I didn't notice the email address.... I'm confused but somehow
> this is still very interesting..
> I compared the credits page of my FallOut2 manual & the Torment manual,
> and did find 3 or 4 designers are the same.
> Probably someone from Black Isle/Interplay can comment/clarify more on
> this?

He was referring to the original Fallout, not FO2.


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