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05.08.1994, 04:41:3605.08.94


Ahhh, graffiti, thugs in the terminal, long stretches of track reaching
out into the distance, ambushes waiting to happen and somewhere down
there... the next terminal. Nothing like a little atmosphere in a level to
bring it to life.

Subway definitely has a theme and the theme, in case you haven't guessed,
is that of an underground subway station/complex. The level is quite
professionally designed and skillfully executed. The only thing really
missing is actual subway cars shooting around back and forth. Now that
would add some *real* dimension but, alas, I don't believe the doom engine
has any code allowing for hurtling subterranean boxcars.

The author, Neil Ziring, has done some fine work here. The design is
fairly large and fairly complex. Things do progress somewhat sequentially
and you have to get this key before you can do that and then push this
button before that becomes possible and so on. I think the level unravels
nicely although I found myself doing multiple laps in a couple of places:
Push this button, go through the door, fall off the ledge, jump on the
teleporter and then around again. I did this a few time until finally I
sorted things out and was able to continue onward.

You get to do some free form fighting, close quarters combatting, lithe
ledge legwork, dastardly downright destruction and tricky traumatic
triggering. All in all it makes for a terribly terrific time.

Neil has managed to work in some personal touches and I enjoyed some of
these. He's got new graphics, and new music. I can't say much about the
music because I play without sound but I thought the graphics were well
done. I personally enjoyed the graffiti and particularly the reference to
DOOM II, just like some juvenile delinquent had scrawled it across the
surface of your average urban underground.

Only this is not your average urban underground. In this underworld of
darkness and despair one will find goat horned Barons of Hell eager to
fling fireballs at an unknowing commuter. Flesh hungry spectres of the
night and fiendish imps of hell. And depeneding on the difficulty setting
a nice friendly surprise at the end as well.

If at the end you find yourself insufficiently armed to do battle with
what awaits you then I suggest you do some running around briefly at
first, to see what you can find..... that is if you can survive that long
of course. Beware he who trespasses the underground of this urban
nightmare, for you will find few friends and foes aplenty.

As a result of his efforts we are all rewarded with an impressive new WAD.

I rate Subway a 93%.

One of the best levels I've had the pleasure of playing and well worth
your time.

Also I suggest you read the text file that comes with Subway as it gives
useful info.

Subway can be found at:
pub/doom/incoming (until it gets moved to: wads/newwads or wads/newwads2)


Oh and check out those images of Jupiter under assault. Those are from the
real thing I believe.

Pete Nilson

09.08.1994, 12:08:4509.08.94
Clint ( wrote:

: =================

: professionally designed and skillfully executed. The only thing really

: missing is actual subway cars shooting around back and forth. Now that
: would add some *real* dimension but, alas, I don't believe the doom engine
: has any code allowing for hurtling subterranean boxcars.

Here's an idea, hope the author gets this too. It wouldn't be too
realistic, but might be fun...

Make a new wall texture that looks like a subway car. Then make a bunch
of small sectors in a row, each one with the ability to rise and lower,
all connected.

| | | | | | | |

Make the --- sections have the def of the subway car, and make it scrolling.

So when viewed from the side, it looks like a subway going by. Then to
make it leave the station, have each sector lower one after the other,
right to left. Have another texture for the back lines that looks like
the end of the subway.

Man, I hope you understand that, because it's way to hard to put into
words. If the scrolling wouldn't flow smoothly from each little sector,
then it would have to be one big long one, and the train leaving would
look stupid (sinks into the ground all at once.)

Anyway, if you understand that, maybe you can fool around with it and use
it in Subway the Sequel. Have fun!

Bye for now,
Mostly Harmless

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Jonathan Christopher Schwartz

09.08.1994, 16:32:5909.08.94
How do these wads work?
must they be purchased?
is there an ftp site?
do you just copy the new wad over the old?


Chris Rigatti [FuS/Nuclear]

10.08.1994, 13:10:0410.08.94

Mike Young ( wrote:

> infant2 doesn't accept anonymous ftp. Is there an alternate location to get
> this cool sounding level?

> Mike.

Yes it does, you were probably just trying it at a time when there
were 80 people on already.

({[|\ FuS /|]})
Chris Rigatti

Artemis Entreri

10.08.1994, 09:43:5710.08.94
Jonathan Christopher Schwartz ( wrote:
: How do these wads work?
They are read by the doom engine in place of the original wad file.

: must they be purchased?
no, although you must have registered doom.

: is there an ftp site?
Yes: in /pub/doom/*
also by fsp at the same site port 21

: do you just copy the new wad over the old?
no, you run doom with the command line paramiter of -file then the wads
name for example to play subway.wad you would type:
doom -file subway.wad
in addition not all wads are for episode 1 mission 1 so you can jump to
certain levels with -devparm -episode <episode#> -mission <mission#>

: Thanks
: ----quartz

|A thousand lips, a thousand tongues. |Artemis Entreri |
|A thousand throats, a thousand lungs.| |
|A thousand ways to make it true. +--------------------+
|I want to do terrible things to you. |A proud DooM player&|
|-Trent Reznor, |\| | |/| | level designer |

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