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Droid48 deleted from phone, as I fell for free42.

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Apr 15, 2012, 8:44:08 PM4/15/12
Not as functional, but so much more functional.


Apr 15, 2012, 9:52:32 PM4/15/12
On Apr 15, 7:44 pm, Jacko <> wrote:
> Not as functional, but so much more functional.

Thanks for posting that info. I immediately downloaded Free42 as well
as the manual to try it out.

I think I see what you mean.

The Free42 has better input/output capability. As was discussed in
another thread, the Droid48 seems to have virtually no output
capability other than the screen. That is the only advantage for
Free42 that I can see (am I missing some?)

But HP48 is so far beyond HP42, I’m not willing to give it up:
Unit-aware calculations. Fantastic.
We can name our variables descriptive names like “Flow”, “Pressure”,
“Voltage”, “Current” etc, rather than R4, R22 etc. Obviously much more
We can create nested sub-directories (also with descriptive names) to
put our variables in.
We can navigate the directory structure and recall variables using
All these things make the task of programming (multiple projects at
the same time in different directories) much easier.

I have both programs on my Android phone now.

I think Free42 will just stay on my phone as a curiosity, until I find
some more reason to switch. (I’ll be interested to hear if there are
comments about what other kinds of neat things can be done with Free42
that can’t be done with Droid48).

Thanks again for posting that info.

Apr 16, 2012, 11:35:02 AM4/16/12
The main advantage of Free42 over Droid48 would be (1) smaller and faster and (2) RPN vs. RPL. RPL is far more capable and powerful as pointed out, but many of those who cut their teeth on the '41 and its predecessors are still more comfortable with that programming and use model. So Free42 is, despite the limitations of RPN, easier to use.

Of course, if you're good with RPL with the HP48 and its successors, the above doesn't apply. And it's why my WP-34S and HP 50g both get lots of use...


Apr 16, 2012, 2:45:22 PM4/16/12
It does upto seven character variable names, can do hp41 programs too, and has easy access to all the functions I need easy, and simple to program and save the programs, with almost 1 meg of code space. It also does easy fast complex numbers, and the stack is far easier to roll down. I origionally had a hp28s, but it was lost to the stealers. I prefer the 41/42 coding style, and as soon as I found the gto .. command, and how to run the solver,ok!! Deleting the END in a code space seems to merge two or more into a single .END. code space. I wonder if this affects gto number instructions?

Cheers Jacko


Apr 20, 2012, 8:46:55 PM4/20/12
On Apr 16, 1:45 pm, Jacko <> wrote:
> It does upto seven character variable names, can do hp41 programs too, and has easy access to all the functions I need easy, and simple to program and save the programs, with almost 1 meg of code space. It also does easy fast complex numbers, and the stack is far easier to roll down. I origionally had a hp28s, but it was lost to the stealers. I prefer the 41/42 coding style, and as soon as I found the gto .. command, and how to run the solver,ok!! Deleting the END in a code space seems to merge two or more into a single .END. code space. I wonder if this affects gto number instructions?
> Cheers Jacko


I did have some experience wiht the HP-41CV long ago (one professor
had a sadistic streak and made us do a project on programmable
calculator that really should have been done on computer). I'm pretty
sure the HP41 didn't have the capability to create descriptive
(alphabetical) names for variables. It was probably added in the
HP42 – thanks for correcting me on that point!

You guys are apparently not alone in liking the HP42s. Look at what
wikipedia says here
this author states:
“this calculator is often regarded as the best ever made in terms of
quality, key stroke feel, ease of programming, and daily usability for

That's quite a tribute (best ever made). I don't exactly see what
leads to that kind of extreme praise, but I'm probably not enough of a
calculator connoisseur to be able to appreciate the finer aspects.
From my perspective I think it’s safe to say that HP42s is a simpler
design, easier to learn from the ground up and probably is all that is
ever needed for many people (not all). The HP48 has more features/
capabilities and therefore naturally we expect it requires a little
more complicated interface and language and more time to learn

Having already invested the time/energy to learn the HP48, it’s an
easy decision for me. If I was starting from scratch, I’m not sure it
would be an easy choice.


Apr 21, 2012, 11:14:24 AM4/21/12

This makes all the HP41 compatibility registers complex holding. :)

s = 1/2 a t^2 appears to be a solver exception, for the root finder.

Also the unlimited license, including commercial use is a factor.

Cheers Jacko

p.s. must get back to investigation of node.js, backbone (JS framework), and SL4A. While also maybe adapting (own project) to use SL4A or a Backbone IO layer. As it has no IO at present.
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