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Dear Atari Lawyers:

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John Harbl

не прочитано,
26 авг. 2011 г., 02:37:1626.08.2011
Please go eat a big bag of shit.

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I've been using your computers and related products since 1981. If you
really want to pursue a war with the few remaining people who know what
this company once stood for and meant to both them and personal
computing in general, be my guest - but all you'll really be doing is
alienating those same people who still comprehend that significance. Do
you really think some 14-year-old kid scrounging money from his parents
to buy what's actually a rebranded Infogrames title puts any stock in
the Fuji logo, or the groundbreaking computers and video games that it
represents? Of course not.

Get real. We may not own the rights to the company or its intellectual
property, but we certainly have more right to use it than you fuckers
seem to think we do.

Posted under Fair Use doctrine, so suck it, bitches.

- J.

Thomas Richter

не прочитано,
26 авг. 2011 г., 05:01:0126.08.2011
On 26.08.2011 08:37, John Harbl wrote:

/* Rambling snipped */

What actually troubles me more is that it becomes more and more
fashionable to try to earn money with lawyers by suing "competitors"
instead of creating useful content or applications.

Dear companies, this type of "business model" is not self-sustaining,
and you will block anyone from inventing or investing anything anymore.

Lawyers don't create values. Engineers do.

Atari is only one of the smaller examples of this questionable movement
in industry nowadays - if you can't do it yourself, block others from
doing. Nice...


не прочитано,
28 авг. 2011 г., 21:50:4728.08.2011
What he said.

Doc Clu

Ronald J. Hall

не прочитано,
1 сент. 2011 г., 01:31:3501.09.2011
On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 04:50:47 +0300, Clu wrote:

> What he said.
> Doc Clu

If this is the start of a petition, then put my name down as well. :)

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