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Voyager 1.0

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Tony Leneis

May 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/5/96

I found Voyager 1.0 on last
night, and have spent a few hours trying it out. I seem to have run into
a few problems, however:

o Why are proxy addresses required for FTP, Gopher, and WAIS? Who should I
point Voyager towards? I can't imagine it is very efficient to be using
the default proxy site in germany for this. I also don't understand why it
is required at all, since my Amiga is connected to the net without any
firewalls in the way.

o Voyager seems to have a habit of changing the color palette when backing up
screens while the original images are still being displayed. This makes for
some strange effects (if you've ever used a program like xv to display
several pictures in sequence on an 8-bit x-windows display, you'll recognize
the effect.)

o Voyager seems to be running something at a rather high priority. It makes
everything else really sluggish when it's processing pages. I'm not running
executive or any other scheduling/priority modifying utility. Unfortunately
I don't have anything to see if it's really running at a high priority or if
something else is going on, but boy does it slow down the rest of the

o This seems to be more of a MUI 3.3 problem than Voyager (I've noticed it
with other MUI applications since I installed MUI 3.3), but it seems that
mouse clicks are ignored if a window isn't active. e.g. if the Voyager
window isn't active and I click on the 'home' button, the button is rendered
as if I clicked on it, but absolutely nothing happens. Once the window is
selected everything works as expected. This can be really irritating if
you're doing stuff in multiple applications on the same screen...

Other than that, it seems like a reasonable initial release. It feels slower
than AWeb 1.1 to me, but then again it handles a bunch of HTML 3.0/HTML+/
netscape extensions that AWeb 1.1 doesn't. It also has a button for printing
the current page (w/o graphics, but quite functional) and allows multiple
windows to be opened.

-Tony Leneis
__ /// From the desk of: Hillary, __ ///
\\\/// -->Tony Leneis<-- Gennifer, \\\///Only
\XX/ HMC '91 Go Stags! AND NOW US!\XX/Amiga

Troels Walsted Hansen

May 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/5/96

In article <4mhhnk$>, (Tony
Leneis) wrote:

>o Why are proxy addresses required for FTP, Gopher, and WAIS? Who should I
> point Voyager towards? I can't imagine it is very efficient to be using
> the default proxy site in germany for this. I also don't understand why it
> is required at all, since my Amiga is connected to the net without any
> firewalls in the way.

Voyager doesn't support those protocols directly, that's why. Ask your
provider (university?) whether they have a proxy server.

>o Voyager seems to have a habit of changing the color palette when backing up
> screens while the original images are still being displayed. This makes
> for some strange effects (if you've ever used a program like xv to display
> several pictures in sequence on an 8-bit x-windows display, you'll
> recognize the effect.)

Yeah, it does this so the images will look the best possible, but it does
look strange.

>o This seems to be more of a MUI 3.3 problem than Voyager (I've noticed it
> with other MUI applications since I installed MUI 3.3), but it seems that
> mouse clicks are ignored if a window isn't active. e.g. if the Voyager
> window isn't active and I click on the 'home' button, the button is
> rendered as if I clicked on it, but absolutely nothing happens. Once the
> window is selected everything works as expected. This can be really
> irritating if you're doing stuff in multiple applications on the same
> screen...

Yeah, I've seen this with AmIRC too. Annoying.

T r o e l s W a l s t e d H a n s e n -

Joseph Waldvogel

May 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/5/96

For those of you that don't know where to get Voyager 1.0 from, or you can't
get on the Main US location wade1, try the Germany location at /pub/amiga/comm/voyager

For those already using AmFTP, both wade1 and the germany location were/are on
the Top of the FTP list for AmFTP support, of course AmIRC and Voyager support
are there also.

Here's the README file.

Voyager 1.0 Release Notes

Voyager 1.0 is a freely distributable WWW browser for AmigaOS.

Its range of features covers:

o It's faaaast. On the average, Voyager outruns any other available Amiga
Web browser by a factor of two.

o Supports the full HTML-2 standard as described in RFC-1866, including forms.

It doesn't want to be a reference implementation, though, and tries to make
the best even out of malformed documents.

o Supports many proposed so called HTML-3 extensions.

o Supports Client Side Image Maps.

o Supports Netscape-Level 1 (NHTML) extensions, including <center>, floating
images, background images and text coloring (both RGB and named colors).

o Supports HTTP access authorization.

o Supports ftp, gopher and wais via proxy.

o Supports news: usenet news reading and posting.

o Supports interfacing to mail readers and telnet clients for mailto:
and telnet: URLs.

o Document cache with optional automatic last-modified-date-based verify.

o Versatile hierarchical bookmark system, allowing export in HTML format,
menu selection and drag'n'drop sorting.

o Full support for true color displays with V43 datatypes.

o Asynchronous network handling. Multiple windows.

o works with Miami, AmiTCP, as225r2, inet225 and mlink.

o can be used without a network package as a local file viewer
(esspecially useful with client-side-image-maps)

Voyager 1.0 is released now as a free gift to the Amiga community. Our
main development efforts are currently gearing towards the release of
Voyager 2.0 (our internal name is "V - Next Generation"), which is
currently in alpha stage. You can find more information about V-NG on

Copyright and License
Voyager 1.0 is Copyright © 1996 by Oliver Wagner (,
All Rights Reserved.

Voyager 1.0 is provided free of charge. It may be copied freely via ftp or
web sites as long as the whole archive remains intact and no part is
modified in any way. Distribution via other means requires prior
permission (which might normally be granted free of charge for "freeware
compilation" disks or CDs).

Voyager 1.0 is provided "as-is"; no warranties, either implied or expressed,
are made regarding the viability of the program. The entire risk of the
use of Voyager is carried by the user. If you don't agree to this license,
you must not use it and delete all associated files immediately.

Please use the provided installer script for correct installation. You
also need MUI 3.3 (preferably the release version; cracked version are
known to cause trouble) and GIF and JPEG datatypes. Voyager is known to
work well with the V43 datatypes available on AmiNet; you might want to
install them if you are running obscure datatypes and are experiencing
crashes on page swaps.

Voyager documentation is included in HTML format, it will be automatically
loaded when you first start the program.

Although Voyager has undergone thorough testing, it's very likely that bugs
will remain. If you find a bug, please report it to
Don't forget to add a description on how to recreate the bug and a close
description of your system. Please don't send enhancement requests
or reports of misinterpreted or missing html stuff, because the html
engine won't be changed in favour for the Voyager 2.0 release.

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