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Photodesk 3.09x released - FREE update from 3.09!

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Apr 29, 2009, 11:54:11 AM4/29/09
4D are pleased to announce a free update for Photodesk 3.09 users. They can
download the free update from Other
users can purchase upgrades

The new version, 3.09x, which was released at the Wakefield Show on
Saturday, includes assorted improvements, bug fixes and tweaks to the user
interface, including:

* Image processing, added: Enhance more.
* Gamma, added: Brighten Top-tones.
* Changed Default selected scope of the Magic wand to whole image.
* Changed Gradfill dialogue: Linear moved to top and defined as Default.
* Added ability to swap start/end (plain) colours by clicking on the
associated arrow buttons in Gradfill dialogue.
* Template 'paper' dimensions increased so images will now open in a larger
window by default.
* Remove a restriction which would cause a wrong display of the size of an
irregular image tip.
* Magnifier Dialogue: Replaced "Rational" with 1:1. Added "Swap value"
* Number Format changed for Saving of Named Colours as AWColourTable.
* Removed a bug that could cause an extra empty colour swatch at the end of
named colours.
* Magnify dialogue:
By clicking with Adjust on preset buttons the window is forced to the max
possible extend (if scaling >1).
A new image is also opened at max extend with scaling 1:1 if Create in New
image dialogue is clicked with Adjust.
* Processing - Math: Greyed out strength slider for colour trade/mirror as
those effects always work at 100%.
* Fixed Bump icons in sliders not increasing step width to 10 if Shift is
* Drawtools icon: Ellipse changed to x-axis aligned to prevent
misinterpretation (always x/y-axis aligned).
* Apps icon sprite amended so they look in line with the new tool sprite
* Utility 'prn' renamed to 'prt', to allow backup to various filing systems.

There are some more minor fixes and improvements which are not listed.

The new, completely rewritten, Photodesk manual is progressing well and
contains many worked examples and tutorials. We hope to be able to make this
available, free of charge, to existing users of Photodesk 3.09 or later,

Photodesk is a bitmap editing package for the RISC OS platform that has been
favourably compared with industry standard graphic tools. True studio
quality is available with enhanced quality tools and effects with extensive
calibration, accuracy and previewing giving much improved productivity for
the professional user.

3.09 to 3.09x: Free download or 4GBP on floppy disc / 5GBP on CD
3.08 to 3.09x: 17GBP
3.05 or 3.06 to 3.09x: 27GBP
3.00-3.04 to 3.09x: 42GBP
2.xx to 3.09x: 63GBP

Full copy: 84GBP

Prices include european delivery

Chris Evans

Tel: +44 (0) 1903 523222 Fax: +44 (0) 1903 523679
Email: Web:
Snail mail: 78 Brighton Road, Worthing, BN11 2EN, England.

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