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R-Comp announce Raspberry Pi support Scheme

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A Rawnsley

Oct 26, 2012, 11:42:16 AM10/26/12
We are pleased to announce that following the success of the
Beagleboard Support Scheme, and PandaLand scheme, we are supporting
the launch of RISC OS for Pi with a Raspberry Pi support scheme along
the same lines. This will be launched at the show.

The Support Schemes give owners of the various ARM-based boards access
to a complete, licenced version of RISC OS, typically supplied on SD
card, with documentation, accessories and a large range of
progressively expanding downloadable software and content ranging from
commercial applications (probably 60+ukp of software has already been
included since launch) to fonts to utilties, to compatibility updates,
maximised video capabilities, and so on. Scheme members benefit from
regular R-Comp-tested/approved OS releases with easy upgrade tools,
and discounts on other R-Comp software, hardware and servies.
Essentially, we give Scheme members as close as possible the same
service we do people who buy complete computers from us. Also
included are private discussion/support forum, and priority email
support here at R-Comp.

We endeavour to plough the funds raised from the Support Schemes back
into development and supporting RISC OS development generally. For
example, this last week saw us burning the midnight oil (literally -
the final build was timed after 1am) assisting David Pilling with
sorting out and testing Panda-related crashes of Ovation Pro. These
are now resolved, ensuring PandaLand members can have a full Ovation
Pro experience. Meanwhile we remain one of the only RISC OS companies
to fund full-time RISC OS software development, the fruits of which
sometimes end up free of charge on the support-scheme-download pages!

Pricing and "upgrades from the other schemes" remain in line with the
Panda scheme launched earlier this year, and more details can be found

22 Robert Moffat, High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6PS
Tel: 01925 755043 Fax: 01925 757377
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