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extASM 2.00 released

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Terje Slettebø

Apr 24, 2010, 1:45:52 PM4/24/10
I'm delighted to announce the immediate availability of the latest
version of the extASM ARM assembler.

This is a major upgrade of the previous version, version 1.00,
released in 1995.

The previous version supported ARM2/3/6 (i.e. up to ARMv3). This
version supports all the instructions of the last version of the ARM
architecture, ARMv7, which is used by ARM Cortex A8 and A9 (as used by
Beagleboard and Touch Book, among others), excluding the Thumb

Major additions include the Advanced SIMD and VFP instructions.

extASM is released as GPL, and includes full source code, as well as
an extensive test suite, example files, and documentation.

It can be downloaded from here:

Also included is extAOF (also GPLed), which may be used together with
extASM to produce AOF files.

Feedback, bug reports, etc. is very welcome, and may be sent to

Note that the documentation has not yet been updated with the new
instructions, but they follow the syntax as given by the ARMv7
Architecture Reference Manual.

Furthermore, should there be sufficient interest, I'll update the
documentation for these, as well.

Should you want a corresponding disassembler for ARMv7, that is
available with the Acorn C/C++ Tools (from RISC OS Open).

_______________________________________________________________, Moderator of comp.sys.acorn.announce.
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