I'm having a hard time trying to vectorize the following code. Suppose I have a vector of interest V, and a reference vector R which is monotonically increasing (it's actually a cumulative distribution function). Both vectors contain only real numbers, except that I've modified R by tacking on -Inf at the beginning and +Inf at the end (the reason for which is hopefully obvious from the code below).
For each element of V, I want to find the first element of R that is greater than or equal to it.
To do this with a FOR loop is trivial (and yes, I realize the two lines in the loop can be combined into one; writing it this way just for clarity):
result = zeros(1,length(V));
for kk = 1:length(V);
ind = find( V(kk) <= R, 1, 'first' );
result(kk) = R(ind);
But when V is very large, this is slow. Can anyone think of a clean way to 'vectorize' the FIND command?
Thanks very much in advance!
How about this?
% Create some sample data.
dist = rand(1,10);
R = [0,cumsum(dist)];
R = R/R(end);
% Find result.
n = length(R);
V = rand(1,100);
k = interp1(R,0:n,V);
result = R(ceil(k) + 1);
You are still finding the appropriate interval, but it's done
efficiently inside interp1.
Doug Schwarz
Make obvious changes to get real email address.
This one is probably not as efficient as Doug's, but is nice and compact
[dummy,inds] = max( bsxfun(@ge,R(:),V(:).') );
Result = R(inds);
> result = zeros(1,length(V));
> for kk = 1:length(V);
> ind = find( V(kk) <= R, 1, 'first' );
> result(kk) = R(ind);
> end;
If speed is your main concern, don't use INTERP1 (slow), use HISTC or FIND_IDX on FEX
[dummy, k2] = histc(V,R)
result2 = R(k2+1) ;
Hi Doug, Matt, Bruno, and Jos,
Thanks for all the suggestions! I learned a lot from all your ideas (I'd never seen bsxfun before, and only vaguely remembered interp1). Ultimately Jos's suggestion was the simplest and did the trick -- resulting in a ~20X speedup in execution time!
Thanks again everyone.