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Executable file from Scilab

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Mar 27, 2009, 7:17:47 AM3/27/09

I would like to know if it is possible to make and executable from
scilab (with extension .exe for example) which can be deliver as a
simple application to run from anybody.

I want to offer a way to process data automatically.

Thanks for your help

PS: I am not a software expert, just a scilab user.

Tim Wescott

Mar 27, 2009, 2:02:07 PM3/27/09

You can process data automatically from the command line with the right
kind of script (i.e. one that has an 'exit' at the end) that you use by
invoking Scilab from the command line with the '-f' parameter.


Mar 27, 2009, 6:13:20 PM3/27/09

There may be two main reasons for aiming to build a .exe:
* Either you want to allow any user to use your program without
buy the "driving" software. But Scilab is free. Anyone may instal it
on any
number of computers.
* Or you want to protect your code (but by doing some reverse
But Scilab is open. See the Scilab license.

AFAIK, there is no way for building a .exe (but some launching macro,
assuming that Scilab is well installed).



Mar 29, 2009, 2:48:28 AM3/29/09
On Mar 27, 2:13 pm, wrote:
> On 27 mar, 08:17, wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I would like to know if it is possible to make and executable from
> > scilab (with extension .exe for example) which can be deliver as a
> > simple application to run from anybody.
> > I want to offer a way to process data automatically.
> > Thanks for your help
> > PS: I am not a software expert, just a scilab user.
If you use scicos, you should be able use the code generation facility
to convert a superblock to standalone executable code. There are some
restrictions on what the superblock can contain, and you may need some
scilab dlls/libraries (not sure about the last part - I've not tried
it myself)

- Roy


Mar 30, 2009, 8:44:00 AM3/30/09
> > Samuel- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

As mentioned by Roy scicos is able to generate c-code which you could
use to compile a standalone *.exe, but notice that you can NOT use
scilab-code blocks and therefore not just copy and paste you skript.
So you will have to rebuild your function using standart or c blocks.
I tried this once, but it is not very easy and in my case I ended up
rewriting the stuff in c++.

By the way: C-code generation for scilab is planned for scilab 6.1. I
´m looking foreward to this feature!

Dec 15, 2015, 10:32:04 AM12/15/15
I'm also interested on this. If the feature is not supported, could you please explain what does the "Code generation" function from the Tools menu do then? It seems to generate C code, along with XXX_standalone.c

In the standalone.c code, it is said "To learn how to use the standalone code, type "./standalone -h" --which obviously is not possible as the standalone is not compiled executable (which I would like to do)!

I am unable to manually compile the standalone code, giving "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status". There is no Makefile generated, so I just tried to link it against all the libraries as follows:

gcc -L/pathto//scilab-5.5.2/lib/scilab/ -lall_thelibraries -I/pathto/scilab-5.5.2/include/scilab/ simulator_standalone.c

Thanks for any info!

- Antti

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