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How to work with In?

26 katselukertaa
Siirry ensimmäiseen lukemattomaan viestiin


19.11.2010 klo 5.08.5819.11.2010
I want to create a list consisting of the (unevaluated) expressions
that were entered in a particular subrange of the In array. I.e.,
what I want is (almost) something like this:

Table[In[i], {i, 300, 375}]

except that this won't work, because each In[i] will be evaluated.
This also fails

Table[Hold[In[i]], {i, 300, 375}]

because now the i is not evaluated, so the result is a list of
multiple copies of the expression Hold[In[i]].

How can I do what I'm trying to do?



Oliver Ruebenkoenig

19.11.2010 klo 6.58.4019.11.2010

I think this is your friend

Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 300, 375}]


> TIA!
> ~kj


20.11.2010 klo 6.12.4120.11.2010

That's one cool trick! Thanks!

Unfortunately, it doesn't solve this problem:

In[31]:= Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 20, 30}]

Out[31]= {Hold[In[20]], Hold[In[21]], Hold[In[22]], Hold[In[23]],
Hold[In[24]], Hold[In[25]], Hold[In[26]], Hold[In[27]], Hold[In[28]],
Hold[In[29]], Hold[In[30]]}

I need each of In[20], In[21], ..., In[30] to be processed by the
kernel exactly once before clamping the result with Hold.

By the way, being able to limit the level of evaluation to a precise
number of "passes", greater than zero, but not all the way to full
evaluation, is something I find myself needing very often.


Albert Retey

20.11.2010 klo 6.13.5020.11.2010

one possibility:

Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 300, 375}] /. DownValues[In]




20.11.2010 klo 18.24.0520.11.2010

You could use InString[] instead of In[]:

Table[ToExpression[InString[i], StandardForm, Hold], {i, 300, 375}]



20.11.2010 klo 18.28.1720.11.2010
In <ic8ahe$86e$> Albert Retey <> writes:

>one possibility:

>Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 300, 375}] /. DownValues[In]

Awesome! That did the job.

DownValues (and, especially, UpValues) are an enduring mystery to
me, despite many readings of Mathematica's documentation on them.
But this is a great use for DownValues, whatever they are!



Leonid Shifrin

20.11.2010 klo 18.28.5020.11.2010
Hi kj,

I also needed the fixed - number -of- steps - evaluation often. So, a while
ago I wrote a
tiny experimental partial evaluator. It gives one several options to have a
tighter control over evaluation. One can, for example, specify, which
user-defined functions must be "expanded" at which step, or one can enable
evaluation of only system functions but not user-defined ones,
or one can disable evaluation of system functions, etc. The evaluation of
system functions is harder to control in this approach, since their global
definitions (DownValues etc) are not exposed to the user. Anyways, below is
the code and several examples of how it can be used (code is as-is, I don't
claim it is bug-free):

SetAttributes[symbolicHead, HoldAll];
symbolicHead[f_Symbol[___]] := f;
symbolicHead[f_[___]] := symbolicHead[Unevaluated[f]];
symbolicHead[f_] := Head[f];

SetAttributes[partialEval, HoldAll];
partialEval[a_Symbol] /; OwnValues[a] =!= {} :=
Unevaluated[partialEval[a]] /. OwnValues[a];
partialEval[a : f_Symbol[___]] /; DownValues[f] =!= {} :=
Unevaluated[partialEval[a]] /. DownValues[f];
partialEval[a_] :=
With[{sub =
Evaluate[symbolicHead[a]]]}, (Unevaluated[partialEval[a]] /.
sub) /; sub =!= {}];

joinHeld[a___Hold] :=
Hold @@ Replace[Hold[a], Hold[x___] :> Sequence[x], {1}];

getSymbolsContained[held : Hold[expr_]] :=
joinHeld @@
x_Symbol /; Context[x] =!= "System`" :> Hold[x], {1, Infinity},
Heads -> True]];

expansionRules[expr_: Hold, symbs : Hold[symbolsToExpand : __]] :=
Map[{HoldPattern[#] :>
With[{eval = partialEval[#]}, eval /; True],
x_ /; symbolicHead[x] === Unevaluated[#] :>
With[{eval = partialEval[x]}, eval /; True]} &,
List @@ symbs], 1]]];

expandOneStep[expr_: Hold, symbs : Hold[]] := expr;
expandOneStep[expr_: Hold, symbs : Hold[symbolsToExpand : __]] :=
expr /. expansionRules[expr, symbs] //.
HoldPattern[partialEval[x__]] :> x;

SetAttributes[expandNSteps, HoldFirst];
Options[expandNSteps] = {RunSystemFunctions -> True,
PreExecuteSystemFunctions -> True};
SetAttributes[expandNStepAux, HoldFirst];
expandNSteps[fst_, sec_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
With[{f =
executeSystemFunctions, # &],
preExecF =
executeSystemFunctions, # &]},
expandNStepAux[fst, sec, f , preExecF ]];

expandNStepAux[expr_, n_Integer?Positive, f_, preExecF_] :=
Nest[f[expandOneStep[#, getSymbolsContained[#]]] &,
preExecF@Hold[expr], n];

expandNStepAux[expr_, expandAtSteps : {Hold[__] ..}, f_,
preExecF_] :=
Fold[f[expandOneStep[##]] &, preExecF@Hold[expr], expandAtSteps]

SetAttributes[runtimeBlock, HoldRest];
runtimeBlock[heldvars : Hold[___Symbol], code_] :=
Block @@ Append[
Replace[heldvars, Hold[vars___] :> Hold[{vars}], {0}],

SetAttributes[withBlockedUserSymbols, HoldAll];
withBlockedUserSymbols[code_] :=
runtimeBlock[getSymbolsContained[Hold[code]], code];

executeSystemFunctions[Hold[expr_]] :=

evaluateAtPattern[held : Hold[_], patt_] :=
held /. (x : patt) :> With[{eval = x}, eval /; True]];

evaluateAtPattern[held : Hold[_], patterns : {__}] :=
Fold[evaluateAtPattern, held, patterns];

Here are some examples:

In[890]:= Clear[f, g]

In[891]:= f[x_] := x^2;

In[892]:= g[x_] := x^3;

In[893]:= evaluateAtPattern[Hold[g[Map[f, Range[10]]]], _Range]

Out[893]= Hold[g[f /@ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}]]

In[894]:= expr =
evaluateAtPattern[Hold[g[Map[f, Range[10]]]], {_Range, _Map}]

Out[894]= Hold[
g[{f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10]}]]

In[895]:= oneStepFExpanded = expandOneStep[expr, Hold[f]]

Out[895]= Hold[g[{1^2, 2^2, 3^2, 4^2, 5^2, 6^2, 7^2, 8^2, 9^2, 10^2}]]

In[896]:= oneStepGExpanded = expandOneStep[expr, Hold[g]]

Out[896]= Hold[{f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9],

In[897]:= twoStepExpanded = expandOneStep[oneStepExpanded , Hold[g]]

Out[897]= Hold[{1^2, 2^2, 3^2, 4^2, 5^2, 6^2, 7^2, 8^2, 9^2, 10^2}^3]

In[898]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], 1]

Out[898]= Hold[{f[1]^3, f[2]^3, f[3]^3, f[4]^3, f[5]^3, f[6]^3,
f[7]^3, f[8]^3, f[9]^3, f[10]^3}]

In[899]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], 1,
RunSystemFunctions -> False]

Out[899]= Hold[{f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9],

In[900]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], 1,
RunSystemFunctions -> False, PreExecuteSystemFunctions -> False]

Out[900]= Hold[(f /@ Range[10])^3]

In[901]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], 2]

Out[901]= Hold[{1, 64, 729, 4096, 15625, 46656, 117649, 262144,
531441, 1000000}]

In[902]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], {Hold[f], Hold[g]}]

Out[902]= Hold[{1, 64, 729, 4096, 15625, 46656, 117649, 262144,
531441, 1000000}]

In[903]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], {Hold[f], Hold[g]},
PreExecuteSystemFunctions -> False]

Out[903]= Hold[{f[1]^3, f[2]^3, f[3]^3, f[4]^3, f[5]^3, f[6]^3,
f[7]^3, f[8]^3, f[9]^3, f[10]^3}]

In[904]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], {Hold[g], Hold[f]}]

Out[904]= Hold[{1, 64, 729, 4096, 15625, 46656, 117649, 262144,
531441, 1000000}]

In[905]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], {Hold[f]},
PreExecuteSystemFunctions -> False]

Out[905]= Hold[
g[{f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9], f[10]}]]

In[906]:= expandNSteps[g[Map[f, Range[10]]], {Hold[f]}]

Out[906]= Hold[g[{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100}]]

In[907]:= evaluateAtPattern[twoStepExpanded , _Power]

Out[907]= Hold[{1, 64, 729, 4096, 15625, 46656, 117649, 262144,
531441, 1000000}]

In[908]:= evaluateAtPattern[twoStepExpanded , Power[_, _?EvenQ]]

Out[908]= Hold[{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100}^3]

In[909]:= executeSystemFunctions[oneStepFExpanded ]

Out[909]= Hold[g[{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100}]]

In[910]:= executeSystemFunctions[oneStepGExpanded ]

Out[910]= Hold[{f[1]^3, f[2]^3, f[3]^3, f[4]^3, f[5]^3, f[6]^3,
f[7]^3, f[8]^3, f[9]^3, f[10]^3}]

In[911]:= expandAll[g[Map[f, Range[10]]]]

Out[911]= Hold[{1, 64, 729, 4096, 15625, 46656, 117649, 262144,
531441, 1000000}]

Here is how your problem can be solved (in a way, the way it is done is a
generalization of Albert's suggestion):

In[912]:= expandNSteps[
Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 500, 510}], {Hold[In]}]

Out[912]= Hold[{Hold[
expandOneStep[#1, getSymbolsContained[#1]]] &,
Hold[g[f /@ Range[10]]], 4]],
expandOneStep[#1, getSymbolsContained[#1]]] &,
Hold[g[f /@ Range[10]]], 4]], Hold[ClearAll[symbolicHead];],
Hold[SetAttributes[symbolicHead, HoldAll];],
Hold[symbolicHead[f_Symbol[___]] := f;],
Hold[symbolicHead[f_[___]] := symbolicHead[Unevaluated[f]];],
Hold[symbolicHead[f_] := Head[f];], Hold[ClearAll[partialEval];],
Hold[SetAttributes[partialEval, HoldAll];],
Hold[a_Symbol /; OwnValues[a] =!= {} :=
Unevaluated[a] /. OwnValues[a];],
Hold[a : f_Symbol[___] /; DownValues[f] =!= {} :=
Unevaluated[a] /. DownValues[f];]}]

One thing to realize is that this custom evaluator is different from the
main Mathematica's one, so you generally should not expect for example
expandAll to give you the same results as those obtained by just evaluating
an expression without Hold-s normally. Another point is that the performance
of this toy evaluator will surely be much worse than that of the standard


On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 2:12 PM, kj <> wrote:

> In <ic5opg$70l$> Oliver Ruebenkoenig <>
> writes:

> >On Fri, 19 Nov 2010, kj wrote:
> >> I want to create a list consisting of the (unevaluated) expressions
> >> that were entered in a particular subrange of the In array. I.e.,
> >> what I want is (almost) something like this:
> >>
> >> Table[In[i], {i, 300, 375}]
> >>
> >> except that this won't work, because each In[i] will be evaluated.
> >> This also fails
> >>
> >> Table[Hold[In[i]], {i, 300, 375}]
> >>
> >> because now the i is not evaluated, so the result is a list of
> >> multiple copies of the expression Hold[In[i]].
> >>
> >> How can I do what I'm trying to do?

> >I think this is your friend

> >Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 300, 375}]


22.11.2010 klo 7.34.3822.11.2010
In <ic9lal$nrq$> Simon <> writes:

>You could use InString[] instead of In[]:

>Table[ToExpression[InString[i], StandardForm, Hold], {i, 300, 375}]

That's very cool. I didn't know about InString, nor appreciated
the full functionality of ToExpression until seeing your solution.




22.11.2010 klo 7.34.4822.11.2010
In <ic9lji$o3b$> Leonid Shifrin <> writes:

>I also needed the fixed - number -of- steps - evaluation often. So, a while
>ago I wrote a
>tiny experimental partial evaluator.

Wow!!! Huge thanks to you for posting this code. I'll be studying
it for some time!


Oliver Ruebenkoenig

22.11.2010 klo 7.39.4122.11.2010
On Sat, 20 Nov 2010, kj wrote:

> In <ic5opg$70l$> Oliver Ruebenkoenig <> writes:
>> On Fri, 19 Nov 2010, kj wrote:
>>> I want to create a list consisting of the (unevaluated) expressions
>>> that were entered in a particular subrange of the In array. I.e.,
>>> what I want is (almost) something like this:
>>> Table[In[i], {i, 300, 375}]
>>> except that this won't work, because each In[i] will be evaluated.
>>> This also fails
>>> Table[Hold[In[i]], {i, 300, 375}]
>>> because now the i is not evaluated, so the result is a list of
>>> multiple copies of the expression Hold[In[i]].
>>> How can I do what I'm trying to do?
>> I think this is your friend

>> Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 300, 375}]
> That's one cool trick! Thanks!

With is used to inject code into held expressions.

> Unfortunately, it doesn't solve this problem:
> In[31]:= Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 20, 30}]
> Out[31]= {Hold[In[20]], Hold[In[21]], Hold[In[22]], Hold[In[23]],
> Hold[In[24]], Hold[In[25]], Hold[In[26]], Hold[In[27]], Hold[In[28]],
> Hold[In[29]], Hold[In[30]]}
> I need each of In[20], In[21], ..., In[30] to be processed by the
> kernel exactly once before clamping the result with Hold.

ReleaseHold[Table[With[{i = i}, Hold[In[i]]], {i, 1, 4}] ]

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