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6.0 Standard Packages?, New Style Documentation?

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David Park

Jun 8, 2007, 5:47:37 AM6/8/07
1) Is there anyplace in the documentation where one can find all the
'standard packages' listed together in one place like they were in the 5.2
Help Browser?

2) Is there anyplace in the documentation that tell how to construct the new
style documentation, how to get a documentation style sheet, where to put
the documentation, and how to make sure that users have access to it?

David Park

Donald DuBois

Jun 9, 2007, 5:44:13 AM6/9/07

I would very much like to know the answer to Question 2 but can only help, perhaps, with Question 1.

The following function will list all the packages
in a single grid (thanks to Harry Chalkin, WRI, for this):

ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Packages"}]];
FileNames[], 2], Frame -> All]

To get the function names in a Package define the
following function:

GetNames[pack_String] := (Needs[StringJoin[pack, "`"]];
Names[StringJoin[pack, "`*"]])

Example of use:


results in:

{"ANOVA", "Bonferroni", "CellMeans", "Duncan", "Dunnett", \
"PostTests", "StudentNewmanKeuls", "Tukey"}

I have found it useful to go directly to some of the folders for documentation on a particular package.
For instance, (on a Windows Ver. 6 machine), documentation (Guides and Tutorials)
can be found on the StatisticalPlots Package at

C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\Documentation\English\Packages\StatisticalPlots\Documentation\English

The root folder for documentation on all the packages
is at:

C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\Documentation\English\Packages

and then it's possible to go from there to a given package.

There are no "Standard Packages" as such. They seem to fall into 4 categories: "Applications", "ExraPackages", "Legacy Packages" and "Packages".

This structure shows up in the following path (Window machine, Ver. 6):

C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\AddOns


Don DuBois

Bill Rowe

Jun 9, 2007, 5:50:20 AM6/9/07
On 6/8/07 at 5:37 AM, (David Park) wrote:

>1) Is there anyplace in the documentation where one can find all the
>'standard packages' listed together in one place like they were in
>the 5.2 Help Browser?

I don't believe so.

If all that is desired is a list of the standard packages that
can be obtained with

Last[StringSplit[#, $PathnameSeparator]] & /@

ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Packages"}]]


Last[StringSplit[#, $PathnameSeparator]] & /@
ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns",
"LegacyPackages"}], 2]

for the legacy packages.

Of course, this provides no link to the documentation for these packages.

To get to the documentation for the standard packages, the best
thing I seen so far is the palette Selwyn Hollis created and
made available at:

To reply via email subtract one hundred and four

David Reiss

Jun 11, 2007, 4:34:51 AM6/11/07
here is some code that "improves" upon the other code in these
postings. I have put a notebook linked to the WorkLife FrameWork blog
from a posting on this at:

wiht a permalink at


One comment--the use of Quiet in this is to surprss some no context
messages that are generated because the contexts of many of these
packages do not reflect the directrly structure that they exist in.
So the packages, I beleive, load properly, but the contexts that they
end up existing in are not the same as those of the artument to the
Needs statements that load them.

Here's he code (I am sure that it can be further improved upon--
remember of course that this is intended for Mathematica 6), I hope
that it is useful...


StandardPackagesPalette::usage =
"StandardPackagesPalette[], generates a palette of pull-down menus
that allow you to load the standard
packages. StandardPackagesPalette[\"LegacyPackages\"] does the same
for those legacy packages that are included in the Mathematica
distribution. Similarly for StandardPackagesPalette[\"ExtraPackages
\"]. ";

root : "Packages" | "LegacyPackages" | "ExtraPackages"] :=

Module[{directories, context, packageFiles, packageData, toMenuData,
menuData, menus},

context[dir_] :=

dir, {DirectoryName[dir] -> "", $PathnameSeparator -> ""}];

packageFiles[dir_] :=
StringReplace[#, DirectoryName[#] -> ""] & /@
FileNames[{"*.m"}, {dir}],
"PacletInfo" | "Usage", \[Infinity]];

directories = FileNames[{"*"},
{ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", root}]}];

directories = Select[directories, FileType[#] === Directory &];

packageData = {context[#], packageFiles[#]} & /@ directories;

packageData = DeleteCases[packageData, {_, {}}];

toMenuData[{cont_, files_}] :=

With[{topContext = cont <> "`"},

{cont, # :> Quiet[Needs[topContext <> # <> "`"]] & /@ files}

menuData = toMenuData /@ packageData;

menus = ActionMenu[Sequence @@ #,
BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 10, FontFamily -> "Helvetica"},
FieldSize -> 12,
Background -> Blue] & /@ menuData;

Button["Close", NotebookClose[ButtonNotebook[]],
BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 10, FontFamily -> "Helvetica",
FontColor -> RGBColor[.4, 0, 0]}, Appearance -> "Palette"],
WindowSize -> {All, 350},
WindowElements -> {"VerticalScrollBar", "StatusArea"},
WindowTitle -> "Load " <> root,
WindowMargins -> {{Automatic, 10}, {Automatic, 5}}]


StandardPackagesPalette[] := StandardPackagesPalette["Packages"];

On Jun 9, 5:44 am, Donald DuBois <> wrote:
> > 1) Is there anyplace in the documentation where one
> > can find all the
> > 'standard packages' listed together in one place like
> > they were in the 5.2
> > Help Browser?
> > 2) Is there anyplace in the documentation that tell
> > how to construct the new
> > style documentation, how to get a documentation style
> > sheet, where to put
> > the documentation, and how to make sure that users
> > have access to it?
> > --
> > David Park

> >

> >
> I would very much like to know the answer to Question 2 but can only help, perhaps, with Question 1.
> The following function will list all the packages
> in a single grid (thanks to Harry Chalkin, WRI, for this):
> Grid[Partition[
> SetDirectory[
> ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Packages"}]];
> FileNames[], 2], Frame -> All]
> To get the function names in a Package define the
> following function:
> GetNames[pack_String] := (Needs[StringJoin[pack, "`"]];
> Names[StringJoin[pack, "`*"]])
> Example of use:
> GetNames["ANOVA"]
> results in:
> {"ANOVA", "Bonferroni", "CellMeans", "Duncan", "Dunnett", \
> "PostTests", "StudentNewmanKeuls", "Tukey"}
> I have found it useful to go directly to some of the folders for documentation on a particular package.
> For instance, (on a Windows Ver. 6 machine), documentation (Guides and Tutorials)
> can be found on the StatisticalPlots Package at

> C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\Documentation\English\Packages\StatisticalPlots\Do cumentation\English

Murray Eisenberg

Jun 20, 2007, 5:42:15 AM6/20/07
I added Saveable->True as an option in the CreatePalette function below,
but still after I create the palette and close it, I do NOT get a prompt
to save it. So how do I save it as a palette??

Murray Eisenberg
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts 413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street fax 413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

David Reiss

Jun 22, 2007, 6:59:30 AM6/22/07
It turns out that the notebook needs to "think" that it has been
altered in order for it to prompt you to save lt. One trivial way to
ahve this happen is to move the palette's position (this changes some
internal optoins that specify its position). Then clicking on the
close field (not the "Close" botton which doesn't care) will bring up
the file save dialog.

Another way is to execute

nb = StandardPackagesPalette[]

and then execute


which also will bring up the save dialog.

If, once this has been done, you wish for the palette to remember
where it was the last time you opened it, you should add the option


to the code as well.

On Jun 20, 5:42 am, Murray Eisenberg <> wrote:
> I added Saveable->True as an option in the CreatePalette function below,
> but still after I create the palette and close it, I do NOT get a prompt
> to save it. So how do I save it as a palette??
> DavidReisswrote:
> > here is some code that "improves" upon the other code in these
> > postings. I have put a notebook linked to the WorkLife FrameWork blog
> > from a posting on this at:
> >
> > wiht a permalink at

> >

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