If it's for distance, probably a mouse wheel sensor might be easiest.
Ridiculously small but not necessarily that hard to use. That's a very small
robot you're building. What about just painting the wheels with a white stripe
on half the wheel, then detect the white stripe with a reflective pair LED /
phototransistor? How accurate would you need to be?
citi wrote:
> hi I am looking for displacement or position sensors to mount on a small 3
> cm x 2 cm robot.
> do you know of any I can use so that the robot (stamp circuit) could
> interface tell position with it.
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Well if you look in any electronics catalogue for a 'displacement'
transducer, you'll get a thing that looks a little like a mini hydraulic
ram, that gives an electrical output proportional to the position (or
displacement) of the 'piston.
Farnell or RS do quite a few