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16. 11. 2005 8:10:0316.11.05
Hi Everybody ,

I installed bind 9.3.1 on fedora core 3 and When I start named
it's giving an message like this " dns2 kernel: process `named' is using
obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT " I check mailing list and history but I
couldn't find any information for solve it , also on google. Do you have any
idea why this message anonced by kernel ? one time named are stopped , any
relation with this message ?

Best Regards

Sistem Mühendisi/System Engineer
Tel / Phone : +90 212 326 92 00
Fax : +90 212 227 28 11
E-mail :

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Mark Andrews

16. 11. 2005 22:49:2216.11.05

> Hi Everybody ,
> I installed bind 9.3.1 on fedora core 3 and When I start named
> it's giving an message like this " dns2 kernel: process `named' is using
> obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT " I check mailing list and history but I
> couldn't find any information for solve it , also on google. Do you have any
> idea why this message anonced by kernel ? one time named are stopped , any
> relation with this message ?
> Thanks
> Best Regards
> Sistem Mühendisi/System Engineer
> DorukNet
> Tel / Phone : +90 212 326 92 00
> Fax : +90 212 227 28 11
> E-mail :

Complain to the Linux kernel developers. They should remove
the message or the #define.

I suspect that all usage instances are actually protected
with a #ifdef SO_BSDCOMPAT because it is not in early versions
of the kernel.


if (type != isc_sockettype_unix &&
setsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BSDCOMPAT,
(void *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) {
isc__strerror(errno, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf));
"setsockopt(%d, SO_BSDCOMPAT) %s: %s",
isc_msgcat_get(isc_msgcat, ISC_MSGSET_GENERAL,
ISC_MSG_FAILED, "failed"),
/* Press on... */

Do they really expect application developers to try to
workout what kernel version is running to see if they need
to set SO_BSDCOMPAT especially when some kernel versions
need the option turned on?

As to why it was that the Linux kernel developers thought
that making unconnected UDP sockets return errors after
getting a ICMP message would be good. Unfortunately this
is only really useful in the case where a connected UDP
socket could be used (always talking to the same end point).
There is not enough information to do anything with the
error code when you are talking to thousands of different
clients a second.

They then came up with this socket option to restore the
BSD Socket API behaviour (SO_BSDCOMPAT) and not pass the
error information back up the stack.

They then decided to change the default to be the BSD Socket
API behaviour so the setsockopt(SO_BSDCOMPAT) call was no
longer necessary and decided to make the kernel complain
about all such calls but also did not remove the #define for

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Stefan Puiu

17. 11. 2005 7:20:1717.11.05
Mark, just curious, did you complain about this to any of the Linux
developers? Over time I saw you making complaints about various glitches of
that OS/kernel, and was wondering if there's anybody in the Linux camp made
aware of these things.
I doubt it that users would dare bring issues like this one on, say, the
linux-kernel mailing list.

Danny Mayer

17. 11. 2005 21:07:5417.11.05
Mark Andrews wrote:
>>Hi Everybody ,
>> I installed bind 9.3.1 on fedora core 3 and When I start named
>>it's giving an message like this " dns2 kernel: process `named' is using
>>obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT " I check mailing list and history but I
>>couldn't find any information for solve it , also on google. Do you have any
>>idea why this message anonced by kernel ? one time named are stopped , any
>>relation with this message ?
>>Best Regards
>>Sistem Mühendisi/System Engineer
>>Tel / Phone : +90 212 326 92 00
>>Fax : +90 212 227 28 11
>>E-mail :

They probably decided to follow Microsoft's example in Windows 2000 and
when they put out a fix for it, instead of fixing the code, the provided
a WSAIoctl() option for programmers to fix themselves Microsoft's broken
code. See Q263823 for the harrowing details.


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