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Dos Network Redirector interface, peculiaraties of 'dir' command

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Nov 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/16/97

Does anyone have any information, or example code using the MS redirector
interface? My own experiments have had somewhat inconclusive results.

Specifically, the 'dir' command on a redirected drive returns 'path not found',
unless 'dir *.*' is used in which case it works perfectly. Interestingly
enough, 'dir' does not use 'findfirst' to determine the volume label, but it
does to get the directory listing - using '*' as the search template. Normally,
calling 'findfirst' with '*' (or 'C:' or any other path valid for 'dir') cause
an error: the path must be fully qualified. However, the function seems to
work fine for 'dir'.

Also, 'dir G:\*.*' returns 'Access denied' (where G is a redirected drive).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

DavMac - Sharking!!


Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97

Well, for anyone who's interested, I've played around and further managed to
isolate the problems I've been having. Here's the source code complete with

- Dav

;Test.asm - Masm v6.11 - D. McCall
;compiled and linked as 'TEST.EXE'
;Purpose: This is an experiment with the MS-DOS redirector interface. It
; creates a new ram-based drive (drive G:) with cut-down functionality
; (basically, all you can do is do a directory on it). It's turned up
; some very interesting results.
;Notes (IMPORTANT!!):
; - DOS below v4.0 uses diff SDA format - this prog will wreak havoc on
; systems with DOS version prior to 4.0, and is not likely to work on any
; DOS prior to version 5.0
; - Must specify LASTDRIVE=G: in CONFIG.SYS. Lower is likely to cause
; problems. The program will prevent access to any drive G: which might
; otherwise exist, and will also (most likely) clash violently with any
; other redirector programs already loaded.
;Strange and unexplainable bug: The execution of *some* EXE files (MZ
;format) causes to DOS to stop the dos 'dir' command from working properly
;on the redirected drive. But then, the dos 'dir' command looks like a very
;strange beast in other ways too, judging from my experiments. Specifically:
; - '*' passed to FindFirst/FindNext returns *all* files for 'dir', but only
; those without an extension to any normal program
; - 'dir' does not apparently need to use 'FindFirst' to discover the volume
; label of the redirected drive. However the redirector's FindFirst is
; called (by DOS kernel?) to discover the label.
;All this is very interesting and calls for further investigation - unless
;somebody else already knows the answers.


LclName DB "G:", 0
SrvrName DB "\\SRVR\", 0, 0
SDAoffset DW ?

db 1024 dup (?) ; Stack space


; Code segment


MyPsp DW ?
OldhandlerOfs DW ? ;Code seg storage for old Int 2Fh handler addr
OldhandlerSeg DW ?

NewHandler PROC
;Note: Because this is interrupt, can't return carry set by 'STC'
;followed by 'IRET'.

pushf ;Save flags, registers
.if AX == 1100h
;Installation check
mov AX, 01FFh
add sp, 2
.if AX == 1105h
;Chdir (not implemented - return Ok to DOS)
push BP
mov BP, SP ; [bp+2]=ret addr +6 = flags
and byte ptr [BP+6], 0FEh ; clear carry
pop BP
.if AX == 111Eh
;Redirection call (not currently supported)
push BP
mov BP, SP ; [BP+2]=ret addr [+6]=ret flags
or word ptr [BP+6], 1 ;set carry flag
mov AX, 1
pop BP
.if AX == 111Bh
;Find first
push BP
mov BP, SP
and byte ptr [BP+6], 0FEh ;clear carry
pop BP
push SI
push DS
push DI
push ES
push CX
mov AX, DATA
mov DS, AX
mov DI, DS:[SDAoffset]
mov CL, SS:[DI+24Dh] ; get search attribs
LES DI, dword ptr SS:[DI+0Ch] ;DS:SI = DTA
mov byte ptr ES:[DI], 10000110b ;Set high bit (remote) drive G
mov byte ptr ES:[DI+0Ch], CL ; fill in search attribs
inc word ptr ES:[DI+0Dh] ;not necessarry here but what the
mov word ptr ES:[DI+15h+1Ch], 100 ; size (100 bytes)
mov word ptr ES:[DI+15h+1Eh], 0
lea DI, [DI+15h]

.if CL & 8
mov byte ptr ES:[DI+0Bh], 8 ; attributes
mov SI, OFFSET DiskLabel ;Vol label
mov CX, 11
rep movsb
mov byte ptr ES:[DI+0Bh], 0
mov SI, OFFSET OnlyFname ;Filename
mov CX, 11
rep movsb
pop CX
pop ES
pop DI
pop DS
pop SI
xor AX, AX
.if AX == 111Ch
;Find next (currently always fails)
pop AX
push BP
mov BP, SP
or word ptr [BP+6], 1 ; set carry flag
pop BP
mov AX, 12h ; no more files
.if AX == 111Dh
;Close remote files for aborting process
add sp, 2
.if AX == 1122h
;Process termination hook
add sp, 2
.if AX == 1123h
;Qualify filename
push BP
mov BP, SP
or word ptr [BP+6], 1 ;set carry flag - let DOS do it
pop BP
.if AX == 1125h
;Printer redirection
push BP
mov BP, SP ;[BP]=BP, [BP+2]=ret addr [BP+6]=flags [BP+8] = param
mov AX, [BP+8] ;AX = param
.IF AX == 5D07h
mov DL, 0
or word ptr [BP+6], 1 ;Set carry flag
mov AX, 1 ; error - function invalid
.ENDIF ; (not supported in this case)
pop BP
.if AH == 11h
;General fail command
push bp
mov bp, sp
or byte ptr [BP+6], 1 ;set carry
pop BP
jmp DWORD PTR OldhandlerOfs
NewHandler ENDP

;Redirect drive G, to '\\SRVR\'
SetupRedir PROC
mov AH, 52h ;Get list of lists (ES:BX)
int 21h
les BX, ES:[BX+16h] ;Get CDS array pointer (ES:BX)
mov AX, ('G' - 'A') * 58h
add BX, AX ;ES:BX = CDS drive G:
mov DI, BX ;Copy in server name (root section of directory)
mov AX, DATA
mov DS, AX
mov SI, OFFSET SrvrName
mov CX, 8
rep movsb
mov word ptr ES:[BX+43h], 1100000000000000b ;Redirected physical drive
mov word ptr ES:[BX+45h], 0FFFFh ; Invalid DPB
mov word ptr ES:[BX+47h], 0FFFFh
mov word ptr ES:[BX+49h], 0FFFFh ; No REDIRIFS record
mov word ptr ES:[BX+4Bh], 0FFFFh
mov word ptr ES:[BX+4Fh], 6 ; No. of hidden root dir chars
mov byte ptr ES:[BX+51h], 4 ; Network drive
mov word ptr ES:[BX+52h], OFFSET NewHandler ;Try this. Don't know what
mov word ptr ES:[BX+54h], CS ; it really should be.
SetupRedir ENDP

mov MyPsp, DS ;Save the PSP for uninstaller
mov ES, DS:[2Ch] ;Free local environment table
mov AH, 49h
int 21h
mov AX, DATA ;Save offset of SDA in DOS seg
mov ES, AX
mov AX, 5D06h
int 21h
mov ES:[SDAoffset], SI
mov AX, 352Fh ;Get Int 2Fh vector (ES:BX)
int 21h
mov OldhandlerOfs, BX
mov OldhandlerSeg, ES
mov AX, CS ;Set new handler
mov DS, AX
mov AX, 252Fh
mov DX, OFFSET NewHandler
int 21h
INVOKE SetupRedir
mov DX, CS ;TSR
sub DX, MyPsp
mov CL, 4
mov AX, OFFSET start
shr AX, CL
inc AX
add DX, AX
mov AX, 3100h
int 21h


END start

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