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how to get cpu usage by prcess

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Tomasz Littau

Sep 22, 2006, 1:39:42 PM9/22/06

I`m new here and if this question in not for this group please tell me
where i should ask about it

i need to get a process cpu usage by his ID in win32, how can i do it ?

best regards

tlen: lemkat
gg: 4891654


Bertel Brander

Sep 22, 2006, 2:45:27 PM9/22/06
Tomasz Littau wrote:
> Hello
> I`m new here and if this question in not for this group please tell me
> where i should ask about it

I think it is

> i need to get a process cpu usage by his ID in win32, how can i do it ?


Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel

Tomasz Littau

Sep 22, 2006, 3:18:55 PM9/22/06
Bertel Brander napisał(a):

> Tomasz Littau wrote:
>> Hello
>> I`m new here and if this question in not for this group please tell me
>> where i should ask about it
> I think it is
>> i need to get a process cpu usage by his ID in win32, how can i do it ?
> GetProcessTimes:
Thank you

Tomasz Littau

Sep 23, 2006, 8:03:32 AM9/23/06
Bertel Brander napisał(a):

> Tomasz Littau wrote:
>> Hello
>> I`m new here and if this question in not for this group please tell me
>> where i should ask about it
> I think it is
>> i need to get a process cpu usage by his ID in win32, how can i do it ?
> GetProcessTimes:
Thank you, could some one give me some sample code how can i calculate
this cpu usage by process using GetProcessTime(), best in c++

thanks a lot

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Tomasz Littau

Sep 23, 2006, 8:30:14 AM9/23/06
Bertel Brander napisał(a):

> Tomasz Littau wrote:
>> Hello
>> I`m new here and if this question in not for this group please tell me
>> where i should ask about it
> I think it is
>> i need to get a process cpu usage by his ID in win32, how can i do it ?
> GetProcessTimes:
Thank you, could some one give me some sample code how can i calculate
this cpu usage by process using GetProcessTime(), best in c++

i write something like this but it not work:

int TFMain::iFunGetCpuProcUsage( HANDLE hHandle )
LONG lKernel, lUser, lProcTime;
int iProcUsage;
DWORD dwTime;

FILETIME ftCreate, ftExit, ftUser, ftKernel,
ftNewUser, ftNewKernel;
DWORD dwOldTime, dwNewTime;

dwOldTime = timeGetTime();
GetProcessTimes( hHandle, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftUser, &ftKernel );

dwNewTime = timeGetTime();
GetProcessTimes( hHandle, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftNewUser, &ftNewKernel );

lKernel = ftNewKernel.dwLowDateTime - ftKernel.dwLowDateTime;
lUser = ftNewUser.dwLowDateTime - ftUser.dwLowDateTime;
lProcTime = lKernel + lUser;
dwTime = dwNewTime-dwOldTime;

if( dwTime == 0 )
Sleep( 100 );
dwNewTime = timeGetTime();
dwTime = dwNewTime-dwOldTime;

iProcUsage = ( (lProcTime*100 ) / dwTime );

return iProcUsage;

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Tomasz Littau

Sep 23, 2006, 9:19:52 AM9/23/06
Bertel Brander napisał(a):

> Tomasz Littau wrote:
>> Hello
>> I`m new here and if this question in not for this group please tell me
>> where i should ask about it
> I think it is
>> i need to get a process cpu usage by his ID in win32, how can i do it ?
> GetProcessTimes:
Thank you, could some one give me some sample code how can i calculate
this cpu usage by process using GetProcessTime(), best in c++

i write something like this but it not work, the value is always 0:

int TFMain::iFunGetCpuProcUsage( HANDLE hHandle )

LONG lOldUser, lNewUser, lOldKernel, lNewKernel, lProcUsage, lUser, lKernel;
DWORD dwOldTime, dwNewTime, dwTime;
FILETIME ftCreate, ftExit, ftUser, ftKernel;
int iProcUsage;

dwOldTime = timeGetTime();
GetProcessTimes( hHandle, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftUser, &ftKernel );

// usertime
if( ftUser.dwLowDateTime < 0 ) ftUser.dwLowDateTime = 0;
if( ftUser.dwHighDateTime < 0 ) ftUser.dwHighDateTime = 0;
lOldUser = (((long)ftUser.dwHighDateTime) << 32 ) + ftUser.dwLowDateTime;

// kernel
if( ftKernel.dwLowDateTime < 0 ) ftKernel.dwLowDateTime = 0;
if( ftKernel.dwHighDateTime < 0 ) ftKernel.dwHighDateTime = 0;
lOldKernel = (((long)ftKernel.dwHighDateTime) << 32 ) +

dwNewTime = timeGetTime();
GetProcessTimes( hHandle, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftUser, &ftKernel );

// usertime
if( ftUser.dwLowDateTime < 0 ) ftUser.dwLowDateTime = 0;
if( ftUser.dwHighDateTime < 0 ) ftUser.dwHighDateTime = 0;
lNewUser = (((long)ftUser.dwHighDateTime) << 32 ) + ftUser.dwLowDateTime;

// kernel
if( ftKernel.dwLowDateTime < 0 ) ftKernel.dwLowDateTime = 0;
if( ftKernel.dwHighDateTime < 0 ) ftKernel.dwHighDateTime = 0;
lNewKernel = (((long)ftKernel.dwHighDateTime) << 32 ) +

lKernel = lNewKernel - lOldKernel;
lUser = lNewUser - lOldUser;
dwTime = dwNewTime-dwOldTime;

if( dwTime == 0 )
Sleep( 100 );
dwNewTime = timeGetTime();
dwTime = dwNewTime-dwOldTime;

iProcUsage = (((lKernel+lUser)*100 ) / dwTime );

return iProcUsage;

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Tomasz Littau

Sep 23, 2006, 10:05:48 AM9/23/06

This is a working kode ;)

best regards

#include <vcl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused

int iFunGetTime( FILETIME ftTime )
int iTime;

FileTimeToSystemTime( &ftTime, &stTime );

iTime = stTime.wSecond * 1000;
iTime += stTime.wMilliseconds;

return iTime;

int iFunGetCpuProcUsage( HANDLE hHandle )

LONG lOldUser, lNewUser, lOldKernel, lNewKernel, lProcUsage, lUser, lKernel;
DWORD dwOldTime, dwNewTime, dwTime;
FILETIME ftCreate, ftExit, ftUser, ftKernel;
int iProcUsage;

GetProcessTimes( GetCurrentProcess(), t1, t2, t3, t4 );
t3 is Kerneltime in 100ns-Setps
t4 is Usertime in 100ns-Setps
t3+t4 is overall CPU-Time of Process

use a timer and calculate Percent = (actualtime-oldtime) /
works fine and results are equal to Taskmanager!

dwOldTime = timeGetTime();
if( ! GetProcessTimes( hHandle, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftUser, &ftKernel ) )
printf("error old getprocesstime %d", GetLastError() );

lOldUser = iFunGetTime( ftUser );
lOldKernel = iFunGetTime( ftKernel );

Sleep( 1000 );

dwNewTime = timeGetTime();
if( ! GetProcessTimes( hHandle, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftUser, &ftKernel ) )
printf("error new getprocesstime %d", GetLastError() );

lNewUser = iFunGetTime( ftUser );
lNewKernel = iFunGetTime( ftKernel );

lKernel = lNewKernel - lOldKernel;
lUser = lNewUser - lOldUser;
dwTime = dwNewTime-dwOldTime;

if( dwTime == 0 )
Sleep( 100 );
dwNewTime = timeGetTime();
dwTime = dwNewTime-dwOldTime;

iProcUsage = (((lKernel+lUser)*100 ) / dwTime );

return iProcUsage;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
void *Snap;
HANDLE hHandle;
HANDLE hProcess;
AnsiString sText;

memset( &pmc , 0, sizeof( pmc ) );
pmc.cb = sizeof( pmc );
Snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS , 0);
pe.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );

if( Process32First( Snap , &pe ) )
if( strstr( pe.szExeFile , "bcb.exe" ) )
sText = pe.szExeFile;
false ,
pe.th32ProcessID );
while( Process32Next( Snap , &pe ) );
CloseHandle( Snap );

while( !kbhit() )
printf("Uzycie procesora dla %s wynosi %d", sText.c_str() ,
iFunGetCpuProcUsage( hProcess ) );
Sleep( 1000 );
CloseHandle( hProcess );

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