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Feb 8, 1993, 1:08:51 PM2/8/93
I thought I was relatively familar with a lot of Windows apps, but just
today a friend told me about something called WIZARD. She described it
as a help system that teaches you how to use the software "as you type."
She said she knew it worked with Excel, but she thought it was a
stand-alone app, implying that it works with other Windows apps.

Can anybody give me a clue about Wizard? Thanks in advance!

Phillip Paxton

Feb 11, 1993, 9:10:10 PM2/11/93
In article <>
"Wizard"s are situation-specific code to help you accomplish a
specialized task. They were designed for MS Access, but several
other products were farther along in the development cycle, so
Excel, MS Works, (and some other product) actually beat Access
to the market to use them. There is another Microsoft Beta
product (Can't mention due to NDA) which has wizards.

An example in Access is when you want to create a form or report.
Certain "styles" are predetermined and you can tell it which fields
you want to incorporate to this style and the form /report is prebuilt
to those specs. This is not poured concrete; i.e. once the wizard has
created the form, you can then make add'l modifications.

Add-on wizards is currently one of the hot areas for vendors
right now...
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