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Disabled: tcp_timestamps, tcp_window_scaling

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Luis Bruno

Nov 18, 2010, 8:33:40 AM11/18/10

Anyone else had to disable tcp_timestamps and/or tcp_window_scaling? I
have an important csutomer to whom the connections will stall unless I
travel back in time to 1996...

I'm trying to blackbox which hardware might cause this. Any war stories?

Kind regards,
Luis Bruno

Rick Jones

Nov 18, 2010, 10:22:15 PM11/18/10
Luis Bruno <> wrote:
> Anyone else had to disable tcp_timestamps and/or tcp_window_scaling?
> I have an important csutomer to whom the connections will stall
> unless I travel back in time to 1996...

> I'm trying to blackbox which hardware might cause this. Any war
> stories?

No personal war stories, but based on my recollections of discussions,
I would suggest you start with the firewalls, then look at any "WAN
accelerators" and finally the hosts themselves.

rick jones
No need to believe in either side, or any side. There is no cause.
There's only yourself. The belief is in your own precision. - Joubert
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
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