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Merry Christmas! Linux RULES! New applications to develop!

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2007年7月23日 04:13:112007/7/23
Christmas in July! Santa Claus comes early this year!

If you have never heard of me before, then I respectfully suggest that
you should read on my Google group "Lonnie Courtney Clay" the thread
titled "I launch a total war preemptive nuclear strike against

I pride myself on being an exceptional con artist as well as extremely
I first posted on Dejanews (now Google) in 1997 as
then in 2001 on Shrapnelgames forums as LCC - see postings of
then on Google groups in 2001 as
This year on Apr 17, I started posting on Google groups as

So far this year I have posted a book worth of text and gained nothing
but the increased hostility of others. I hope to turn the situation
around with this document. So as well as posting it, I am sending it
out by email to various parties in the hopes of "Like a whale from the
deep, I rise to to the surface!" gaining allies....


Yesterday on 20th July, I went to bed about 4AM feeling well. When I
woke up about 6AM, I had an intense pain in my right side, presumably
from my liver. As time passed the pain diminished. Also yesterday I
visited the VA to discuss the situation with my psychiatric doctor,
due to becoming violently ill after taking my prescriptions on July
19th. I decided to fall into non-compliance (according to him) with
the court order for mandatory outpatient treatment by refusing to take
any medications other than the prescribed anti-psychotics. So I might
be ordered institutionalized yet again. I thought that I could recover
from whatever was the problem causing the pain around my liver, but
such seems to be unlikely now, because today (21st at 9AM) when I
started typing it has intensified. I expect that I will be forced to
enter the hospital again. I hope to mitigate the antagonism exhibited
by the staff on my previous visit by doing something useful before
going in. I am typing this up as a quick example of a technique
applicable for text messages and files to demonstrate that I can be a
useful employee rather than just a con artist. I have chosen to post
this document as soon as I finish it. This is only one of a cafeteria
plan of techniques which I have conceived over the past twenty plus
years to process data into very secure forms prior to applying the
battery of standard cryptographic, validation, and error correction
techniques to the processed data. It depends upon a shared (between
users) set of utilities and dictionary components, and known options
to be used for handling the data. Physical security to protect each
computer is required, but the compromise of the system by hacking of a
computer is mitigated by immediately changing the options used as
security breaches occur. If this document breaks any laws, which I
doubt, then I will go to prison with the sure knowledge that it will
be no worse than living under house arrest at home or in the
psychiatric ward.

I hereby declare this specification to be public domain, free of all
copyright and patent claims.
Laughing Crazy Coot=anagram TARZAN Chic Logo Guy - first used in June
Lonnie Courtney Clay=anagram Loyal, true innocency - just found out,

Components of this selection :
1) Library of "words".
2) Acronym packer
3) Acronym unpacker with disambiguation.
4) Archive processor

1) Library of "words"

The library of "words" contains an entry for every "word" likely to be
encountered in the data, beginning with the 256 possible values of a
byte. I estimate that a million "words" will be about right for a
common library. The root "word" for real words is found as in standard
dictionaries and every variant possibility has a separate "word"
entry. For example run, runs, running and so forth. A "word" may be a
composite of two real words separated by a space for very common
combinations such as "if the", "for a" etc.

a) Lookup of the dictionary can be performed using a "learned" dynamic
memory image of frequently encountered "words", with disk access for
rarely used "words". The memory image is initialized from file(s) at
the start of each message session. As a user accumulates message
traffic, the memory image can optionally be saved to disk after each
message session. I leave the details as a TBD. From 1987 until 1989, I
developed a tool called Splash - "Selective parenthesis locater and
string handler" which did analysis (of C language function and macro
calls found in all files on a disk) to create a memory structure which
was very fast for "word" lookup. That memory structure was used to
generate a cross reference (of all the function calls found) sorted
alphabetically by function name, sub-sorted by the file the reference
was found in, sub-sorted by the line of the file on which the
reference occurred. Rather than give details of Splash here, I suggest
that my dossier should be checked to see if the government already has
a copy of the free-ware disks which I mailed out. If not, then I
provided all disks to a person named Fred Phillips in 1997, who
claimed to be a college student trying to start an Amiga free-ware
diskette publishing company. He in turn provided the disks to others.
I also provided disks to Fred Fish of Amiga fame at various times, so
surely somebody has them. After 10 more years I doubt that the disk
copies which I have of the originals are readable....

b) Each entry in the dictionary contains :

.1 The byte string of the "word", whose length is specified by a four
byte prefix, and the first byte character to be used for the encoded
"word". This provides for the dictionary to include normal and first
character capitalized versions of a real word. It also provides for
resolution of disambiguation problems by decoupling the first
character of the byte string from the first byte of the encoded
"word". For encoding lookup purposes a dynamic data structure needs to
be generated which gives fast recognition for byte strings whose first
byte does not match the first byte character in the encoded word. As
an example, no match is found for a source byte sequence in the
dictionary. Then a check is made using a table of 256 chain header
addresses whose entry is selected by the first byte of the sequence.
The attached chain of exception "words" points to dictionary entries
which are exceptions, with quick recognition made possible by
providing in each entry the second through fifth bytes of the sequence
of the "word".

.2 The longitudinal redundancy check of the "word" - a byte value.

.3 The shifted longitudinal redundancy check of the "word" - a byte
value. The circular shifting of bits used for a particular dictionary
can vary from standard (such as one bit shift left circular) to
produce custom dictionaries. This is the first of many options
available to enhance security.

.4 A byte containing eight different (CRC-16) parity bits (for the two
bytes of .2,.3) calculated from a cafeteria of cyclic redundancy check
techniques. Which bit of the byte is used for which technique must be
agreed upon for users to share a common dictionary. This byte provides
not only disambiguation but also the option to perform a high
reliability integrity check on the library. First the two LRC bytes
are verified, then they are used to verify the byte string of the
"word". There may be hundreds of millions of computers using this
algorithm, so it is desirable to have one common dictionary for low
security data. However there should be a different version for secure
business (and even departmental) traffic to avoid vulnerability to
hacking of the entire user network at once. Furthermore, the choice of
which byte (of .2 and .3) comes first in each 16 bit composite can be
different for each of the eight bit slots - big endian versus little
endian, which gives an enormous number of variations possible beyond
the 256 possible values of a byte. According to a Wikipedia article,
there are at least 26 CRC algorithms. 26!/18! is a quite a big number,
making it rather difficult to guess what techniques are being used on
the 256 possible endian variations (for the values of .2 and .3). So
as I said, security can be quite rigorous if a user wants to construct
a custom library.

Notes :

If a dictionary creation utility is provided then anybody could create
custom dictionaries used for private files or just a few users. As an
example, a variant of a standard dictionary could be generated which
changes the SLRC shifting, the CRC technique combination, and the
endian combination to produce a new set of codes for bytes 3-4 of each
code specification for a standard library "word" set.. The utility
could also crunch the archive specific dictionary created by LCC-zip
specified below in part 4 as a seed of definitions rather than using
the standard library of "words". The first high quality product to
market could be a real GOLD MINE!!!

To improve execution time for decoding a dynamic data structure is
used which begins with a 64k entry table giving subsidiary chain
header addresses. The table is indexed by the first two bytes of the
four byte specification. The subsidiary chain attached to a table
entry gives the third bytes in use and each third byte entry is
accompanied by a subsidiary chain header for fourth byte lookup. The
fourth byte chain members point to the data for the relevant library

Discussion :

a) A "word" is uniquely identified in a particular dictionary by the
dictionary first byte character for the encoded "word" and the 16
million possible combinations provided by the three disambiguation
bytes (.2,.3..4).

b) For alphabetical first characters (real words) a further
disambiguation is available by the choice of upper or lower case for
the first letter, giving 8 million combinations. The upper case should
be reserved for conflicts not sufficiently disambiguated by a) above.
If a capitalized word is encountered, then it is first checked to see
if the dictionary has a matching entry. If not then the capitalized
word is represented by a double four byte specification. The first
specification says to capitalize the word indicated by the second
specification. This is a tradeoff between coded file bloat and
dictionary bloat.

c) Single byte "words" such as non-alphabetical special characters and
numerals require four bytes to specify them, bloating the coded data
by a factor of four. But the average "word" length for real words
(including a space between words) usually exceeds four, resulting in
compression of the total data stream. For common multiple byte special
character combinations (such as a period followed by newline) the
dictionary can include the combination as a defined "word".

d) Standard data features such as logos, headers, footers, and warning
labels can be included in the library using a special first byte
"word" and three byte disambiguation to result in high compression for
pre-defined standards. In this case the byte string entry in the
dictionary may contain anything at all such as HTML coded images to
give a single example. This is a TBD for dictionary designers. See f)

e) During decode a space after a real word is implied when the real
word is immediately followed by another real word. Real words are
recognized by beginning with an alphanumeric character as the first
byte of the text string for the "word". If a "word" in the library
already includes a trailing space for some reason, then the automatic
space generation at decode is suppressed.

f) A first byte code specification value of zero (null) is used to
denote such text formatting functions as capitalization of the next
word in the acronym, and other text formatting codes, with 16 million
combinations available by the three associated disambiguation bytes,
which are NOT generated as in b .2,.3,.4 above but are instead defined
by the dictionary designers to meet all anticipated requirements. I
have no intention of re-inventing HTML here, so what text formatting
codes should be included (in what combinations) I leave as a TBD for

.1 One of the requirements may be the regular presence of numeric
strings in source data so often that the bloat must be avoided. In
such a case the first byte of the specification code of null denotes
special function, the first disambiguation byte denotes a numerical
byte string, and the remaining two bytes specify the length in bytes
(up to 65535) of the numerical byte string. This can be used to result
in compression rather than bloat because such packing techniques as
binary coded decimal can be used to replace the ASCII text of the
source data.

.2 Rather than provide a data interceptor with nice fat strings of
numerical data in unencrypted form, the following option can be used.
Have a key disk for the user which decodes BCD coded strings according
to a rotating mapping of the 16 possible hexadecimal codes to each of
the ten decimal digits. As each hexadecimal half byte is processed,
the mapping changes to the next according to the key disk lookup table
which is indexed by a pseudo random number generator whose seed is
provided by a message specific encryption key-code seed for the PRNG.
I leave the details as a TBD, including how to inform the recipient of
the relevant encryption key-code.

.3 For byte strings of mixed alphabetical and numeric characters which
do not form any of the standard "word" entries in the library, a
dumpster catch all solution is to use a null/zero, followed by a first
disambiguation code byte denoting a mixed string, followed by two
bytes giving the string length. The disambiguation code byte specifies
for the particular library whether the byte string is given in the
clear or processed first by some scrambling technique. The scrambling
technique can be (shared) encryption key controlled or something as
simple as a time stamp defined rotating substitution table for the
common library. I leave the details as a TBD.

2 Acronym packer

a) Each processed data stream is prefixed by a 64+ bit time stamp in
the clear which uniquely specifies the behavior of the acronym packer
for the particular processed data stream for the particular released
version of packer and library of "words". For messages between secure
users the time stamp should be processed using an agreed upon 64+ bit
encryption key to result in a modified time stamp which is used
instead. I leave the details of encryption key generation (presumably
from an encryption key string) such as whether it should be generated
from the key string depending upon the time stamp in the clear (and
how the time stamp in the clear is combined with the resulting
encryption key) up to "experts". I simply declare "LET THERE BE a 64+
bit time stamp", and behold, it SHALL exist....

b) The acronym packer processes the input stream of "word" four byte
specifications using the time stamp to scramble the order of the
output data stream to be truly FUBAR. When a specification is
encountered for a variant "null" byte stream as in f .1,.2,.3 then
that specification cuts short the preceding block of "word" four byte
specifications and is handled by itself in the input processed data
stream specification sequential position without further scrambling.
Blocking then resumes until another "null" byte stream or end of
message is encountered. The first byte of each four byte specification
ALWAYS comes first. A time stamp and input data stream sequence
controlled rotating reordering of the other three bytes for each four
byte specification can be used as a first scramble. I leave how the
rotation is controlled as a TBD, but it should be non-trivial - see c)
for an example. An overview processor for the data can be used to chop
it into blocks between null variants in a deterministic manner.

c) For each block (of four byte specifications), the block length in
number of specifications and how the block members are scrambled is a
library designer TBD and time stamp controlled to maximize confusion.
For example, the time stamp can be used to generate a table of varying
block lengths which rotates in a manner similar to the order
scrambling tables described below. The time stamp can be used to
generate (input data stream specification) order scrambling tables for
each block length which are nested to any desired depth depending upon
data stream length. As an example, blocks may be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
64, 128, 256 (of four byte specifications) in length. The lowest level
table would be a simple order scramble giving the index in the
original stream (for the implied table index) of the processed stream.
Each entry of the table for the second level up would specify a
direction of rotation and number of entries to rotate the first level
table after each block is processed. The second level table has 256
entries and is completely used once with wraparound from one end to
the other when necessary. The third level table and on up the chain
for a while operates on the table below it to specify a direction of
rotation and the start index for pulling table entries from the table
below it. At the top is a table of 256 PRNG seeds which is derived
from the current time stamp (being processed by a TBD method) which
might be as simple as (a library designer or key-disk specified)
direction and circular rotation bits to shift for the current time
stamp to generate each entry. Alternatively it might be a bit scramble
of the preceding time stamp entry in the table. I am getting bored and
am in pain, so as I said above call it TBD. Using the table of seeds,
(for each seed as it is indexed) the lowest level table is regenerated
by using a scratchpad diminishing linked list of entry numbers not yet
pulled and taking the latest random number modulo number of entries
remaining. Techniques such as this should make scrambling of multiple
gigabyte messages follow no apparent rhyme or reason and should be
unbreakable. If not then I will come up with something more elegant
when i am not ill....

3 Acronym unpacker with disambiguation

Do I really need to explain this ? Maybe later...

I was going to hold this in reserve, but I have decided to fire off
all of my guns at once, so here goes nothing.

4 Archive processor

I am going to re-invent zip, which is a thoroughly mature application.
I think that I understand how it works as applied to processing of
archives. If not, then I will revise this later. I am giving this
specification because I want zipped files to use the library of
"words" described in item 1) above to result in coded zip files. I
call my version LCC-zip. For a particular run of LCC-zip, there is one
pass through all input files to develop the LCC-zip dictionary. That
pass is followed by a second pass through all input files to generate
packed files giving the LCC-zip dictionary and the compressed data
stream utilizing the run specific LCC-zip dictionary. Output file
formats I leave as an exercise for the student.

Optionally that pass is followed by usage of the "library of words"
described in item 1) above to replace the clear text definitions in
the LCC-zip dictionary by library defined four byte specifications so
that the source is not only compressed but also securely coded. If a
LCC-zip dictionary entry is a composite of multiple library "words"
then a sequence of four byte specifications from the library is given
rather than just four bytes. For standard features {as specified in 1)
discussion item d above}, the body of the zipped results is searched
for first byte codes of 0xc0 (specifying not tied to the dictionary)
and when found the byte string is compared against the library for a
match. Comparison can go very quickly because the lengths of the byte
string and the library object must be equal. If a match is found, then
the entire 5+n byte sequence is replaced by a five byte sequence. The
first byte is 0xff and the next four bytes are provided by the
library. This could result in enormous compressions for well
constructed dictionaries..

For unzip you simply replace the library codes in the LCC-zip
dictionary by the clear text definitions from the library before
processing the zipped files. As the zipped files are processed they
are searched for first bytes of 0xff. When 0xff is found the library
is used to restore the original byte stream. It gives a lot of pain to
snoopy people at very low cost.....

a) LCC-zip creates a custom dictionary for the specific set of packed
files which uses 2 to 5 bytes to specify a (processed) byte string
code for each common source byte sequence found in the archive.

.1 The string code first byte most significant two bits give the
number of additional bytes (1-4) required for disambiguation. The most
common 16k source byte sequences require only two bytes. Three bytes
give the most common 4 million, four bytes for 1 billion, and finally
five bytes for 256 billion, which should be rare indeed.

.2 In the case of unique source byte sequences such as are found in
the HTML objects for graphics and sound, there is no dictionary entry.
Instead of that, the first byte code of 0xc0 is always followed by a
four byte count of bytes in the sequence then by the unprocessed
source byte sequence. The code 0xc1 could be used with a four byte
compressed string byte count to convert long ASCII numeric strings to
BCD packed format. The LCC-zip which is developed needs to have the
ability to decode at least HTML formatted files in addition to text
files. Whether it supports smart processing of other file formats is
up to the code developers. I am NOT going to write this thing, since
doing so is an exercise for journeymen rather than masters such as I.

b) In the first pass all files are scanned to create a dynamic memory
structure similar to my Splash which has a 64k address root table
indexed by the first two bytes of the source data sequence in the
current window of scan. Each entry in the root table has an associated
four byte counter which is pegged at 2**32-1 to avoid overflow. The
maximum width of the current window of scan (up to 255 bytes) is
decided by the user at run time and determines how much execution time
is consumed in the first pass. I recommend 48 bytes maximum width as a
default. If the LCC-zip has smart analysis of file components, then
just process for dictionary construction windows of scan confined to
text data streams.

The current window of scan begins with either of five cases :

.1 If the entire current window of scan processing is filled with
ASCII numeric characters or space/blank characters, then increment the
start index for the next window of scan by the maximum width of the
window of scan and end processing for the current window of scan.

.2 An alphanumeric character following a non alphanumeric character :
In this case the current window of scan processing is truncated to the
first character of the last block of non alphanumeric characters in
the current window of scan, provided the current window of scan
contains any non alphanumeric characters. Notice that this allows for
multiple real word combinations to be processed, but does not include
real word fragments chopped off by the current window of scan's end.
It also usually (for text) terminates the current window of scan with
either a space/blank or punctuation. After processing of the current
window of scan, the start index for the next window of scan is set to
the first non alphanumeric character in the current window of scan. If
all of the characters are alphanumeric, then the start index is just
incremented by one.

.3 An alphanumeric character which follows an alphanumeric character :
In this case the current window of scan processing is truncated to the
first non alphanumeric character found in the current window of scan.
If all of the characters in the current window of scan are
alphanumeric, then after processing the start index used for the next
window of scan is just incremented by one. Otherwise the start index
for the next window of scan is set to point to the first non
alphanumeric character in the current window of scan. Notice that this
provides for processing to move past the tag end of long alphanumeric
sequences as soon as a non alphanumeric character is encountered.

.4 A non alphanumeric character other than space/blank :
In this case the current window of scan processing is truncated to the
character preceding the first character found in the current window of
scan which is alphanumeric. After processing of the current window of
scan, the start index used for the next window of scan is just
incremented by one. Notice that for the very common case of ". " this
results in the next window of scan starting with a space/blank. A
punctuation character following a real word sequence is included in
the processing of the real word sequence itself.

.5 A first character of space/blank :
In this case the processing of the current window of scan is truncated
to the character preceding the first non space/blank character in the
current window of scan. If the result is a single space/blank then the
current window of scan processing ends after incrementing the index
for the next window of scan by one. In the case of multiple space/
blank strings the index for the next window of scan is set to point to
the first non space/blank in the current window of scan. If the entire
current window of scan is space/blanks then the index used for the
next window of scan is just incremented by one. Since the root table
is indexed by the first two bytes of the current window of scan, such
strings as ". " are already covered by the preceding window of scan
processing anyway. Note that for the typical case of two words
separated by a space/blank, the space/blank is already processed as a
terminating character for the preceding word sequence.

Discussion : It will usually occur that a real word is processed with
the current window of scan including the real word followed by a space/
blank or punctuation. So there will be a data entry in the dynamic
memory structure which gives the real word and whose subsidiary data
elements are sub-strings continuing the word with a single character
such as " " or "," or ".". In such a case the dictionary will generate
an entry which includes the punctuation only if it is commonly

c) The window of scan processing has two input components, a string
length and a byte string sequence which starts at the current window
of scan processing index. If the string length is one, then the
sequence has already been processed by the preceding window of scan,
so no further processing is required. Otherwise the first two bytes of
the sequence are used to index the root table and increment its
associated counter provided that an increment does not result in
overflow. If the string length is two then processing is completed.
Now check whether the Otherwise the address in the root table entry is
either still null or it points to a dynamically allocated data element
whose structure type is one of three possibilities and which contains
the following data :

.1 A byte value identifying the type of structure for the data element
which is selected from the following :

.1.1 - Zero for type zero "header" data elements initially attached to
any of the 64k slots of the root table when the first 3+ length byte
string sequence references the header table entry. Each header
specifies a sub-string whose byte sequence (including the initial
third position byte value) down to the current byte string sequence
end point is initially found to be a unique sub-string sequence
appended to the preceding two byte sequence which determines the
header's parent slot entry. If an alternative variation for the sub-
string sequence is found, then the header is revised to specify a
shorter sub-string ending just before the fork point byte and to point
to a subsidiary element chain head (first of two new type one data
elements) which begins a new linked list giving sub-strings beginning
at the fork point byte onwards. If the fork point is at the first
character of the header's sub-string (byte three of the total
sequence), then the header becomes obsolete and the header's parent
entry is revised to point to a new type one subsidiary data element
chain head and the subsidiary data element points back to the obsolete
header's parent entry. In either case the chain head sub-string
(beginning at the fork point byte) is inherited from the header and
its counter is initialized from the counter of the header. For the
second type one entry in the new linked list the counter is
initialized to one and the sub-string is the newly discovered
alternative sequence beginning at the fork point byte and continuing
to the end of the current byte string sequence. If a header already
has a subsidiary element connected and a variant is discovered for its
sub-string, then the subsidiary for the header's new subsidiary linked
list header is initialized to point to the old header subsidiary
element. The new linked list header element has a sub-string inherited
from the header which begins at the fork point byte and includes the
tag end of the header's old sub-string. The new variant element's
subsidiary is not yet established, so its address is initialized to
null. The data element of the new variant has a sub-string from the
fork point byte to the end of the current byte string sequence The
subsidiary address of the header is revised to point to the new chain
head and the chain head's parent link points back to the header. In
all cases of headers the byte string sequence first two bytes provide
the root table entry containing the address of the header and the
referenced header points back to the entry in the root table.

.1.2 - One for a linked list of type one data elements each of which
gives a next link address for the list chain. Each member after the
head has a parent address pointing back to the previous chain link.
The chain head parent address points back to the parent which
specifies the prefix for the chain members' sub-string sequences
which begin at the fork point byte index. Each member of the linked
list specifies a sub-string beginning at the chain fork point byte
index and may give the address of a subsidiary data element which
specifies how the byte sequence continues after the sub-string of the
type one data element. The subsidiary data element pointed to can be
either a type one chain head, or a type two table element. When the
linked list length exceeds TBD different (index of fork point byte
values) type one data elements, then the linked list becomes obsolete
and is replaced by a type two data element. The chain's affected type
one elements all undergo revision or removal to take into account the
new prefixing byte value determined by the entry in the type two data
element. If the sub-string of an affected type one data element is of
length one, then it becomes obsolete and its subsidiary element
address is placed into the table entry of the new type two data
element specified by the single character sub-string value of the now
obsolete type one data element. Otherwise its sub-string start
pointer is advanced one byte and it becomes the head of a single
element new linked list chain attached as a subsidiary to the new type
two data element at the entry of its old sub-string first byte
character value. In either case when a new type two entry is created,
the frequency counter is initialized for the table entry to the value
from the matching type one data element. If a variant of the type one
element's sub-string is found and the variation occurs after the fork
point byte index, then a new subsidiary chain is formed whose head is
pointed to by the affected type one element's subsidiary address. The
head entry frequency counter is initialized from the parent and the
new variant counter is initialized to one. Each type one entry
specifies a continuation sub-string which is prefixed by all of the
parent entries up the structure to form the byte sequence of the full
string by appending the type one entry's sub-string and (if a
subsidiary link is active) specifying the variations of the byte
sequence which are suffixes to the type one element's sub-string.

.1.3 - Two for a type two data element which gives a table of 256 data
element subsidiary addresses and 256 associated four byte counters
protected from overflow of course. This is the most memory intensive
of the dynamically allocated data elements. On the other hand it
speeds up execution time significantly when compared to searching
linked lists. Trade offs are a basic fact of life....

.2 A byte value giving the character count n in the data element's
byte sub-string sequence.

.3 A byte giving the first character in the byte sub-string sequence
for the current data element, except in the case of type two data

.4 a byte value - PAD

.5 A pointer to the parent which is accessing the structure.

.6 One of the following blocks of information :

.6.0 - for type zero data elements,
.6.0.1 A four byte frequency counter which is incremented each time
that the current structure is found to match the byte string sequence,
protected from overflow of course.
.6.0.2 A pointer to a dynamically allocated memory image sub-string
start character.
.6.0.3 A pointer to the address of a subsidiary data element.

.6.1 - for type one data elements,
.6.1.1 A four byte frequency counter which is incremented each time
that the current structure is found to match the byte string
sequence , protected from overflow of course.
.6.1.2 A pointer to a dynamically allocated memory image sub-string
start character.
.6.1.3 A pointer to the address of a subsidiary data element.
.6.1.4 A pointer next link address for connecting list members.

.6.2 - for type two data elements,
.6.2.1 A table of 256 pointers to the address of the subsidiary data
.6.2.2 A table of 256 four byte frequency counters.

d) The window of scan processing begins a walk through the dynamic
memory data elements with access of the entry of the root table
indicated by the first two bytes of the current byte string sequence.

.1 If the table pointer is still null, then a new type zero header
element is created with initial count of one. The current byte string
sequence is copied from the current file's memory image onto a dynamic
memory stack so that it remains valid after the next file is loaded.
The item .6.0.2 start sub-string pointer is set for the initial sub-
string of the current byte string sequence beginning at the third
character of the sequence. The subsidiary link is set to null and the
parent link points back to the selected entry of the root table. The
sub-string character count is initialized to be two less than the
total length of the current byte string sequence. The first character
is copied from the current byte string sequence third character


After getting up from a nap and seeing my father for his birthday
party, I sat down again to continue this document. I knew that I had
taken twice as long for part 4 Archive processor to be typed up so
far as for all of parts 1-3 combined. Now I notice that part 4 is half
the size of the total document, with no clear end in sight. So I
checked what I had typed and concluded that I was suffering from
diarrhea of the mouth. So I am going to stop the micro-management
explaining and just give some pointers for the presumably master
developers who may be reading this document. The dynamic memory
allocated data structures are sufficient tutorial for experts to
deduce how to write the program.....

A) Dynamic memory allocation is essential for this application. For
Splash I created a master scratchpad memory manager which got the
contiguous memory chunks whenever I ran out, including an oversight
function which was called each time anybody wanted to put something on
the scratchpad which was the only caller of the master scratchpad
memory manager. The number of bytes requested was checked against the
remaining current contiguous block free space, and appropriate action
taken such as returning an address in the current block or making the
call for a new block before returning an address at the start of the
new block.

B) In the development of Splash I tried out garbage collection of the
dynamic memory allocated data which was made obsolete. On a two
megabyte machine, I determined that it took as much memory for the
code to handle GC as what the GC code recovered. However on a gigabyte
plus machine GC is worthwhile and should be a considered as a
fundamental part of the plan.

C) After all of the files are scanned, the entire dynamic memory
structure should be stepped though to determine which data elements
have counters of n=3+ (TBD) or more for a byte count of the byte
sequence string (from the root table to the end of the sub-string of
the current data element) of four or more. Have a four byte master
counter which is incremented by 9+ (byte sequence byte count) for each
data element meeting the test. (In the case of byte counts under four,
all of the combinations with counts of m=5+ (TBD) are allocated to the
first four million codes. So there is little to manage in the way of
sophistication for short strings.) If the byte master counter for the
passing data elements found would exceed the free memory available
during the next step D) below, then increment the required minimum
counter value and re-scan the entire dynamic memory structure until
memory is sufficient.

D) Dynamically allocate a dictionary table of size 256 which is
indexed by sub-string byte count and which is a list of chain head
entries for dynamically allocated chains whose members give a next
link address and a pointer to a null terminated text string. Also
dynamically allocate an associated table indexed by byte count which
contains (four byte) counters to be incremented each time a member is
added to the head of chain for the entry. Once again step through the
entire dynamic memory structure and this time when the byte count
requirement is met, add the string with null terminator to a dynamic
scratchpad. Add a new member to the head of the chain for the
appropriate dictionary table entry (given by the byte count) and set
the text string pointer of the new member to the start of the new
string in the dynamic scratchpad.

E) All of this work in memory is vulnerable to loss if the power
glitches. So it is about time to create a dictionary file. The file is
divided into sections of increasing byte count with each section
giving a list of null terminated strings. Each section has a header
giving byte count followed by the list. Then a footer such as sixteen
0xff or some other recognizable code is used to terminate the section.
Start the file list off by writing to file the two byte sequences
implied by the entry number in the root table (which meet the minimum
count requirement), following each two byte code by a null
terminator. The next section is three byte codes. Step through the
root table and process each attached subsidiary data entry to find all
three byte codes (which meet the minimum count requirement). As each
code is found write it to file with a null terminator.

F) When I say "write it to file" I really mean to a file scratchpad of
reasonable size such as 32 megabytes. Managing the file scratchpad I
leave as an exercise for the student. So far the codes written result
in very little data compression. They are present to avoid the
unseemly situation of a short byte sequence which is not found in the
dictionary and therefor must be represented by a five byte 0xc0 code
followed by the byte sequence, which would result in bloat rather
than compression.

G) Step through the dictionary table starting with the entry for a
byte count of four. Use the associated chain member counter to
determine whether you will have an overflow problem in your file
scratchpad and manage accordingly. Beginning at the chain head, step
through the chain using the pointer to null terminated text string to
extract and write to file each of the text strings from the chain. As
each chain of a particular byte count is processed, write the file
scratchpad to disk.

H) When the disk file is complete, free up all of the dynamically
allocated memory because we are starting over!!! Reallocate the root
table of 64k addresses and this time you need a table of 64k two byte
codes rather than counters. There is just one type of data element in
the dynamically allocated memory structure now. It contains the
following :

.1 Parent link address for the current entry in the chain. For chain
headers this points to the parent at the next level up rather than
giving the chain previous link address.

.2 Next link address for the current level chain.

.3 Subsidiary link chain header address for the next level down.

.4 Pointer to a dynamically allocated null terminated text string
which gives the entire source byte string sequence for the current
element (beginning with the two byte sequence of the root table entry)
and which terminates at the character preceding the fork point byte in
the source byte string sequence implied by the subsidiary link chain

.5 Pointer to the start of the sub-string for the current entry which
is prefixed by the parent element sequence (beginning at the root
table) and which terminates at the character preceding the fork point
byte in the source byte sequence implied by the subsidiary link chain
members. This pointer reuses the text string of .4 above and is
present as a speedy way to get the start byte of the sub-string so
that as the current window of processing steps through a chain (for
processing of a particular source byte string sequence) there is a
quick way to check whether the current data element sub-string matches
the current character sub-string of the source byte string sequence.

.6 A pointer to the dictionary code for the current entry's text
string (giving the entire source byte sequence) which is set the first
time that the entry is actually used to replace source file text by a
dictionary code. Although a parsimonious developer would use all of
the two byte codes before proceeding to three byte codes etc., I
recommend that instead of doing so the two byte codes should be
reserved for two and three byte sequences. The four million three byte
codes should be reserved for source byte sequences of byte count five
or less. The billion four byte codes should be reserved for sequences
of byte count 32 or less. Anything with a greater than 32 byte count
should be a five byte code.

I) Read in the dictionary file, creating the dynamically allocated
memory structure entries by stepping through the structure beginning
at the root table.
.1 If the dictionary text byte count is two, then pull the next two
byte dictionary code and set the two byte code of the indexed entry in
the root table. Add the code and its associated null terminated byte
string to the memory dictionary. Go back to step I) until the last two
byte dictionary entry has been read in.
.2 If the root table subsidiary link is null, then hook up a new
element chain header address to the root table and set the new element
parent to the address of the root table entry. Go back to step I)
.3 If the dictionary code is a three byte sequence then replace the
chain header for the current entry in the root table by the new
element. So point the parent of the old header to the new element, the
next link address of the new element to the old header, the parent of
the new element to the root table entry, and the root table subsidiary
link to the new element. Go back to step I)

J) When the root table entry gives a subsidiary link and the byte
count of the next file dictionary string is greater than three then
beginning with an index of 3 and pointing to the chain head entry
given by the root table entry for the first two bytes of the file
dictionary string :
.1 Step through the relevant chain of elements whose sub-string begins
at byte "index". Because the dictionary was formed to have a counter
value for parent elements at least as great as that of subsidiary
elements, there should always be an element in some parent chain which
has already been read in from the dictionary before a dictionary entry
with a text string byte count greater than the parent's.
.2 When the first character of the sub-string for the current element
matches the corresponding byte in the text string of the dictionary
entry, then check to see if a subsidiary link has already been
.a If so then check whether the current element sub-string is a match
to the byte sequence of the dictionary entry being added. If so then
increment "index" and compare it to the byte count of the current file
dictionary string. Check whether they are equal then :
.a1 If so then replace the subsidiary link chain header by a new
element for the dictionary entry being added. Point the parent of the
old subsidiary chain header to the new element, point the next link
address of the new element to the old subsidiary chain header, point
the parent of the new element to the current level element, and point
the subsidiary link of the current element to the new element. Then
pull a new file dictionary entry and go back to step J) above.
.a2 If not then point to the subsidiary element of the current element
and go back to step .1

.b If a subsidiary link has NOT already been allocated, then check
whether the current element sub-string is a match to the byte sequence
of the dictionary entry being added.
.b1 If so then create a new subsidiary chain header element. Point the
subsidiary link of the current element to the new element, point the
new element parent link back to the current element, and set the next
link address of the new element to NULL. Then pull a new file
dictionary entry and go back to step J) above.
.b2 If not then something has gone wrong ROTFLMAO.

.3 When the first character of the sub-string for the current element
does NOT match the corresponding byte in the text string of the
dictionary entry, then step forward using the next link address to the
next element in the chain.
.a If there WAS no next link then something has gone wrong ROTFLMAO
.b Otherwise go back to step .1
I notice that I have become slap happy with fatigue and I am no longer
being very helpful. So it is time for the fat lady to sing and shut
this circus down. Just a few more comments and I will post it.

K) When the dictionary has been reconstructed in memory from file,
begin Pass 2 scanning of all archive files again. Using knowledge of
file formats, process only text data with the dictionary. Use whatever
compression technique is appropriate for non text data such as HTML
objects for images and audio. For long numeric strings convert them to
BCD strings. Using the library of section 1 discussion item d)
recognize standard features and replace them by an identifying code
which prefixes the four byte specifications from the library. For the
text data use a smart algorithm to chop a text stream into blocks of
dictionary defined strings which are either contiguous or separated by
special character strings to be specially coded as 0xc0 - 4 byte count
- string. When each dictionary entry is first used pull an appropriate
unused code, set the code for the dictionary data element and
otherwise track what is actually used to compress files. When all
files have been processed save to file the dictionary which was
actually used with the text strings coded by the library of section 1

L) When the archive is to be unpacked, use the library to decode the
dictionary and restore coded standard features and otherwise use
expert techniques to minimize resources consumed in the unpacking

Well that was a whirlwind cleaning up the remaining discussion like a
white tornado!
Completed at 1:40 AM on July 23, 2007

It took less than two days to produce this document. Frankly speaking
I have no good estimate of how long it took to develop the concepts
embodied here. However just to give a notion, I spent over 1000 hours
developing the free-ware Splash, which is the basis for the part 4
specification. I really hope that others appreciate the value of this
document. But as the amateur entertainers say - DONT CLAP - THROW
MONEY!!! Send checks to 3395 Harrell Rd. Arlington TN, 38002-4261.

Laughing Crazy Coot/
Lonnie Courtney Clay

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