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Anyone Considering Hiring Roy Schestowitz. Check USENET First!

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Jun 25, 2006, 5:22:21 PM6/25/06
Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
out his USENET posting history first.
Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual, a thief of other
peoples graphics work and all around weirdo he is an unstable person.
Should you hire him you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable
position when you try and fire him.
Stay clear of this nut!
You have been warned!

Donn Miller

Jun 25, 2006, 6:20:52 PM6/25/06

Ah flatfish. Those that piggyback should not squeal.

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Jun 25, 2006, 6:23:18 PM6/25/06

Is he the nut, or everyone around him?

Chris Smith

Jun 25, 2006, 6:34:14 PM6/25/06
<> wrote:
> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> out his USENET posting history first.
> Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual [...]

If that even gets mentioned in the same conversation as a reason not to
hire someone, that's pretty problematic; wouldn't you think? Probably
illegal, too, in most localities, and quite rightfully so! I don't know
Roy or what I think of him, but I'm starting to get a clue about what to
think about a certain other person...

Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer / Technical Trainer
MindIQ Corporation


Jun 25, 2006, 7:12:35 PM6/25/06
micoshaft asstroturfing windope wrote:

> A

Its posts like these from micoshaft paid asstroturfers trying to pass
themselves off as windope users that make me wanna eliminate windope
from offices altogether and install GNU/Linux. Its better.

I mean look at the idiots getting coverage in news sites.

"Linux does well on on Web servers, DNS servers and single, lightweight
 appliances that do "one thing well however while it might appear "slick" on
 the desktop, it can't "compete under the covers", Hilf said."

Micoshaft's Billy Goat Hilf bum boy it appears can't prove
his own words when it comes to whats under the cover.

For example,

I can run a free copy of Mepis, Knoppix etc Linux
( )
on a 750MHz AMD Duron CPU with 256Mb RAM,
and burn a 4Gb DVD (14,0000+ files) while at the same time
download a 2Gb file over a 100Mbit ethernet card
all without interruption.

If Micoshaft's bum boy Billy Goat Hilf would like to
claim that windopes expee can do any of this, of couse, it would
be a lie. So you pay all that money to micoshaft
for a license (not software) and you end up owning crap
that can't even compete with freely available software.

And of course, those hooked on windopes expee will be
forced if not tricked into buying a new
license (not software) for the vista crap
and have even less to show for it
because it STILL won't be able to do anything what GNU/Linux
does for free on a standard PC like the above test.

Micoshaft needs to down size and make their products work
before I ever authorize any further spending with that company.

Sudden Disruption

Jun 25, 2006, 7:14:21 PM6/25/06

I hate to generalize from a small sample (about a thousand hires)

Gays make better employees.

Sudden Disruption
Sudden View...
the radical option for editing text

Brandon McCombs

Jun 25, 2006, 7:48:24 PM6/25/06
Sudden Disruption wrote:
> Chris,
> I hate to generalize from a small sample (about a thousand hires)
> but...
> Gays make better employees.

It's unfortunate that certain members of that lifestyle try to push it
onto others whether it is wanted or not, and that companies are bending
over backwards to cater to their every want/need. Companies also protect
them more than other groups of people, even those who can't help what
makes them a minority (such as race).

Chris Smith

Jun 25, 2006, 8:00:08 PM6/25/06
Okay, I just realized this is cross-posted to alt.homosexual. Please
remove technical newsgroups before replying. Gay-bashing is off-topic
in technical groups.

Roy Culley

Jun 25, 2006, 8:20:05 PM6/25/06
begin risky.vbs

Chris Smith <> writes:
> Okay, I just realized this is cross-posted to alt.homosexual. Please
> remove technical newsgroups before replying.

You could've set a Followup-To header to do that.

> Gay-bashing is off-topic in technical groups.

I would hope it is off-topic in all newsgroups.

This thread was started by, IMO, a known homophobe in
comp.os.linux.advocacy named flatfish who frequently nymshifts. He's
tried every means he knows to discredit Roy Schestowitz and failed so
he resorts to nymshifting and spreading unsubstantiated and no doubt
libelous lies.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as
false, and by rulers as useful." -- Seneca the Younger (4? BC - 65 AD)

Brandon McCombs

Jun 25, 2006, 9:56:32 PM6/25/06
Chris Smith wrote:
> Okay, I just realized this is cross-posted to alt.homosexual. Please
> remove technical newsgroups before replying. Gay-bashing is off-topic
> in technical groups.

I never saw a post that was gay-bashing but instead what amounted to the
truth of reality.


Jun 25, 2006, 11:05:50 PM6/25/06
Donn Miller wrote:

> wrote:
>> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
>> out his USENET posting history first.
>> Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual, a thief of other
>> peoples graphics work and all around weirdo he is an unstable person.
>> Should you hire him you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable
>> position when you try and fire him.
>> Stay clear of this nut!
>> You have been warned!
> Ah flatfish. Those that piggyback should not squeal.

I'm still curious how we can say for sure that this is flatfish tho.

Where are we going?
And why am I in this handbasket?

Donn Miller

Jun 25, 2006, 11:44:00 PM6/25/06
GreyCloud wrote:

> I'm still curious how we can say for sure that this is flatfish tho.

Well, the formatting is a giveaway, plus the tone of the post.

Rex Ballard

Jun 26, 2006, 12:46:13 AM6/26/06
to wrote:
> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> out his USENET posting history first.

Wow! Roy, you should be really proud of yourself!
You have to be a really serious threat to get this "special" treatment.

After all, the Wintrolls only take the effort to research into your
intimate personal background, and publish them to this newsgroup when
you are a really effective advocate.

I had people digging into postings into a personals group from 10 years
ago to get some "dirt" on me.

> Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual, a thief of other
> peoples graphics work and all around weirdo he is an unstable person.

And of course, you are an anonymous wintroll who hasn't even bothered
to ANY information regarding ANY of your credentials. You haven't even
provided a real e-mail address, no link to a personal web site, no
indication of your qualifications to make judgements and assessments of
Windows, Linux, or to make any comparisons.

For all we know, you are a 12 year-old redneck whose father attents KKK
rallies and burns crosses in the yards of liberals and Americans of
African descent (I won't use the term you would use).

Only a 12 year old would care whether Roy was homosexual or not. Most
companies would rather have a homosexual who can produce results that
impact the bottom line and increase profits than a redneck who openly
engages in sexual harassment and racist remarks, exposing the company
to significant corporate liability.

> Should you hire him you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable
> position when you try and fire him.

Do you have a link to Roy's web site? Have you looked at his resume
and lifetime accomplishements? Instead, you would choose to have him
"black-listed" based on your personal homophobia?

> Stay clear of this nut!

Coal calling the kettle black.
Unfortunately, like so many of you KKK buddies, you hide behind a white
hood, masking your identity while you publicly humiliate others.

> You have been warned!
And if we don't heed it, what's next?
Burning crosses in the front yard?
A free trip to some concentration camp or Guantanimo Bay?
An invitation to a "Texas Necktie Party"?

Wait until they try to claim that you never actually existed and that
you never did anything worthwhile. If you are really good at Linux
advocacy, the WinTrolls will try to claim that you never did ANYTHING
you said ever did.

Of course, they will make all of these accusations while providing
absolutely no information about their own history, background, and
experience in life.

Anyone can be a critic, but being a producer is something that only
another producer can appreciate, and the critics can only envy.

Rex Ballard

Jun 26, 2006, 3:04:22 AM6/26/06
GreyCloud wrote:
> Donn Miller wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> >> out his USENET posting history first.

> > Ah flatfish. Those that piggyback should not squeal.

> I'm still curious how we can say for sure that this is flatfish tho.

Even though there is a usenet identity called flatfish, flatfish has
also become a noun.

A flatfish is a scum-sucking fish with eyes in the top of it's head
which allow it to see predators while it sucks scum from the sea floor.
It's also very well camaflauged which means that the only time it's
visible is when it moves from one scum pocket to another.

Wintrolls of the type described above tend to get their jollies by
posting slime and personal attacks, hoping to destroy the credibility
of those who communicate effectively. In short, they feed on scum.

They do this while hiding behind anonymous e-mails, most of which
aren't even real, providing no information about their own credibility,
even when they claim to have expert knowledge of the inner workings of
Microsoft (or at least refute the postings of others who come up with a
plausible hypothesis). Like flatfish, they remain extremely well
hidden, giving almost no indication of their true location.

Finally, they can only see one side of the issue, and look for tiny
nits and minutia, feelind that by attacking these little details, that
they are promoting their singular view that Microsoft is and should be
the only operating system ever to be used on anyone's desktop, or at
least SOLD with a desktop machine, ADVERTIZED with a desktop machine,
or RECCOMENDED for a desktop machine. Same view for laptops.

Linux advocates argue that END USERS should be allowed to make an
INFORMED CHOICE between Windows, Linux, OR BOTH. To "flatfish" (noun),
this view is intolerable.

To a "flatfish", users should ONLY be allowed to see WINDOWS, and
should never be allowed to see any offering that competes with
Microsoft. Not in the corporate environment, not in the retail stores,
not in the media, and not even in a usenet newsgroup dedicated to the
discussion of the pros and cons of Linux relative to competitors like


Jun 26, 2006, 4:49:58 AM6/26/06

Rex Ballard wrote:
> wrote:
> > Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> > out his USENET posting history first.
> Wow! Roy, you should be really proud of yourself!
> You have to be a really serious threat to get this "special" treatment.
> After all, the Wintrolls only take the effort to research into your
> intimate personal background, and publish them to this newsgroup when
> you are a really effective advocate.
You mean like when SCOX hired PI's to try and get the goods on Pamela
Jones - about the best they could do was unearth some woman who may or
may not have been PJ, and about the only three things they found about
that woman were her religion (so what!), that she frequently changed
cell phones and that she was the only one in the apartment block with a
virtually unpickable Medeco lock on her apartment (the PI's apparently
had to bribe the superintendent to let them in for a peek - in USA it
is generally a requirement that the building management has a key to
each apartment). They published their findings through a 'shill'

William Poaster

Jun 26, 2006, 4:57:09 AM6/26/06
This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on Sun, 25 Jun 2006

23:44:00 -0400, Donn Miller wrote:

> GreyCloud wrote:
>> I'm still curious how we can say for sure that this is flatfish tho.
> Well, the formatting is a giveaway, plus the tone of the post.

IMHO it's the same "" troll, who used these nyms:

& others.


Jun 26, 2006, 5:48:14 AM6/26/06
Brandon McCombs wrote:

> Sudden Disruption wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I hate to generalize from a small sample (about a thousand hires)
>> but...
>> Gays make better employees.
> It's unfortunate that certain members of that lifestyle try to push it
> onto others

I hate it when they try and ram it down your throat as well.

Marijuana -- because your friends just aren't that funny.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Alex Hunsley

Jun 26, 2006, 6:06:04 AM6/26/06
to wrote:
> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> out his USENET posting history first.
> Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual

Which would matter why?
Given that you think that this has any importance - you've just
discredited yourself. Rest of post cheerfully ignored.


Jun 26, 2006, 7:16:59 AM6/26/06

Hmm, not very interesting.
You seem to sling accusations around freely. I do not condone the
homosexual lifestyle, but I wouldn't discriminate against a possible
employee based on their sexual orientation. For one, in my country, it is
illegal to do so. I also think that a persons sexual orientation has
little bearing on how they conduct themselves in the workplace. If ANY
employee conducts themselves poorly, they should be reprimanded for it.
I personally have found Roy's posts to this group to be
on topic, informative and concise. If this quality in him is any
indication of how he conducts himself professionally, I would be more apt
to hire him instead of someone who finds it necessary to post possibly
slanderous statements about another person in a public forum....such as


Roy Schestowitz

Jun 26, 2006, 7:28:22 AM6/26/06
Hash: SHA1

__/ [ Brad ] on Monday 26 June 2006 12:16 \__

To set the record straight (pun unintended), I am not gay. And as Jerry
Seinfeld once said, "there's nothing wrong with it", either.

It should not be surprising that flatfish disappeared last week, just after
posting 200+ messages in just one week. All these personal attacks on me are
carried out through his nyms.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux)


Sudden Disruption

Jun 26, 2006, 8:10:31 AM6/26/06

(Sorry to post OT again but...)

> I hate it when they try and ram it down your throat as well.

Interesting choice of words.

Latent feelings should be explored.

Follow your dreams.


Jun 26, 2006, 8:41:19 AM6/26/06
to wrote:

>Anyone considering

Is it fun being a POS?



Jun 26, 2006, 9:26:18 AM6/26/06

Zemran wrote:
> Brandon McCombs wrote:
> > Sudden Disruption wrote:
> >> Chris,
> >>
> >> I hate to generalize from a small sample (about a thousand hires)
> >> but...
> >>
> >> Gays make better employees.
> >>
> >
> > It's unfortunate that certain members of that lifestyle try to push it
> > onto others
> I hate it when they try and ram it down your throat as well.

That's not what I heard.

Sinister Midget

Jun 26, 2006, 9:30:32 AM6/26/06
On 2006-06-26, Roy Schestowitz <> posted something concerning:

> It should not be surprising that flatfish disappeared last week, just after
> posting 200+ messages in just one week. All these personal attacks on me are
> carried out through his nyms.

It's a certainty you're doing something right when Flathead spends that
much time on you, Ewik attacks you from every angle he can find, the
other trolls start threads about you and try pretending to be you.

My advice is, if they begin to bother you, killfile the bastards.
They'll get tired of their games when the reactions stop. And you can't
react to what you don't see.

I love to go to Washington - if only to be near my money.
-- Bob Hope


Jun 26, 2006, 10:14:09 AM6/26/06

"7" <> wrote in message
LOL, lucky!!! If all you have to use is a 750 AMD Duron machine with
256M, it looks like you haven't been authorized much spending yourself
for quite a while! You and linux deserve one another.


Jun 26, 2006, 11:07:02 AM6/26/06
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 21:46:13 -0700, Rex Ballard wrote:

> Most
> companies would rather have a homosexual who can produce results that
> impact the bottom line

No pun intended, I guess?



Jun 26, 2006, 11:38:41 AM6/26/06
to wrote in news:1151270541.544622.201990

> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> out his USENET posting history first.
> Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual, a thief of other
> peoples graphics work and all around weirdo he is an unstable person.
> Should you hire him you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable
> position when you try and fire him.
> Stay clear of this nut!
> You have been warned!

I don't know Roy, but at least he is not a gay-bashing, newsgroup-trolling,
finger-pointing snitch!

Kelsey Bjarnason

Jun 26, 2006, 1:07:53 PM6/26/06

Or both.

You know, I have to wonder at the narrow-minded bigotry in some quarters.
Thief? Okay, fine, if he *is* a thief, there are good reasons to question
hiring him. "Weirdo" is just a matter of opinion, as is "unstable", so
neither really matter. "Admitted homosexual"? Okay, assume he is - so
what? Unless you're afraid you're going to find him so appealing you'll
"switch teams", what does it matter to anyone?

Sorta like the whole gay marriage thing. Don't like it? Fine - don't
marry one. End of problem.



Jun 26, 2006, 1:37:53 PM6/26/06
Donn Miller wrote:

> GreyCloud wrote:
>> I'm still curious how we can say for sure that this is flatfish tho.
> Well, the formatting is a giveaway, plus the tone of the post.

That's about what all one can go on. I was hoping for some kind of IP
or address hard evidence that links it.

Peter Köhlmann

Jun 26, 2006, 2:49:23 PM6/26/06
GreyCloud wrote:

> Donn Miller wrote:
>> GreyCloud wrote:
>>> I'm still curious how we can say for sure that this is flatfish tho.
>> Well, the formatting is a giveaway, plus the tone of the post.
> That's about what all one can go on.

Nope. The use of an open relay (this one in korea) is another clue
In fact, there are several clues which indicate it is probably just again
flatfish in his nymshift craze

> I was hoping for some kind of IP
> or address hard evidence that links it.

flatfish tries hard to avoid those. After all, he wants to deny being that
racist, bigotted asshole posting as net.nanny and dozens of other nyms
Yield to Temptation ... it may not pass your way again.
-- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"


Jun 26, 2006, 2:50:34 PM6/26/06
billwg wrote:

Trust me, I own more powerful computers and a GNU/Linux cluster.
Windopes are not so empowered, and its unfair to cite higher
productivity until they can do basic equivalent functions.

Ivan Marsh

Jun 26, 2006, 5:49:55 PM6/26/06
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 14:22:21 -0700, net.nanny69 wrote:

> Anyone considering hiring this loony toon Roy Schestowitz should check
> out his USENET posting history first.
> Besides being a confirmed and admitted homosexual, a thief of other
> peoples graphics work and all around weirdo he is an unstable person.
> Should you hire him you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable
> position when you try and fire him.
> Stay clear of this nut!
> You have been warned!

Never heard of him... therefore you are the only nut here.

The USA Patriot Act is the most unpatriotic act in American history.
Feingold-Obama '08 - Because the Constitution isn't history,
It's the law.


Jun 26, 2006, 5:58:42 PM6/26/06
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:28:22 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> To set the record straight (pun unintended), I am not gay. And as Jerry
> Seinfeld once said, "there's nothing wrong with it", either.
> It should not be surprising that flatfish disappeared last week, just after
> posting 200+ messages in just one week. All these personal attacks on me are
> carried out through his nyms.

Sorry Roy, I didn't mean to imply that you might be gay, just that as far
as I am concerned in an employment environment, it wouldn't matter to me
either way.
Anyway, keep on doing what you are doing. I for one appreciate your posts
and it saves me gobs of time in finding good tasty morsels of news
pertaining to our favorite OS.



Jun 26, 2006, 6:10:11 PM6/26/06

"7" <> wrote in message

> Trust me, I own more powerful computers and a GNU/Linux cluster.
> Windopes are not so empowered, and its unfair to cite higher
> productivity until they can do basic equivalent functions.
Well, lucky, you didn't mention anything about them, eh? I remember
from the old days how amateur radio operators had a sect that was
dedicated to seeing just how much they could achieve with fractional
power wattage. QST was the name for it. And even around here some
people are striving to see who can catch the largest bass with the
lowest test strength tackle. So it would be natural to see just what
additional life you could scratch out of these old, obsolete machines
using such a technique. You should have said so up front.

It is a waste of time, of course, if you are in business and need
something with more vigor to rely on getting the job done, but it is an
amusement, I can understand.


Jun 26, 2006, 7:48:52 PM6/26/06
billwg wrote:
> I remember
> from the old days how amateur radio operators had a sect that was
> dedicated to seeing just how much they could achieve with fractional
> power wattage. QST was the name for it.

No, QRP is the name for it. It's still around. I myself work QRP with a
homebrew 250 mW unit. Morse code only.

QST is the name of the American Radio Relay League's monthly publication.


Jun 26, 2006, 7:57:20 PM6/26/06

"Mouser" <> wrote in message

Correct. Are they still around?

Rex Ballard

Jun 26, 2006, 11:02:07 PM6/26/06

billwg wrote:
> "7" <> wrote in message
> news:DLEng.91479$
> > micoshaft asstroturfing windope wrote:

> > For example,
> >
> > I can run a free copy of Mepis, Knoppix etc Linux
> > ( )
> > on a 750MHz AMD Duron CPU with 256Mb RAM,
> > and burn a 4Gb DVD (14,0000+ files) while at the same time
> > download a 2Gb file over a 100Mbit ethernet card
> > to THE SAME HARD DISK AT THE SAME TIME and play MP3 music
> > all without interruption.

> > Micoshaft needs to down size and make their products work

> > before I ever authorize any further spending with that company.
> >
> >
> LOL, lucky!!! If all you have to use is a 750 AMD Duron machine with
> 256M, it looks like you haven't been authorized much spending yourself
> for quite a while! You and linux deserve one another.

Did he say that was the ONLY PC he owned?
Most of us Linux users are able to use machines that are "obsolete" by
Microsoft standards, as secondary Linux workstations, as Linux "desktop
servers" (accessed through VNC or X11), I gave 6 older machines at
home. I finally let go of 4 400 MHZ machines. They still worked as
Linux machines, and performed quite nicely, but I'm moving and I need
the cubic feet for my soon-to-be wife's things.

My plan is to pare it down to 2 laptops, 4 desktop/servers, each at
over 2 Ghz, and 2 with AMD-64 processors. I'll use Xen on 2 of the
boxes and VMWare on the other 2.

I'll keep Windows on one of the laptops, but that one also has 3 VMWare

I just wish Windows would stop fighting for all the memory all the
time. It's funny, the machine with Linux as the primary OS and Windows
as the secondary is almost twice as fast with both running as the
Windows primary with the Linux secondary.

Linux uses unneeded storage as drive buffers, but is more than happy to
give memory over to a VM.

Meanwhile, I have 12 Windows licenses that I don't need anymore, along
with the 6 Windows licence stickers I scraped off my OEM licensed
machines once I reformatted the drives and installed Linux on them.

After all, we don't want someone pirating my transferable license. I
paid for it (as part of the price of the machine). Why should I give
the licenses to the Recycler?

Ed H.

Jun 27, 2006, 1:18:47 AM6/27/06

It also means "Do you have information for me?"/"I have information for


Registered Linux User #416016
Registered Linux Machine #323569


Jun 27, 2006, 11:15:10 AM6/27/06

"Rex Ballard" <> wrote in message

> Did he say that was the ONLY PC he owned?

It is just a reasonable inference from his post, rex. I have a number
of old machines myself, since I am loath to just throw them away when
they work, but they sit in the garage on a shelf because no one seems to
want an old machine, even the charities. There is even a TRS-80 Model I
there. The top of the line out there is an IBM Intellistation Z-Pro
with dual Xeon 1GHz processors and 4 32G SCSI drives which I replaced
most recently with a similar 2.8 GHz Intellistation with 72GB drives.
It is only half the size and weight, BTW.

That is my test server with Win2K3. I also have a Z-Pro workstation
with XP that I use for development. I have a Dell laptop about a year
old that I connect to the network to update files that I want to take
with me when I am traveling, too. But I would never think about using
an old machine to do anything just because it exists. I use my best all
the time and I can only think that everyone else would as well. So if
lucky is not just making up stories about his exploits, I would think
that the machine he claims to be using for so many concurrent task is
his best also. Of course he may be a flake.

Rex Ballard

Jun 27, 2006, 12:20:20 PM6/27/06

billwg wrote:
> "Rex Ballard" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Did he say that was the ONLY PC he owned?
> There is even a TRS-80 Model I there.

OK, I think you might win the "computer pack-rat" award.

I do have a friend, Fan Ying Jen, who has a pair of 80486/33 machines
which he still uses as Web Servers - partly because they need no
cooling fans. He has SCSI-3 controllers in them and about 500 gig of
storage on each.

The machines are powered by FreeBSD, which he started using because
Slackware needed too much RAM. The interesting thing is that the
little web server actually works pretty well, and he often get over a
year of uptime.

***** charles

Jun 27, 2006, 1:35:49 PM6/27/06
"Rex Ballard" <> wrote in message


> Meanwhile, I have 12 Windows licenses that I don't need anymore, along
> with the 6 Windows licence stickers I scraped off my OEM licensed
> machines once I reformatted the drives and installed Linux on them.
> After all, we don't want someone pirating my transferable license. I
> paid for it (as part of the price of the machine). Why should I give
> the licenses to the Recycler?

If you actually had read the licensing agreement from M$ (EULA) OEM
licenses are only good for the one machine that had the original
Legally they are NOT transferable you can only legally tranfer the RETAIL
versions. The Product Key is "locked" to the original motherboard.

Another reason to be a FOSS fan (bigger world than just GNU/Linux).


***** charles

Jun 27, 2006, 1:42:46 PM6/27/06
"Rex Ballard" <> wrote in message

> billwg wrote:
> > "Rex Ballard" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > Did he say that was the ONLY PC he owned?
> >
> > There is even a TRS-80 Model I there.
> OK, I think you might win the "computer pack-rat" award.

I have an original PC-XT with a 5M hard drive and 640K of ram. It
has MS-DOS 6.22 and WordPerfect, Lotus and DBase on it.
Does this come anywhere close?


Rex Ballard

Jun 27, 2006, 4:10:09 PM6/27/06

***** charles wrote:
> "Rex Ballard" <> wrote in message
> >
> <snip>
> > Meanwhile, I have 12 Windows licenses that I don't need anymore, along
> > with the 6 Windows licence stickers I scraped off my OEM licensed
> > machines once I reformatted the drives and installed Linux on them.
> >
> > After all, we don't want someone pirating my transferable license. I
> > paid for it (as part of the price of the machine). Why should I give
> > the licenses to the Recycler?
> If you actually had read the licensing agreement from M$ (EULA) OEM
> licenses are only good for the one machine that had the original
> installation.

Actually, I have read the various EULA terms. The machines licensed
for XP have much tighter restrictions on transfer than the ones
licensed for NT 4.0

Each EULA becomes more and more restrictive, and additional
restrictions are added with each service pack.

> Legally they are NOT transferable you can only legally tranfer the RETAIL
> versions. The Product Key is "locked" to the original motherboard.

Very true with XP. Which is why most of these machines, which I
purchased with NT or 2K, were either left in their "pristine state", or
converted to Linux. One machine is NT 4 upgraded to XP.

I'm just overlicensed out the eyeballs.

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