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[News] A Look at Gnash (Open Source Flash), Which Adopted GPLv3

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Roy Schestowitz

Jul 4, 2007, 3:02:43 AM7/4/07
Making Gnash: a well-deserved name?

,----[ Quote ]
| Gnash is the Free Software Foundation’s alternative Adobe Flash player.
| Version 0.8 is the third alpha release, and frankly, it rocks! It is
| also one of the first projects to be covered by the GPLv3.


Interview with Rob Savoye of Gnash, the GPL Flash project

,----[ Quote ]
| 6. What features does the current version of Gnash support?
| We support a large chunk of ActionScript2 classes, and Flash v7
| movies. There is some support for v8 starting to get added as it's
| not very difference from v7. Although streaming video currently works
| in CVS, it's not fully functional yet. I find that Gnash plays them
| ajority of web pages Flash ads (unfortunately), and many movies
| randomly grabbed from the net. Many of us are using Gnash as our
| only Flash player without much trouble.

Flash Development Revolutionized with the Open-Source Release of Gaia Flash

,----[ Quote ]
| The Gaia Flash Framework has already earned the praise of high-profile
| coders including world-renowned Flash and Flex developer Jesse Warden.

Gnash [Open Source Flash] 0.8.0 release made

,----[ Quote ]
| Gnash supports the majority of Flash opcodes up to SWF version 7, and
| a wide sampling of ActionScript classes for SWF version 8.5. All the
| core ones are implemented, and many of the newer ones work, but may be
| missing some of their methods.

Ryan, Open Source, and Flash

,----[ Quote ]
| A few weeks back, I had dinner in Seattle with Ryan Stewart and Brian
| Zug. Over the course of several hours we covered a number of topics,
| including a crash course in open source software. Yesterday Ryan posted
| some of what he learned during our conversation, including his
| conclusions about whether or not open sourcing the Flash Player
| was a good idea.

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