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no results from the NovoSOFT partnership ..

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Doug Mentohl

Mar 14, 2009, 12:45:44 PM3/14/09
"we don't have the partner ecosystem to the level of performance that we
needed it to be."

You could try and not advertise your competitors products on your own
website ..

'In August 2008, Microsoft agreed to purchase up to $100 million of
additional SLES certificates. Payment will be made in $25 million
increments as the certificates are distributed. We received the first
$25 million payment in November 2008. Only this first $25 million
payment is nonrefundable'

Good grief, you sold the family silver for a bunch of refundable
certificates !!!

'During the first quarter of fiscal 2009, we did not sign any large
deals, many of which have been historically fulfilled by SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server ("SLES") certificates delivered through Microsoft'

I see the only viable future for Novell is to partner with a hardware
manufacturer and start selling a home media center, then do a deal with
the media companies and start selling online subscriptions, a bit like
what Microsoft is doing with the xbox. Once you get your own hardware
and software in the living room, you have a customer for life. Earth to
Ron come in Ron Hovsepian ...

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