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The Ballmer Days Are Over - The Brooks Review

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May 16, 2011, 3:41:37 PM5/16/11
" think it is appropriate at this time to start the countdown of how
long Ballmer has left until he “steps down”. 1 This Skype deal should be
the final nail in the coffin for the Ballmer era at Microsoft, yet I
fear that employee number 30 may get a reprieve.......

.....Windows Phone 7 was seriously late to the party. Three years late
means that most consumers Microsoft was targeting were on at least their
second iPhone before Microsoft started to slowly ship Windows Phone 7.
Add to that the basic lack of now common place smart phone features and
you begin to see that Microsoft shipped a product that was competitive
with the software from three years ago.......

It is the Zune all over again — a solid offering made far too late to
make a substantial difference."


Openbytes - the Linux/FOSS Blogazine!
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."

Skype: tim.openbytes


May 16, 2011, 4:16:16 PM5/16/11
On May 16, 12:41 pm, Goblin <> wrote:
> " think it is appropriate at this time to start the countdown of how
> long Ballmer has left until he “steps down”. 1 This Skype deal should be
> the final nail in the coffin for the Ballmer era at Microsoft, yet I
> fear that employee number 30 may get a reprieve.......
> .....Windows Phone 7 was seriously late to the party. Three years late
> means that most consumers Microsoft was targeting were on at least their
> second iPhone before Microsoft started to slowly ship Windows Phone 7.
> Add to that the basic lack of now common place smart phone features and
> you begin to see that Microsoft shipped a product that was competitive
> with the software from three years ago.......
> It is the Zune all over again — a solid offering made far too late to
> make a substantial difference."
> --
> Openbytes - the Linux/FOSS Blogazine!

> "Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."
> Mail:

> Skype: tim.openbytes
> Twitter:

Correction: The Zune turned into a decent offering after years of
being so bad it made the name a joke.


May 16, 2011, 4:44:11 PM5/16/11
nessuno wrote:

I can still hear Appil developers and Appil marketing
at the temple of design central screaming and laughing
and dropping like flies on hearing the word Zuuuuuuuuunnne.

I just like to remind the guys at Appil that
Zuuuunne is not a word to be laughed at. OK?
This is serious!!

Zuuuunnnnnne is micoshaft's at its best and if you
chose to laugh at Zuuuunnne you will be sorry.


May 16, 2011, 7:23:12 PM5/16/11
Well, this Brooks fellow is not a Ballmer fan, eh? Is he famous? Is he
rich? Or is he just another jerk-off like Homer?

After looking at his page here: would
you change your mind?


May 16, 2011, 7:29:12 PM5/16/11
On 5/16/2011 3:41 PM, Goblin wrote:
> " think it is appropriate at this time to start the countdown of how
> long Ballmer has left until he “steps down”. 1 This Skype deal should be
> the final nail in the coffin for the Ballmer era at Microsoft, yet I
> fear that employee number 30 may get a reprieve.......
> .....Windows Phone 7 was seriously late to the party. Three years late
> means that most consumers Microsoft was targeting were on at least their
> second iPhone before Microsoft started to slowly ship Windows Phone 7.
> Add to that the basic lack of now common place smart phone features and
> you begin to see that Microsoft shipped a product that was competitive
> with the software from three years ago.......
> It is the Zune all over again — a solid offering made far too late to
> make a substantial difference."

And the idiot spews his "I don't hate Microsoft" hate again.


May 17, 2011, 5:22:02 PM5/17/11

This article was about Ballmer mainly and secondly its not really to do
with Ballmer at all.

You seeing a hater around every corner, what does that make you?
Paranoid? Why so defensive against anything Microsoft related?

Don't bother answering, if you said you were telling lies I wouldn't
believe you.



May 17, 2011, 6:03:49 PM5/17/11

And before you jump on that typo...its meant to read:

secondly its not really to do with Microsoft hating at all.

Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -

"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."

Catch me in #boycottnovell on



May 17, 2011, 6:17:49 PM5/17/11
Goblin <> writes:

Nice try Gobbler.

But he isn't "defensive" - he has merely pointed out that you're a lying
hypocritical sack of shit when you claim you dont hate MS. You
constantly post anti-ms bullshit regardless of the source credibility.

How's Linphone coming along? Figured out that IPs in the range
192.168.0 etc are local LAN? *chuckle*.



May 17, 2011, 7:01:24 PM5/17/11

Just listened to the latest 2 Techloons episodes and they were so boring
I can't remember which one is which, but in one of them Goobler is
pouring on the honey in a not so obvious attempt at covering up what was
said about him here in COLA. He goes on and on about "using what works
for him" to the point of being so obvious it's sickening.

BTW Slimeowitz also pulls a fast one where he talks about how Linux
"couldn't possibly be at 1 percent" like the naysayers claim.

Then he tosses in Android, servers, embedded devices and so forth saying
he sees Linux everywhere and implying that this is what we are speaking

Real slimy of him.....

And of course Goobler doesn't correct him even though he knows full well
what is meant by that 1 percent figure.

Desktop Roy.
Desktop Goobler.
And BTW you both know that full well.

That's the kind of lying slime these people really are.

Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

Watching Linux Fail:

Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
"By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."


May 17, 2011, 7:09:33 PM5/17/11
On Wednesday 18 May 2011 00:01 flatfish+++ wrote:

> That's the kind of lying slime these people really are.

Come on now flatfish - a lying sod like you is really in no position to call
anybody a liar, eh?


May 17, 2011, 8:20:27 PM5/17/11

Oh let him. Its interesting to see how many times he can imply lies of
others when its a character flaw of his own.

His listening to the show is flattering though and its one of the things
that certainly makes it enjoyable producing.

Of course Hadron/Flatfish and "friends" will attempt to use anything they
can (such as an IP copy n paste when I was running on a few hours sleep)
and whilst they will never quote the entire conversation, I'm pleased
that at least they are not being vulgar to others.

They can't even get their head around the fact that this thread was based
upon someone elses article.... If they think it lies, challenge the
author, or debate here why they think the author is lying.

They can't though, so it simple cheap insults, potty mouth discourse and
backslapping between like minded vulgar Wintrolls. As I said in a recent
article, for the best examples of Microsoft advocacy, come to COLA! and
they See Flatfish and friends in action! This is what Microsoft is now
left with 2bit advocacy by those whose argument consists merely of insult.

They claim I have hate towards I wonder, have they ever
asked the average Joe on the street what they think of Microsoft and its
products? Who here thinks that they would get a favourable answer? I
certainly haven't.

But remember!! Don't dare be critical of Microsoft! That's a hater that

Complete rubbish and I cannot understand why Flatfish thinks he does
anything but strengthens the resolve of those who promote diversity and
alternatives in the IT marketplace.

Kind regards,


(No sig at the moment since I'm testing 11.04)


May 17, 2011, 8:29:40 PM5/17/11

Flatty, when you've finished the lies.....

Linphone is not functioning properly in I'll be using Skype.

Whats your point? I never had a problem with using Skype. Microsoft's
purchase will make no difference. I will use Skype when required and if
guests only use SIP, well I'll have that sorted shortly.

"Real slimy of him....."

Yes Flatfish. Grow up, we are talking about software here. Stop with
the hating.

I wonder when you will be brave enough to come on the show and challenge
me directly Flatfish? I don't think you ever would, you are a coward who
hides behind a handle and a potty mouth. You are a potty mouth who has
repeated lied and has no problem doing so. Come on the TechBytes us all that you are as "correct" as you claim to be.


May 17, 2011, 10:29:14 PM5/17/11
Verily I say unto thee, that Goblin spake thusly:

> But remember!! Don't dare be critical of Microsoft! That's a hater
> that is!

"Hater" is an odd way to describe someone who criticises a criminal
organisation like Microsoft. Are those who criticised Intel for bribing
Dell "haters" too? How about those who criticised Enron?

Are we supposed to "love" corruption, like the Microsoft apologists do?

K. | "The poor have flat-screen TVs." | ~ Libertarian propagandist Keith
Fedora 8 (Werewolf) on šky | Curtis, explaining why he thinks
kernel, up 92 days | we shouldn't tax the rich.


May 17, 2011, 11:27:51 PM5/17/11
On 5/17/2011 8:20 PM, Goblin wrote:

> They claim I have hate towards

What's so funny?

* You're completely obsessed over the so-called failure of the Kin,
writing several articles about it and posting about it on cola.

"Ive certainly had a laugh at the disaster that was the Kin.",
"What made the failure so comical..."
"utter disaster"
"I take some joy in failures like Kin..."

* You claimed the "[Microsoft hate site] boycottnovell is the most
interesting and informative site on the Internet"

* You actually show Spamowitz's idiotic lies on your site, such as
"Vista 7 Top ‘Feature’ is Access to Intruders"

* You babbled "I removed OpenSUSE from our local computer club machines
after they signed up with Microsoft"

* MS makes deal with Skype, and you reflexively and ignorantly try to
replace Skype (sez flatfish - is it true?).

* your blog contains only negative articles about Microsoft

* your blog labels Microsoft "underhanded"

* You claim "I cannot think of one MS tech which is better for me than
what Im using"

* You claim "time and again I was burned by Microsoft products that were
not fit for purpose for me"

* You claim the Acer Aspire One is "wholly unsuitable for XP"

So yeah, it's crystal clear you hate Microsoft, even as you weakly try
to deny it.

> I wonder, have they ever
> asked the average Joe on the street what they think of Microsoft and its
> products? Who here thinks that they would get a favourable answer? I
> certainly haven't.

Considering practically every avg Joe in the world uses Windows, they
can't hate MS too much.

That's 5 straight years they're in the Top 16 Most Admired Companies
(out of hundreds that were voted on by businesspeople).

Funny, I didn't see RedHat or Canonical in there anywhere, in any year.

> But remember!! Don't dare be critical of Microsoft! That's a hater that
> is!

Feel free to be as critical of MS as you want - every Linux "advocate" is.

> Complete rubbish and I cannot understand why Flatfish thinks he does
> anything but strengthens the resolve of those who promote diversity and
> alternatives in the IT marketplace.

Keep hope alive!

Adobe just shut down any plans to port their wildly successful and
popular products to Linux. The people have completely rejected it for
personal use. Govt migrations to desktop Linux are few and far between,
and corporate migrations are basically non-existent.

It's good for simple uses, like storing files and databases and emails
on servers, and forwarding spam all over the world.

> Kind regards,
> Goblin.

Kinect regards,

> (No sig at the moment since I'm testing 11.04)

We'll wait for the smarmy, fawning review.


May 17, 2011, 11:31:42 PM5/17/11

Goobler keeps trying to claim I am advertising his crap by posting about
Notice I am careful about providing direct links, although I really have
no problem doing that. Force of habit I guess.
These loons own words are the greatest weapon against themselves.

They commit hari kari each time they start babbling.

Listen to the latest contributions and you will hear sugary Goobler
trying to explain away his " I use what works" all at the same time
Slimeowitz is claiming we include Android, servers embedded devices in
the 1 percent number and so forth.

These loons are simply liars.

But you have to listen carefully because they are slimy and try and slip
crap in that they can use later.

Chris Ahlstrom

May 18, 2011, 6:21:20 AM5/18/11
Goblin wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:29:12 -0400, DFS wrote:
>> On 5/16/2011 3:41 PM, Goblin wrote:

>>> It is the Zune all over again ??? a solid offering made far too late to

>>> make a substantial difference."
>> And the idiot spews his "I don't hate Microsoft" hate again.
> This article was about Ballmer mainly and secondly its not really to do
> with Ballmer at all.
> You seeing a hater around every corner, what does that make you?

A hater.

> Paranoid? Why so defensive against anything Microsoft related?
> Don't bother answering, if you said you were telling lies I wouldn't
> believe you.

"Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst."
-- Thomas Paine

Chris Ahlstrom

May 18, 2011, 6:28:24 AM5/18/11
Goblin wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> On Wed, 18 May 2011 00:09:33 +0100, bbgruff wrote:
>> Come on now flatfish - a lying sod like you is really in no position to
>> call anybody a liar, eh?
> Oh let him. Its interesting to see how many times he can imply lies of
> others when its a character flaw of his own.

> <snip>

> They can't though, so it simple cheap insults, potty mouth discourse and
> backslapping between like minded vulgar Wintrolls.

It is apparently a widespread thing today:

Decide for yourself how "bad" or how "good" Brad is. It is the
early history of this newsgroup and will explain how and why
it is run by hoodlums and proven fans of hoodlums today. It
will explain the censorship and unethical activity of John
Price, Dan Rogers, and other sppm moderators. I encourage all
to explore the links provided at the bottom of this post and
read some of Brad's excellent work (before he was driven from
this newsgroup by thugs). The fact that he was
stalked/harassed by psychologists telling unsubstantiated lies
and repeating them in a stalking and harassing manner will
also be clear.

Disclaimer: This guy could be lying, too.

> As I said in a recent article, for the best examples of Microsoft
> advocacy, come to COLA! and they See Flatfish and friends in action! This
> is what Microsoft is now left with 2bit advocacy by those whose argument
> consists merely of insult.
> They claim I have hate towards I wonder, have they ever
> asked the average Joe on the street what they think of Microsoft and its
> products? Who here thinks that they would get a favourable answer? I
> certainly haven't.
> But remember!! Don't dare be critical of Microsoft! That's a hater that
> is!
> Complete rubbish and I cannot understand why Flatfish thinks he does
> anything but strengthens the resolve of those who promote diversity and
> alternatives in the IT marketplace.

Around 1995, I thought reasonably well of Microsoft and its products.

Today, their OS and main products are more featureful than ever (if also
more bloated and overblown than ever), but I don't think so well of the
company now.

Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little
more time for dreaming.
-- J. P. McEvoy

Chris Ahlstrom

May 18, 2011, 6:28:44 AM5/18/11
Homer wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> Verily I say unto thee, that Goblin spake thusly:
>> But remember!! Don't dare be critical of Microsoft! That's a hater
>> that is!
> "Hater" is an odd way to describe someone who criticises a criminal
> organisation like Microsoft. Are those who criticised Intel for bribing
> Dell "haters" too? How about those who criticised Enron?
> Are we supposed to "love" corruption, like the Microsoft apologists do?

You got it.

The most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman
is that one of them be good at taking orders.
-- Linda Festa

Chris Ahlstrom

May 18, 2011, 6:32:20 AM5/18/11
Hadron wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> <insults snipped>
> --
> Simon


Shift to the left,
Shift to the right,
Mask in, mask out,

Sinister Midget III

May 18, 2011, 7:01:15 AM5/18/11
On 2011-05-18, Chris Ahlstrom <> claimed:

> Hadron wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> <insults snipped>
>> --
>> Simon
> WTF?

Simeon Kooke is MSG-ID Larry?

Help Wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply.
Aspire One, Lubuntu 11.04
Friends don't let friends use Windows


May 18, 2011, 8:14:17 AM5/18/11
bbgruff wrote:

>Come on now flatfish - a lying sod like you is really in no position to call
>anybody a liar, eh?

Lying is what trolls do. The troll must lie and call the honest
people liars.

If that troll said that you were honest, I'd think you were, in fact,
a liar.


May 18, 2011, 8:16:36 AM5/18/11
Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

>Hadron wrote:
>> <insults snipped>

Well, I have no doubt that some Larry lies were snipped, too.

>> --
>> Simon


William Poaster

May 18, 2011, 8:26:13 AM5/18/11
In reply to chrisv who posted:

Not Simon (Cooke) the K-0-0-k, surely?

Earth is 98% full...please delete anyone you can.
"Microsoft has vast resources, literally billions of dollars in cash, or liquid assets reserves.
Microsoft is an incredibly successful empire built on the premise of market dominance with low-quality goods."
-- Former White House adviser Richard A. Clarke --


May 18, 2011, 9:26:34 AM5/18/11

"Goblin" <> wrote in message

> I wonder when you will be brave enough to come on the show and challenge
> me directly Flatfish? I don't think you ever would, you are a coward who
> hides behind a handle and a potty mouth. You are a potty mouth who has
> repeated lied and has no problem doing so. Come on the TechBytes
> us all that you are as "correct" as you claim to be.

What is this "TechBytes show"?

I had posted a few times on the Schestowitz site, but he didn't do to well
with his answers and his response was to block my logon. Is that what is
done with this show or are you actually open to argument?

Chris Ahlstrom

May 18, 2011, 11:24:40 AM5/18/11
William Poaster wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> In reply to chrisv who posted:
>> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>>Hadron wrote:
>>>> <insults snipped>
>> Well, I have no doubt that some Larry lies were snipped, too.
>>>> --
>>>> Simon
>> Weird!
> Not Simon (Cooke) the K-0-0-k, surely?

Maybe Flounder told "Hadron" to drop a bogus "clue" so that he could
revive the old Simon Cooke brouhaha and make like those same people
are still working their misdeeds in COLA and claim that we're all like

Although these days Flounder seems more like a follower than a leader.

lets be clear about this. Roy Schestowitz and Chris "Liarmutt" Ahlstrom
are actively AGAINST people using FREE and OPEN news servers to post to
a Usenet group dedicated to discussing the benefits of Free and Open
Operating systems and software?
-- "Hadron" <gi3tab$mvk$>

Rough Cut

May 18, 2011, 12:20:03 PM5/18/11

useless asshole "chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote in message

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>Hadron wrote:
>>> <insults snipped>
> Well, I have no doubt that some Larry lies were snipped, too.

I have no doubt that you are a useless asshole.

"chrisv" is a liar. "chrisv" is a piece of shit.


May 18, 2011, 1:15:31 PM5/18/11
On 18/05/11 11:21, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> Goblin wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:29:12 -0400, DFS wrote:
>>> On 5/16/2011 3:41 PM, Goblin wrote:
>>>> It is the Zune all over again ??? a solid offering made far too late to
>>>> make a substantial difference."
>>> And the idiot spews his "I don't hate Microsoft" hate again.
>> This article was about Ballmer mainly and secondly its not really to do
>> with Ballmer at all.
>> You seeing a hater around every corner, what does that make you?
> A hater.
>> Paranoid? Why so defensive against anything Microsoft related?
>> Don't bother answering, if you said you were telling lies I wouldn't
>> believe you.

Flatfish is quite the listener to the show, shame he doesn't have the
conviction to come on a stand up for what he claims.

I think that shows who the liar and hater is. I am quite happy to
present my views to him. He doesn't seem able.... I wonder why?

For those interested in Flatfish's regular appraisal of the show, you
can view all the collaboration projects here:


Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."

Catch me in #techrights on


Skype: tim.openbytes


May 18, 2011, 4:10:42 PM5/18/11
"Goblin" <> schreef in bericht

So your boss is wrong?!/schestowitz
"schestowitz Schestowitz
Let's Unite To Create A Skype Killer! Let's! I'm on (24/7)"


May 18, 2011, 4:22:56 PM5/18/11

Firstly theres no boss, but I'm sure Roy would be flattered.

He has his own opinions. Like I say, I will use both. If Roy wishes to
use SIP, I am more than happy to accommodate, just in the same way that
if a guest wants to use Skype, I am more than happy to accommodate that.

If you have a problem with Roy wanting to leave Skype, then fine, but I
can't help you any further since I am not leaving skype. I will be
staying with both (and any other alternative that comes along thats
popular with others)

Of course, for the Wintrolls "argument" I can't win. If I dumped Skype
I would be labelled a Microsoft hater and if I keep it, I am sure
someone will try to label me hypocrite.

Kind regards

Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -

"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."
Catch me in #techrights on



May 18, 2011, 11:24:14 PM5/18/11
Verily I say unto thee, that Chris Ahlstrom spake thusly:

> Around 1995, I thought reasonably well of Microsoft and its products.
> Today, their OS and main products are more featureful than ever (if
> also more bloated and overblown than ever), but I don't think so well
> of the company now.

I'm sure the Microsoft apologists would love to attribute my (and
others') hatred of Microsoft to meaningless fanboyim, like we're all
just a bunch of football supporters cheering-on our respective teams,
but the fact is that, unlike them, I don't see business as some sort of
Roman bloodsport, where the objective is to "kill" the competition.

Business isn't a game, it's a very serious and essential part of any
civilised society, and should be conducted fairly as an equal
opportunity for all, for the purpose of provision on the one hand and
subsistence on the other. But the way Microsoft conducts /its/ business
is thuggish and criminal, and /that/ is what I "hate". There's nothing
even remotely irrational or unjustified about "hating" /that/.


May 19, 2011, 11:08:26 AM5/19/11

"Homer" <> wrote in message

> Verily I say unto thee, that Chris Ahlstrom spake thusly:
>> Around 1995, I thought reasonably well of Microsoft and its products.
>> Today, their OS and main products are more featureful than ever (if
>> also more bloated and overblown than ever), but I don't think so well
>> of the company now.
> I'm sure the Microsoft apologists would love to attribute my (and
> others') hatred of Microsoft to meaningless fanboyim, like we're all
> just a bunch of football supporters cheering-on our respective teams,
> but the fact is that, unlike them, I don't see business as some sort of
> Roman bloodsport, where the objective is to "kill" the competition.
> Business isn't a game, it's a very serious and essential part of any
> civilised society, and should be conducted fairly as an equal
> opportunity for all, for the purpose of provision on the one hand and
> subsistence on the other. But the way Microsoft conducts /its/ business
> is thuggish and criminal, and /that/ is what I "hate". There's nothing
> even remotely irrational or unjustified about "hating" /that/.

Well of course you are right here, homer, but don't get your hopes up.
Where you make your mistake is in thinking that the normal result of the
failures of enterprises that lose out to more successful one is the result
of thuggery or criminal activity. In all the court actions that have
occurred over the past 20 years regarding Microsoft business practices,
there has never been any charge of criminal acts proven or even alleged. Do
you think that the EU and the DOJ and various other government's business
regulatory agencies are all in the tank for Microsoft and ignoring such
"criminal" behavior or are you just ignorant of the law?

You do have an irrational and unjustified hate for Microsoft, I think, which
perhaps stems from your irritation at Microsoft's success and your own lack
of results.


May 21, 2011, 10:46:21 AM5/21/11
Goblin <> writes:

> Of course, for the Wintrolls "argument" I can't win. If I dumped Skype I would
> be labelled a Microsoft hater and if I keep it, I am sure someone will try to
> label me hypocrite.

You would be labelled a hypocrite only if you continue to preach about
MS being evil and proprietary SW being evil. See how it works? It really
isn't that complicated.


May 21, 2011, 12:05:42 PM5/21/11

I think he is more of a gas bag idiot.
But that's just me.


May 21, 2011, 12:56:36 PM5/21/11
On 21/05/11 17:05, flatfish+++ wrote:
> You would be labelled a hypocrite only if you continue to preach about
>> MS being evil and proprietary SW being evil. See how it works? It really
>> isn't that complicated.

Oh...In that case I'm not a hater....I don't think Ive claimed Microsoft

Youre right, its not complicated...I wish you would then explain it to
your fellow wintrolls. Thanks for explaining the Wintroll mindset.

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