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Roy Schestowitz of is a phony.........

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Feb 18, 2011, 12:37:59 AM2/18/11
This nut Roy Schestowitz starts a website, (along
with Shane) devoted to the "evils" of Novell, Suse Linux and so forth.

But now that the London Stock Exchange, LSE, is using Novell-Suse Linux,
all of a sudden the distribution isn't the main news?

Gee, Roy you started a site devoted entirely to attacking Novell-Suse
and now all of sudden it isn't important?

What a freaking phony you turned out to be.
No surprise to me though.
I had you figured out years ago.

TechrightsBot-tr @sjvn: @boycottnovell Like it or not, it's not faux
news. The LSE is running on Novell SUSE Linux, which, of course, is
based on other Linux work. Feb 16 17:10

schestowitz I just don't think the distro is the main news Feb 16 17:10


Feb 18, 2011, 4:32:13 AM2/18/11
On Friday 18 February 2011 05:37 flatfish+++ wrote:

> This nut Roy Schestowitz starts a website,

Why are you so frightened of Roy?

Peter Köhlmann

Feb 18, 2011, 4:36:41 AM2/18/11
bbgruff wrote:

Maybe not so much frightened. But insanely jealous

Because Roy has actually achieved something. Much more than that fraud
flatfish Gary Stewart could ever hope for
Real programmers don't bring brown-bag lunches. If the vending machine
doesn't sell it, they don't eat it. Vending machines don't sell


Feb 18, 2011, 8:18:03 AM2/18/11

"bbgruff" <> wrote in message

> On Friday 18 February 2011 05:37 flatfish+++ wrote:
>> This nut Roy Schestowitz starts a website,
> Why are you so frightened of Roy?

I doubt that there is any element of fright in these posts, bb. Schestowitz
is easy to dislike if you are not a Linux/FOSS cultist. His flooding of
COLA with mislabeled and non-commented snipping made the newsgroup hard to
read and difficult to keep threads alive and so his departure is welcome.
Anyone who would pursue him in other venues is doubtless motivated by the
same sort of iconoclast thrill that veteran COLA fans get from knocking
Gates or Ballmer.

Schestowitz is, of course, hardly in the Gates/Ballmer league, but, in
comparison to others, he is the best that the FOSSers here can muster, sorry
as that can be. Stallman is much more of a candidate for such a practice,
but he does so little and rarely creates any news anymore that substitutes
must be found. Some posters have even had to focus on the likes of chrisv
or linonut for stalking. That is really scraping the bottom of the barrel,


Feb 18, 2011, 10:53:43 AM2/18/11
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 08:18:03 -0500, amicus_curious wrote:

> I doubt that there is any element of fright in these posts, bb. Schestowitz
> is easy to dislike if you are not a Linux/FOSS cultist. His flooding of
> COLA with mislabeled and non-commented snipping made the newsgroup hard to
> read and difficult to keep threads alive and so his departure is welcome.
> Anyone who would pursue him in other venues is doubtless motivated by the
> same sort of iconoclast thrill that veteran COLA fans get from knocking
> Gates or Ballmer.

Afraid of that idiot?
He's a joke and a thorn in the side of real Linux advocacy.
If anybody should fear him it would be the Linux community because he is
doing irreparable harm to Linux advocacy.

> Schestowitz is, of course, hardly in the Gates/Ballmer league, but, in
> comparison to others, he is the best that the FOSSers here can muster, sorry
> as that can be. Stallman is much more of a candidate for such a practice,
> but he does so little and rarely creates any news anymore that substitutes
> must be found. Some posters have even had to focus on the likes of chrisv
> or linonut for stalking. That is really scraping the bottom of the barrel,
> eh?

I love when all the Linux loons can come up with is "why do you fear

In reality, the reverse is true. He is afraid of us.

Slimeowitz has a public website, several in fact where he takes delight
in attacking companies and people he doesn't like. He spreads lies and
half truths on a daily basis.
He is really nothing more than a self centered opportunist with an ever
inflating ego and he needs to exposed for what he really is.

If he doesn't want people to scrutinize his sites and behavior, then he
shouldn't put himself in the public arena and he certainly shouldn't be
attacking people because they have opinions that are different than his.

It's just a case of dishing it out by the truckload but not being able
to take it when people disagree.

Face it, this thread and what Roy said is a clear example of what a
phony he is.
He's not the only one.
The Linux community in general and certainly COLA is loaded to the
gunwales with people like that.


Feb 18, 2011, 11:47:31 AM2/18/11
On 2/18/2011 4:36 AM, Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> bbgruff wrote:
>> On Friday 18 February 2011 05:37 flatfish+++ wrote:
>>> This nut Roy Schestowitz starts a website,
>> Why are you so frightened of Roy?
> Maybe not so much frightened. But insanely jealous
> Because Roy has actually achieved something. Much more than that fraud
> flatfish Gary Stewart could ever hope for

He sponged off his parents for 26 years, built a stupid-ass Microsoft
hate site, and now he sponges off the govt for grant money to write
crappy open source code.

Great "achievements"...


Feb 18, 2011, 4:05:48 PM2/18/11

"flatfish+++" <> wrote in message

> Slimeowitz has a public website, several in fact where he takes delight
> in attacking companies and people he doesn't like. He spreads lies and
> half truths on a daily basis.

There is not much to do about that, I think. The only viewers are those who
agree with him and love his criticism of Microsoft. They are not about to
be converted to a saner point of view and having them busy reading his
musings keeps the bulk of them from bothering normal people. "Preaching to
the choir" is the label that is best applied to his site and that is
historically ineffective. It is a form of self-quarantine.

Be content that no damage is being done and keep your wits about you.


Feb 18, 2011, 5:46:22 PM2/18/11

Pretty much true.
I don't try to convert those who are drunk on the Kool Aid that gets
served on sites like his.

The only damage is to Linux itself because people like him give credence
to some of the bad stereotypes that Linux is associated with.

High Plains Thumper

Feb 18, 2011, 6:14:42 PM2/18/11
Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> bbgruff wrote:
>> flatfish+++ wrote:
>>> This nut Roy Schestowitz starts a website,
>> Why are you so frightened of Roy?
> Maybe not so much frightened. But insanely jealous Because Roy has
> actually achieved something. Much more than that fraud flatfish Gary
> Stewart could ever hope for

Yes, Roy is quite successful. Now having entered into a career at a
higher level than the rest of us, because he has a PhD. That was a couple
years ago, now he has a few years work experience.

Interesting what bleeds through the bozo-bin. So Flatty is still stalking
Roy, even thought Roy hasn't posted here in months. Hmmmmm ....

Well, delving a little off topic, and since Flatfish claims to be a
professional piano musician. Recently I bought a Vito tenor sax. It is a
student model, paid $300 US used for it. 20 or 30 YO. Pads overall are in
good shape. Might be replacing a few on the top end down the road. Doesn't
say Japan on it, so don't know if it was built in Europe or Japan.
However, it plays in tune, just like a professional model sax, sounds good
on a metal mouthpiece. Deep fat tenor sound.

It is a keeper. Good backup horn. It now sits in my 4 instrument stand
next to my alto and soprano.

One doesn't need professional instruments to sound professional. I don't
need a $5,000 Yanasigawa professional model tenor.

Which brings up another interesting point. One doesn't need $5,000 in
professional Windows music editing software in their home studio, to do
editing of music files. Flatfish can continue to use its Steinberg piano
patches in midi backing tracks for supposed professional singers it claims
to support, which I seriously doubt. For obvious reasons.




Feb 18, 2011, 6:38:39 PM2/18/11
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:14:42 -0700, High Plains Thumper wrote:

> Peter Köhlmann wrote:
>> bbgruff wrote:
>>> flatfish+++ wrote:
>>>> This nut Roy Schestowitz starts a website,
>>> Why are you so frightened of Roy?
>> Maybe not so much frightened. But insanely jealous Because Roy has
>> actually achieved something. Much more than that fraud flatfish Gary
>> Stewart could ever hope for
> Yes, Roy is quite successful. Now having entered into a career at a
> higher level than the rest of us, because he has a PhD. That was a couple
> years ago, now he has a few years work experience.

It wasn't a couple of years ago, it was last year and Roy hasn't worked
a day in his life.
He sponges off of grants and is still doing so to this day.

> Interesting what bleeds through the bozo-bin. So Flatty is still stalking
> Roy, even thought Roy hasn't posted here in months. Hmmmmm ....


All the information is publicly available on his website.

> Well, delving a little off topic, and since Flatfish claims to be a
> professional piano musician. Recently I bought a Vito tenor sax. It is a
> student model, paid $300 US used for it. 20 or 30 YO. Pads overall are in
> good shape. Might be replacing a few on the top end down the road. Doesn't
> say Japan on it, so don't know if it was built in Europe or Japan.
> However, it plays in tune, just like a professional model sax, sounds good
> on a metal mouthpiece. Deep fat tenor sound.

I don't have to claim, I am one.
I think that was pretty much demonstrated from the files I put up last
year and other examples.

Your point?

At the student level, which is where you sit HPT, the quality of the
instrument means little.
Sounds like you got a good buy though.
Make sure you take it to a reputable shop if it needs repair.

> It is a keeper. Good backup horn. It now sits in my 4 instrument stand
> next to my alto and soprano.

Good for you!
One can never have too many instruments.

So when are we going to hear some examples of your playing HPT?

> One doesn't need professional instruments to sound professional. I don't
> need a $5,000 Yanasigawa professional model tenor.

You wouldn't know how to install the reed.
It would be a total waste for you, but you still want one don't you HPT?

> Which brings up another interesting point. One doesn't need $5,000 in
> professional Windows music editing software in their home studio, to do
> editing of music files.

I never said anyone did.
I said that if you do this for a living and interact with other studios,
at the professional level, you need to have the proper tools.

> Flatfish can continue to use its Steinberg piano
> patches in midi backing tracks for supposed professional singers it claims
> to support, which I seriously doubt. For obvious reasons.

I don't know where you got the idea I write MIDI backing tracks from?
I don't.

I also don't use Steinberg's "The Grand".
I use Ivory II, Vienna and Galaxy VST pianos along with my Steinway B
acoustic piano of course.

> Heh!

So let's hear your work HPT.

Yea you are.....

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