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The Schestowitz Idiot Trying to Make Videos Using the CLI...I kid you not...

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May 28, 2011, 4:21:13 AM5/28/11
Is this guy out of his mind?
Of course the Linux programs are an epic fail.....

Easily done under Windows though.

schestowitz <schestowitz> cubezzz: do you know CLI s/w for making video
with one frame and audio? May 27 14:14
schestowitz <schestowitz> I have a little script to make the mp3 version
May 27 14:14
schestowitz <schestowitz> Might also wish to make webm and put on
youtube May 27 14:14
schestowitz <cubezzz> let me check my notes May 27 14:14
schestowitz <cubezzz> you could use mencoder: May 27 14:14
schestowitz <cubezzz> mencoder "mf://*.JPG" -mf fps=3 -o test.avi -ovc
lavc May 27 14:15
schestowitz <cubezzz> or something like that May 27 14:15
schestowitz Can you explain how that would work? May 27 14:15
schestowitz it cannot accept imags and audio as input separately May 27

Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

Watching Linux Fail:

Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
"By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."


May 28, 2011, 9:38:57 AM5/28/11
flatfish+++ <> writes:

> Is this guy out of his mind?
> Of course the Linux programs are an epic fail.....
> Easily done under Windows though.
> schestowitz <schestowitz> cubezzz: do you know CLI s/w for making video
> with one frame and audio? May 27 14:14
> schestowitz <schestowitz> I have a little script to make the mp3 version
> May 27 14:14
> schestowitz <schestowitz> Might also wish to make webm and put on
> youtube May 27 14:14
> schestowitz <cubezzz> let me check my notes May 27 14:14
> schestowitz <cubezzz> you could use mencoder: May 27 14:14
> schestowitz <cubezzz> mencoder "mf://*.JPG" -mf fps=3 -o test.avi -ovc
> lavc May 27 14:15
> schestowitz <cubezzz> or something like that May 27 14:15
> schestowitz Can you explain how that would work? May 27 14:15
> schestowitz it cannot accept imags and audio as input separately May 27
> 14:15

He has never heard of ffmpeg?


May 28, 2011, 2:54:19 PM5/28/11

Probably not.
Watching the 2 stooges trying to get their podcast going is hysterical.

It's like the keystone cops.

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