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Listen to this fucking idiot.

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Karen Watson

Dec 11, 2010, 8:38:02 PM12/11/10
Listen at 01:05 onward. Is this person retarded or brain dead?
He sounds like he has Silly Putty in his mouth.
Why does he talk like that? Sounds like he might have a speech impediment
or something. Also sounds very gay like. Poor bastard.


Dec 11, 2010, 9:45:25 PM12/11/10

Did you try listening to what he was saying?
Towards the middle, they talk about copyright infringement and all 3
bring up some very valid points. They actually disagree a little
with each other!

Being a person who has copyrighted material out there, lots of it in
fact, I find this stuff interesting. I think what has to considered
is the context of the so called violation.

For example, if Schestowitz or Marti or whomever used some of my
work on their website and in a positive manner and then shared it, I
wouldn't be pissed. I would encourage it in fact.

However, if someone packaged a DVD compilation of 70's and 80's
retro TV Commercials, and sold this for a profit and my copyrighted
work was included, I would call ASCAP.
Because this person is effectively selling *my* work and I am
entitled to payment.

However, if that same person was giving it away, I would have no
problem although I'm sure the lawyers of the publishing company
would still have a problem.
I part ways with the lawyers at that point.

Roy, Goblin and especially Thistleweb are actually pretty decent on
these podcasts. I think Roy, despite his whiny voice, translates
much better via this medium than he does in writing.
He makes his points, I agree with some and disagree with others.

Personally, I really enjoy the podcasts.
They are not bad at all and it's kind of interesting listening to
these guys.

Hey Goblin, how about doing a program on the 500+ versions of Linux
and debating whether choice at that level is really harming Linux
rather than helping it.

I'd like to hear that one.

Please visit our Hall Of Linux Idiots:
Desktop Linux doesn't suck, it's just ignored.
Here are Linux desktop usage figures:

Peter Köhlmann

Dec 12, 2010, 3:47:11 AM12/12/10
flatfish+++ wrote:

Hi flatfish Gary Stewart

Still in your "answering yourself! mode?
Nobody taking you serious, except naturally your cretinous troll buddies
Hadron Larry, Snit Michael Glasser and RayLopez?

You lately nymshifted to

1.ball.willy, Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, alan.yunick, Allen
Cusimano, Allie Perkins, Allison Juergans, allison_hunt1969, Alicia Hunt, Amy
Fisher, Ana Thema, andyschipowitz, Anna Banger, anonymous, arkady.duntov,
Archie, Archie Moss Bunker, Archie Watermann, Attila, baaaaabaaaaboooeee, Baba
Booey, Babcock Johnson, babcock.latreen,Babu Singh, ball.cock.the.plumber,
banjo.boy69, Bart, Bart Bushey, Bill Softie, Bill Thomson, Billy
<billy.the.kidd>,, BingoBongo, bison, Bjarne Jensen,
bjornstad8800, BklynBoy, Bob Sickle, bones4jones, bonobo magilla, Boyce Mabri,
Brother John, BSEE, Bunsen Burner, Buster, c.baumstumpff, CBFalconer, Charles
C.DuPlessey, Charles Griggs, Charles LeGrand, Charlie, Choppers McGee, Chris
Thomas, Christine Abernathy, Claire Lynn, Clippy, Clock King, collie4roy,
Collie Entragion, Colon Singh, common cold, compton.plaines_kid, Connie Hines,
Corrie, corry.lebeu, Corrie Titlaand, Cory Dyvik, Crystal Meth Rulez, Curtis
Wilson, cymon.says,Damian O'Leary , Dana Bush, Danny Kwong, Darren Whisper,
dbx_boy, Deadpenguin, Debbie, detective48, Devon Dawson, dismoqualifetch,
Donald, Donn Carlsbad, donna.bunting_tv, dont.pullout, doris.gets.her.oates,
Doug Richardson, Dragon.Boy, Dr.Long John Jones, Doctor Smith, dy.sector,
echo.valley_26809, Eddy Carter, Elliot Zimmermann, Elwin Winters, Emmanuel
Arias, Erin Mungan, eunuch.roy, Eyeball, Fanny Crackwell, Fawn Lebowitz,
flatfish+++, foamy, FoxyKnoxy, frank boson, Franz Klammer, Fred Simmons,
gabriele howorth, Gary M. Stewart, Gary Stewart, GayClod, George Barca, George
Cotton, George Littlefield, Gilbert, Gilbert Goiter, Gilbert Hochaim,
gilligan, goldfarb44, gooseborg, Graham, Greg Finnigan, Greg Laplante,
Hamilcar Barca, Hank, Hans Kimm, Hans Lister, Hans Tomlinson, Harry Hilton,
Harvey Fogel, Heather, Heather69, heather.banger, Heather Trax, Heddy
Seafield, Heidi van Wong, helmut.ginter, hepcat, high_pain_humper, Hugh
Himless, hymen.the.jew, llanalott, Ishmeal Hafizi, itchy balls, Ivan
Mctavish, IvanaB, Jason, jeff.smiley, Jeff Szarka, jjwassermann, Joe
Josephson, John, John Fuhrer, John King, John Shelton, John Smith,
johnnyscotrun,, Jorge Jorgensen, jorge_shillingford, Jose Lopez,
juke_joint, kaptain kaput, Karel Olish, karen.bullfinch, Karen Hill, Karen
Watson , Karla Snodgress, kathy_krantz, Kaylie Solomon, Ken Johnson, Kendra,
Kenneth Downs, Kenny Dugan, Kent Dorfman, Kevin Wilcox, Kimba, Kim Coinop,
Kinglen Wang, Kristen, kumba killington, Kurt Janker, Kyle Cadet, lafferty6,
L Didio, Laura Shillingford, Le Farter, Le Yammy, Leaking Onion, Leo Diaz, Les
Cramer, les.crippen, Les Turner, Les Walton, Leslie Bassman, lester, Lilly,
Lindy, linux.curious, Linux Exposer, linux.freak.detector, Lisa Shavas, Lisa
Cottmann, Lois Hunt, Long, long_tong_ling, luisortizhome, Lukumi Babalu Aye,
Luna Lane, Magnus Boyle, Major Mynor, Manny,, Mario Fermin,
McSwain, mista twista, Mogumbo, Morris Tripper, Moses, M0she, Moshe Goldfarb ,
Mooshoo Bong Singh, mr.macfeelme, Ms Pixee Dust, mycarisfast,
narrows_whitefish, nate_mcspook, Navid Shakibapour, oh.bama.da.rack, Ofeelya
Pratt, okto_pussy,, organ.creep, One Shot. One Kill, OSS KDE
User, Paddy McCrockett, Paul Wannamaker, Paris Marriot,. Patricia, Patrick
Finney, Patrick Landrum, Patty LeGrange, patty pippins, Patty Poppins, percy
samson, Peter Gluckman, Peter Kohlmann, Peter Kränkwonov, peter.traphagen,
Phil, Phillip Cornwall, Philo P. Shagnasty, phoung, phoung quoak, pickle_pete,
Piss Clam, Polly Ester, Poopy Pants McGee, pus.boy99, pyles69, Quimby, Quinton
Magee, Quizno Backer, Ratter, Ray Schitzmepantz, Reporter, Rich, Richard P.
Johnson, Richie, Richie O'Toole, Richie Spano, Rick Young , right.wanger,
Robert Strunk, Rod, rodolfo.garcia44, Roland Whitson, rothstein_ivan,
Roy_Pestowitz, Roy.Schakemetitz, Roy.Schavesmewankz, Roy.Schavedmenutz,
roy.shysterwitz, Roy.Schitzowitz, roys.testicles, roy.the.spam.king, RP
Modell, RyanMcCoskrie, ryebra, Sally Vadi, Sammy, Sammy Whalen, Sandeep Kumar,
Saul Goldblatt, schavemetitz, Schestertitz, schestowizzle, schestowitz,
schitzmepantz, schisterwitz, Schlomo Smykowski, Sharon Cackle, Sharon
Hubbasland, Sean, Sean Fitzhenry, Sean Macpherson, Sewer Rat, sewer_clown,
Shelly K., Sherlock Holmes, Schlomo Rabinowitz, simian.knucklescraper, Simon,
Simon Lewis, simply.lisa, Singer, sista sledgehammer, slacker.mcspritze,
Spammy_Davis, spanny_davis, Stefan Karstensen, Stephan Simonsen, Stephanie,
Stephanie Mannerz, Stephen, Stephen Olsen, Stephen Townshend, StinkPot,
stomach.pump, SuckyB, Sue, sue quinterra, sully1999, SunnyB, Susan, Susan
Bladder, Susan Lapinski, Susan Wong, Suzi Wong, suzie.linux, Suzie Wong,
Swampee, swing.cock, sylvano12tegriorgriach, Ted Bennington, Terri Sorensen,
Terry Porter, The Beaver, The Linux Destroyer, Thorsten, Thorsten Thigpen,
Throckmorton E. Pouch, Timmy Luncford , Toby Rastus Roosovelt III, toe.mein,
Tomas Bicsak, tomas.bozak, Tomas Dunton, Tomas Lucatorto, Tori, Tori
Wassermann, Torre Stanslaand, Trace Dennison, Tracee, Traci, traci.alicock,
traci.manicotti, traci.pusey, Traci Spritzendrainer, trailerpark, Trina
Swallows, Trolly, Trudi Simpkins, Tryxie Lustern, Ubuntu Sucks, udayshankar29,
Uday Shankar, victimizedb, victimizedbyms, Vince Fontain, Vladimir Yepifano,
Walter Bubniak, Wang Mycock, Wasser, Waterskidoo, wendy, Wendy Duzz, Wendy
Toiletwater, Whizzer, Wilbur J, willy watkins jr, Willy Wong, wiltons_pypes,
Winnie Septos, wizard.shot, wm_walsh, Wobbles, wylbur.horseman, Yanick
Schmuley and zyklon_C.
Plus many, many, many more.
Microsoft Windows - The art of incompetence.


Dec 12, 2010, 4:08:00 PM12/12/10
On Dec 12, 10:47 am, Peter Köhlmann <>

> Microsoft Windows - The art of incompetence.

You owe me some money, as do all the Krauts. Now get to work. On
that Windows machine where you do your real, serious work.



Dec 12, 2010, 4:33:30 PM12/12/10
"RayLopez99" <> schreef in bericht


Here too, the Krauts stole my fathers Indian motorbike in WW2, they all
*must* suffer eternally for such a monstrous crime!

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