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Marious Barrier

Aug 29, 2010, 4:51:49 AM8/29/10
I have been some days subscribed to this newsgroup, and really... when I
first saw the name I thought it was going to be something really
different. It ended up being the most trolled group I have ever been in.

Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If
the trolls’ topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the
group would become what it should be.

Gregory Shearman

Aug 29, 2010, 6:38:13 AM8/29/10
On 2010-08-29, Marious Barrier <> wrote:
> Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If
> the trolls’ topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the
> group would become what it should be.

This group is exactly what it is... a holding tank for trolls. This
group keeps trolls occupied enough to keep them away from the linux help
and information groups.

If the trolls are rejected they'll go and spam other linux groups. We
don't want that. Let's keep things just as they are, shall we? I don't
want the trolls turning up in the Gentoo groups.


Gentoo Linux - Penguin Power

Ibrahim Al-Qassam (Abdelaziz)

Aug 29, 2010, 7:51:36 AM8/29/10
This group is fucked up.
And YOu are the reason
ge tthe fuck out. Fucker.


Aug 29, 2010, 7:48:38 AM8/29/10
Gregory Shearman <> writes:

> On 2010-08-29, Marious Barrier <> wrote:
>> Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If
>> the trolls’ topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the
>> group would become what it should be.
> This group is exactly what it is... a holding tank for trolls. This
> group keeps trolls occupied enough to keep them away from the linux help
> and information groups.

I agree. Because if you, Telnet Porter, chrisv, hpt, gortard etc were to
go there they would go the dogs.

In fairness, Chris (his non COLA name), Ray and TomB actually contribute
SOME real advocacy.

Telling lies and saying RTFM (as Willy Poaster does in the Ubunt group)
is not helping.

Dont believe me?

Google up my contributions and compare them to those of Dumb Willy.

I dare you.

Aug 29, 2010, 7:58:37 AM8/29/10
And verily, didst Marious Barrier <> hastily babble thusly:

> I have been some days subscribed to this newsgroup, and really... when I
> first saw the name I thought it was going to be something really
> different. It ended up being the most trolled group I have ever been in.
> Why is this group unmoderated?

Simple really.
If it was created to be moderated, the trolls would just move on to the
other linux newsgroups rendering them useless.

That was the intention at the start, to give people a chance to discuss the
benefits of linux while at the same time acting as flypaper for trolls.

works pretty well, though the quality of the trolls has degraded over the
years. Believe it or not there used to be some intelligent ones in the early
days... Even one or two of the ones still here... But their brains have
leaked out of their ears or they've caught whatever the idiot trolls have
since then and now they're all as dumb as each other.

> how to get this one to be moderated?

You can't.
Moderation is something done to a newsgroup on its creation.
You can't think "ooo, this would be so much better moderated" and flip a
switch 10 years down the line, usenet doesn't work like that.
Besides, such an act would be counterproductive cos they'd just move on to
the next linux group.

| | "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste! |
| Andrew Halliwell BSc | I can SMELL!!! KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and |
| in | get out the puncture repair kit!" |
| Computer Science | Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf |


Aug 29, 2010, 8:04:09 AM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 10:58 am, wrote:

> You can't.
> Moderation is something done to a newsgroup on its creation.
> You can't think "ooo, this would be so much better moderated" and flip a
> switch 10 years down the line, usenet doesn't work like that.
> Besides, such an act would be counterproductive cos they'd just move on to
> the next linux group.

Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.

Truth be told, you can lern more about Linux by visiting this group
than from a "moderated" group where like-minded poisoned minds post.

I lerned that Linux suks. That simple.


Robin T Cox

Aug 29, 2010, 9:42:29 AM8/29/10
Marious Barrier wrote:

You can be a moderator if you want. Just use your killfile facility. That
way you choose whose posts you want to read, and not someone else.

Facts are sacred ... but comment is free


Aug 29, 2010, 9:45:36 AM8/29/10
"Robin T Cox" <> wrote
I hate killfiles!


Aug 29, 2010, 10:51:02 AM8/29/10

As odd as the above statement's astutely spot on !
I've been posting here from time to time over a period of almost ten
years...and it's a great place for getting into typically absurd, but
always entertaining "discussions" .

If I actually need to get good technical help for a Linux-related
question I simply go to the appropriate Linux group
and with a minimum of hassle actually get the advice I need.

Just to take Ubuntu as an example...
If one actually wanted to get help, one could simply
go here and register...

get excellent advice and since registration is needed...get no "troll"

Depending on which particular distribution you use there may ( or may
not) be a similar web-based forum hierarchy.

Additionally, most of the other Usenet Linux groups are pretty darn good
for getting excellent Linux advice. Though a troll might possibly try to
infect some of those groups too, they are rare enough to simply ignore.

Finally, believe it of not, Craig's List is not too bad...
plus you can report abusers and have their posts removed. The only
problem I've found with Craig's list is they get hit with spam from time
to time...and they are not always as fast as I would like in removing it.

So like a good Psychology experiment, this group is indeed not anything
(much) to do with what it's name states. If one has been here for as
long as I's very interesting to find that a few of the folks
considered trolls actually make very valid comments. (Though perhaps
not in the gentlemanly manner I am typically accustomed to .) Some of
those here who pose as Linux advocates in fact are the true trolls of
this forum. Even by this group's (lack of) standards, needed to be

Finally, I have occasionally subscribed to a moderated Usenet group
and have found them to be horrifyingly sterile. I prefer this
unmoderated forum. I alone choose who to expunge and as the previous
respondent so very astutely stated...this group serves as a place for
folks to mindlessly blow off steam...and what the heck..I've learned an
awful lot here over the years. Most of it is about human nature...
and odd as it sounds, sometimes I learn something about Linux too!

Aug 29, 2010, 10:49:28 AM8/29/10
And verily, didst RayLopez99 <> hastily babble thusly:

> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.

Dunno what problem you have with Dr Who.
But then, I grew up with it so know its history, you're just an ignorant
idiot who'll attack anyone who disagrees with you with the most moronic
insults imaginable.

> Truth be told, you can lern more about Linux by visiting this group
> than from a "moderated" group where like-minded poisoned minds post.
> I lerned that Linux suks. That simple.

As dus tur spelchuker, yt wud seam.
| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
| Andrew Halliwell BSc |Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|


Aug 29, 2010, 11:20:10 AM8/29/10
RayLopez99 wrote:

>> You can't.
>> Moderation is something done to a newsgroup on its creation.
>> You can't think "ooo, this would be so much better moderated" and flip a
>> switch 10 years down the line, usenet doesn't work like that.
>> Besides, such an act would be counterproductive cos they'd just move on
>> to the next linux group.
> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.


All the trolls have become experts at trolling.
They are not even expert at Linux, windopws or appil
so when appil crap or windoosh crap gets slapped,
they don't know how to respond back technically.

The 'best' practice to drive the trolls to the ground is

1) Post technical Linux discussions trolls can't grasp
The command line is going to kill micoshaft crocporation!

2) posting their trolls back to the marketing departments
of micoshaft/appil and further up the director tree to check what
their responses are.

3) Post one strong rebuke against troll and watch other trolls
fall over each other to circle jerk creating noise
and get themselves into kill files rapidly while you make tea
and sit down to calm evaluation of another LiveCD or write
some get into some heavy coding. They waste so much time trolling, they
can't elevate themselves into doing anything useful.

4) At best trolls scare away 3 new Linux users per month.
That must suck deeply in troll circles. COLA has become the graveyard
of trolls and their nyms where so many have died on the alter
of Linux trolling, its impossible to say whether COLA is now a troll
massacre emporium or troll genocide arena.


Aug 29, 2010, 11:42:25 AM8/29/10
Hadron wrote:

>>> Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If
>>> the trolls’ topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the
>>> group would become what it should be.
>> This group is exactly what it is... a holding tank for trolls. This
>> group keeps trolls occupied enough to keep them away from the linux help
>> and information groups.
> I agree. Because if you, Telnet Porter, chrisv, hpt, gortard etc were to
> go there they would go the dogs.


> In fairness, Chris (his non COLA name), Ray and TomB actually contribute
> SOME real advocacy.

In fairness they are Linux advocates, you are not.
You are just a troll.
As soon as you accept that, we can move on to the next step.
How trolls can go jump off a cliff and save the world.

Gregory Shearman

Aug 29, 2010, 11:44:02 AM8/29/10
On 2010-08-29, Ibrahim Al-Qassam snivelled:

> This group is fucked up.
> And YOu are the reason
> ge tthe fuck out. Fucker.

C U Next Time

Message has been deleted

Chris Ahlstrom

Aug 29, 2010, 1:18:33 PM8/29/10
Marious Barrier posted this message in ROT13 encoding:

> I have been some days subscribed to this newsgroup, and really... when I
> first saw the name I thought it was going to be something really
> different. It ended up being the most trolled group I have ever been in.

'Why?' you might wonder. I think it is because

1. Linux and Free software, in some sense, battles with Microsoft and its
software. And some Microsoft fans a really high-strung and rabid in
their support for it.

2. The Linux advocates here tend to not put up with bullshit, especially
againsts Linux and Free software. (Some go too far, though, and emit
their own bullshit, which makes things worse.)

> Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If

> the trolls??? topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the

> group would become what it should be.

I wouldn't want the job. Heck, I'll bet moderating comp.lang.c++.moderated
is a big job. This place? It'd be Hell. Well, at least until you scripted
out the obvious loonies:

Anybody from or an anonymous remailer.

Now let the song begin! Let us sing together
Of sun, star, moon and mist, rain and cloudy weather,
Light on the budding leag, dew on the feather,
Wind on the open hill, bells on the heather,
Reeds by the shady pool, lilies on the water:
Old Tom Bombadil and the River-daughter!
-- J. R. R. Tolkien


Aug 29, 2010, 2:14:26 PM8/29/10
"Chris Ahlstrom" <> schreef in bericht
HPT is a loony then, thanks for confirming! :-P


Aug 29, 2010, 2:34:38 PM8/29/10
"Clogwog" <> writes:

Chris was showing off a while back how he filtered everyone from various
sources including, if I recall correctly, google groups.

Frankly I think he's one of the biggest trolls here!


Aug 29, 2010, 3:00:54 PM8/29/10

I'll be the mod up in here. The dishonest drivel of lying Lintrolls
like you and Kingmaker and [H]ypocrite [H]omer must be accompanied by
proof or strong evidence before the post will be accepted.

You're welcome to post your anti-MS opinions as always (that's what
Lunix "advocacy" really means, and I'm all for letting you wackjobs
express your idiocy), but if you think the mod group will accept lies like:

"I was working last week there in [Chile] the probing task. Operating
systems in every mobile phone, tablet and laptops we used were Linux
based. The only single Win there was an old laptop of a relative of one
of the miners."

you have another thing coming.


Aug 29, 2010, 3:03:10 PM8/29/10
Chris Ahlstrom stated in post i5dmkp$o0u$ on
8/29/10 6:18 AM:

> Marious Barrier posted this message in ROT13 encoding:
>> I have been some days subscribed to this newsgroup, and really... when I
>> first saw the name I thought it was going to be something really
>> different. It ended up being the most trolled group I have ever been in.
> 'Why?' you might wonder. I think it is because
> 1. Linux and Free software, in some sense, battles with Microsoft and its
> software. And some Microsoft fans a really high-strung and rabid in
> their support for it.
> 2. The Linux advocates here tend to not put up with bullshit, especially
> againsts Linux and Free software. (Some go too far, though, and emit
> their own bullshit, which makes things worse.)
>> Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If
>> the trolls??? topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the
>> group would become what it should be.
> I wouldn't want the job. Heck, I'll bet moderating comp.lang.c++.moderated
> is a big job. This place? It'd be Hell. Well, at least until you scripted
> out the obvious loonies:
> "Moshe"
> "Hadron"
> Snit
> Anybody from or an anonymous remailer.

I would be willing to be a moderator. Seriously... though it would have to
be set up to have a low time requirement.

"A non-powered hub that will only support non-powered devices. IOW,
basically useless." -- Tim Adams

Tom Shelton

Aug 29, 2010, 3:57:15 PM8/29/10
RayLopez99 submitted this idea :

> On Aug 29, 10:58 am, wrote:
>> You can't.
>> Moderation is something done to a newsgroup on its creation.
>> You can't think "ooo, this would be so much better moderated" and flip a
>> switch 10 years down the line, usenet doesn't work like that.
>> Besides, such an act would be counterproductive cos they'd just move on to
>> the next linux group.
> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.

What, may I ask, is wrong with being a Dr. Who fan?

Tom Shelton

Chris Ahlstrom

Aug 29, 2010, 4:02:31 PM8/29/10
Tom Shelton posted this message in ROT13 encoding:

Lopez is idiocy incarnate.

What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I
definitely overpaid for my carpet.
-- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Aug 29, 2010, 5:26:01 PM8/29/10
On 08/29/2010 11:22 AM, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 16:34:38 +0200, Hadron<>
> wrote:
>> "Clogwog"<> writes:
>>> "Chris Ahlstrom"<> schreef in bericht
>>> news:i5dmkp$o0u$
>>>> Marious Barrier posted this message in ROT13 encoding:
>>>>> I have been some days subscribed to this newsgroup, and really... when I
>>>>> first saw the name I thought it was going to be something really
>>>>> different. It ended up being the most trolled group I have ever been in.


>>>> 'Why?' you might wonder. I think it is because
>>>> 1. Linux and Free software, in some sense, battles with Microsoft and
>>>> its
>>>> software. And some Microsoft fans a really high-strung and rabid in
>>>> their support for it.

>>>> I wouldn't want the job. Heck, I'll bet moderating
>>>> comp.lang.c++.moderated
>>>> is a big job. This place? It'd be Hell. Well, at least until you
>>>> scripted
>>>> out the obvious loonies

> Ahlstrom is an EXCELLENT troll !
> He is playing the entire group like a banjo.


Yep no doubt about that...
I have to admit the he had me suckered for a while.

> Knowing Ahlstrom from way back in COLA, before he turned into an idiot
> literally overnight, I know he doesn't believe a scintilla of the crap
> he posts here.
> Evidence is when he posts some decent advocacy, which he let's slip
> once in a while.
> He's trolling all of us, and doing a great job of it.

Message has been deleted


Aug 29, 2010, 6:20:49 PM8/29/10
On 08/29/2010 01:08 PM, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 12:26:01 -0500, philo<> wrote:
>>> He is playing the entire group like a banjo.
>> QED
>> Yep no doubt about that...
>> I have to admit the he had me suckered for a while.
> I wasn't sure for a while if Liarmutt had gone insane or just decided
> to start trolling.
> I reached the conclusion, after much puzzling, that he is trolling the
> group.
> He has to be.
> Nobody could be that much of a suck up without doing it on purpose.
> And when you consider that he was once a reasonable poster, is not a
> dummy like say HPT, changed his style literally overnight, it all
> starts to fall into place rather nicely.


That's the reason he suckered me as he was not always a troll.

When running a psychological experiment,
there is always some data which needs to be discarded...

he was one such datum.

Marious Barrier

Aug 29, 2010, 6:49:39 PM8/29/10

Nunca has conocido a un Chileno parece. AWEONAO.

Chris Ahlstrom

Aug 29, 2010, 8:33:03 PM8/29/10
This one is really rich. "Moshe", "Hadron", and our newest troll "philo"
all colloquizing on the "Ahlstrom" troll.


philo posted this message in ROT13 encoding:

> On 08/29/2010 11:22 AM, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 16:34:38 +0200, Hadron<>

>> Ahlstrom is an EXCELLENT troll !
>> He is playing the entire group like a banjo.
> Yep no doubt about that...
> I have to admit the he had me suckered for a while.
>> Knowing Ahlstrom from way back in COLA, before he turned into an idiot
>> literally overnight, I know he doesn't believe a scintilla of the crap
>> he posts here.
>> Evidence is when he posts some decent advocacy, which he let's slip
>> once in a while.
>> He's trolling all of us, and doing a great job of it.

Weren't "Moshe" and "Hadron" the ones that claimed Roy was my "master"?
And that Roy was playing this group "like a fiddle"?

And now *I'm* the "master", playing this group "like a banjo"?


And it looks like the Three Stooges have been joined by a "Shemp", who goes
by the name of "philo".

Funny as hell!

Immature poets imitate, mature poets steal.
-- T. S. Eliot, "Philip Massinger"


Aug 29, 2010, 8:35:05 PM8/29/10
Chris Ahlstrom <> writes:

> This one is really rich. "Moshe", "Hadron", and our newest troll "philo"
> all colloquizing on the "Ahlstrom" troll.
> :-D
> philo posted this message in ROT13 encoding:
>> On 08/29/2010 11:22 AM, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>> On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 16:34:38 +0200, Hadron<>
>>> Ahlstrom is an EXCELLENT troll !
>>> He is playing the entire group like a banjo.
>> QED
>> Yep no doubt about that...
>> I have to admit the he had me suckered for a while.
>>> Knowing Ahlstrom from way back in COLA, before he turned into an idiot
>>> literally overnight, I know he doesn't believe a scintilla of the crap
>>> he posts here.
>>> Evidence is when he posts some decent advocacy, which he let's slip
>>> once in a while.
>>> He's trolling all of us, and doing a great job of it.
> Weren't "Moshe" and "Hadron" the ones that claimed Roy was my "master"?
> And that Roy was playing this group "like a fiddle"?

He is/was your master. You couldn't kiss his arse enough.

> And now *I'm* the "master", playing this group "like a banjo"?

Nope. You don't really believe we really think you are a reverse troll
do you?

> *LMAO*
> And it looks like the Three Stooges have been joined by a "Shemp", who goes
> by the name of "philo".
> Funny as hell!

Er yeah. Hilarious Creepy. Tell me, does Roy still pat you?


Aug 29, 2010, 8:45:46 PM8/29/10
Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
> RayLopez99 submitted this idea :

>> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.
> What, may I ask, is wrong with being a Dr. Who fan?

One of them attacked me for being a Twin Peaks fan, thinking he'd scored
some kind of major victory by exposing this "embarrassing secret".

[scratches head]

Oh and yes the good news is they /did/ finally release the second series
on DVD. I got the "Gold Box Edition" a few weeks ago.

Dare I tell them about my other "embarrassing secrets", like being a fan
of The X-Files, or most of the Sci-Fi / Supernatural genre too?

Thankfully for them, my interest in such things proves conclusively that
Microsoft have never committed an antitrust violation, and therefore the
low opinion I have of Microsoft is completely unwarranted. Or something.


| "Ibland är jag själva hindret. Oftare länken."
|("Sometimes I am the obstacle. More often the link.")
| ~ Ibi "Kopimi" Botani, Piratbyrån co-founder.

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
21:45:25 up 24 days, 22:55, 1 user, load average: 1.04, 1.04, 1.01

Tom Shelton

Aug 29, 2010, 10:33:35 PM8/29/10
Homer pretended :

> Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
>> RayLopez99 submitted this idea :
>>> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.
>> What, may I ask, is wrong with being a Dr. Who fan?
> One of them attacked me for being a Twin Peaks fan, thinking he'd scored
> some kind of major victory by exposing this "embarrassing secret".
> [scratches head]
> Oh and yes the good news is they /did/ finally release the second series
> on DVD. I got the "Gold Box Edition" a few weeks ago.
> Dare I tell them about my other "embarrassing secrets", like being a fan
> of The X-Files, or most of the Sci-Fi / Supernatural genre too?

LOL... Just re-watched "Fight the Future" last night :) As, well as
recently watching all 9 seasons back to back on netflix... I love the

Tom Shelton

Tom Shelton

Aug 29, 2010, 10:34:35 PM8/29/10
Chris Ahlstrom wrote :

> Tom Shelton posted this message in ROT13 encoding:
>> RayLopez99 submitted this idea :
>>> On Aug 29, 10:58 am, wrote:
>>>> You can't.
>>>> Moderation is something done to a newsgroup on its creation.
>>>> You can't think "ooo, this would be so much better moderated" and flip a
>>>> switch 10 years down the line, usenet doesn't work like that.
>>>> Besides, such an act would be counterproductive cos they'd just move on to
>>>> the next linux group.
>>> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.
>> What, may I ask, is wrong with being a Dr. Who fan?
> Lopez is idiocy incarnate.

Hmmm... I might have to turn him over to my Cybermen buddies...


Tom Shelton


Aug 29, 2010, 11:47:38 PM8/29/10
Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
> Homer pretended :

>> Dare I tell them about my other "embarrassing secrets", like being
>> a fan of The X-Files, or most of the Sci-Fi / Supernatural genre
>> too?
> LOL... Just re-watched "Fight the Future" last night :) As, well as
> recently watching all 9 seasons back to back on netflix... I love
> the X-Files.

For such a long running show, it remained consistently good, right up to
the second-last episode.

Let's just not even mention that last episode.

At first I was highly sceptical of the change of characters in series 7,
but I ended up wishing Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish had been given a
show of their own. It certainly wasn't the same "Mulder and Scully" type
of chemistry, and it lost much of the humour, but it was still excellent
in its own right, right up to the point where Duchovny showed up for his
final scene, and apparently forgot how to act. Oh, but I wasn't going to
mention that, was I?

What's the chances of Chris Carter re-shooting the final episode?

And yes I've also done the marathon run on the boxed set. Several times.
(Lost count.)


| "Ibland är jag själva hindret. Oftare länken."
|("Sometimes I am the obstacle. More often the link.")
| ~ Ibi "Kopimi" Botani, Piratbyrån co-founder.

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel

00:47:02 up 25 days, 1:56, 1 user, load average: 4.10, 4.23, 4.06


Aug 30, 2010, 12:21:31 AM8/30/10
Verily I say unto thee, that Marious Barrier spake thusly:

> On 08/29/2010 11:00 AM, DFS wrote:

>> you have another thing coming.
> Nunca has conocido a un Chileno parece. AWEONAO.

DooFy aweonaorama!



| "Ibland är jag själva hindret. Oftare länken."
|("Sometimes I am the obstacle. More often the link.")
| ~ Ibi "Kopimi" Botani, Piratbyrån co-founder.

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel

01:21:03 up 25 days, 2:30, 1 user, load average: 3.75, 3.89, 3.93

Marious Barrier

Aug 30, 2010, 12:50:53 AM8/30/10
On 08/29/2010 08:21 PM, Homer wrote:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Marious Barrier spake thusly:
>> On 08/29/2010 11:00 AM, DFS wrote:
>>> you have another thing coming.
>> Nunca has conocido a un Chileno parece. AWEONAO.
> DooFy aweonaorama!
> Bacán!



Aug 30, 2010, 12:55:06 AM8/30/10
Homer stated in post r58rk7-...@sky.matrix on 8/29/10 4:47 PM:

> Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
>> Homer pretended :
>>> Dare I tell them about my other "embarrassing secrets", like being
>>> a fan of The X-Files, or most of the Sci-Fi / Supernatural genre
>>> too?
>> LOL... Just re-watched "Fight the Future" last night :) As, well as
>> recently watching all 9 seasons back to back on netflix... I love
>> the X-Files.
> For such a long running show, it remained consistently good, right up to
> the second-last episode.
> Let's just not even mention that last episode.
> At first I was highly sceptical of the change of characters in series 7,
> but I ended up wishing Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish had been given a
> show of their own. It certainly wasn't the same "Mulder and Scully" type
> of chemistry, and it lost much of the humour, but it was still excellent
> in its own right, right up to the point where Duchovny showed up for his
> final scene, and apparently forgot how to act. Oh, but I wasn't going to
> mention that, was I?

I did not watch much of the show, but I never saw any evidence he ever knew
how to act. And most of the episodes I saw had the Scully *still* finding
"supernatural" things hard to believe. Come on... after the first season,
at the most, should she not have found the idea of the Easter Bunny at least

> What's the chances of Chris Carter re-shooting the final episode?
> And yes I've also done the marathon run on the boxed set. Several times.
> (Lost count.)


Message has been deleted


Aug 30, 2010, 1:56:18 AM8/30/10
On Aug 29, 7:22 pm, Moshe Goldfarb <> wrote:

> >Chris was showing off a while back how he filtered everyone from various
> >sources including, if I recall correctly, google groups.
> >Frankly I think he's one of the biggest trolls here!

> Ahlstrom is an EXCELLENT troll !
> He is playing the entire group like a banjo.

> Knowing Ahlstrom from way back in COLA, before he turned into an idiot
> literally overnight, I know he doesn't believe a scintilla of the crap
> he posts here.
> Evidence is when he posts some decent advocacy, which he let's slip
> once in a while.
> He's trolling all of us, and doing a great job of it.

> --

Yes, PISS ANGSTROM of the small mind is a troll. Clever, disguised as
a Linux user. At least Tattoo Vampire has a disclaimer in his .sig
file saying he is a troll--unlike dishonest PISS.

I LOL when PISS claims he has kill filed his critics--and yet he
replies to each and every one, never missing a beat.

Probably lives in his mother's basement, and his purported family is
just a cover story.



Aug 30, 2010, 1:58:35 AM8/30/10
On Aug 29, 11:45 pm, Homer <> wrote:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
> > RayLopez99 submitted this idea :
> >> Shutup you stupid Dr. Who fan.
> > What, may I ask, is wrong with being a Dr. Who fan?
> One of them attacked me for being a Twin Peaks fan, thinking he'd scored
> some kind of major victory by exposing this "embarrassing secret".
> [scratches head]

I guess cross-dressing, another one of your embarrassing pastimes, is
still secret then?

[scratches butt]


Gregory Shearman

Aug 30, 2010, 1:00:42 PM8/30/10
On 2010-08-29, Homer <> wrote:
> At first I was highly sceptical of the change of characters in series 7,
> but I ended up wishing Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish had been given a
> show of their own. It certainly wasn't the same "Mulder and Scully" type
> of chemistry, and it lost much of the humour, but it was still excellent
> in its own right, right up to the point where Duchovny showed up for his
> final scene, and apparently forgot how to act. Oh, but I wasn't going to
> mention that, was I?

I thought that Robert Patrick was superb in that role.


Gentoo Linux - Penguin Power

Tom Shelton

Aug 30, 2010, 1:06:32 PM8/30/10
Snit explained :

> Homer stated in post r58rk7-...@sky.matrix on 8/29/10 4:47 PM:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
>>> Homer pretended :
>>>> Dare I tell them about my other "embarrassing secrets", like being
>>>> a fan of The X-Files, or most of the Sci-Fi / Supernatural genre
>>>> too?
>>> LOL... Just re-watched "Fight the Future" last night :) As, well as
>>> recently watching all 9 seasons back to back on netflix... I love
>>> the X-Files.
>> For such a long running show, it remained consistently good, right up to
>> the second-last episode.
>> Let's just not even mention that last episode.
>> At first I was highly sceptical of the change of characters in series 7,
>> but I ended up wishing Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish had been given a
>> show of their own. It certainly wasn't the same "Mulder and Scully" type
>> of chemistry, and it lost much of the humour, but it was still excellent
>> in its own right, right up to the point where Duchovny showed up for his
>> final scene, and apparently forgot how to act. Oh, but I wasn't going to
>> mention that, was I?
> I did not watch much of the show, but I never saw any evidence he ever knew
> how to act. And most of the episodes I saw had the Scully *still* finding
> "supernatural" things hard to believe. Come on... after the first season,
> at the most, should she not have found the idea of the Easter Bunny at least
> plausible?

You miss the finer points of the relationship. Scully, acts the part
of the sceptic because Mulder needs her to. She, as Mulder says,
"keeps him honest".

Tom Shelton


Aug 30, 2010, 1:55:32 PM8/30/10
Tom Shelton stated in post i5gact$ih$ on 8/30/10
6:06 AM:

Could be... as I said, I only watched a few episodes. But, really, by the
time you have been impregnated by aliens, shouldn't you believe in them? :)

"Incest IS sex by the very definition of the words. Therefore they ARE
identical when presented in that order." -- Tim Adams


Aug 30, 2010, 1:56:14 PM8/30/10
Tom Shelton <tom_s...@comcast.invalid> writes:

And you miss the ridiculousness of it. Week after week they are up to
their tits in alien ooze and week after week she refuses to believe it.

Tom Shelton

Aug 30, 2010, 2:21:32 PM8/30/10
Hadro submitted this idea :

LOL... It's entertainment, not real life :)

Tom Shelton


Aug 30, 2010, 2:28:19 PM8/30/10
Tom Shelton <tom_s...@comcast.invalid> writes:

Well yes, but it suspends belief if the characters dont learn from their
own experiences dont you think? Its the mark of a cheesy ill thought out
script that sees little character development or storyline
development. And is, of course, why I think the X-files was garbage and
nothing more than weekly shock jock material for the cerebrally
challenged ;) At least Dr Who, Star Trek etc have a developing story


Aug 30, 2010, 2:51:03 PM8/30/10
Robin T Cox wrote:

>Marious Barrier wrote:
>> I have been some days subscribed to this newsgroup, and really... when I
>> first saw the name I thought it was going to be something really
>> different. It ended up being the most trolled group I have ever been in.
>> Why is this group unmoderated? how to get this one to be moderated? If
>> the trolls’ topics are rejected. they sure would disappear. And the
>> group would become what it should be.

>You can be a moderator if you want. Just use your killfile facility. That
>way you choose whose posts you want to read, and not someone else.

Yep. Homer periodically posts his score file in here, and it is a
good start. 8)


Aug 30, 2010, 2:55:44 PM8/30/10
Hadron stated in post i5gd9v$kcg$ on 8/30/10
6:56 AM:

>>> I did not watch much of the show, but I never saw any evidence he ever knew
>>> how to act. And most of the episodes I saw had the Scully *still* finding
>>> "supernatural" things hard to believe. Come on... after the first season,
>>> at the most, should she not have found the idea of the Easter Bunny at least
>>> plausible?
>> You miss the finer points of the relationship. Scully, acts the part
>> of the sceptic because Mulder needs her to. She, as Mulder says,
>> "keeps him honest".
> And you miss the ridiculousness of it. Week after week they are up to
> their tits in alien ooze and week after week she refuses to believe it.

That is my take - though as I said I only watched a few episodes. The poor
acting was enough to keep me from being pulled in.


Aug 30, 2010, 2:56:23 PM8/30/10
Hadron stated in post i5gf64$v9m$ on 8/30/10
7:28 AM:

>>>> You miss the finer points of the relationship. Scully, acts the part
>>>> of the sceptic because Mulder needs her to. She, as Mulder says,
>>>> "keeps him honest".
>>> And you miss the ridiculousness of it. Week after week they are up to
>>> their tits in alien ooze and week after week she refuses to believe it.
>> LOL... It's entertainment, not real life :)
> Well yes, but it suspends belief if the characters dont learn from their
> own experiences dont you think? Its the mark of a cheesy ill thought out
> script that sees little character development or storyline
> development. And is, of course, why I think the X-files was garbage and
> nothing more than weekly shock jock material for the cerebrally
> challenged ;) At least Dr Who, Star Trek etc have a developing story
> line.

Well, the Data-finds-humor episodes got a bit silly.


Aug 30, 2010, 3:12:22 PM8/30/10
Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

>This one is really rich. "Moshe", "Hadron", and our newest troll "philo"
>all colloquizing on the "Ahlstrom" troll.
> :-D

"philo" is an invention of the Wintroll gang, to use as a platform for
these "discussions" regarding the advocates.

>philo posted:

>> Yep no doubt about that...
>> I have to admit the he had me suckered for a while.

Sure, "philo", because you're so "new" here, right? *Guffaw*

> *LMAO*
>And it looks like the Three Stooges have been joined by a "Shemp", who goes
>by the name of "philo".
>Funny as hell!

I doubt that the trolls are that handsome, though. :-D


Aug 30, 2010, 3:15:03 PM8/30/10
Snit <> writes:

I dont class any post Shatner as real Star Trek ...

Chris Ahlstrom

Aug 30, 2010, 3:35:18 PM8/30/10
chrisv posted this message in ROT13 encoding:


Here's how the Three Stooges trolls make their noises:

When I saw a sign on the freeway that said, "Los Angeles 445 miles," I said
to myself, "I've got to get out of this lane."
-- Franklyn Ajaye


Aug 30, 2010, 3:37:08 PM8/30/10
Chris Ahlstrom <> writes:

> chrisv posted this message in ROT13 encoding:
>> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>>This one is really rich. "Moshe", "Hadron", and our newest troll "philo"
>>>all colloquizing on the "Ahlstrom" troll.
>>> :-D
>> "philo" is an invention of the Wintroll gang, to use as a platform for
>> these "discussions" regarding the advocates.
>>>philo posted:
>>>> Yep no doubt about that...
>>>> I have to admit the he had me suckered for a while.
>> Sure, "philo", because you're so "new" here, right? *Guffaw*
>>> *LMAO*
>>>And it looks like the Three Stooges have been joined by a "Shemp", who goes
>>>by the name of "philo".
>>>Funny as hell!
>> I doubt that the trolls are that handsome, though. :-D
> Nyahhhhahahahah!
> Here's how the Three Stooges trolls make their noises:

Sigh. You really have no idea how you belittle yourself sucking up to a
moron like chrisv do you?

Go back through his last 20 posts and find a single one that is actually
advocating Linux or talking sensibly about a subject.


Aug 30, 2010, 3:39:38 PM8/30/10
Hadron stated in post i5ghto$cre$ on 8/30/10
8:15 AM:

Fair enough. :)

In the which-captain-is-best debate I stick with Kirk. The Shatner Kirk...
not the new Tom Cruise Wanna-be Kirk. Nor the
I-am-mad-so-I-will-strand-Kirk-to-die Spock.

One Shot, One Kill

Aug 30, 2010, 4:33:59 PM8/30/10

"chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote in message

chrisv is a liar. chrisv is a stupid fscking piece of shit.

One Shot, One Kill

Aug 30, 2010, 4:34:33 PM8/30/10

"chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote in message

chrisv is a liar. chrisv is a piece of shit.


Aug 30, 2010, 4:55:31 PM8/30/10
Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
> Hadro submitted this idea :

>> And you miss the ridiculousness of it. Week after week they are up
>> to their tits in alien ooze and week after week she refuses to
>> believe it.
> LOL... It's entertainment, not real life :)

I'm guessing Hadron failed basic reading comprehension at school.

Apparently he doesn't get the show's innate humour, the role of the
sceptic, nor that the show's suspension of disbelief was maintained
/by/ that sceptic, usually by being seconds too late to witness some
supernatural phenomenon first hand, thus causing the audience to "will
her on" to discover what is then assumed to be the "truth".

In fact, Scully is the only character in The X-Files who is actually
believable (intentionally so). Hadron should ask himself: if /he/ found
himself up to his "tits" in ooze, would he automatically assume it was
alien in origin, or that he'd just fallen back into his trailer home.


| "Ibland är jag själva hindret. Oftare länken."
|("Sometimes I am the obstacle. More often the link.")
| ~ Ibi "Kopimi" Botani, Piratbyrån co-founder.

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel

17:55:12 up 25 days, 19:05, 0 users, load average: 4.52, 4.31, 4.27


Aug 30, 2010, 5:03:03 PM8/30/10
Homer <> writes:

> Verily I say unto thee, that Tom Shelton spake thusly:
>> Hadro submitted this idea :
>>> And you miss the ridiculousness of it. Week after week they are up
>>> to their tits in alien ooze and week after week she refuses to
>>> believe it.
>> LOL... It's entertainment, not real life :)
> I'm guessing Hadron failed basic reading comprehension at school.

You would, of course, be guessing incorrectly.

> Apparently he doesn't get the show's innate humour, the role of the

It's not humour. And it has nothing to do with reading comprehension.

> sceptic, nor that the show's suspension of disbelief was maintained
> /by/ that sceptic, usually by being seconds too late to witness some
> supernatural phenomenon first hand, thus causing the audience to "will
> her on" to discover what is then assumed to be the "truth".
> In fact, Scully is the only character in The X-Files who is actually
> believable (intentionally so). Hadron should ask himself: if /he/ found
> himself up to his "tits" in ooze, would he automatically assume it was
> alien in origin, or that he'd just fallen back into his trailer home.

Are you being purposely dense or is it natural. What part of "week after
week" confuses you?

Message has been deleted


Aug 30, 2010, 6:02:21 PM8/30/10
"chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> schreef in bericht

New count for week nr. 35:
7 lame posts about trolls, a trolling asshole, a PKB lame, a public asshole,
a last-minute "deposit", plonks, idiot namecalling, killfiles.
0 posts about Linux

0 new messages