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Schestowitz Thorws A Hissy Fit and threatens to Quit His Job!!!

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Mar 3, 2011, 4:23:58 AM3/3/11
What a fucking idiot this loser is.
How about all the SPAM he piplines through his employer's systems?
And e has the nerve to complain about others using cycles?

Come one Roy, welcome to the real world.
Sounds like you just don't like working for a living.

What a fucking PUSSY......

His employer should know that Schestowitz spends a good portion of the
day and night posting his SPAM.

" schestowitz I'm close to quitting my academic job (not the other job)
Feb 28 07:11
schestowitz They are pissing me off by not providing compute servers of
decent quality Feb 28 07:11
schestowitz It's a waste of time Feb 28 07:11
schestowitz Why should I wait minutes to save a friggin' file? Feb 28
schestowitz I am writing a rant to the chief IT person... Feb 28 07:21
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz Server has been unusable all day today because someone's
utilisation Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz is 100% of the box for several hours since the morning. Any
fallbacks Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz available? I can hardly make any progress with reliance on a
shared server. Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz Thanks in advance. Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz That's the first thing I tried yesterday, but I don't seem
to have an Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz account on there: Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:22
schestowitz And then thrown into another wasteful loop Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz "Oh, probably with my old password then... let's retry.."
Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz "Just tried my older password, still can't log in. :-(" Feb
28 07:23
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz Thanks. I got in and changed the password. Any way of
mirroring/mounting Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz the filesystem from gipserver (1) there? Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz By the way, I'm sorry to overburden you with this. I have no
copy of Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz MATLAB, I have no computer in CS (just a public cluster),
and SSH access Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz all I have left, with sluggish visualisation due to
connection speed. Feb 28 07:23
schestowitz Since yesterday I have spent a lot of time struggling with
technical Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz issues that impede my progress. I just cannot perform my
work like this. Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz And this will be the last one I send before/unless I file
for resignation:' Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz I am surprised that there is no NFS set up, with access to
entire clusters from which to choose hardware to run experiments on. I
would say that everything takes me twice as much as it's supposed to
because I struggle not with doing my development but with access and
resources issues (and I am judged by progress I make, not the number of
hours that I put in). For example, it has just taken me half an hour (I
am not Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz exaggerating) to save a little M-file that I was editing.
Sessions sometimes freeze altogether and I need to open new ones, I
cannot rotate 3-D datasets, etc. Getting set up in the lab was time
consuming too (over 5 hours), and I still cannot be guaranteed access to
any one specific machine, from which I then just remote login into one
of the overworked servers (or a server that does not contain the files I
need or keep them Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz in sync, e.g. with NFS). This is counter-productive to
actual research and eventually it can be me who's blamed for little
progress when it fact I just don't get the facilities that I need, not
even one responsive machine to run MATLAB on. Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz As a post-doctoral person I've been used to having my own
office/lab and PCs, usually with access to clusters on which to run
experiments, especially heavy overnight computation (where sharing
resources was not an issue). How can I be expected to perform if I am
given so little in terms of facilities? Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz " Feb 28 07:24
schestowitz re
"#wikileaks does not appear to have released new #cablegate cable in 11
days. /me worried (unless they will release in bulk)." Feb 28 07:35
TechrightsBot-sc @derfre4k: @schestowitz they did. just not on all
mirrors. Feb 28 07:35
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social
Feb 28 08:16
schestowitz Feb 28 08:31
TechrightsBot-sc @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Monday,
28-Feb-11 06:21:17 UTC - Having a bad morning (since noon
yesterday) cause the computation server is being hammered 24/7 by some
idiot who takes up all 4 cores Feb 28 08:31
schestowitz "@ender2070: @_the_mad_hatter You're almost as bad as Roy
Shakespherewitz" Feb 28 08:51
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) Feb 28 09:49
Feb 28 10:38
TechrightsBot-sc Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type Feb 28 10:38
schestowitz More like a sword Feb 28 10:44
schestowitz And you can use religiousness to sneak this into a plane,
demanding that they don't inspect Jesus Feb 28 10:45
MinceR hm, didn't they say that worshipping idols was evil? Feb 28 10:50
oiaohm schestowitz: You need to watch what you say. There is always a
chance the idiot using all for cores is above you. Feb 28 11:00
schestowitz oiaohm: I know Feb 28 11:53
schestowitz I've just sent a long message to the manager Feb 28 11:53
schestowitz it was not a rant Feb 28 11:53
schestowitz It was polite, but firm Feb 28 11:53
schestowitz qu1j0t3:

Rex Ballard

Mar 3, 2011, 6:29:29 AM3/3/11
Yes, I'm sure that his employer will be very upset that Roy spends from 7am to 8 am and 7 PM to 11 PM posting pro-linux stories - from other sources - to COLA.

After all he could be doing something so much more interesting like watching porn, or blogging on right-wing or left-wing political blogs, or maybe moonlighting for some other company.

They should tell him to stop posting on COLA and start watching - or creating - porn, like the rest of the team.



Mar 3, 2011, 6:37:48 AM3/3/11

I suggest you take a look at when and how much he is posting.
Other people are and they are reporting back.

You are totally off base with you’re comments.
Even a quick look shows him posting literally 24x7.


Mar 3, 2011, 6:51:58 AM3/3/11
flatfish+++ <> writes:

> What a fucking idiot this loser is.
> How about all the SPAM he piplines through his employer's systems?
> And e has the nerve to complain about others using cycles?
> Come one Roy, welcome to the real world.
> Sounds like you just don't like working for a living.
> What a fucking PUSSY......
> His employer should know that Schestowitz spends a good portion of the
> day and night posting his SPAM.
> " schestowitz I'm close to quitting my academic job (not the other job)
> Feb 28 07:11
> schestowitz They are pissing me off by not providing compute servers of
> decent quality Feb 28 07:11
> schestowitz It's a waste of time Feb 28 07:11
> schestowitz Why should I wait minutes to save a friggin' file? Feb 28

He has a point. Why should he wait? After all, the HW, the SW and all
the people there are doing it for free.



They are being paid. So, err, does he have a point?

Still. As WronG would say "choice is good".

Maybe Roy should find a free solution that is faster?

Meanwhile if anyone needs their documents reviewing, please email them
to Roy. He will be more than willing to do it for free.




Mar 3, 2011, 9:36:10 AM3/3/11
On Mar 3, 5:23 pm, flatfish+++ <> wrote:
> What a fucking idiot this loser is.
> How about all the SPAM he piplines through his employer's systems?
> And e has the nerve to complain about others using cycles?

It would be great if flatfish and his nyms and cronies would throw a
hissyfit and quit posting on COLA.


Mar 3, 2011, 9:44:54 AM3/3/11

Or even Thorws one like a dyslexic Norse God!

I'm always polite, reasonable and kind.... except when I'm not.

Chris Ahlstrom

Mar 3, 2011, 11:13:32 AM3/3/11
Rex Ballard wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

Rex made a funny!! :-)

Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:
if you're alive, it isn't.

Tattoo Vampire

Mar 3, 2011, 12:19:04 PM3/3/11
peterwn wrote:

> It would be great if flatfish and his nyms and cronies would throw a
> hissyfit and quit posting on COLA.

It would be even greater if they all simply dropped dead. :-)
Best regards,
Owner, Trollus Amongus LLC

People are marvelous in their generosity if they just know the cause is

Mar 3, 2011, 1:10:33 PM3/3/11
And verily, didst flatfish+++ <> hastily babble thusly:

> Even a quick look shows him posting literally 24x7.

A quick look shows no posts from roy in well over 6 months to COLA.
Try again, troll boy.
| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
| Andrew Halliwell BSc |Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|


Mar 3, 2011, 1:49:27 PM3/3/11
to wrote:

> mentally-ill troll wrote:
>> Even a quick look shows him posting literally 24x7.
>A quick look shows no posts from roy in well over 6 months to COLA.
>Try again, troll boy.

A stalker doesn't give-up his "love" easily.

"Most people couldn't even install (Linux) up until about 2 years ago"
- "True Linux advocate" Hadron Quark, September 2009

Size matters

Mar 3, 2011, 2:14:41 PM3/3/11

useless turd "chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote in message

> A stalker doesn't give-up his "love" easily.

more documented lies from the mentally ill piece of shit.

"chrisv" is a liar. "chrisv" is a stupid piece of shit.

William Poaster

Mar 3, 2011, 4:03:16 PM3/3/11
In response to, Tattoo Vampire who on 3/3/2011 12:19 shattered the
silence with:

> peterwn wrote:
>> It would be great if flatfish and his nyms and cronies would throw a
>> hissyfit and quit posting on COLA.
> It would be even greater if they all simply dropped dead. :-)

Amen to that. :-)

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"Microsoft has vast resources, literally billions of dollars in cash, or liquid assets reserves.
Microsoft is an incredibly successful empire built on the premise of market dominance with low-quality goods."
-- Former White House adviser Richard A. Clarke --

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