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Schestowitz Takes Bilk Apart !! News at 11 !!

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May 25, 2011, 9:11:27 AM5/25/11
Excellent job Roy !!

msb is Mark S Bilk, COLA's own 9-11 conspiracy nut.

Ender_hothome is a regular nut on the TR channel.

Roy shoots Bilk down pretty good.

msb_ It's true. People have analyzed the crap raining down from the sky
when the chemtrails appear. May 24 22:23

msb_ Barium, aluminum,and various organic materials. May 24 22:23
Ender_nothome barium too May 24 22:23

msb_ Barium, aluminum,and various organic materials. May 24 22:23
Ender_nothome barium too May 24 22:23

schestowitz People also say they analysed alien spaceships May 24 22:23
Ender_nothome msb_ its stuff like this that makes me think Roy is
disinfo, but then he shows his lack of research skills May 24 22:24
Ender_nothome it rubs off in his ms conspiracy theories May 24 22:24
msb_ schestowitz: Again you are using a strawman argument. It's easy to
recognize. May 24 22:25
Ender_nothome msb_ he does it all the time May 24 22:25
msb_ schestowitz: And way below your intelligence level, and ours. May
24 22:25
Ender_nothome there is no point arguing with him May 24 22:25
msb_ schestowitz: Roy, are you Jewish by any chance? I am. I ask
because some Jewish people have a very hard time looking at the evidence
for the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11. May 24 22:26
msb_ People who believe that the brave little state of Israel is being
attacked by hordes of evil Palestinians (and I'm not saying you believe
this) insist on thinking that 9/11 was done by evil arabs. May 24 22:28
Ender_nothome also for the record chemtrails has a scientific name May
24 22:30
Ender_nothome geoengineering May 24 22:30
Ender_nothome you'll notice the weather warfare treaty does not prohibit
countries modifying their own weather May 24 22:30
Ender_nothome msb_ he won't even talk to you about it now May 24 22:35

schestowitz It's not about talking May 24 22:44
schestowitz it's about testable evidence May 24 22:44
schestowitz I will listen and watch actual evidence May 24 22:44
schestowitz I'm not ruling stuff out, but evidence suggests what I
basically believe May 24 22:44
schestowitz Prove otherwise and I'll reconsider May 24 22:45
schestowitz The problem is, many people don't know what constitutes good
evidence May 24 22:45
schestowitz They think that some dude with a fistful of dust from
somewhere is evidence May 24 22:45
schestowitz They get insulted when people tell them this is as
verifiable as people who claim to have been abducted by aliens because
they have a bruise May 24 22:47
msb_ schestowitz: Roy, the dust showing the thermite particles was
collected by several people from several different places. Also, those
thermite particles can only be created by a high-tech sol-gel process.
May 24 22:47
schestowitz who are the people who collected it? May 24 22:48
schestowitz I saw some videos May 24 22:48
msb_ schestowitz: The huge puddles of molten iron were seen by many
workers going through the rubble, and also showed on satellite
temperature scans. May 24 22:48
schestowitz It's usually like one person with 3 sample or a small group
who /claim/ to have taken it May 24 22:48
schestowitz And how would they approach the area? May 24 22:48
schestowitz It was evacuated May 24 22:48
schestowitz And how can you tell it wasn't tampered with? May 24 22:48
schestowitz Writing in a paper "I swear on the bible I didn't change
anything" does not help mucj May 24 22:49
schestowitz msb_: any photos? May 24 22:49
schestowitz Eye testimony in verbal form is not a photograph May 24
msb_ Who would have tampered with it, and how would they have gotten
high-tech thermite particles to put into the dust? May 24 22:49
schestowitz Iron would not be molten for long May 24 22:49
schestowitz The temperature difference is vast May 24 22:49
schestowitz It would cool down quickly if it was molten May 24 22:50
schestowitz [22:49] <msb_> Who would have tampered with it, May 24 22:50
schestowitz People who want fame May 24 22:50
schestowitz Like those who fake "Aliens" May 24 22:50
schestowitz It's very common May 24 22:50
msb_ They thermal decay time goes as the first or second power of the
linear size of the hot object plus insulation. I forget which, I worked
it out once. May 24 22:50
msb_ Roy, why aren't you as skeptical of the government's story? May 24
schestowitz how long ago after the crash do the worker /claim/ to have
/seen/ (not photographed) such a thing? May 24 22:51
schestowitz msb_: it's not about the government May 24 22:51
schestowitz I'm not talking abut plots May 24 22:51
schestowitz I'm talking about evidence from the ground May 24 22:51
schestowitz If you cannot answer my question, then that does not help
your hypothesis May 24 22:52
msb_ But you are nit-picking about the evidence for the thermite and the
iron, while you accept uncritically the govt's story, which has no real
evidence to back it up. May 24 22:52
schestowitz I don't accept any story here May 24 22:54
schestowitz All I did was ask about the quality of the evidence you name
May 24 22:54
schestowitz I have some evidence that is factual May 24 22:54
schestowitz Like planes crashing May 24 22:54
schestowitz Buildings crashing NOT at freefall speed May 24 22:54
schestowitz Unlike claims to the contrary, which are lies May 24 22:54
schestowitz We know this because there is photographics evidence May 24
schestowitz From many angles, too May 24 22:55
schestowitz So for claims about puddles of iron I want at least
comparable amount of evidence May 24 22:55
schestowitz Otherwise, it's not really testable and there's a mountain
to climb May 24 22:55
msb_ You have evidence that the planes hit the towers, of course. You
do not have evidence that the fuel fires are what caused the towers to
collapse. May 24 23:00
msb_ And yet you believe that that's what happened. May 24 23:00
schestowitz I know there was fuel in the tanks May 24 23:01
schestowitz And that it burned May 24 23:01
schestowitz I don't know of anything that sceptics claim, as they have
no evidence May 24 23:02
schestowitz We can see planed going into buildings May 24 23:02
schestowitz We don't see some CIA 'ninjas' planting explosives there
while people work in the building May 24 23:02
schestowitz So if we stick with evidence, where are we left? May 24
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 24 23:03
schestowitz No response? May 24 23:06
schestowitz It has been 10 years May 24 23:06
schestowitz If someone was involved in putting explosives there, there
would be whistleblowers with legitimacy. But there are none. May 24
msb_ I am searching now for pictures and testimony about the molten
iron. May 24 23:15
MinceR finally the gde kid got to the anti-GNU+Linux trolling/spam he
came to #techrights to spew in the first place May 24 23:15
msb_ But the fact that planes hit the towers and fuel burned is NOT
evidence that that is what caused the towers to collapse! May 24 23:16
schestowitz planed are big objects May 24 23:16
schestowitz Not all buildings are build to withstand 747s May 24 23:16
schestowitz If Japan's skyscapers collapsed, would you say the govt. did
it? May 24 23:17
schestowitz There are also conpiracy theorists who say the US caused the
earthquake in Haiti May 24 23:17
schestowitz Their evidence is so dubious and shows their lack of science
background May 24 23:17
schestowitz Then again, many in the states believe in Second Coming,
Noah's Ark, and other such infantile nonsense that's no better than
Santa and Tooth Fsiry May 24 23:18
schestowitz (Fairy May 24 23:18
msb_ schestowitz: Roy, all this tooth-fairy, etc, stuff is just more
strawman arguments from you. Totally irrelevant to 9/11. May 24 23:27
msb_ brb May 24 23:27

Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

Watching Linux Fail:

Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
"By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."


May 25, 2011, 3:54:17 PM5/25/11
On May 25, 8:11 pm, flatfish+++ <> wrote:
> Excellent job Roy !!
> msb is Mark S Bilk, COLA's own 9-11 conspiracy nut.
> Ender_hothome is a regular nut on the TR channel.
> Roy shoots Bilk down pretty good.
> msb_    It's true.  People have analyzed the crap raining down from the sky
> when the chemtrails appear.     May 24 22:23
> msb_    Barium, aluminum,and various organic materials. May 24 22:23
> Ender_nothome   barium too      May 24 22:23
> --
> flatfish+++
> Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

> Watching Linux Fail:
> Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
> "By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
> in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."

Not following this soap opera, sorry, but reading between the lines
Dr. Roy S (spam) is taking the sensible position that there was no
9-11 conspiracy to cover up evidence and his side kick the black
hatted gay looking UK guy is taking the opposite side? Or something.
But it goes to show that Linux users tend to be on the fringes of
society and tin-foil hatters.



May 25, 2011, 3:59:11 PM5/25/11

Er no...stop telling lies... If "black hat guy" is me, then I have very
little interest in silly conspiracy 911 theories...

Stop trying to suggest opinions that I don't have.

Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."
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Skype: tim.openbytes


May 25, 2011, 4:02:52 PM5/25/11
On Wed, 25 May 2011 12:54:17 -0700 (PDT), RayLopez99 wrote:

> Not following this soap opera, sorry, but reading between the lines
> Dr. Roy S (spam) is taking the sensible position that there was no
> 9-11 conspiracy to cover up evidence and his side kick the black
> hatted gay looking UK guy is taking the opposite side? Or something.
> But it goes to show that Linux users tend to be on the fringes of
> society and tin-foil hatters.
> RL

I don't blame you, it's tough to follow.

Bilk has brought this topic up before on TR and Roy kind of ignored it
until I posted in COLA that he should take a stand.

Roy took the correct platform and asked for facts, specifically who has
this proof, who verified it, are they the same organization etc.

That is what scientists do.
Good to see Roy using his education and training to take apart a nut
like Bilk.

Bilk and his thermite conspiracy theories are nuts.

And BTW these conspiracy nuts are far from harmless.
Having had one close and several not so close friends perish in 9-11 at
WTC, I know for a fact that these conspiracy nuts show up at every
ground zero event spewing their lies.

They are entitled to their opinions but why pick that time when people
are mourning their losses and trying to come to terms with what we all
agree was a horrible event.

Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

Watching Linux Fail:

Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
"By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."

Tom Shelton

May 25, 2011, 4:06:27 PM5/25/11
flatfish+++ formulated the question :

> On Wed, 25 May 2011 12:54:17 -0700 (PDT), RayLopez99 wrote:
>> Not following this soap opera, sorry, but reading between the lines
>> Dr. Roy S (spam) is taking the sensible position that there was no
>> 9-11 conspiracy to cover up evidence and his side kick the black
>> hatted gay looking UK guy is taking the opposite side? Or something.
>> But it goes to show that Linux users tend to be on the fringes of
>> society and tin-foil hatters.
>> RL
> I don't blame you, it's tough to follow.
> Bilk has brought this topic up before on TR and Roy kind of ignored it
> until I posted in COLA that he should take a stand.
> Roy took the correct platform and asked for facts, specifically who has
> this proof, who verified it, are they the same organization etc.
> That is what scientists do.
> Good to see Roy using his education and training to take apart a nut
> like Bilk.

To bad he doesn't apply the same logic to his own stuff...

Tom Shelton


May 25, 2011, 4:31:09 PM5/25/11

He's talking about your cowboy hat you idiot.....

Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

Watching Linux Fail:

Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
"By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."


May 25, 2011, 4:54:49 PM5/25/11

He's no dummy.
Just misguided.


May 26, 2011, 6:33:48 AM5/26/11

If you are "Bilk", then you are spreading lies about 9-11, whether
intentionally or negligently. Are you Bilk? Read the rest of this

If not, then my apologies.



May 26, 2011, 9:24:50 AM5/26/11
flatfish+++ <> writes:

You need to apologise there - Dopez was indeed suggesting that Broke
Back Gobbler was in agreement with the conspiracy theory loonies.


May 26, 2011, 11:17:48 AM5/26/11


Sorry Ray..My bad!

Please visit our hall of Linux idiots.

Watching Linux Fail:

Desktop Linux: The Dream Is Dead
"By the time Microsoft released the Windows 7 beta
in January 2009, Linux had clearly lost its chance at desktop glory."

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