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The Badgeware/Brandware Company

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Roy Schestowitz

Sep 14, 2011, 5:43:16β€―PM9/14/11
Hash: SHA1

The Badgeware/Brandware company known as "Apple" is a major competitor of Linux.
GNU/Linux is not just a desktop platform and this forum is not about desktops.
either. It is funny to see how anti-Linux trolls who infiltrated this newsgroup
somehow act all shocked and surprised that Apple is put down in a forum that
compares Linux to other operating systems. Wait, what?!?! How dare it compare!!!
Maybe they feel a little envious because their little SCO wannabe, Microsoft,
does not get as much attention as it used to. Personally, I no longer track
Microsoft because it's dying on its own; it doesn't need much of a shove.
Microsoft will be like SUN in 5-10 years, only without good products. Apple is a
big delusion and it's easy to burst its bubble just with words. Apple is based
on PR (and brand value). Eliminate those and all you are left with are Foxconn-
made imitationsknowckoffs that merely integrate good technology from IBM
(hardware), Xerox, etc.

The English-speaking press likes to boost the "Mac vs PC" delusion because it's
good for the US duopoly. The matter of fact is, Asia is rising and it is using
Linux. Likewise, Xbox was a loser; the Japanese consoles kick arse, but they
don't control English-speaking press.

Linux makes affordable products; Apple makes expensive marketing. Would one
prefer paying for quality and value or just marketing/peer perception?

Linux got its checkmate in phones some time this year. This is what makes Linux
advocacy so much fun and the trolls so utterly pathetic. They've quit bashing
Linux; now they just make up libel with which to defame people. Socipaths.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Fernando Chavez

Sep 14, 2011, 5:50:25β€―PM9/14/11

"Roy Schestowitz" <> wrote in message

> now they just make up libel with which to defame people. Socipaths.


the irony meter just fscking blew up when I read this.

"make up libel with which to defame people" - sounds EXACTLY like you Glenn

your posting history is your own worst enemy you worthless scumbag.


Sep 14, 2011, 5:56:42β€―PM9/14/11
Fernando Chavez wrote:

>> now they just make up libel with which to defame people. Socipaths.
> the irony meter just fscking blew up when I read this.
> "make up libel with which to defame people" - sounds EXACTLY like you
> Glenn Spamowitz.
> your posting history is your own worst enemy you worthless scumbag.

Looks like you have forgotten you are just an internet troll.

Internets's trolls are being jailed and fined left right
and center and the legal precedents have been set both sides
of the Atlantic. There is no escape for internet's trolls!!

Sadly, no one owes any discussion to internet's trolls, only lectures.

There can be no cure for troll ranting or the ceaseless drivel
until you look in the mirror and acknowledge you are just
another internet troll in need of a pay rise and a decent vacation.

By any chance are you an employee of ntrepid corporation?

or perhaps an employee of Burson-Marsteller?

The line managers who contracted you were sniggering to the bone
when they when they realized what kind of idiot you were
and how useful it would be to them.

They never had so much fun since hosting a tampon sharing party.

And tell me again:

Why do dishonest Amrikaaan companies like Appil and Micoshaft pay Amrikaans
to troll and post ad-hominem personal attacks on the internet?

Has anyone in these companies got a degree in honesty?
If so prove it.

If not, are you expecting to ride on the back of good faith of the
international community to not criticise amrikaas dumbest criminals posting
trolls and ad-hominen personal attacks funded by amrikkkaan companies
like micoshaft and appil? Are they above the law? I don't think so. Its
time for prosecutors to move in and arrest a few of the criminals funding
asstroturfers hiding behind dishonest corporations like appil and micoshaft
who sponsor ad hominem personal attacks and abuse in the internet
in blantant disregard for law.

A few wikileaks to open up scrutiny of the funding routes and who's who in
the chain of command could be a starting point.

Stories like this
set a precedent which means every asstroturfer is due for a minimum
$400,000 fine.

Asstroturfer offerings

I've just read the contents of the solicitation RTB220610

The US government wants asstroturfers and with it sophisticated
asstroturfing technology to drown out democratic free speech,
and then hide from those whom it seeks to victimize.

It was point no.3 that caught my eye:
0003- Static IP Address Management

What that means is the same as what I've been saying for a while about
doofi, flatcake and clog are true.

They are not individuals but a whole asstroturfing team
behind each sock puppet.

There isn't enough memory between the sock operators to know
or remember what had been said earlier so you know the
conversations are being typed out by multiple individuals
impersonating each other.
It was notable gaffs by the goofy doofy sock that first gave it away.

The asstrotufing teams had already gone into government and offered them
consulting services about what technology and asstroturfing
practices were out there for to decide what they will
purchase in solicitation RTB220610.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Solicitation Number: RTB220610
Notice Type: Sources Sought
Synopsis: Added: 2010-06-22 13:42:52Jun 22, 2010 1:42 pm
Modified: 2010-06-22 14:07:11Jun 22, 2010 2:07 pmTrack Changes

0001- Online Persona Management Service.

50 User Licenses, 10 Personas per user. Software will
allow 10 personas per user, replete with background,
history, supporting details, and cyber presences
that are technically, culturally and geographacilly
consistent. Individual applications will enable an
operator to exercise a number of different online
persons from the same workstation and without fear
of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries.
Personas must be able to appear to originate in
nearly any part of the world and can interact through
conventional online services and social media platforms.
The service includes a user friendly application
environment to maximize the user's situational
awareness by displaying real-time local information.

0002- Secure Virtual Private Network (VPN).

1 each VPN provides the ability for users to
daily and automatically obtain
randomly selected IP addresses through
which they can access the internet. The daily
rotation of the user s IP address prevents compromise
during observation of likely or targeted web sites
or services, while hiding the existence of the
operation. In addition, may provide traffic mixing,
blending the user s traffic with traffic from multitudes
of users from outside the organization. This traffic
blending provides excellent cover and powerful deniability.
Anonymizer Enterprise Chameleon or equal

0003- Static IP Address Management.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

50 each Licence protects the identity of government
agencies and enterprise organizations. Enables organizations
to manage their persistent online personas by assigning
static IP addresses to each persona. Individuals
can perform static impersonations, which allow
them to look like the same person over time. Also allows
organizations that frequent same site/service often to
easily switch IP addresses to look like ordinary
users as opposed to one organization.
Anonymizer IP Mapper License or equal

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

0004- Virtual Private Servers,

CONUS. 1 each Provides CONUS or OCONUS points of
presence locations that are setup for each customer
based on the geographic area of operations the
customer is operating within and which allow a
customer?s online persona(s) to appear to originate
from. Ability to provide virtual private servers that
are procured using commercial hosting centers around
the world and which are established anonymously. Once
procured, the geosite is incorporated into the network
and integrated within the customers environment and
ready for use by the customer. Unless specifically
designated as shared, locations are dedicated for use
by each customer and never shared among other customers.
Anonymizer Annual Dedicated CONUS Light Geosite or equal

0005- Virtual Private Servers, OCONUS.

8 Each Provides CONUS or OCONUS points of presence
locations that are setup for each customer based on
the geographic area of operations the customer is
operating within and which allow a customer?s
online persona(s) to appear toWas it related to drug abuse?

originate from. Ability to provide virtual private
servers that are procured using commercial hosting
centers around the world and which are established
anonymously. Once procured, the geosite is incorporated
into the network and integrated within the customers
environment and ready for use by the customer. Unless
specifically designated as shared, locations are dedicated
for use by each customer and never shared among other
customers. Anonymizer Annual Dedicated OCONUS Light ell troll, i
Geosite or equal

0006- Remote Access Secure Virtual Private Network.

1 each Secure Operating Environment provides a reliable
and protected computing environment from which to stage
and conduct operations. Every session uses a clean
Virtual Machine (VM) image. The solution is accessed
through sets of Virtual Private Network (VPN) devices
located at each Customer facility. The fully-managed
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is an environment
that allows users remote access from their desktop into
a VM. Upon session termination, the VM is deleted and
any virus, worm, or malicious software that the user
inadvertently downloaded is destroyed. Anonymizer
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Solution or equal.

Contracting Office Address:
2606 Brown Pelican Ave.
MacDill AFB, Florida 33621-5000
United States
Lets start this troll interrogation again:
Place of Performance:
Performance will be at MacDIll AFB, Kabul, Afghanistan and Baghdad, Iraq.
MacDill AFB , Florida 33679
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
Russell Beasley,
Contracting Officer
Phone: (813) 828-4729
Fax: (813) 828-5111


Sep 14, 2011, 6:00:05β€―PM9/14/11
On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 18:43:16 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Linux makes affordable products; Apple makes expensive marketing. Would one
> prefer paying for quality and value or just marketing/peer perception?

Yet people stand in line for Apple products.
Linux CD's can barely be given away for free.

> Linux got its checkmate in phones some time this year.

Competition? Yes, but checkmate?
You're delirious.

iPhone 5 in October I believe.
People will be waiting in line for it.
You'll see.

> This is what makes Linux
> advocacy so much fun and the trolls so utterly pathetic. They've quit bashing
> Linux; now they just make up libel with which to defame people. Socipaths.

Sounds more like a self description of your own sites Roy.
Nobody has created more libel and slander while trying to pass it
off as factual data than you have.

The people you attack are icons in the industry.
People you secretly envy because of their success.

So what have you done for Linux and FOSS Dr. Schestowitz?
You are easily forgettable. Steve Jobs will go down in history as a
visionary along with Bill Gates and many others including Mark

When you finally tire of your self promoting, ego building little
charade and move on to something a little more useful and
productive, you will be forgotten Roy. Nobody will remember and
nobody will care. Much like a child actor from the 1950's who ended
up typecast you will fade into obsolescence.

Roy Schestowitz = The Anissa Jones of the 2000's.

Oh you don't know who Anissa Jones is?
That's the point.


Sep 14, 2011, 7:36:15β€―PM9/14/11
Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/14/11
10:43 AM:

> The Badgeware/Brandware company known as "Apple" is a major competitor of
> Linux.

They overlap in some areas... but see how you refer to Apple. Why not
advocate *honestly* and without such BS? You are not able.

> GNU/Linux is not just a desktop platform and this forum is not about desktops.

No: but that is a big topic in COLA. Tablets and phones are also growing
areas. Sometimes other things are talked about, too. Good.

> either. It is funny to see how anti-Linux trolls who infiltrated this
> newsgroup somehow act all shocked and surprised that Apple is put down in a
> forum that compares Linux to other operating systems.

Note your FUD:

"infiltrate"... you completely misuse that word.

And who is shocked or surprised to see Apple put down here? What I ask for
is for people to be *honest* in their advocacy, and that includes in
pointing out facts about other products.

When you fail to be honest - when you out and out lie and spew your silly
name calling and insults - you show you are a false "advocate". You harm
the cause of Linux advocacy.

That is what I am against.

> Wait, what?!?! How dare it compare!!!

Who says they should not be compared? But when you do make a comparison, do
no be shocked or surprised when other opinions are shared about the

And when you out and out lie, as you do so often, do not be surprised when
your lies are called out. Stop whining about how you cannot lie without
people responding - it just makes you look like a whiney brat.

> Maybe they feel a little envious because their little SCO wannabe, Microsoft,
> does not get as much attention as it used to. Personally, I no longer track
> Microsoft because it's dying on its own; it doesn't need much of a shove.

This is a clear lie. Look at your site: about 90% of the recent posts talk
about Microsoft. To say you do not track them is just dishonest.

Why do you lie so much?

> Microsoft will be like SUN in 5-10 years, only without good products. Apple is
> a big delusion and it's easy to burst its bubble just with words. Apple is
> based on PR (and brand value). Eliminate those and all you are left with are
> Foxconn- made imitationsknowckoffs that merely integrate good technology from
> IBM (hardware), Xerox, etc.

See: utter FUD. If you want to compare Linux to Apple that is fine - but
when you do so in such a clearly dishonest way you *hurt* Linux advocacy.

You are a false "advocate" doing more hard to Linux and OSS than you do

> The English-speaking press likes to boost the "Mac vs PC" delusion because
> it's good for the US duopoly. The matter of fact is, Asia is rising and it is
> using Linux. Likewise, Xbox was a loser; the Japanese consoles kick arse, but
> they don't control English-speaking press.

In the US, desktop Linux is all but unheard of. Stop whining that the media
reflects that. They do not owe Linux extra media to try to boost it.

> Linux makes affordable products; Apple makes expensive marketing. Would one
> prefer paying for quality and value or just marketing/peer perception?

I use the product that serves me best at the lowest cost. In my case that
is an iMac with OS X (though I also run Linux in a VM... and Windows, too).
If other products serve you better, great.

Apple, however, makes great products. For you to deny that without any
discussion is simply silly. It is false "advocacy".

> Linux got its checkmate in phones some time this year. This is what makes
> Linux advocacy so much fun and the trolls so utterly pathetic. They've quit
> bashing Linux; now they just make up libel with which to defame people.
> Socipaths.

Please tell me you meant that last paragraph to be ironic.


If not you are presenting yourself in a very, very poor light.



Sep 14, 2011, 7:41:03β€―PM9/14/11
Mike stated in post j4qq3e$n29$ on 9/14/11 11:00 AM:

> On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 18:43:16 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Linux makes affordable products; Apple makes expensive marketing. Would one
>> prefer paying for quality and value or just marketing/peer perception?
> Yet people stand in line for Apple products.
> Linux CD's can barely be given away for free.

Exactly. Perhaps Roy is overcome by jealousy.

Whatever the reason... he cannot be *honest*... and his dishonestly goes
contrary to real Linux advocacy. He is a false "advocate" spreading false
"advocate" FUD.

>> Linux got its checkmate in phones some time this year.
> Checkmate?
> Hardly.
> Competition? Yes, but checkmate?
> No.
> You're delirious.
> iPhone 5 in October I believe.
> People will be waiting in line for it.
> You'll see.

Yes, they will be. And given how Apple does not chase market share to the
expense of other factors, they will likely not "win" in market share.

But how about user satisfaction. That is, to me, the most important metric.
And Apple does very, very well with that. I would like to see Android catch

>> This is what makes Linux
>> advocacy so much fun and the trolls so utterly pathetic. They've quit bashing
>> Linux; now they just make up libel with which to defame people. Socipaths.
> Sounds more like a self description of your own sites Roy.

He calls people names as he whines about people defaming others.

The irony is extreme.

> Nobody has created more libel and slander while trying to pass it
> off as factual data than you have.

Nobody in COLA. Yeah... agree 100%.

> The people you attack are icons in the industry.
> People you secretly envy because of their success.

Almost surely true.

> So what have you done for Linux and FOSS Dr. Schestowitz?
> You are easily forgettable. Steve Jobs will go down in history as a
> visionary along with Bill Gates and many others including Mark
> Shuttleworth.


> When you finally tire of your self promoting, ego building little
> charade and move on to something a little more useful and
> productive, you will be forgotten Roy. Nobody will remember and
> nobody will care. Much like a child actor from the 1950's who ended
> up typecast you will fade into obsolescence.

You make an assumption he will mature past his self promoting BS.

> Roy Schestowitz = The Anissa Jones of the 2000's.
> Oh you don't know who Anissa Jones is?
> That's the point.



Sep 14, 2011, 7:42:14β€―PM9/14/11
Fernando Chavez stated in post j4qpgu$l1n$ on 9/14/11
10:50 AM:
Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.



Sep 14, 2011, 8:09:36β€―PM9/14/11
On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 12:41:03 -0700, Snit wrote:

> Mike stated in post j4qq3e$n29$ on 9/14/11 11:00 AM:

>> When you finally tire of your self promoting, ego building little

>> charade and move on to something a little more useful and
>> productive, you will be forgotten Roy. Nobody will remember and
>> nobody will care. Much like a child actor from the 1950's who ended
>> up typecast you will fade into obsolescence.
> You make an assumption he will mature past his self promoting BS.

I'm trying to look at the positive aspect from his perspective. I
suspect he will never tire of self promotion because some people are
born that way and simply re-invent themselves when they flame out.

Get rich quick promoters like those crooks hawking self published
books on late TV infomercials are of that type.
They are true narcissistic sociopath's who believe they are more
intelligent than the public. So are some tel-evangelists who pray on
the weak minded.

Roy Schestowitz = The PTL Club of the 2000's.


Sep 14, 2011, 8:12:34β€―PM9/14/11

And some people do it with a passion.
They don't even take the time to find a knife, fork and napkin as
they shovel Roy's shit in their mouths.

Just look at the lemmings in COLA or on his blog. If it wasn't so
sad it would be laughable. It's the very definition of herd


Sep 14, 2011, 8:22:46β€―PM9/14/11
Mike stated in post j4r1m9$gi7$ on 9/14/11 1:09 PM:

No argument here.



Sep 14, 2011, 8:23:14β€―PM9/14/11
Mike stated in post j4r1rq$h6n$ on 9/14/11 1:12 PM:

Exactly... yet they whine when it is noted they act as a herd.



Sep 14, 2011, 8:44:21β€―PM9/14/11
Snit wrote:

> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.

Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
Jerker : What a surprise!
Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
Craps : Oh crumbs!
Again : Say it ain't so!!

Roy Schestowitz

Sep 14, 2011, 9:51:11β€―PM9/14/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
scum, only a little more polite.

- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Sep 14, 2011, 11:11:13β€―PM9/14/11
Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/14/11
2:51 PM:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>> Snit wrote:
>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
> scum, only a little more polite.

I make points you cannot refute. So you call me names.

And I point out how your false "advocate" FUD hurts the OSS movement.

And you have no answer for that.



Sep 14, 2011, 11:15:59β€―PM9/14/11
7 stated in post Nm8cq.319$kj5...@newsfe25.ams2 on 9/14/11 1:44 PM:
I speak of Roy's false "advocate" FUD and one of the herd posts this.

Utter insanity. And more evidence of the existence of the herd.


Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 14, 2011, 11:21:40β€―PM9/14/11
Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>> Snit wrote:
>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
> scum, only a little more polite.

It's an addiction.

Not every problem someone has with his girlfriend is necessarily due to
the capitalist mode of production.
-- Herbert Marcuse


Sep 14, 2011, 11:57:53β€―PM9/14/11
On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 19:21:40 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>>> Snit wrote:
>>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
>> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
>> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
>> scum, only a little more polite.
> It's an addiction.

Do you swallow, Chris Ahlstrom?
How you cannot at least agree with some of what snit says is very
Snit probes Roy for facts.
Roy refuses and name calls instead.
Can you not see this?
Are you a moron?
Seriously, go check out snit and then Roy and make sure to check the
links, the proof, the evidence and compare them to the original
You might be very surprised who is right in this case.


Sep 15, 2011, 12:03:52β€―AM9/15/11
Chris Ahlstrom stated in post j4rd63$snh$ on 9/14/11 4:21 PM:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>>> Snit wrote:
>>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
>> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
>> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
>> scum, only a little more polite.
> It's an addiction.

7, Roy and Chris Ahlstrom all spewing insults and accusations.

My "sin"... asking for *honesty*.

This is clearly another example of the COLA "advocates" acting as a herd.



Sep 15, 2011, 12:13:59β€―AM9/15/11
Mike stated in post j4rf2d$o5j$ on 9/14/11 4:57 PM:
Even Homer, in a moment of anger, spoke honestly of Roy:

Given that a large portion of what you [Roy Schestowitz]
write about Microsoft and others is purely speculative,
perhaps I should call /you/ a "conspiracy theorist" too.
Would you find that perfectly acceptable?

I tolerate your sloppy fact-checking and circular references
because the underlying cause is just, even if the specific
details often remain elusive. IOW you often present questions
as though they were answers, but they're questions worth
asking because the answers are important. It grabs people's
attention and hopefully gets /them/ asking those same

But it'd be very easy for someone to stigmatise you as a
"conspiracy theorist" for asking such questions, to try to
silence or marginalise you. Would you like me to "challenge"
some of your "facts" on Techrights, Roy, because that could
get interesting.

Homer outright admitted he gives Roy a pass and that what Roy claims are
facts is just BS that Homer does not question because he agrees with the
paranoid "cause".


Roy Schestowitz

Sep 15, 2011, 12:16:39β€―AM9/15/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Thursday 15 Sep 2011 00:21 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>>> Snit wrote:
>>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
>> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
>> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
>> scum, only a little more polite.
> It's an addiction.

Not a healthy one. I cause cancer.

- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Sep 15, 2011, 12:26:33β€―AM9/15/11
And notice how Roy all of a sudden brings up "Mark Kent" and how
evidently Homer lost him as a friend as well for bucking the herd.

Good for Homer.
Mark Kent was the ultimate hypocrite who posted all kinds of crap
about how intellectual property does not exist. Then when people
discovered the company he works for actually brags about their using
intellectual property as a competitive advantage became common
knowledge, Mark Kent went underground.
He still posts here though.
You might know him as bbgruff.
The condescending, supercilious style gives him away.


Sep 15, 2011, 12:30:54β€―AM9/15/11
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 01:16:39 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Thursday 15 Sep 2011 00:21 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>>>> Snit wrote:
>>>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>>>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>>>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>>>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>>>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>>>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>>>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
>>> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
>>> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
>>> scum, only a little more polite.
>> It's an addiction.
> Not a healthy one. I cause cancer.
> - --
> ~~ Best of wishes
> Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher

You *are* a cancer Roy Schestowitz.
Everything you come in contact with gets infected and poisoned.


Sep 15, 2011, 1:16:11β€―AM9/15/11

"Snit" <> wrote in message
He's not interested in the "facts" - Roy is an "advocate" so that's all that
matters to him. People of this mentality run away from any
fact/post/article/stat that is even slightly uncomfortable.

>> Are you a moron?
>> Seriously, go check out snit and then Roy and make sure to check the
>> links, the proof, the evidence and compare them to the original
>> claim.
>> You might be very surprised who is right in this case.

"I don't care what you say - my daddy says the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy
*do* exist and that's all that matters to me."

> Even Homer, in a moment of anger, spoke honestly of Roy:
> Homer:
> -----
> Given that a large portion of what you [Roy Schestowitz]
> write about Microsoft and others is purely speculative,
> perhaps I should call /you/ a "conspiracy theorist" too.
> Would you find that perfectly acceptable?
> I tolerate your sloppy fact-checking and circular references
> because the underlying cause is just, even if the specific
> details often remain elusive. IOW you often present questions
> as though they were answers, but they're questions worth
> asking because the answers are important. It grabs people's
> attention and hopefully gets /them/ asking those same
> questions.
> But it'd be very easy for someone to stigmatise you as a
> "conspiracy theorist" for asking such questions, to try to
> silence or marginalise you. Would you like me to "challenge"
> some of your "facts" on Techrights, Roy, because that could
> get interesting.
> -----
> Homer outright admitted he gives Roy a pass and that what Roy claims are
> facts is just BS that Homer does not question because he agrees with the
> paranoid "cause".

Wow, a very interesting post - I didn't see it get posted so I found the
original and it's legit from Homer and all.

For starters (and FWIW) a big sincere kudos to Homer. Evidently even he's
seen enough bs "facts" from Schestowitz to point out just how accurate and
truthful they're not. Like him or not Homer has always been a staunch
supporter of Linux. If even a die-hard advocate like Homer takes notice of
Schestowitz's lack of truth, facts and accuracy then perhaps it's time some
of the other "advocates" do a quick reality check as to who's feeding them
their "news."

As for Schestowitz - many of his recent posts are becoming very
"interesting." His facts and claims are becoming increasingly absurd and
distasteful. I think he's either trying to commit professional suicide or
he's becoming extremely desperate for attention of any kind. Just like a
story *today* where a NYC weather girl wanted attention so she claimed she
was raped twice. Schestowitz seems like he's becoming unraveled and is
screaming "louder and louder" hoping that someone will notice him.

Just my 2-cents worth.


Sep 15, 2011, 1:28:39β€―AM9/15/11

"Ezekiel" <> wrote in message
> "Snit" <> wrote in message
>> Mike stated in post j4rf2d$o5j$ on 9/14/11 4:57 PM:

> he's becoming extremely desperate for attention of any kind. Just like a
> story *today* where a NYC weather girl wanted attention so she claimed she
> was raped twice. Schestowitz seems like he's becoming unraveled and is
> screaming "louder and louder" hoping that someone will notice him.

Schestowitz hoping that someone will notice him would obviously have to
exclude Google Inc. I had almost forgotten how Google "keeps trying" again
and again to recruit Schestowitz so they are obviously very interested in
his talents.

> Just my 2-cents worth.


Sep 15, 2011, 4:02:28β€―AM9/15/11
Ezekiel stated in post j4rjks$25n$ on 9/14/11 6:16 PM:

>>> Do you swallow, Chris Ahlstrom?
>>> How you cannot at least agree with some of what snit says is very
>>> odd.
>>> Snit probes Roy for facts.
>>> Roy refuses and name calls instead.
>>> Can you not see this?
>>> How?
> He's not interested in the "facts" - Roy is an "advocate" so that's all that
> matters to him. People of this mentality run away from any
> fact/post/article/stat that is even slightly uncomfortable.

Roy fears having a reasoned discussion with me. He knows that at least most
of what I say is well researched and has strong backing behind it.

So instead he lies about me and refuses to actually have a discussion.

And none of the COLA "advocates" call him on it. Ever. In fact, some back
him up.

>>> Are you a moron?
>>> Seriously, go check out snit and then Roy and make sure to check the
>>> links, the proof, the evidence and compare them to the original
>>> claim.
>>> You might be very surprised who is right in this case.
> "I don't care what you say - my daddy says the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy
> *do* exist and that's all that matters to me."

Yes. Sorry for not having the link. I would have been happy to provide
that had you asked.

> For starters (and FWIW) a big sincere kudos to Homer. Evidently even he's
> seen enough bs "facts" from Schestowitz to point out just how accurate and
> truthful they're not. Like him or not Homer has always been a staunch
> supporter of Linux. If even a die-hard advocate like Homer takes notice of
> Schestowitz's lack of truth, facts and accuracy then perhaps it's time some
> of the other "advocates" do a quick reality check as to who's feeding them
> their "news."

Homer only said this because he was angry... he usually is not this honest.
He and Roy have been fighting over the idea that maybe the Twin Towers and
Building 7 were not brought down by planes and the damage they caused but
maybe instead by ninja demolitionists (demolition crews who were able to set
the whole thing up with *nobody* noticing and leaving *no* trace...
completely outside the realm of possibility). Homer supported the "ninja
demolitionist" idea... and Roy rightfully called him out on how absurd that

> As for Schestowitz - many of his recent posts are becoming very
> "interesting." His facts and claims are becoming increasingly absurd and
> distasteful.

He is becoming increasingly angry. Clearly my calling him on his lies is
having an affect (not that I am the only one to do so - but I have been
making the most concerted effort).

> I think he's either trying to commit professional suicide or
> he's becoming extremely desperate for attention of any kind. Just like a
> story *today* where a NYC weather girl wanted attention so she claimed she
> was raped twice. Schestowitz seems like he's becoming unraveled and is
> screaming "louder and louder" hoping that someone will notice him.
> Just my 2-cents worth.

Roy is mad his lies and FUD are being challenged more and more.



Sep 15, 2011, 11:22:52β€―AM9/15/11
Roy Schestowitz <> writes:

> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Thursday 15 Sep 2011 00:21 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>>>> Snit wrote:
>>>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>>>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>>>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>>>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>>>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>>>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>>>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
>>> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
>>> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
>>> scum, only a little more polite.
>> It's an addiction.
> Not a healthy one. I cause cancer.

I always knew you were a nasty little shit, but you compound it with
almost every post. Dont think for one minute that we dont know you're
probably convinced YOU did Jobs in. You're a rather nasty individual

> --
> ~~ Best of wishes
> Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
> | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
> Editor @ & Broadcaster @
> GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
> Non-profit search engine proposal @
> Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
> Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)

Usenet standards dont apply to you?

Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way
that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter;
it simply makes everything else vanish - Neal Stephenson


Sep 15, 2011, 12:28:36β€―PM9/15/11
Ezekiel wrote:

>If even a die-hard advocate like Homer takes notice of
>Schestowitz's lack of truth, facts and accuracy then perhaps it's time some
>of the other "advocates" do a quick reality check as to who's feeding them
>their "news."

I believe that you've already been told, fsckwit, by most of us, that
we do not get our "news" from Roy.

The opinion of a lying fsckwit like you isn't worth 2 cents.

M.C. Biggz

Sep 15, 2011, 1:31:31β€―PM9/15/11

documented liar "chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
shut the fsck up and quit lieing you useless fscking asshole turd.

"chrisv" is a liar. "chrisv" is a piece of shit.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 15, 2011, 8:58:20β€―PM9/15/11
On 09/14/2011 05:16 PM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Thursday 15 Sep 2011 00:21 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> ____/ 7 on Wednesday 14 Sep 2011 21:44 : \____
>>>> Snit wrote:
>>>>> Roy spreads his false "advocate" FUD and expects people to just eat it up.
>>>> Circle : Without Roy, there is no snot.
>>>> Jerker : What a surprise!
>>>> Snot : The most prolific troll on COLA
>>>> Posts : reduced to waiting on his god Roy to say something.
>>>> Craps : Oh crumbs!
>>>> Again : Say it ain't so!!
>>> Poor Glasser has become like some kind of voluntary butler you don't want
>>> on the coattails. How can he be so blind? He became like the "flatfish"
>>> scum, only a little more polite.
>> It's an addiction.
> Not a healthy one. I cause cancer.

LOL! Poor Apple morons.

Roy Schestowitz

Sep 15, 2011, 11:15:42β€―PM9/15/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ Sneaky Weasel on Thursday 15 Sep 2011 21:58 : \____
The remarks I make about Jobs are intended to just make them flippant..
and it works. They don't like being provoked or having a leg pulled.
They would take a joke out of context to just portray the other side
as immoral.

I'm surprised they didn't interpret the above as me making fun of cancer.

Got to love how one interpret Stallman's defence of free speech as /promoting/

- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Sep 15, 2011, 11:44:30β€―PM9/15/11
Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/15/11
4:15 PM:

>>> Not a healthy one. I cause cancer.
>> LOL! Poor Apple morons.
> The remarks I make about Jobs are intended to just make them flippant..
> and it works. They don't like being provoked or having a leg pulled.
> They would take a joke out of context to just portray the other side
> as immoral.
> I'm surprised they didn't interpret the above as me making fun of cancer.
> Got to love how one interpret Stallman's defence of free speech as /promoting/
> paedophilia.

Here is what Stallman actually says:


He is not just supporting free speech - he is supporting the "right" to have
sex with kids and to possess child pornography. He even goes so far to
create a whole new class of pedophilia he calls "voluntarily pedophilia",
and he talks about how even in schools he sees porn as being "very important
for education" and that blocking it will "stunt their emotional growth".

The man is completely grotesque. And yet you demonize Gates and Jobs who
would *never* say things so repulsive.


Sneaky Weasel

Sep 16, 2011, 3:22:12β€―AM9/16/11
You make jokes proving you have a good sense of humor. Do these
anti-choice trolling morons have no such sense? They lack sense in every
other way so I bet they do. Jobs is not a god and you can poke fun at
him all you want. We all get sick and we all die. Life is life folks.
Live and let die.

> Got to love how one interpret Stallman's defence of free speech as /promoting/
> paedophilia.

What the hell? I missed that piece of idiocy. Got Link?

Roy Schestowitz

Sep 16, 2011, 7:20:33β€―AM9/16/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ Sneaky Weasel on Friday 16 Sep 2011 04:22 : \____
I'd rather not feed the trolls or spend time finding links to things they say. The
stalker entered 3 out of 4 of my IRC channels 2 days ago (in one of them he
got banned by the ops) and he already trolls those too, just like in COLA.

That troll is already delivering his own punishment. He lost his life to
a trolling obsession.

The troll just wants one thing: attention. He provokes, links to his
own site, and basically tries to leech off Techrights' high traffic (average
of a quarter of a million hits per day). I bet the troll gets no attention
in real life, so he trolls online forums to make up for it. The same goes
for the libellous troll, who defames people for attention.

The last thing you want to do is shift the discussion to people (trolls)
rather than Linux (issues). They would love to make it all about
themselves. It's what they troll for.

- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Sep 16, 2011, 3:00:08β€―PM9/16/11
Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/16/11
12:20 AM:

>>> Got to love how one interpret Stallman's defence of free speech as
>>> /promoting/ paedophilia.
>> What the hell? I missed that piece of idiocy. Got Link?
> I'd rather not feed the trolls or spend time finding links to things they say.

LOL! One of Roy's fans asks him to back up his claim and Roy runs.

Roy *never* backs up his claims. He just runs. Here is the evidence
against Stallman - and it is *completely* unimpeachable. The man is a
perverted sicko:


There is *no* reasonable excuse for Stallman's BS. It has *nothing* to do
with "free speech", as Roy lies about it being.

Not a thing.

> The stalker entered 3 out of 4 of my IRC channels 2 days ago (in one of them
> he got banned by the ops) and he already trolls those too, just like in COLA.

You invite people to join the IRC channels. Poor you... people actually do.

> That troll is already delivering his own punishment. He lost his life to a
> trolling obsession.

Oh, I spend about 1/10th the time as you do on this BS. Look at your site
for proof.

But because you have *no* support for your BS you just spew insults and
attacks. Man, you are so angry you cannot hide it.

And this does not speak well of me - but that makes me smile.

> The troll just wants one thing: attention. He provokes, links to his own site,
> and basically tries to leech off Techrights' high traffic (average of a
> quarter of a million hits per day). I bet the troll gets no attention in real
> life, so he trolls online forums to make up for it. The same goes for the
> libellous troll, who defames people for attention.
> The last thing you want to do is shift the discussion to people (trolls)
> rather than Linux (issues). They would love to make it all about themselves.
> It's what they troll for.

You repeatedly talk about people. Above you lie about me and your whole
site is focused on attacking Gates, Jobs and other people.

So stop being such a sad, sad, angry little hypocrite.

As if you could!



Sep 16, 2011, 3:02:03β€―PM9/16/11
On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:20:33 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> I'd rather not feed the trolls or spend time finding links to things they say. The
> stalker entered 3 out of 4 of my IRC channels 2 days ago (in one of them he
> got banned by the ops) and he already trolls those too, just like in COLA.
> That troll is already delivering his own punishment. He lost his life to
> a trolling obsession.
> The troll just wants one thing: attention. He provokes, links to his
> own site, and basically tries to leech off Techrights' high traffic (average
> of a quarter of a million hits per day). I bet the troll gets no attention
> in real life, so he trolls online forums to make up for it. The same goes
> for the libellous troll, who defames people for attention.
> The last thing you want to do is shift the discussion to people (trolls)
> rather than Linux (issues). They would love to make it all about
> themselves. It's what they troll for.
> - --
> ~~ Best of wishes
> Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics),

I and me
I and me
I and me
I and me
I and me
It's always about Roy Schestowitz because Roy Schestowitz is the
best person Roy Schestowitz knows.
Classic bighead Schestowitz who just wrote a perfect description of
himself. Well done Roy. Well done.


Sep 16, 2011, 3:28:47β€―PM9/16/11
"Roy BigheadOWitz" seem just so right.

What a complete arse. I hope to hell he gets his come uppance from the
MS and Apple legal departments one day.


Sep 16, 2011, 3:36:00β€―PM9/16/11
He will. It's just a matter of time before one or more of the
companies he libels and slanders causes trouble for him. Hosting the
Cablegate material is going to be his downfall because it just sets
off too many red flags and with all the wrong kind of people and
since Bighead is easily located he is the one that an example will
be made of.
Let's see if the FOSS provides free legal representation for Bighead
who has done "so much" for the cause or if they will just throw him
under the bus. My guess is the latter.


Sep 16, 2011, 3:43:04β€―PM9/16/11
Mike stated in post j4vqdd$1f3$ on 9/16/11 8:36 AM:

>>> I and me
>>> I and me
>>> I and me
>>> I and me
>>> I and me
>>> It's always about Roy Schestowitz because Roy Schestowitz is the
>>> best person Roy Schestowitz knows.
>>> Classic bighead Schestowitz who just wrote a perfect description of
>>> himself. Well done Roy. Well done.
>> "Roy BigheadOWitz" seem just so right.
>> What a complete arse. I hope to hell he gets his come uppance from the
>> MS and Apple legal departments one day.
> He will. It's just a matter of time before one or more of the
> companies he libels and slanders causes trouble for him. Hosting the
> Cablegate material is going to be his downfall because it just sets
> off too many red flags and with all the wrong kind of people and
> since Bighead is easily located he is the one that an example will
> be made of.
> Let's see if the FOSS provides free legal representation for Bighead
> who has done "so much" for the cause or if they will just throw him
> under the bus. My guess is the latter.

Starting with a side note: when you call people names such as "BigHead" you
are sinking to the level of the false "advocates"... I do not condone this.
But I also believe in choice, so it is not like I am going to demand you do
as *I* wish (as if I could make such a demand anyway!)

I do hope that Roy has those he slanders come back to stop him. I would
hope he stops before he is taken to court - but if that is what it takes so
be it.



Sep 16, 2011, 4:00:06β€―PM9/16/11

It's not so much as to call him names but more to keep he real name
out of Google. I don't want to assist him in seeding the search
engines with his own name.

> I do hope that Roy has those he slanders come back to stop him. I would
> hope he stops before he is taken to court - but if that is what it takes so
> be it.

He will never stop because like Madam Yes he thinks he is too
important to be captured, at least in his own sick mind.


Sep 16, 2011, 4:10:13β€―PM9/16/11
Mike stated in post j4vrqj$8k7$ on 9/16/11 9:00 AM:
Using his first name should suffice for that purpose.

>> I do hope that Roy has those he slanders come back to stop him. I would
>> hope he stops before he is taken to court - but if that is what it takes so
>> be it.
> He will never stop because like Madam Yes he thinks he is too
> important to be captured, at least in his own sick mind.

And he is fearful of open discussion. He runs from it.


Sneaky Weasel

Sep 16, 2011, 10:43:56β€―PM9/16/11
On 09/16/2011 12:20 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

>>> I'm surprised they didn't interpret the above as me making fun of cancer.
>> You make jokes proving you have a good sense of humor. Do these
>> anti-choice trolling morons have no such sense? They lack sense in every
>> other way so I bet they do. Jobs is not a god and you can poke fun at
>> him all you want. We all get sick and we all die. Life is life folks.
>> Live and let die.
>>> Got to love how one interpret Stallman's defence of free speech as
>>> /promoting/ paedophilia.
>> What the hell? I missed that piece of idiocy. Got Link?
> I'd rather not feed the trolls or spend time finding links to things they say. The
> stalker entered 3 out of 4 of my IRC channels 2 days ago (in one of them he
> got banned by the ops) and he already trolls those too, just like in COLA.

He needs to find a life and get laid.

> That troll is already delivering his own punishment. He lost his life to
> a trolling obsession.

Did he ever have a life? He needs one.

> The troll just wants one thing: attention. He provokes, links to his
> own site, and basically tries to leech off Techrights' high traffic (average
> of a quarter of a million hits per day). I bet the troll gets no attention
> in real life, so he trolls online forums to make up for it. The same goes
> for the libellous troll, who defames people for attention.
> The last thing you want to do is shift the discussion to people (trolls)
> rather than Linux (issues). They would love to make it all about
> themselves. It's what they troll for.

What a loser.

Roy Schestowitz

Sep 17, 2011, 7:35:36β€―AM9/17/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ Sneaky Weasel on Friday 16 Sep 2011 23:43 : \____
His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
trolls' gang. He should leave and stop being an Internet troll.

- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Sep 17, 2011, 1:22:05β€―PM9/17/11
Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/17/11
12:35 AM:
False "advocates" patting each other on the back.



Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 17, 2011, 3:58:34β€―PM9/17/11
Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
> trolls' gang.

You mean "herd", don't you? ":-D

It's not? Are you saying that you SHOULD allow people (other than William
Wallace) to shoot lightning bolts from their arse?
-- Seth Galbraith


Sep 17, 2011, 4:16:44β€―PM9/17/11
Chris Ahlstrom <> writes:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
>> trolls' gang.
> You mean "herd", don't you? ":-D


Creepy, you've been like an excited puppy dog since your master Roy
returned and started patting you!

Heel Liarmutt! Heel I say!!!!



Sep 17, 2011, 4:18:18β€―PM9/17/11
Chris Ahlstrom stated in post j52gb5$rge$ on 9/17/11 8:58 AM:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
>> trolls' gang.
> You mean "herd", don't you? ":-D

In no way do I display the herd-like behavior of you and your, well, herd.


Sneaky Weasel

Sep 18, 2011, 3:57:36β€―AM9/18/11
He has friends?

Roy Schestowitz

Sep 18, 2011, 8:45:12β€―AM9/18/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ Sneaky Weasel on Sunday 18 Sep 2011 04:57 : \____
He thinks he does.
- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Roy Schestowitz

Sep 18, 2011, 8:46:49β€―AM9/18/11
Hash: SHA1

____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Saturday 17 Sep 2011 16:58 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
>> trolls' gang.
> You mean "herd", don't you? ":-D

A pack.

"Yo Dawg! I HERD you started rolling COLA so I can AstroTurf while you AstroTurf"

- --
~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ & Broadcaster @
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @
Non-profit search engine proposal @
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): (24/7)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Sep 18, 2011, 5:08:01β€―PM9/18/11
Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/18/11
1:45 AM:

>>>>> The troll just wants one thing: attention. He provokes, links to his
>>>>> own site, and basically tries to leech off Techrights' high traffic
>>>>> (average of a quarter of a million hits per day). I bet the troll gets no
>>>>> attention in real life, so he trolls online forums to make up for it. The
>>>>> same goes for the libellous troll, who defames people for attention.
>>>>> The last thing you want to do is shift the discussion to people (trolls)
>>>>> rather than Linux (issues). They would love to make it all about
>>>>> themselves. It's what they troll for.
>>>> What a loser.
>>> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
>>> trolls' gang. He should leave and stop being an Internet troll.
>> He has friends?
> He thinks he does.

Oh, I *know* I have friends - I have no need to seek such in COLA... esp.
when I would have to lie as the herd members do so often to gain "friends".
I am completely against that.

My friends like me for who I am - not what I can lie about to defend some
cult-like BS they spew.


Steve Carroll

Sep 18, 2011, 5:13:01β€―PM9/18/11
On Sep 18, 11:08 am, Snit <> wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz stated in post on 9/18/11
> 1:45 AM:
> >>>>> The troll just wants one thing: attention. He provokes, links to his
> >>>>> own site, and basically tries to leech off Techrights' high traffic
> >>>>> (average of a quarter of a million hits per day). I bet the troll gets no
> >>>>> attention in real life, so he trolls online forums to make up for it. The
> >>>>> same goes for the libellous troll, who defames people for attention.
> >>>>> The last thing you want to do is shift the discussion to people (trolls)
> >>>>> rather than Linux (issues). They would love to make it all about
> >>>>> themselves. It's what they troll for.
> >>>> What a loser.
> >>> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
> >>> trolls' gang. He should leave and stop being an Internet troll.
> >> He has friends?
> > He thinks he does.
> Oh, I *know* I have friends

Sure you do... and you spend a lot of time with them, too <eyeroll>.

Face it, Snit, you don't even spend time with your kids (do you really
have kids?), as evidenced by the fact that you've trolled usenet
virtually 24/7 and have for years and years.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 19, 2011, 5:20:52β€―AM9/19/11
On 09/18/2011 01:45 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> >>> What a loser.
>>> >>
>>> >> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
>>> >> trolls' gang. He should leave and stop being an Internet troll.
>> >
>> > He has friends?
> He thinks he does.

Hadron. Who else? A herd of two against the world.

Peter KΓΆhlmann

Sep 19, 2011, 6:37:15β€―AM9/19/11
Sneaky Weasel wrote:

> On 09/18/2011 01:45 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> >>> What a loser.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part
>>>> >> of the trolls' gang. He should leave and stop being an Internet
>>>> >> troll.
>>> >
>>> > He has friends?
>> He thinks he does.
> Hadron. Who else?

flatfish naturally. Snit Michael Glasser only has the filthiest scum as

> A herd of two against the world.

There may be even four of them. "The Bee" cretin also seems to arselick that
Glasser twit


Sep 19, 2011, 3:06:06β€―PM9/19/11
Peter KΓΆhlmann stated in post j56nus$ggm$ on 9/18/11 11:37


Sep 19, 2011, 3:10:24β€―PM9/19/11
You seem to know a lot about history for someone new here "Sneaky". A
shame you're too dense to understand it. I am no "friend of Snit" and
have frequently killfiled him for repeating the same nonsense time and
time again. That said it doesnt mean I have to support two faced
sycophantic wankers like Ahlstrom who'll do anything and say anything to
be "accepted" by the COLA herd. He even described Kohlmann as a "world
class programmer" in order to curry favour and get a chance to sniff
Peter's lederhosen. Sickening.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 21, 2011, 1:25:34β€―AM9/21/11
On 09/19/2011 08:10 AM, Hadron wrote:
> Sneaky Weasel<> writes:
>> On 09/18/2011 01:45 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What a loser.
>>>>>>> His only 'friends' here are other trolls. He cannot deny being part of the
>>>>>>> trolls' gang. He should leave and stop being an Internet troll.
>>>>> He has friends?
>>> He thinks he does.
>> Hadron. Who else? A herd of two against the world.
> You seem to know a lot about history for someone new here "Sneaky".

How long do you think it should take for someone to figure out you and
Snit are troll lovers?

> shame you're too dense to understand it. I am no "friend of Snit" and
> have frequently killfiled him for repeating the same nonsense time and
> time again.


That said it doesnt mean I have to support two faced
> sycophantic wankers like Ahlstrom who'll do anything and say anything to
> be "accepted" by the COLA herd. He even described Kohlmann as a "world
> class programmer" in order to curry favour and get a chance to sniff
> Peter's lederhosen. Sickening.
You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
industry for years.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 21, 2011, 1:25:55β€―AM9/21/11
Whatever. All assholes.


Sep 21, 2011, 2:38:59β€―AM9/21/11
Sneaky Weasel stated in post 4e793d12$ on 9/20/11 6:25


He is just a genius.


Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 21, 2011, 10:29:47β€―AM9/21/11
Sneaky Weasel wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> On 09/19/2011 08:10 AM, Hadron wrote:

> <silly-assed nonsense snipped>
> Bullshit.

That's "Hadron" to a "T".

> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
> industry for years.

"Hadron" thinks that Roy is people's "masters". Imagine that.
A grown man thinking such a thing.

An odd, childlike mentality for someone so irascible.

Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing.
-- Roy L. Ash, ex-president, Litton Industries

William Poaster

Sep 21, 2011, 10:51:57β€―AM9/21/11
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 06:29:47 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Sneaky Weasel wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> On 09/19/2011 08:10 AM, Hadron wrote:
>> <silly-assed nonsense snipped>
>> Bullshit.
> That's "Hadron" to a "T".
>> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
>> industry for years.
> "Hadron" thinks that Roy is people's "masters". Imagine that.
> A grown man thinking such a thing.
> An odd, childlike mentality for someone so irascible.

Indeed. (changed subject line)

Responding to the Hadron troll, is like
teaching a pig how to sing.
It just wastes your time & irritates the pig.


Sep 21, 2011, 12:10:45β€―PM9/21/11
Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Sneaky Weasel wrote:
>> Hadron quacked:
>> <silly-assed nonsense snipped>
>> Bullshit.
>That's "Hadron" to a "T".
>> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
>> industry for years.
>"Hadron" thinks that Roy is people's "masters". Imagine that.
>A grown man thinking such a thing.
>An odd, childlike mentality for someone so irascible.

Does he not know how obvious it is that he's a liar and an asshole?

"What secret protocols you gibbering idiot?" - "True Linux advocate"
Hadron Quark, defending his beloved Micro$oft Corp (His question was

Arizona Freak

Sep 21, 2011, 2:15:18β€―PM9/21/11

The National Enquirer has been "keeping track" of the entertainment
industry for years. Roy Schestowitz is The National Enquirer of the
computing industry. A real slimy, self serving rag that is not to be
trusted, believed or mistaken for legitimate journalism.


Sep 21, 2011, 2:40:06β€―PM9/21/11
Arizona Freak stated in post j5crhq$h3q$ on 9/21/11 7:15

>>> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
>>> industry for years.
>> <>
>> He is just a genius.
> The National Enquirer has been "keeping track" of the entertainment
> industry for years. Roy Schestowitz is The National Enquirer of the
> computing industry. A real slimy, self serving rag that is not to be
> trusted, believed or mistaken for legitimate journalism.

Great analogy. Only thing that is missing is a comparison with cars.




Sep 21, 2011, 5:57:35β€―PM9/21/11
chrisv stated in post on 9/21/11
5:10 AM:

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> Sneaky Weasel wrote:
>>> Hadron quacked:
>>> <silly-assed nonsense snipped>
>>> Bullshit.
>> That's "Hadron" to a "T".
>>> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
>>> industry for years.
>> "Hadron" thinks that Roy is people's "masters". Imagine that.
>> A grown man thinking such a thing.
>> An odd, childlike mentality for someone so irascible.
> Does he not know how obvious it is that he's a liar and an asshole?

Look at these herd members just all patting each other on the back.

They make accusations but never even say what they think Hadron is allegedly
lying about.


Sneaky Weasel

Sep 21, 2011, 8:42:15β€―PM9/21/11

Roy is not the National Enquirer. He tracks what Microsoft and others do
and he reports to COLA and the world.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 21, 2011, 8:43:32β€―PM9/21/11
On 09/21/2011 03:29 AM, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> Sneaky Weasel wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> On 09/19/2011 08:10 AM, Hadron wrote:
>> <silly-assed nonsense snipped>
>> Bullshit.
> That's "Hadron" to a "T".
>> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
>> industry for years.
> "Hadron" thinks that Roy is people's "masters". Imagine that.
> A grown man thinking such a thing.
> An odd, childlike mentality for someone so irascible.
Roy is knowledgeable and backs his views but that does not make him
anyone's master. What a stupid thing to say.

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 21, 2011, 9:22:40β€―PM9/21/11
It's a trolling technique. Make it seem like the other guy doesn't
think for himself. Only an idiot or shill would make such a claim
in the face of actual posting history.

"Hadron" and Flounder's various nyms qualify. Lie, lie, lie, then
toss in something reasonable to throw you off-balance.

Say, you aren't Flounder, are you? It would be just like that
loon (who writes claiming one of his nyms has died) to jump to the
"other side" for a little trolling. You make some crazy claims about
Apple, for example.

Heller's Law:
The first myth of management is that it exists.

Johnson's Corollary:
Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within the

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 21, 2011, 9:31:01β€―PM9/21/11
On 09/21/2011 02:22 PM, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> Sneaky Weasel wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> On 09/21/2011 03:29 AM, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>> Sneaky Weasel wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>>> On 09/19/2011 08:10 AM, Hadron wrote:
>>>> <silly-assed nonsense snipped>
>>>> Bullshit.
>>> That's "Hadron" to a "T".
>>>> You are jealous of Roy's knowledge. He has been keeping track of the
>>>> industry for years.
>>> "Hadron" thinks that Roy is people's "masters". Imagine that.
>>> A grown man thinking such a thing.
>>> An odd, childlike mentality for someone so irascible.
>> Roy is knowledgeable and backs his views but that does not make him
>> anyone's master. What a stupid thing to say.
> It's a trolling technique. Make it seem like the other guy doesn't
> think for himself. Only an idiot or shill would make such a claim
> in the face of actual posting history.
> "Hadron" and Flounder's various nyms qualify. Lie, lie, lie, then
> toss in something reasonable to throw you off-balance.
> Say, you aren't Flounder, are you? It would be just like that
> loon (who writes claiming one of his nyms has died) to jump to the
> "other side" for a little trolling. You make some crazy claims about
> Apple, for example.
You got me!

What claims about Apple? Their products are shit but half the people on
my floor worship them like gods. The show off their glowing fruit logos
they paid 10x what I paid for my machine. I could easily afford a Mac if
I wanted one but they are overprices pieces of crap. Nothing crazy about
such claims.

Arizona Freak

Sep 21, 2011, 9:46:47β€―PM9/21/11
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 17:22:40 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

>> Sneaky Weasel wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

>> Roy is knowledgeable and backs his views but that does not make him
>> anyone's master. What a stupid thing to say.

> Say, you aren't Flounder, are you? It would be just like that
> loon (who writes claiming one of his nyms has died) to jump to the
> "other side" for a little trolling. You make some crazy claims about
> Apple, for example.
Something is very fishy with Sneaky Weasel. He is still in the
honeymoon phase of a lengthily, complex troll. He is setting up the
scenario by sucking in gullible people who fall for statements like
he makes above. At some point his romance with MintLinux will fail
and he will announce how much Linux sucks and why he is returning to
Windows. You shall see.


Sep 21, 2011, 10:20:41β€―PM9/21/11
Roy does NOT back his views and if you fall for his cyclic references
you're an even dumber turd than your posts suggest. You'll meet Creepy
Chris at Roy's backside - hope there's room enough for two.

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 21, 2011, 11:41:06β€―PM9/21/11
Nah, they're overpriced, but I haven't seen that they are crap.

Some men love truth so much that they seem to be in continual fear
lest she should catch a cold on overexposure.
-- Samuel Butler

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 21, 2011, 11:41:41β€―PM9/21/11
Arizona Freak wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
Who cares? I'm more tired of you.

"Uncle Cosmo ... why do they call this a word processor?"
"It's simple, Skyler ... you've seen what food processors do to food,
-- MacNelley, "Shoe"

Arizona Freak

Sep 22, 2011, 1:21:24β€―AM9/22/11
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 19:41:41 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Who cares? I'm more tired of you.

Of course you are. I'm not a herd follower who is sneakily feeding
you everything you want to hear like some other people are.

Arizona Freak

Sep 22, 2011, 1:55:07β€―AM9/22/11
On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 00:20:41 +0200, Hadron wrote:

>> Sneaky Weasel <> writes:

>> Roy is knowledgeable and backs his views but that does not make him anyone's
>> master. What a stupid thing to say.
> Roy does NOT back his views and if you fall for his cyclic references
> you're an even dumber turd than your posts suggest. You'll meet Creepy
> Chris at Roy's backside - hope there's room enough for two.

One cheek per freak!


Sep 22, 2011, 12:32:31β€―PM9/22/11
Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Sneaky Weasel wrote:
>> What claims about Apple? Their products are shit but half the people on
>> my floor worship them like gods. The show off their glowing fruit logos
>> they paid 10x what I paid for my machine. I could easily afford a Mac if
>> I wanted one but they are overprices pieces of crap. Nothing crazy about
>> such claims.
>Nah, they're overpriced, but I haven't seen that they are crap.

They're not, and we could do without such ridiculous trolling. They
are generally very well-designed products and appeal to a lot of
people. I don't care if part of that appeal is fashion or whatever -
there's lots of products like that, and there's nothing wrong with it.
No one is forced to into buying their products.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 25, 2011, 5:52:36β€―AM9/25/11
Roy backs his views 100%. Look at his site where he references every
claim he makes. He has proved your buddy to be a liar and you never even
comment on it.

Sneaky Weasel

Sep 25, 2011, 5:52:54β€―AM9/25/11

Something fishy about you. Came from your mom.


Sep 25, 2011, 7:06:19β€―AM9/25/11
Sneaky Weasel stated in post 4e7ec1af$ on 9/24/11 10:52
Roy does not back his claims. Examples:

On the show he also said that he had tried KDE. Later it
turned out that he lied because he said he had only judged it
based on videos and/or screenshots.
So it's not really Microsoft's invention [the Ribbon UI].
I know they have patents on it.

Snit: 24:45
When you have "Save" on the left and "Save" on the right -
people click on the wrong button. And it's user error -
that's what it's called - but it's not; it's an error of
the system. [About older PCLOS] looking at its default
programs ... and there is a mish mash [quit/exit, save
dialog with "Save" on left or right]
Roy: 25:32
I've used it before and I don't think it's true what you
are saying now.

Snit: 32:28:
[Of the newest PCLOS] I will post - I will make screenshots
or maybe even a quick video and we can look at it. Now I
haven't used the newest one ... but let me look at PC Linux
and I can pretty much guarantee you there will be a mix of
quit and exit, there will be a mix of hot keys, there will
be a mix of save dialogs, there will be a mix of print
dialogs, ... some programs will lose the clipboard when you
quit some programs won't...
Roy: 33:15
[talks about how development happens... ] Interesting that
you raise this point ... when you are using something like
a file dialog you might say that will be inconsistent but
that is just not true ... the way it works in KDE I would
be quite surprised if it is very inconsistent. I would be
very happy if you found some cases where it's not
consistent - maybe even help developers.

On and on... he just makes things up and runs when asked about them.


Sneaky Weasel

Sep 26, 2011, 8:45:25β€―PM9/26/11
I have seen more people having problems with the Apple products than
with all other computer makers combined. Driver dying. Screens
flickering. When something dies you have to replace the whole thing.
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