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package error

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Sep 19, 2015, 12:05:19 AM9/19/15
Hello Everyone,

I got the message error as below;
Tcl generated error at line 6:
can't find package smtp

How to make sure the package already in the library? If not found that how to add to library for this package?

Thank you



Sep 19, 2015, 10:46:47 AM9/19/15
You need to install Tcllib.

If Tcllib is installed where tcl normally looks for packages, then Tcl
will find the smtp package.

If Tcllib is installed elsewhere, then you will need to tell Tcl where
to look for the alternate location of Tcllib using the global
"auto_path" list.


Sep 19, 2015, 11:15:33 AM9/19/15
Hi Rich,

I have already installed and and try search in the lib directory for smtp word but not found. Where I get this file?

Thank you


Sep 19, 2015, 11:29:28 AM9/19/15
Andre <> wrote:
[NOTE: top posting on usenet is consiered extremely imploite]

> On Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 9:46:47 PM UTC+7, Rich wrote:
> > Andre <> wrote:
> > > Hello Everyone,
> >
> > > I got the message error as below;
> > > Tcl generated error at line 6:
> > > can't find package smtp
> >
> > > How to make sure the package already in the library? If not found
> > > that how to add to library for this package?
> >
> > You need to install Tcllib.
> >
> > If Tcllib is installed where tcl normally looks for packages, then Tcl
> > will find the smtp package.
> >
> > If Tcllib is installed elsewhere, then you will need to tell Tcl where
> > to look for the alternate location of Tcllib using the global
> > "auto_path" list.

> Hi Rich,

> I have already installed and and try search in the lib directory for
> smtp word but not found. Where I get this file?

You obviously did not try very hard:

$ find /usr/lib64/tcllib1.16/ | grep -i smtp

You will note that the smtp.tcl file is part of the mime package.

Gerald W. Lester

Sep 19, 2015, 12:38:46 PM9/19/15
It would be a good start if he would get into Tclsh and do the following:
catch {foo}
parray tcl_platform
puts $auto_path
parray auto_index

The above will tell us a lot.
| Gerald W. Lester, President, KNG Consulting LLC |
| Email: |


Sep 19, 2015, 6:43:10 PM9/19/15
Em 19/09/15 17:38, Gerald W. Lester escreveu:

> It would be a good start if he would get into Tclsh and do the following:
> catch {foo}
> parray tcl_platform
> puts $auto_path
> parray auto_index
> The above will tell us a lot.

Mildly off-topic. I understand the rest, but I do not understand what
does "catch {foo}" tells us. I get the expected output of "1", as there
is no "foo" command here

{ricardo from}

Christian Gollwitzer

Sep 20, 2015, 2:07:48 AM9/20/15
Am 20.09.15 um 00:43 schrieb Ricardo
A guess:
It should have maybe been "catch {package require foo}". After that,
"package names" tells you the available packages, because it causes Tcl
to traverse the auto_path:

% Apfelkiste:Sources chris$ ~/bin/wish86
% info patchlevel

% package names
tclkitpath rechan zlib TclOO tcl::tommath vfs::mkcl vfslib vlerq vfs Tcl

% package req foo
can't find package foo

% package names
rcs logger counter math::rationalfunctions fileutil::magic::mimetype
TclOO Plotchart tie::std::dsource math::roman tclDESjr img::ico
tcl::chan::memchan soundex interp::delegate::method canvas::gradient
debug vfs::m2m tcl::chan::null page::analysis::peg::reachable
doctools::msgcat::idx::de pngtcl uri::urn ldap fileutil::magic::filetype
tablelist::common simulation::random page::reader::treeser
diagram::element tcl::transform::adler32 tie::std::array pt::peg
mentry::common zipfile::encode xotcl::upvar-compat bindDown
page::gen::peg::canon widget::listentry uevent debug::timestamp
tdbc::postgres json::write doctools::config widget::statusbar
diagram::navigation doctools::msgcat diagram::core textutil
pt::peg::to::peg nx::help ident cmdline term::ansi::code::attr
grammar::peg::interp doctools::toc::export::json xotcl::comm::imap
tcl::chan::random tcl::chan::halfpipe rest doctools::idx::import::docidx
vfs::zip xotcl::test term::interact::menu grammar::peg generator
vfs::template Tktable getstring xotcl::comm::ftp
pt::peg::export::container page::writer::tree doctools::msgcat::idx::en
pt::peg::container xotcl::script grammar::me::tcl img::base
simulation::montecarlo html grammar::aycock::runtime fileutil::magic::rt
doctools::idx::export::docidx led valtype::verhoeff uevent::onidle S3
tcl::transform::counter swaplist base32 tcl::transform::limitsize
page::gen::peg::ser ip style style::as textutil::adjust widget::calendar
SASL ico ntext tcl::transform::base64 page::transform::realizable
radioMatrix pt::cparam::configuration::critcl vfs::ftp nx::zip
xotcl::wafecompat transfer::transmitter pop3d nameserv::auto
doctools::msgcat::idx::fr doctools::idx::export::html crc16 img::jpeg
tcl::transform::core math::calculus::symdiff
doctools::toc::import::doctoc img::bmp xotcl::serializer jpegtcl asn
vlerq textutil::trim doctools::paths tcl::transform::rot
tie::std::growfile stringprep::data page::writer::hb struct::list
math::decimal xotcl::staticMetadataAnalyzer widget::validator try
doctools::toc::export::doctoc fileutil::multi::op pop3 transfer::connect
grammar::fa::dacceptor valtype::isbn md4 fileutil::multi
doctools::idx::structure crc32 page::parse::pegser md5 img::xpm
xotcl::mixinStrategy page::util::peg fileutil::globfind md5crypt ctext
tcl::randomseed page::writer::tpc grammar::me::cpu tcl::chan::textwindow
tepam::doc_gen interp docstrip::util math::constants xotcl::xodoc
page::gen::peg::cpkg treeql page::writer::null bench::out::text base64
sqlite3 struct::matrix page::util::norm::lemon page::parse::peghb jpeg
doctools::toc::import::json blowfish term::receive nsf
widget::arrowbutton tcl::chan::std term::ansi::ctrl::unix
map::slippy::fetcher uuencode Thread tcl::chan::fifo struct::tree
math::statistics widget::ruler xotcl::package pt::peg::to::cparam imap4
tcltest img::pcx valtype::creditcard::visa struct::set logger::utils
doctools::idx::export::nroff controlwidget uuid doctools::idx::parse
tkpiechart doctools::toc::parse widget::dateentry pt::peg::to::container
pt::peg::interp doctools::msgcat::idx::c nx::volatile struct::pool
autoproxy trsync string::token report comm img::sgi tdom
xotcl::metadataAnalyzer doctools::idx::export::wiki cursor tkcon
htmlparse style::lobster page::gen::peg::mecpu tdbc::odbc
math::complexnumbers cron img::dted fileutil::magic::cgen
valtype::creditcard::amex math::interpolate base32::core Img
nameserv::common nx page::util::norm::peg math::geometry vfs::mkcl
canvas::mvg page::writer::me nameserv::server tcl::chan::zero
pt::rde::oo menubar::debug struct::graph::op stringprep tie::std::log
javascript doctools::idx::import widget::menuentry Tk vfs
tcl::transform::zlib textutil::repeat inifile http tclkitpath control
Memchan tcl::transform::otp SASL::NTLM pt::tclparam::configuration::snit
icons Wcb valtype::imei treectrl dtplite pt::peg::op
page::transform::reachable doctools::toc::import mapproj pt::pgen
nx::traits::callback datefield switched pt::peg::to::tclparam
page::util::flow page::reader::lemon widget::toolbar stooop
menubar::node snit struct::stack uri pt::peg::export::json sha256
doctools::msgcat::toc::de rechan tcl::chan::events page::reader::ser
widget::superframe img::tiff xotcl::comm::httpd diagram::direction
textutil::split pt::peg::import map::slippy::cache page::reader::peg
struct pluginmgr canvas::drag math::special string::token::shell paths
math::bignum doctools::toc::export::text tcl::chan::facade log starkit
history tcl::chan::variable tcl::chan::fifo2 page::transform::mecpu Tcl
ripemd128 smtp Itcl img::ps term::ansi::send unicode::data
doctools::tcl::parse pt::cparam::configuration::tea ftpd mklite
menubar::tree map::geocode::nominatim vfs::urltype pt::peg::from::json
math::fourier widget::screenruler nx::test menubar opt yaml
doctools::msgcat::toc::en transfer::copy Tablelist wcb rdial namespacex
fileutil::traverse doctools::toc::export::nroff bibtex ratcl
grammar::me::util doctools Iwidgets tiff oauth math::calculus voltmeter
map::slippy tachometer valtype::luhn5 math::polynomials tkdnd
diagram::application textutil::expander term::ansi::code::macros tar
page::config::peg grammar::fa::dexec img::gif odie::processman nntp
doctools::msgcat::toc::fr valtype::creditcard::discover
page::gen::peg::hb clock::rfc2822 img::window math json units bench::in
vfs::http page::writer::ser vfs::ns tcl::chan::cat img::tga
page::writer::peg math::fuzzy img::png xotcl::comm::mime
math::linearalgebra valtype::luhn transfer::data::source ripemd160
coroutine widget::scrolledwindow canvas::highlight pt::peg::import::json
page::util::quote ncgi lambda hook ftp::geturl page::reader::hb
clock::iso8601 fileutil::magic::cfront widget::panelframe Ttrace
tcl::chan::string pki doctools::idx::export::json itcl coroutine::auto
platform irc valtype::creditcard::mastercard term::receive::bind
doctools::toc::export::html widget::all Tablelist_tile valtype::common
page::compiler::peg::mecpu struct::graph pt::rde
page::analysis::peg::minimize otp multiplexer resolv debug::heartbeat
tcl::transform::crc32 struct::skiplist des tablelist chatwidget
pop3d::udb doctools::idx::export nx::class-method
xotcl::comm::connection tclDES iwidgets nmea zlib
doctools::msgcat::toc::c doctools::changelog tooltip tcl::transform::hex
xotcl::scriptCreation::recoveryPoint canvas::zoom diagram term::send
char img::ppm term::ansi::code::ctrl pop3d::dbox doctools::toc::export
doctools::cvs tdbc::mysql valtype::usnpi nameserv math::numtheory
base32::hex aes xotcl::scriptCreation::scriptCreator page::writer::mecpu
canvas::track::lines png widget::scrolledtext canvas::edit::polyline
websocket yencode term pt::pe::op oo::util img::xbm
nx::plain-object-method itk widget::dialog struct::disjointset
pt::peg::to::json picoirc spf khim pt::peg::export zipfile::decode
diagram::point ipentry page::writer::identity tifftcl pt::pe
term::ansi::code trofs crosshair unicode smtpd img::pixmap rc4
page::gen::peg::me interp::delegate::proc doctools::toc tablelist_tile
vfs::tk canvas::sqmap xsxp page::analysis::peg::realizable
doctools::idx::import::json textutil::tabify vfslib time math::optimize
doctools::toc::export::wiki msgcat Mentry xotcl::comm::ldap wip
xotcl::comm::httpAccess xyplot ldapx tie ftp XOTcl valtype::iban Tclx
vfs::webdav tcl::transform::spacer grammar::aycock tdbc
diagram::attribute simulation::annealing math::bigfloat vfs::mk4
img::sun canvas::edit::points grammar::aycock::debug doctools::text
tcl::transform::identity xotcl::comm::dav pt::peg::export::peg
grammar::fa doctools::nroff::man_macros pt::parse::peg img::raw
pt::peg::from::peg csv nx::serializer canvas::tag huddle
textutil::string doctools::toc::structure tepam tcl::chan::nullzero
pt::ast page::gen::tree::text mime autoscroll Expect
pt::peg::container::peg profiler tipstack text::write bench::out::csv
zlibtcl Mentry_tile tcl::transform::observe canvas::edit::quadrilateral
meter transfer::receiver grammar::me::cpu::core fileutil::decode
fileutil debug::caller configuration gridplus logger::appender cksum
SASL::XGoogleToken grammar::me::cpu::gasm xotcl::trace struct::queue
pt::util cache::async ascii85 mentry ral transfer::data::destination
vfs::tar xotcl::comm::pcache page::parse::lemon tie::std::file
grammar::fa::op sum struct::record pt::peg::to::param bench tcl::tommath
xotcl::htmllib canvas::snap pt::peg::import::peg page::parse::peg bee
widget SASL::SCRAM pt::tclparam::configuration::tcloo nettool dns
tie::std::rarray page::analysis::peg::emodes page::pluginmgr
widget::listsimple BWidget nx::trait valtype::gs1::ean13
struct::prioqueue doctools::html doctools::idx docstrip
term::interact::pager udp nx::pp vfs::test diagram::basic mentry_tile
tkpath plotanim transfer::copy::queue sha1 doctools::html::cssdefaults
tcl::chan::core math::machineparameters gpx doctools::idx::export::text


Gerald W. Lester

Sep 20, 2015, 3:13:52 AM9/20/15
On 9/20/15 1:07 AM, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
> Am 20.09.15 um 00:43 schrieb Ricardo
>> Em 19/09/15 17:38, Gerald W. Lester escreveu:
>>> It would be a good start if he would get into Tclsh and do the following:
>>> catch {foo}
>>> parray tcl_platform
>>> puts $auto_path
>>> parray auto_index
>>> The above will tell us a lot.
>> Mildly off-topic. I understand the rest, but I do not understand what
>> does "catch {foo}" tells us. I get the expected output of "1", as there
>> is no "foo" command here
> A guess:
> It should have maybe been "catch {package require foo}". After that,
> "package names" tells you the available packages, because it causes Tcl to
> traverse the auto_path:

Actually I was doing things a step at a time. What I wanted to see first
was his auto_index area to verify his install. Then I was going to next ask
for the package information.

Christian Gollwitzer

Sep 20, 2015, 3:30:49 AM9/20/15
Am 20.09.15 um 09:13 schrieb Gerald W. Lester:
> Actually I was doing things a step at a time. What I wanted to see
> first was his auto_index area to verify his install. Then I was going
> to next ask for the package information.

It would additionally be helpful, if Andre told us what software he is
using to execute Tcl. This line:

> Tcl generated error at line 6:

leads me to the conclusion that he is using some software with an
embedded Tcl, not tclsh on its own. Additional good input could be

puts [info patchlevel]
puts [info nameofexecutable]

and, as you suggest

puts [join $auto_path \n]

(the join just makes it easier to read)



Sep 21, 2015, 1:59:33 AM9/21/15
Hi All,

Please let me know that its will work if I just copy and paste the smtpd folder (smtpd.tcl & pkgIndex.tcl files included) to the tcl8.6 folder without install process?

Thank you



Sep 21, 2015, 5:44:26 AM9/21/15
Andre <> wrote:
> Hi All,

> Please let me know that its will work if I just copy and paste the
> smtpd folder (smtpd.tcl & pkgIndex.tcl files included) to the tcl8.6
> folder without install process?

Just copy - no.

Do a proper install, that is the best way to make sure it "will work".
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