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Object based interface for JSON?

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Matthew Hiles

Feb 20, 2018, 12:17:55 PM2/20/18
Has anyone made or know of an object based module for JSON? Both encoding and decoding?

I wrote up a little test script that implements json as Tcloo Objects. The concept seems to work well even if my implementation does not (missed JSON types, painfully slow parsing, hard to do direct manipulation of variables). This solves a lot of problems I'm having making scripts to interact with microservices.

% source types.tcl
% cat arrayupdatestart.json
"descr" : "Software update started",
"mesg" : "Software update started on controller A",
"Id" : 9090
% set jsono [json2obj [exec cat arrayupdatestart.json]]
% $jsono to_json
{"descr":"Software update started","mesg":"Software update started on controller A","Id":9090}
% $jsono names
descr mesg Id
% $jsono get descr
Software update started
% $jsono set descr [::type::string new "new string"]
% $jsono to_json
{"descr":"new string","mesg":"Software update started on controller A","Id":9090}

Fetching deeply nested values is easy too:
% set j2 [json2obj {{"key1": [1, 2, 3, {"deepkey": "yay" }]}}]
% $j2 get key1 end deepkey
% $j2 get key1 2


Feb 20, 2018, 1:05:41 PM2/20/18
Matthew Hiles <> wrote:
> Has anyone made or know of an object based module for JSON? Both
> encoding and decoding?

Does rl_json ( meet your needs?

Matthew Hiles

Feb 20, 2018, 2:13:58 PM2/20/18
I had briefly looked at rl_json but disregarded it as I thought I had to build templates to get json back out--It would see (now that I have played with it) that is not the case. Thank you!

Fred Blogd

Feb 20, 2018, 5:55:51 PM2/20/18

Rl_json seems to work quite well. Been using it to look at Tesla charger location data. Seems quite responsive, although need to get some better programmers.


Feb 21, 2018, 5:06:36 PM2/21/18
> object based module for JSON? Both encoding and decoding?

tDOM 0.9+ has support for JSON, both ways. It provides a DOM and XPath interface to access and to modify the JSON structure.

(Hope I got you example right.)

% package req tdom
% cat arrayupdatestart.json
"descr" : "Software update started",
"mesg" : "Software update started on controller A",
"Id" : 9090
% set fh [open arrayupdatestart.json r]
% set jsono [dom parse -json [read $fh]]
% close $fh
% $jsono asJSON
{"descr":"Software update started","mesg":"Software update started on controller A","Id":9090}
% set n [$jsono getElementsByTagName "descr"]
% $n text
Software update started
% $n replaceChild [$jsono createTextNode "new string"] [$n firstChild]
% $jsono asJSON
{"descr":"new string","mesg":"Software update started on controller A","Id":9090}
% set jsono [dom parse -json {{"key1": [1, 2, 3, {"deepkey": "yay" }]}}]
% $jsono selectNodes {string(/key1/child::node()[position()=last()]/deepkey)}
% $jsono selectNodes {string(/key1/child::node()[position()=3])}

Wrapping all this into a nice OO or [dict] like programming model is left to the inspired reader ;)


Mar 9, 2018, 7:07:59 AM3/9/18
Here is a small interface I wrote to handle JSON data. It is somewhat specialized to my app, but easily adapted. Basically is converts JSON to DICT, processes DICTs and then regenerates JSON.

if { ! [info exists JSON.TCL] || $tcl_interactive } {
set JSON.TCL 1

package require json

# These functions are used to manipulate dict structures used by the Tcl JSON package

namespace eval json {

set ARRAY_NAMES { spouses images documents notes comments }

# Check if a string is an array

proc isArray { what } {

variable ARRAY_NAMES

if { [lsearch $ARRAY_NAMES $what] == -1 } {
return 0;
return 1

# Set the list of array names

proc setArrayNames { args } {

variable ARRAY_NAMES

set ARRAY_NAMES $args

# Convert a list to a json array element

proc array2json { items { is_dict 1 } } {

set result "\["
foreach item $items {
append result "\{"
foreach { key value } $item {
if { [isArray $key] } {
set entry "[array2json $value],"
} else {
set entry "\"$key\":\"$value\","
append result $entry
set result "[string trim $result ,]\},\n"

set result [string trim $result ",\n"]

append result "\]"

return $result

# Convert a dict structure to a json string

proc dict2json { dict { is_dict 1 } } {

set result "\{\n"

foreach { key value } $dict {
if { [string trim $key] != "" } {
append result "\"$key\":"
if { [isArray $key] } {
set json [array2json $value $is_dict]
append result "$json,\n"
} else {
append result "\"$value\",\n"
} ;# foreach loop

set result [string trim $result ",\n"]

append result "\n\}"

return $result

# Get a list of dict elements that match a regular expression pattern

proc getDictElements { dict pat } {

set result {}
foreach { item value } $dict {
if { [regexp $pat $item] } {
lappend result "$item=$value"

return $result

# Check if a dict has an element that matches a regular expression pattern

proc hasDictElement { dict pat } {

foreach { key value } $dict {
if { [regexp $pat $key] } {
return 1;

return 0;

# See if a dict element value matches a pattern

proc dictElementMatches { dict name value } {

return [regexp $value [getDictElement $dict $name]]

# Get an element from a dict structure

proc getDictElement { dict name } {

foreach { item value } $dict {
if { $name == $item } {
return $value
} ;# foreach loop

return ""

# Set an element in a dict structure. Do nothing if there is not element matching the name

proc setDictElement { dict name new_value } {

set result {}

foreach { item value } $dict {
if { $item == $name } {
lappend result $item $new_value
} else {
lappend result $item $value

return $result

# Add an element to a dict

proc addDictElement { dict name value } {

if { [hasDictElement $dict $name] == 0 } {
lappend dict $name $value

return $dict

# Insert an element into a dict. Here the parameter where is the name of the element
# in the dict to use to insert the new item, if before is non-zero, the new item
# goes before the item with the name where, otherwise it follows.

proc insertDictElement { dict name value where { before 0 } } {

set result ""
foreach { key data } $dict {
if { $key == $where } {
if { $before } {
append result "$name \{$value\} $key \{$data\} "
} else {
append result "$key \{$data\} $name \{$value\} "
} else {
append result "$key \{$data\} "

return $result

# Delete an element from a dict

proc deleteDictElement { dict name } {

set result {}
foreach { item value } $dict {
if { $item != $name } {
lappend result $item $value

return $result

# Add an item to a list of items

proc addListItem { items value idx before } {

set result ""
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $items] } { incr i } {
set item [lindex $items $i]
if { $i == $idx } {
if { $before } {
lappend result $value
lappend result $item
} else {
lappend result $item
lappend result $value
} else {
lappend result $item
} ;# for loop

return $result

# Insert a new item into an array of items

proc insertDictArrayElement { dict name value idx { before 0 } } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

if { [isValidIndex $items $idx] } {
return [setDictElement $dict $name [addListItem $items $value $idx $before]]

return ""

# Get a list of elements from a dict

proc getDictElements { dict args { level 1 } } {

foreach arg $args {
upvar $level $arg x
set x [getDictElement $dict $arg]

# Check if an array element exists

proc arrayElementExists { dict name idx } {

if { [getDictArrayElement $dict $name $idx] != "" } {
return 1

return 0

# Check that an index is valid for an array

proc isValidIndex { items idx } {

set len [llength $items]

if { $idx < 0 || $idx > [incr len -1] } {
return 0

return 1

# Get an element from an array

proc getDictArrayElement { dict name idx } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

if { [isValidIndex $items $idx] } {
return [lindex $items $idx]

return ""

# Get the value of an array element item

proc getDictArrayElementValue { dict name idx key } {

set item [getDictArrayElement $dict $name $idx]

if { $item != "" } {
return [getDictElement $item $key]

return ""

# Check if an array contains a matching element

proc arrayHasMatchingElement { dict name key value } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $items] } { incr i } {
if { [dictElementMatches [lindex $items $i] $key $value] } {
return $i

return -1

# Add an element to a dict array

proc addDictArrayElement { dict name value } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

lappend items $value

return [setDictElement $dict $name $items]

# Replace an item in a dict list

proc replaceListItem { items idx new_value } {

set result ""
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $items] } { incr i } {
if { $i == $idx } {
if { $new_value != "" } {
lappend result $new_value
} else {
lappend result [lindex $items $i]

return $result

# Delete a dict array element

proc deleteDictArrayElement { dict name idx } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

if { [isValidIndex $items $idx] } {
return [setDictElement $dict $name [replaceListItem $items $idx ""]]

return ""

# Set an element in an array item of a dict. This proc sets the element of
# the array item with index idx and item name item to the specified value.

proc setDictArrayElement { dict name item value idx } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

if { [isValidIndex $items $idx] } {
set new_value [setDictElement [lindex $items $idx] $item $value]

if { $new_value == "" } {
return ""

return [setDictElement $dict $name [replaceListItem $items $idx $new_value]]

return ""

# Replace an array element

proc replaceDictArrayElement { dict name idx value } {

set items [getDictElement $dict $name]

if { [isValidIndex $items $idx] } {
return [setDictElement $dict $name [replaceListItem $items $idx $value]]

return ""

} ;# namespace eval

# Create a new dict object

proc NewDict { json } {

return [::json::json2dict $json]

# Generate a JSON object from a dict object

proc NewJson { dict } {

return [::json::dict2json $dict]

# Get an element from a dictionary

proc GetDictElement { dict name } {

set ord [lsearch $dict $name]

if { $ord != -1 } { return [lindex $dict [incr ord]] }

return ""

# Get a list of element values from a dictionary

proc GetDictElements { dict args } {

set result ""
foreach arg $args {
lappend result [GetDictElement $dict $arg]

return $result

# Set the value of a dict element

proc SetDictElement { dict name value } {

return [::json::setDictElement $dict $name $value]

# Set a list of elements in a dict

proc SetDictElements { dict args } {

foreach { name value } $args {
set dict [SetDictElement $dict $name $value]

return $dict

} ;# if info exists JSON.TCL
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