Ingo de Boer
It involves three basic steps to put your RGB image data:
1) using either scripts or Tcl_Eval(scripts) in C code to create a Tk
2) using Tk_FindPhoto to retrieve the handle of the photo image in your
C code;
3) using Tk_PhotoPutBlock to put your RGB data into the photo in your C
You can use Tcl scripts to display the image in a widget, e.g.,
pack [Label .lable -image photoImageName -anchor nw]
Chengye Mao
Sent via
Before you buy.
> I have a pointer to 24Bit RGB Image from my C/C++ code. I know
> how to handle Tcl and C/C++... but...
> How do I display the Image in Tcl ?? Is there a sample code
> available ??
First, create an empty Tk photo image.
set img [image create photo]
Then give the name of it and your RGB image to your C++ routine.
fill $img
The photo will then automatically contain your image. You can
then display it like any Tk photo.
label .l -image $img
pack .l
Here's some sample code. It assumes that the image data and size are
already available and stored in some global variables.
int imageWidth, imageHeight;
unsigned char imageData[];
ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp,
int argc,
char **argv)
Tk_PhotoImageBlock dest;
Tk_PhotoHandle photo;
if (argc != 2) {
"wrong #args: should be \"", argv[0], " photoName\"", (char *)NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
photo = Blt_FindPhoto(interp, argv[1]);
if (photo == NULL) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "photo \"", argv[1], "\" doesn't",
" exist or is not a photo image", (char *)NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
Tk_PhotoGetImage(photo, &dest);
dest.pixelSize = 4;
dest.pitch = dest.pixelSize * imageWidth;
dest.width = imageWidth;
dest.height = imageHeight;
dest.offset[0] = 0;
dest.offset[1] = 1;
dest.offset[2] = 2;
dest.offset[3] = 0; /* Don't use the alpha channel for
* transparency. */
dest.pixelPtr = (char *)imageData;
Tk_PhotoSetSize(photo, imageWidth, imageHeight);
Tk_PhotoPutBlock(photo, &dest, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
return TCL_OK;
This assumes your data is store 4 bytes per pixel. If it's 3,
then change the pixel size.
dest.pixelSize = 3;
Hope this helps.