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Tcllib 1.13 released

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Andreas Kupries

Jan 25, 2011, 10:35:32 AM1/25/11

To be found under


44 new packages in 10 modules
29 changed packages in 24 modules
62 internally changed packages in 11 modules
207 unchanged packages in 79 modules
348 packages, total in 103 modules, total

New in tcllib 1.13

Module Package New Version Comments
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
base64 ascii85 1.0
gpx gpx 1
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
grammar_aycock grammar::aycock 1.0
grammar::aycock::debug 1.0
grammar::aycock::runtime 1.0
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
hook hook 0.1
imap4 imap4 0.3
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
math math::calculus::symdiff 1.0
math::numtheory 1.0
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
namespacex namespacex 0.1
pki pki 0.1
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
pt char 1
configuration 1
paths 1
pt::ast 1.1
pt::cparam::configuration::critcl 1.0.1
pt::parse::peg 1
pt::pe 1
pt::pe::op 1
pt::peg 1
pt::peg::container 1
pt::peg::container::peg 1
pt::peg::export 1
pt::peg::export::container 1
pt::peg::export::json 1
pt::peg::export::peg 1
pt::peg::from::json 1
pt::peg::from::peg 1
pt::peg::import 1
pt::peg::import::json 1
pt::peg::interp 1
pt::peg::op 1
pt::peg::to::container 1
pt::peg::to::cparam 1.0.1
pt::peg::to::json 1
pt::peg::to::param 1
pt::peg::to::peg 1
pt::peg::to::tclparam 1
pt::pgen 1
pt::rde 1.0.1
pt::tclparam::configuration::snit 1.0.1
pt::tclparam::configuration::tcloo 1.0.1
text::write 1
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------
tepam tepam 0.2.0
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- ----------

Changes from tcllib 1.12 to 1.13

tcllib 1.12 tcllib 1.13
Module Package Old Version New Version Comments
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
aes aes 1.0.1 1.0.2 B
asn asn 0.8.3 0.8.4 B
base64 base64 2.4.1 2.4.2 D B
cmdline cmdline 1.3.1 1.3.2 D B
comm comm 4.6.1 4.6.2 B
csv csv 0.7.1 0.7.2 D B
dns ip 1.1.3 1.2 EF
docstrip docstrip::util 1.2 1.3 D EF B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
doctools doctools 1.4.3 1.4.11 EF B
doctools::idx 1.0.3 1.0.4 B
doctools::idx 2 2 B
doctools::toc 1.1.2 1.1.3 B
doctools::toc 2 2 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
doctools2idx doctools::idx 1.0.3 1.0.4 B
doctools::idx 2 2 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
doctools2toc doctools::toc 1.1.2 1.1.3 B
doctools::toc 2 2 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
fileutil fileutil 1.14.2 1.14.4 B EF
ftpd ftpd 1.2.4 1.2.5 B
json json 1.0.1 1.1.1 I B
map map::slippy 0.2 0.3 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
math math::fuzzy 0.2 0.2.1 B
math::geometry 1.0.4 1.1.2 EF B D
math::linearalgebra 1.1.3 1.1.4 B
math::statistics 0.6.3 0.7.0 EF T
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
pop3 pop3 1.7 1.8 EF
sha1 sha256 1.0.2 1.0.3 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
snit snit 1.4.1 1.4.2 D B
snit 2.3.1 2.3.2 D B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
struct struct::list 1.7 1.8 EF T D
struct::queue 1.4.1 1.4.2 I T
struct::stack 1.4 1.5.1 EF I
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
tar tar 0.6 0.7 EF
units units 2.1 2.1.1 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
wip wip 1.1.2 1.2 EF
wip 2.1.2 2.2 EF
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
yaml huddle 0.1.4 0.1.5 B
-------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------

Invisible changes (documentation, testsuites)

tcllib 1.12 tcllib 1.13
Module Package Old Version New Version Comments
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
coroutine coroutine 1 1 D
coroutine::auto 1 1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
doctools2base doctools::msgcat 0.1 0.1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
doctools2idx doctools::idx::export 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::idx::export::docidx 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::idx::export::html 0.2 0.2 D
doctools::idx::export::json 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::idx::export::nroff 0.3 0.3 D
doctools::idx::export::text 0.2 0.2 D
doctools::idx::export::wiki 0.2 0.2 D
doctools::idx::import 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::idx::import::docidx 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::idx::import::json 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::idx::c 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::idx::de 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::idx::en 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::idx::fr 0.1 0.1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
doctools2toc doctools::msgcat::toc::c 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::toc::de 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::toc::en 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::msgcat::toc::fr 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::export 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::export::doctoc 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::export::html 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::export::json 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::export::nroff 0.2 0.2 D
doctools::toc::export::text 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::export::wiki 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::import 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::import::doctoc 0.1 0.1 D
doctools::toc::import::json 0.1 0.1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
http autoproxy 1.5.1 1.5.1 D
mime smtp 1.4.5 1.4.5 D
simulation simulation::random 0.1 0.1 D
struct struct::graph::op 0.11.3 0.11.3 D T
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
virtchannel_base tcl::chan::fifo 1 1 D
tcl::chan::fifo2 1 1 D
tcl::chan::halfpipe 1 1 D
tcl::chan::memchan 1 1 D
tcl::chan::null 1 1 D
tcl::chan::nullzero 1 1 D
tcl::chan::random 1 1 D
tcl::chan::string 1 1 D
tcl::chan::textwindow 1 1 D
tcl::chan::variable 1 1 D
tcl::chan::zero 1 1 D
tcl::randomseed 1 1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
virtchannel_core tcl::chan::core 1 1 D
tcl::chan::events 1 1 D
tcl::transform::core 1 1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
virtchannel_transform tcl::transform::adler32 1 1 D
tcl::transform::base64 1 1 D
tcl::transform::counter 1 1 D
tcl::transform::crc32 1 1 D
tcl::transform::hex 1 1 D
tcl::transform::identity 1 1 D
tcl::transform::limitsize 1 1 D
tcl::transform::observe 1 1 D
tcl::transform::otp 1 1 D
tcl::transform::rot 1 1 D
tcl::transform::spacer 1 1 D
tcl::transform::zlib 1 1 D
----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------


base32, base32::core, base32::hex, bee, bench, bench::in,
bench::out::csv, bench::out::text, bibtex, blowfish,
cache::async, calendar, cksum, control, counter, crc16, crc32,
des, dns, docstrip, doctools::changelog, doctools::config,
doctools::cvs, doctools::html, doctools::html::cssdefaults,
doctools::idx::parse, doctools::idx::structure,
doctools::nroff::man_macros, doctools::paths,
doctools::tcl::parse, doctools::text, doctools::toc::parse,
doctools::toc::structure, exif, fileutil::magic::cfront,
fileutil::magic::cgen, fileutil::magic::filetype,
fileutil::magic::mimetype, fileutil::magic::rt, fileutil::multi,
fileutil::multi::op, fileutil::traverse, ftp, ftp::geturl,
grammar::fa, grammar::fa::dacceptor, grammar::fa::dexec,
grammar::fa::op, grammar::me::cpu, grammar::me::cpu::core,
grammar::me::cpu::gasm, grammar::me::tcl, grammar::me::util,
grammar::peg, grammar::peg::interp, html, htmlparse, ident,
inifile, interp, interp::delegate::method,
interp::delegate::proc, irc, javascript, jpeg, json::write,
ldap, ldapx, log, logger, logger::appender, logger::utils,
map::slippy::cache, map::slippy::fetcher, mapproj, math,
math::bigfloat, math::bignum, math::calculus,
math::complexnumbers, math::constants, math::fourier,
math::interpolate, math::machineparameters, math::optimize,
math::polynomials, math::rationalfunctions, math::roman,
math::special, md4, md5, md5crypt, mime, multiplexer, nameserv,
nameserv::auto, nameserv::common, nameserv::server, ncgi, nmea,
nntp, otp, page::analysis::peg::emodes,
page::analysis::peg::minimize, page::analysis::peg::reachable,
page::analysis::peg::realizable, page::compiler::peg::mecpu,
page::gen::peg::canon, page::gen::peg::cpkg, page::gen::peg::hb,
page::gen::peg::me, page::gen::peg::mecpu, page::gen::peg::ser,
page::gen::tree::text, page::parse::lemon, page::parse::peg,
page::parse::peghb, page::parse::pegser, page::pluginmgr,
page::util::flow, page::util::norm::lemon,
page::util::norm::peg, page::util::peg, page::util::quote,
picoirc, pluginmgr, png, pop3d, pop3d::dbox, pop3d::udb,
profiler, rc4, rcs, report, resolv, rest, ripemd128, ripemd160,
S3, SASL, SASL::NTLM, SASL::XGoogleToken, sha1,
simulation::annealing, simulation::montecarlo, smtpd, soundex,
spf, stooop, stringprep, stringprep::data, struct,
struct::disjointset, struct::graph, struct::matrix,
struct::pool, struct::prioqueue, struct::record, struct::set,
struct::skiplist, struct::tree, sum, switched, tclDES, tclDESjr,
term, term::interact::menu, term::interact::pager,
term::receive, term::receive::bind, term::send, textutil,
textutil::adjust, textutil::expander, textutil::repeat,
textutil::split, textutil::string, textutil::tabify,
textutil::trim, tie, tie::std::array, tie::std::dsource,
tie::std::file, tie::std::growfile, tie::std::log,
tie::std::rarray, tiff, time, transfer::connect, transfer::copy,
transfer::copy::queue, transfer::data::destination,
transfer::data::source, transfer::receiver,
transfer::transmitter, treeql, uevent, uevent::onidle, unicode,
unicode::data, uri, uri::urn, uuencode, uuid, xsxp, yaml,

Legend Change Details Comments
------ ------- ---------
Major API: ** incompatible ** API changes.

Minor EF : Extended functionality, API.
I : Major rewrite, but no API change

Patch B : Bug fixes.
EX : New examples.
P : Performance enhancement.

None T : Testsuite changes.
D : Documentation updates.

So long,
Andreas Kupries <>
Developer @ <>

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