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tcl interpreter for android scripting

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Sep 26, 2010, 10:26:01 PM9/26/10
Does anyone have instructions on how to build tcl 8.5 with a cross
compiler toolchain for android (arm processor)?

There is a nice android scripting project (see
with several scriping languages, such as python, ruby,lua, javascript,
which once supported Tcl, but no more, as the author of the Tcl
interpreter have not updated the build for the newer releases (of
android scripting). Also, the sources are not available, so anyone who
want to rebuild it must go from scratch...

BTW, Android is a fast growing environment for smartphones. Most
applications are written in Java, but it would be nice to have Tcl

Arndt Roger Schneider

Sep 27, 2010, 5:58:25 AM9/27/10

Pat Thoyts

Sep 27, 2010, 7:55:35 PM9/27/10
rildo <> writes:

See the files in

I set up a kitgen tree as described at and use
the agcc-ndk script as the compiler. The Makefile there is setup
right. That script arranges for the NDK compiler to cross-build things
for android-arm (otherwise you need to build android and use the
toolchain from that). The sources are just tclkit sources - see (or read the tclkit build
instructions at googlecode).

The only files that might be missing from the website are the android
package for interfacing with the ASE JSON interface. I had the tcllib
json package and an android package built into the tclkit. So grab the
tclkit, unpack it with sdx and pull them from that.

Pat Thoyts
PGP fingerprint 2C 6E 98 07 2C 59 C8 97 10 CE 11 E6 04 E0 B9 DD

David N. Welton

Sep 28, 2010, 3:51:25 AM9/28/10
On Sep 27, 4:26 am, rildo <> wrote:
> Does anyone have instructions on how to build tcl 8.5 with a cross
> compiler toolchain for android (arm processor)?
> There is a nice android scripting project (see

> with several scriping languages, such as python, ruby,lua, javascript,
> which once supported Tcl, but no more, as the author of the Tcl
> interpreter have not updated the build for the newer releases (of
> android scripting). Also, the sources are not available, so anyone who
> want to rebuild it must go from scratch...

You might have a look at Hecl, too: - it's not
100% complete for Android, but it does run there.

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