The library is inspired by the popular Watir package for Ruby which is
widely used for automating the testing of web applications. Win-
control provides the same facility for Gambit and doubtless could be
ported to other Scheme implementations. Additionally Win-control
allows for the automating of ordinary native Windows applications
making it more useful for scripting common Windows tasks. Here's a
flavour of what you can do with it :-
(load "win-control")
(load "win-control-macros")
(with-new-browser ""
(with-new-window "calc.exe"
(click-button "6")
(click-button "*")
(click-button "7")
(click-button "=")
(get-entered-text position: 1))
position: 1)
(click-button "I'm Feeling Lucky")
(assert-exists "Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything")
(display "All is well.")
Many thanks to all the regulars on this group who have helped me with
my various Scheme questions over the last few months whilst I've been